
not your fault

We all were deciding who will go to the expedition and who will not and it was causing conflicts between us. 

"Hey! I have an idea!" Sabir shouted.

We all together looked at him with our eyes, staring at him with curiosity. He looked confident to me and I wished whatever he had to say would be good.

"What if we leave Skyler and Hope at someone's place who we trust?"

"A person who we trust? Hmm, but who could be that person!" Lee asked.

"Um, what about my uncle Killian? He is trustable and strong enough to protect anyone!"

"Yes! Sabir is right, remember, when we were with him! He stood against legendry dragon just with a sword. I mean if a person who thinks he can take down the legendry Welsh dragon and White dragon alone can easily beat anyone!" I stood up and shouted.