

"Please let me introduce myself, I'm Ruhohg the 'Arch priest' of Leviathan household for the last 137 years and I'll be supervising the ' Verification Ceremony' if you're worthy or not!!!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, but may I know that what do you mean by 'worthy or not' ?? I asked after getting a shock. This lady was insulting me infront of so many people.

The whole Auditorium was silent, everyone was staring at me as I was ignorant. After looking at their face I knew why I had to prove my worth, they assumed me as a pest who got its way into the kitchen by mistake .

"My majesty, please take a look at this, it is 'the leviathan Sphere' this is the reason why you're here. I supposed you know that the last generation of Leviathan household went extinct and there was no ruler for many years."

"Yeah, I know that Lee Ouroboros told me all that." I answered as I was aware of this fact very well.

"As you've always wondered how you were summoned here?? And a lot more. I'll tell you , it's all because of this sphere. The sphere summoned you here and gifted you with its devil-serpent powers. And only the sphere knows why it chose you". She said while staring deeply inside the sphere.

"Ah, I get it now, but what about proving my worth what's that ?? " As I was already chosen then what was the need to prove anything. I was confused.

"It's a kind of ritual, every ruler has to perform to show, why he is the one everyone should follow ?" She explained after sensing my doubt.

"Rahab and Shay were so far ahead of their time. I get it now why they were so concerned about leviathans even after death " I recalled.

"Uh, alright so what do I have to do to prove my worth? " I was ready to prove myself. I was chosen by the sphere, it gave me confidence that am ' special ' .

"It's not up to us to decide , it's the sphere that'll decide it l! So please step forward and activate the sphere! " The woman asked me i to touch and activate the sphere so that they can know which ritual I'll will be asked to perform by the sphere.

As I touched the sphere I felt the enormous energy from the sphere was being transferred to me. My skin and my veins were glowing green as they were charged with energy.

"Ahhhhhhhhghgghgghhhhhh!!!! It hurts!!!! " I shouted. Everything was taking place so fast that I was unable to keep up my mind with the events.

"Kai are you okay?? !! Leave the sphere" Lee screamed from the end of the hall.He was the first one who was concerned about me.

"Stay down Ouroboros you're obstructing the ritual!!" the woman yelled at Lee.

Everybody in the lobby was looking at me with shocked eyes, I was bearing immensive pain that the people who saw were getting goosebumps.

"Ahhhhhhhhghhghghgghhhhhg IIII...

MMMM ALLRIGHTTT I'M ALRIGHT... " I cried aloud and was trying my best to gaining consciousness back.

"Ahhh huff huff, I'm alright!! I'm alright!! "I was panting heavily.

"Call the royal doctor immediately!!"

"My majesty, what did the sphere told you?" the Archpriest asked me as I seemed a bit okay to her.

"The spher-the sphere said 'maze' , go to the maze, your test will be taken there' I said while breathing heavily. The pain was too much that it was taking too much time for me to stable myself.

"The sphere said go to the maze to prove your worth " I spoke again while taking in a whiff of breath.

After hearing these words, the Archpriest walked in front of the stage and announced in a loud voice.

"The sphere has chosen the maze to conduct the ceremony!!! As of right now, the ceremony is next week".

Everyone in the hall was applauding me and was cheering me up for the ceremony that was to take place next week, in between all this, the Archpriest approached me.

"Best of luck, My majesty, I believe you'll pass the verification ceremony and you will also win the tournament of the devils" she cheered me up.

"Tournament? What kind of tournament? ".

"You'll find about it soon, my majesty you shouldn't worry about that yet! My lord, I'll take my leave now". Something suddenly crossed my mind.

" Wait I'm going to make an announcement, you should listen to it!!"

I clapped my hand and tried to catch the attention of the people in the hall.

"All my loyal lords and ladies, who have gathered here to witness their new king who's going to walk on the path of glory 'I Kai Reid, thank you all from the bottom of my heart ' today I'm going to make my first major decision in front of all of you" . Everyone was listening carefully with pin drop silence in the hall.

"I'm appointing house Ouroboros as the first sword of leviathan household!!!"

Everyone in the hall was shocked. The higher lords who were sitting in the front stood up from their chairs in shock.

"That's humiliating the higher houses"

"That's absurd"

"Ouroboros is a filthy household that should have been vanished years ago"

The lords of the Kingdom were freaked out by the news, they shouted in denial of the decision and also began to protest against the decision.

"Silence! And an addition to that I'm banning this self-made hierarchy system of the lower and higher house, every single house is equal to me ".

"And those who are in denial of this decision, let me ask you a question!"

"How many times have you saved my skin? How many times have you saved me from werewolves? Let me tell you 'zero' only man who was there was Ouroboros ".

"The council meeting ends now ".

I waves my robe and turned back towards the exit as a true king. I was so much satisfied with my 'first decision '.

"And yes! whoever opposes my decision, I will consider him/her as the enemy of the kingdom. "

As I left the auditorium I felt eyes staring at me, I knew at that moment that I left a bad 'first impression' on the high lords of the kingdom.

I was walking down the corridor along with my maid Rose when I heard someone calling me from the back. It was Lee.

"Kai! Stop!!! " Lee yelled far from a distance

"Lee? What is it? " I asked.

"Thank you for what you did for me, I'm so grateful!! I'll devote my whole life to you. " Lee knelt on his knees to respect his king.

"Lee, stand up!"

As Lee stood up to my level , and I hugged him so tight and started to shed tears.

"You should have told me earlier, you're my best friend I can't see you suffer like that "

"It was okay! Kai don't bother about it too much, it was okay "

"Shut up and go back to work , now you're now my first sword don't you think I'll go easy on you haha"

"Yes my majesty, I'll work harder to prove that you have made the right choice".

"Now I should go " I turned.

Kai left the corridor with Rose while Lee left in the other direction with a proud look on his face

—to be continued