
The Earth Hero, Chikyu

A society of heroes and villains. A boy connected to the planet he and everyone else lives on. Daily tragedies. This combination makes for a boy with a negative outlook, and an even more negative personality.

Wilna_Kapp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 3: Public

(The love interest is going to be: Ibara Shiozaki! Thanks to Manny0101 for the suggestion. I think this can be real cute. It'll be my first time attempting romance, but I'll try my best to make it good.)

This is going to be annoying.

You see, I've been wanting to get some plants recently. My room at the lodge still has lots and lots of space for things, so I want to decorate it so that it looks nicer. Plus, I just really like plants.

Problem is, the plants I want are only sold in the city at some plant shops, so I have to go to public areas with lots of annoying people.

I know I could just ask my mom to get them, and she probably wouldn't mind, but I don't want to waste her time that she could use to save others. So I opted to just go and buy the plants myself.

At least I could get some good exercise by running to the city. After all, I couldn't use my Quirk without a license, so I might as well use it as some physical exercise.

The closest plant shop was a few minutes into the entrance to the city on the road leading there from the lodge.

It was called "Heaven's Garden". 95% chance that the owners are religious. That, or they thought that was just a good sounding name and went with it.

I only arrived to the city after an hour of running. Taking a short break to rest, I took out my phone to check Maps so that I could get a path to Heaven's Garden.

"Hey, isn't that Pixie Bob's son?!", I heard a voice say.

And this is one of the many reasons I hate being in public. Being the child of a hero is something that these annoyances never shut the fuck up about. It doesn't help that, this area being closest to their lodge, has lots of fans of the Wild Wild Pussycats, the team my mom's a part of.

I looked up from my phone to see what the annoyances looked like.

It was actually two people. A man and a woman.

The man had an average build, short straight brown hair, brown eyes, wore a white short sleeve shirt, grey shorts and sandals. He looked to be rather young, probably in his early 20's.

The woman had an above average build, medium length blonde hair fashioned to look like my mom's style, blue eyes, wore a t-shirt with the words "Wild Wild Pussycats" on it, jeans and sandals. She looked to be rather young as well, probably also in her early 20's.

It was obvious that the woman was a large fan of my mom's team. I mean, she even fashioned her hair to look like my mom's hairstyle. So it doesn't surprise me that she very quickly identified who I was.

Doesn't help that Mom really likes posting pictures of me online. She started doing that quite a while ago. Since I was 4. One of the most liked pictures I know is a picture of an 8 year old me that my mom took.

The only reason it doesn't annoy me to the point of telling her to stop is because this way, the public knows for a fact that she has a son and attention on me is something that's gradual and builds up, not something that happens instantly and becomes the only thing talked about because people seem to find it the most interesting thing in the fucking world to find out that heroes can, in fact, have children too.

"It's so cool to see you! I'm a huge, huge fan of your mother's work! She saved me and my family years ago, and she's been my favourite hero ever since!", she yelled, like a fucking banshee. It didn't help at all that she was super close to me.

"Come on, Tola, give him a little bit of space. He probably doesn't like you being so close to him.", the male said.

No, I just don't like her in general.

So, Banshee's name is Tola.

"Sorry for her enthusiasm. When she was really young, she went with her family on a mountain hike, but a rockslide almost killed her and her family. Pixie Bob found them and saved them all. Ever since then, she's been completely obsessed with her. She's pretty much her number one fan. Name's Haijo, by the way.", he said.

I genuinely couldn't care less, but okay.

I'm not going to be here any more than I have to be, and I don't have to listen to either of these annoyances.

Ignoring the two in front of me, I looked back down to my phone to see the route I needed to follow to get to Heaven's Garden, and began walking the displayed path.

"H-hey! N-not even a response?", I heard Tola exclaim.

"Fuck off, Prick-xie Bob!", I yelled back at her.

I wasn't bothered by them anymore after that. By now, I was close to Heaven's Garden, and it was basically right around the corner after a few more steps.

Turning right on the next corner, I saw it.

It was actually rather beautiful looking. It was mostly glass, several plants on display on the other side of it. There were a large variety that I could already see.

Their logo pretty much confirmed to me that the owners were religious.

The logo was a Christian cross with different types of plants growing on it.

Entering through the front door, I saw who I could only assume was the owner: a woman with long hair adorned by flowers. Looking at a plaque on her desk, I saw what I could only assume was her name: Hana Shiozaki.

"Oh, greetings! Welcome to Heaven's Garden! How can I help you?", she inquired when she saw me enter.

Alright, no reason to attack her. Yet. Might as well at least try to be "nice".

"I'm looking for some specific plants. Amaryllis, Balsam, Borage, Thistle, Rhododendron and Angrec. Do you have them?", I asked.

"Yes, we do! Please follow me.", she responded.

She led me to different areas where they had countless different seed packets for countless different plants all around. All of the packets had a picture of what the plant would look like when they were fully grown on them. I would need to return at some point to get some more plants.

As she led me to the different plants, she made small talk.

"Aren't you Pixie Bob's boy?", she asked me.

Please don't tell me she's also a rabid fangirl. If she is, I'll walk right out that fucking door.

"Yes, why?", I responded.

"Oh, nothing really. It's just that the Pussycats are really popular around here, what with them being rather close. Heh, Mandalay is one of my close friends. She likes to come around here when she's off duty. She also really likes talking about you. Says that you're the most dedicated person when it comes to training and power that she's ever seen.", she responded.

Ah, she knows Aunt Mandalay. I know she has quite a few friends outside of hero work, I just didn't expect a plant shop owner to be one of them.

As she lead me to the plants I specified, I took three seed packets of each. Each packet had around 50 seeds, so I had 150 seeds of each plant. I payed for them, and went to exit.

"Oh, by the way, I'll be back at some point to get some more plants, so expect me again sometime either this week or the next.", I added before I left.

"No problem, dearie. I don't get much business, so I'd feel honoured. See you then!", she responded.

Nodding, I left the garden centre, making my way back home.

(For those of you that are curious but too lazy to look it up, here are some images of the plants I mentioned.)



(Borage, also known as Starflower)


