
the elemental master in mha

don't know what to write,a man was reborn as a fem version of gojo,but with long white hair,cloudy red eyes,signature blackish purple blindfold,but this a universe where they have our tech

SageSatoru · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

usj and naruto

disclaimer:in mha time will stop until leon comes back.


gojo:yo!today you have been brought here to the unseen simulation joint,or u.s.j. for short to be given experience on how to help people during any type of weather or disaster that may happen,so if you will follow m-huh?

kirishima:woah!are these villains for us to train on?!

gojo:no,kids,stay back and leon,DON'T engage in battle,they might hurt you,iida go get help from other heroes,if you can get eraserhead,hurry!

leon:i think i can handle them,they feel pretty weak

shiggy:oh no you don't! (beep!) (beep!) (beep!)

leon:ow!what the hell is happening!

leon tried to copy a defense skill but none.of.them.worked. she tried mental defense but her sense of sight was getting blurry,she tried to use her demon powers but since now she couldn't hear,she couldn't correctly say the 3 word chant.

leon:aaaaazzzar mentroooo sintooosssss asaraaaaaaaa mentronnnnnnnnn sithooooooooooz

shiggy:kurogiri teleport her away,right now!while she's immobilized!

kurogiri:ok! (shwoooooo!)

leon was then teleported away while her brother was combining his attacks to make infinite:deception technique(makes anything the user say's come into existence for 30 seconds,but the price is for most the users stamina)

what gojo got to come into existence was a white dragon that was shooting out white flames and hitting the excess members with its tail,mainly going for nomu,thankfully the nomu was dead and disintegrated...................but.where.is.leon.

.........................somewhere in the naruto universe..............................

'kakashi pov'(6 months till naruto's birth/kyuubi attack)

while i was walking over to minato-sama's house i almost tripped over something.....a baby?!it looks like a girl,wearing the satoru fan on the front and uchiha fan on the back(infinity with a x through it is the satoru fan)i wonder where her parent's are,look's like a note "protect this baby with your life as she will be the one to save you in your time of need,her age is 2 months,and she has control over elements,PROTECT HER UNTIL SHE REACHES 6 YEARS OF AGE,YOU WILL THEN BE REWARDED 200,000,000,000(200 billion)RYO and A NEW WEAPON.the name of the girl is leon satoru."

'i'll take her to minato and kushina's house,maybe they can help'

.......................30 min later..................................

minato:yeah this note is made of some new energy,not chakra,i tried ripping the paper,wetting it with water,used a jutsu on it,even tried a kunai but it broke it,and this note say's her name is leon,right?why don't you take her to the uchiha's?maybe they know about this.

mikoto:kakashi,what is it sweetie?

kakashi:*holds up leon*

mikoto:kakashi,your to young to have a child,who's the child's mother?

kakashi:no,no,no!earlier to day i was walking to minato's house and i saw this baby girl,i saw a note beside her and showed minato,she was wearing the satoru fan,and the uchiha fan,so minato said bring her to you,so here we are.

mikoto:well since she has no family as of now,we will all take care of her,how's that sound?

kakashi:well i'll leave her here for now,goodbye mikoto-nee.


'leon pov'

while my ears where ringing,i blacked out,i hope my brother can hold them off,i don't want anyone to get hurt,where am i?

huh,kakashi?is this naruto?!kakashi looks like has a sharingan now,well i'm so tired i'm sleep(snore!)

why is it when i wake up i see itachi?!he looks like a kid,so young,but i can't talk,i'm a baby,looks like shisui is standing beside him,he looks so cool,stupid uchiha and their cool hair.anyway i see mikoto in the back,fugaku nowhere to be found,but i will go back to sleep.........


this chapter might be confusing to some,and it's pretty short so i will try and timeskip stuff,ya know?ha............timeskips are kinda my thing,and arigato for reading,bye until next time!