
The Dream Reality

Shadow_infinity · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The Path to Ascendancy

As Rowen returned to the city, walking towards the city gate, he saw the man to whom he had previously given the Goblin core was standing there. As the man saw Rowen approaching the gate, he said, "Welcome back, Sir." 

Rowen looked at him with a quizzical expression and asked, "Uh, do I need to pay the entrance fee again?" The guard replied, "No, Sir. Anyone who has already paid the entrance fee doesn't need to pay again. You can simply pass through that gate over there by showing your identity proof." 

Rowen nodded gratefully and said, "Thanks for the information," before heading towards the gate the guard had gestured to. The guard responded, "It's my pleasure, Sir. If you need anything else from me, you can find me here."

As Rowen entered the city, he showed his Hunter badge as his identity proof. He thought to himself with a smile, "Money can solve any problems, and people will give you their utmost respect if you give them a little money to fill their stomachs."

After that Rowen went straight to the Whispering Pines Inn to rest instead of going to the Nexus of Destiny, as he was tired and the sun had already set. As he entered the inn, Grandma Alina greeted him with a smile and said, "Welcome back, Rowen. So, how was your first quest?"

Rowen let out a sigh of relief as he sank into a nearby chair, grateful for the familiar warmth of the inn. "It was quite the adventure, Grandma Alina," he replied, "I faced off against some fierce monsters, but managed to complete the quest. Thankfully, I made it back in one piece."

Grandma Alina's eyes sparkled with interest as she listened intently to Rowen's tale. "You're quite the brave one, Rowen," she remarked, pouring him a mug of steaming tea. "But remember, bravery alone won't get you far. It's wisdom and experience that truly shape a hunter."

Rowen nodded thoughtfully, sipping the tea gratefully. "I'll keep that in mind, Grandma Alina," he said with a smile, "Thank you for always being here to offer your wisdom."

After renting a room for five days, Grandma Alina served lunch for Rowen. As he settled in for the night, he pondered his plans for the next day. "First, I need to submit this letter for the completion of the quest. Then, I should search for a new and better sword, since this one broke during the fight," he thought to himself. Lost in contemplation, Rowen eventually drifted off to sleep, his mind already set on tomorrow's tasks.

Rowen woke up early in the morning, did his daily training, and after taking a fresh bath, he had dinner with Alina before making his way to the Nexus of Destiny. Upon entering, he headed straight to Sarah. After exchanging greetings, Rowen submitted his quest completion letter to her.

Sarah inquired "Rowen, do you want to accept any new quests?" 

Rowen replied "Not now, but I'll come back later. However, I'd like to request a rank evaluation again." 

Sarah was surprised, "But it's only been three days since you received your hunter badge and had your rank evaluation."

Rowen explained "Yeah, but I think I've had a breakthrough. That's why I'd like to be evaluated again."

Sarah said "Okay, Then come with me."They both then went to evaluation room. And Sarah said you have to attack that pillar ones again with your sword for rank evaluation.

Rowen said " Can I get a sword ?" while looking to Sarah with an embarrassing look on his face.

Sarah then picked a spare sword in the room and give that to Rowen.

Rowen then tight his grip on the sword and hit the pillar with all his might while imbuing his aether energy in it. Then the pillar displayed the amount of aether energy Rowen possessed, showing 2560 in floating numbers on its peak.

Sarah exclaimed in shock "How is this possible? You were just a Novice (Expert) three days ago, and now you're an Apprentice (Adept), with two breakthroughs in such a short amount of time."

Sarah continued, "This kind of growth rate, I don't think even high rankers have this kind growth rate. Is it due to your high innate affinity towards aether energy, or did you consume some kind of elixir? Don't tell me you did something harmful to your body to get stronger faster. You're not that kind of person, Rowen, but..." 

Before Sarah could finish, Rowen interrupted with a smile, "Yes, I took an elixir. You've figured it out, Sarah. I stumbled upon an elixir and decided to drink it. That's why I was able to breakthrough two ranks at once."

Sarah remained surprised, "But what kind of elixir could have such effects? It must be a high-tier elixir."

"Yes, it's a high-tier elixir that I consumed," Rowen confirmed, then changed the subject, "Is the evaluation test over?"

Sarah replied, "Yes, the evaluation test is over. Let's go, I'll update your information and give you a new badge." They both returned to the central hall, where Sarah began updating Rowen's information. 

After some time, she handed Rowen his new Apprentice (Adept) badge and said, "Congratulations on your double rank evaluation. Now you can also form a bond with a spiritual beast, which will become your companion on your journey."

Curious, Rowen inquired, "What are you talking about? Spiritual beasts, bond and companion?"

Sarah explained, "Once every hunter reaches Apprentice rank, they can journey to the land of the Elysian Realm to find their companion beast and form a bond with them."

Rowen replied "I see, but I have some matters to take care of first. I'll go there after that."

