
The elixir of life: chosen ones

Ruth_Rhoda · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Yvonne and Yuan had decided to go see a sorcerer because of Yuan's constant dreams,they were becoming more bothering and vivid, Jin Yuan also decided to tell his parents about his relationship with Yvonne. So he told Yvonne to come over to his place to share the news together and then leave for the capital, where they'll meet the sorcerer.

" are you nervous?"Yuan asked her seeing the way she chewed on her lips.

" yes a little"she said forcing a smile.

" you don't have to be nervous, it's not like you haven't met them before" Yuan said.

"I know,but it's different now they were meng'er's parent ,but now they are yours"she said fiddling with her fingers.

" they were always my parent, Yvonne so take a deep breath and relax" he said taking a deep breath as well.

"you were just my friend then ,but...." she said but Yuan cut her off before she finished.

" they don't bite " he said playfully with a smile.

He had expected her to reply but she just nodded a yes.

He laid out his hands for her and she took it he pulled her in and gave her a peck on her forehead before going in to meet his parent.

"mum, dad we're home " Yuan said pulling Yvonne along with him

" Afternoon sir , Afternoon ma" Yvonne curtsied .

" stop being so formal" Yuan whispered to her

she gave him a nugde on the shoulder."

"Afternoon Yvonne, how have you been it's been a long time since I saw you."Huang xue'er jin Yuan's mother answered with a wide smile.

"I've been fine ma'am"Yvonne replied with another curtesy.

Yuan shook his head before going to join his father.while she rolled her eyes at him.

" you are staying for lunch are you not ?" xue'er asked.

she looked towards Yuan but t the later only winked at her.

What the heck, is he flirting with her even in the presence of his parent he has grown to be so shameless ,she raised an eyebrow at him and he just smirked. she was going to give him a good spanking she made a mental note.

having no other choice she nodded at xue'er.

she helped xue'er prepare lunch even though the later had declined

During lunch ,the did a lot of catch ups , cracking jokes,with xue'er and Cheng sharing a lot of embarrassing moments about Yuan and meng'er's childhood to which Yuan laughed while Yuan either blushed or shouted.

"okay"Yuan said,taking a deep breath.

"what?"his parent asked at the same time.

He smiled at Yvonne, took her hand and said

"mum, dad meet the lady that has stolen my heart ,my girlfriend Yvonne.

His mother choked on her food and began to cough and his father handed water to his wife.

"ma'am are you okay "Yvonne asked worry etched on her face.

"oh my daughter,am fine"she replied"so Jin Yuan what were you saying"she asked raising an eyebrow.

"I said Yvonne is my girl......"he couldn't complete his sentence because xue'er splashed the water in her mouth across his face

"have this"his father said handing him a napkin to clean his face.

He took the napkin and turned to look at his mother

"oh am so sorry"xue'er said."Yvonne can you excuse us for a while"xue'er said glaring at Yuan.

he glared back at his mother he knew she was up to something. Yvonne looked at Yuan,he nodded at her and then released her hand.

once she was out of ear shot , xue'er released the thunderstorm that has been whirling around inside of her.

"Jin Yuan now listen to me , Yvonne is a good girl and I have no problem about your relationship infact I would love to have a daughter in law like her if she was just Yvonne, but she is a princess and she needs to marry from another royal family,do you understand."

"mum I know, but she doesn't have a problem with that, trust me we've gone over that"

"shut up ,just shut up you this greedy covetous bastard trying to take what does not belong to you, you know nothing,if you do you would be running as fast as your legs as your legs would carry you ,that girl is nothing but danger."

"mum Yvonne is no danger and I love her you can't choose who I will marryfo you understand that" Yuan replied with anger latched in his tone

"listen to your mother,sheeans well for you"Cheng said

"no she doesn't"Yuan retorted angrily

"of course I do , you are playing with your life Yuan , don't get involved in their royal affairs, you've got nothing to offer, whosoever See's you as a stumbling block in their way would easily get rid of you with just a snap of their finger" xue'er said

" I am not in anybody's way mum"

"you're in everybody's way yuan, a lot of royal suitors will ask for her hand in marriage,she is a beautiful princess,Yuan but you are nothing your are worlds apart, they are eagles and we are chicks ,we can never coexist,the last people you want to mess with is the Royal family, and the faster you get that into your brain the better for all of us."

his father chipped in.

" And we would not decide who you marry, marry anyone but not a princess,better get that straight into your head " xue'er said.

"she's not an eagle, we are both humans she loves me I love her too"Yuan he said in defence

"she's just playing with you until she finds that one person for her you're still young stop wasting your time you'll find somebody else"his mother reasoned out

"no mother she loves me she truly does"

" I said mine you can't be with her don't even toil with her, now get out of my house' his mother said firmly


"I said get out and do the right thing" his Mother shouted at him.


"just go listen to your mother we will always be waiting here for you" his father said.

"okay"he said his tone latched with anger and disappointment is stumps out of the house and left to meet Yvonne

"hey dear, we are leaving "he said as soon as he got her