With a smile, Sarah said, "Don't worry, Rowen. Whenever you want to go there, just come to me. I'll make a token of recommendation for you and explain how to get there."

After bidding Sarah farewell, Rowen went to the second floor to sell the monster cores. Approaching the lady behind the central desk, he said, "Excuse me, I would like to sell these monster cores," and handed them over to her.

The lady replied, "Certainly, just wait a minute." She checked the monster cores and then said, "That will be thirty thousand gold coins for the thirty Brute-Rank Whisperwind Wolves and ten thousand gold coins for one Ravage-Rank Whisperwind Wolf. Should I transfer this to your Aurum Vault Card?"

Rowen handed her his Aurum Vault Card and said, "Here, you can transfer the money to this card."

The lady proceeded to transfer the money to Rowen, and the color of his card changed from white to green. With excitement over his newfound wealth, Rowen made his way to buy a sword, thinking, "This much money will last me a long time. Or at least I'll be able to buy a good sword with it."

Arriving at the fourth floor, he eagerly searched the displays for a fitting sword. However, he couldn't find any rare-tier swords within his budget. Disappointed, But Rowen suddenly remembered that he possess knowledge of Cedric Elderwood, the legendary Blacksmith, in the seal on his forehead which was deciphered by his Master Aldric.

Rowen realized "I can forge my own sword with the knowledge and experience of Cedric Elderwood." Determined to craft his own weapon, he approached the main counter of the fourth floor and said to the men standing there, "I want to purchase ores."

As the man's attention shifted to Rowen, he noticed Rowen's Hunter Apprentice (Adept) badge and addressed him with respect, "Sure, which ore would you like, sir? Are you looking for a specific ore, such as one with good aether energy conductivity or one that is strong and heavy?"

Rowen replied, "Can you provide me with an ore that possesses both qualities—a good condition of aether energy and strength?"

The man inquired "How much do you need, sir?" 

After careful consideration, Rowen responded, "I need twenty sets of ores."

The man then left briefly and returned with a ring in his hand, showing it to Rowen. "Sir, here is the Frailite ore, which is a good aether energy conductor, and can also be used to refine strong weapons.The ores you requested, are contained in this ring. And the total cost is fifteen thousand gold coins. Can you show me your dimensional ring so I can transfer these ores to it?"

Rowen said, "I don't have a dimensional ring for item storage."

"Would you like to purchase this dimensional ring as well?" the man asked. "It will be forty-five thousand gold coins for a basic ring with the space of a small room. If you need more space, I can acquire that ring also for you."

"No, this will be more than enough for me," Rowen replied. He then paid the man with his Aurum card and set out to find a suitable place to forge his sword.

After searching the city, Rowen stumbled upon a rundown establishment and entered. Inside, he saw an old man with a white beard and a long mustache, a lit cigarette holder in his mouth.

Without even looking at Rowen, the old man remarked, "There are still a few days left to pay the rent. Why did you come early this time?"

After looking closely at Rowen, the old man was surprised to see a new face entering his establishment. He asked, "Are you lost?"

Rowen replied firmly, "No, sir. I came here after seeing your smithy's sign."

Curious, the old man inquired, "So, what brings you to a place like this?"

Rowen declared "I would like to rent your space for forging."

The old man scoffed, "I am a blacksmith, and a blacksmith never lets anyone touch his hammer, especially someone like you who knows nothing about smithing."

Rowen retorted "Don't judge me by my appearance. You never know what someone is capable of old man." 

The old man chuckled, "I know that much, kid. I'm much older and more experienced than you are. You can leave now and don't waste my time."

Undeterred, Rowen persisted, "Are you sure? The owner of this place will be coming soon, and you also don't have the money to pay the rent."

Surprised, the old man asked, "How did you know that I don't have the money to pay the rent?"

"It's obvious, old man. Just by looking at this place, anyone can tell the condition you're in right now," Rowen replied confidently.

The old man sighed and conceded, "Yes, you're right. But that doesn't mean I would let anybody touch my hammer, which I take pride in."

Rowen replied, "Don't worry. I am truly a blacksmith, and I will pay for any damage that I cause. You have to trust me, old man."

The old man thought for a moment and replied, "Okay, I am trusting you, but you have to pay three thousand gold coins. Additionally if you damage anything that will be your responsibility and you have to pay for that too."

Rowen insisted "Fine. I will pay three thousand gold coins, but on one condition: when I am forging, you will not peek or come inside the smithing room."

"I understand how important one's techniques are for a blacksmith. I have no interest in meddling with a kid's play. Just so you know, I am a fourth-tier blacksmith. My name is Grimm, not 'old man'," Grimm replied sternly.

"Then it's a deal, Grimm. My name is Rowen," Rowen said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Grimm nodded, "Just don't destroy anything inside my smithy."

After Rowen paid him the amount, Grimm showed him the forging room, provided some details about the equipment, and closed the door for Rowen.