
The Dream Reality

Shadow_infinity · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Shadows and Steel: The Battle for Survival

As he continued to venture into the forest, he stumbled upon more silent shadows, but they were not too difficult for him to fight with, as his strength grew stronger with the absorption of their cores. 

Rowen said, "Let's absorb these as well," as he used his skill "Origin of Infinity" to absorb the cores. He felt something strange in his body as he checked himself with his skill "Omniscient Gaze" to see what happened:

• Attribute: Chaos {Initial-stage}

• Rank: Initiate-Apprentice

• Aether energy: 1730

• Skill : [Origin of Infinity] (Rank - Primal)

 [Omniscient Gaze] (Rank - Unique)

 [Slash] (Rank - Common)

 [Shadow Step] (Rank - Unique)

He noticed the skill of the silent shadows was now his own. Rowen thought, "Hmm... Is this maybe an ability of my skill? But why did it activate now? I have already absorbed more than 20 cores of silent shadows by now. 

Is this maybe random, or are there some conditions to be filled for it to absorb the skill of the monster? But never mind, I will find out about it later. Now's not the time to think about it. I have to keep moving and find some clues about the missing villagers."

Rowen started searching again for clues about the missing villagers, but he couldn't find anything, and the sun had set. He looked for a suitable place to rest, but then he heard strange noises coming from further in the forest. 

Rowen went to check with his newly acquired skill, Shadow Step, hoping to find some clues about the villagers. He saw some Silent Shadows and Whisperwind Wolves facing each other with bared fangs and teeth.

After seeing them, he quickly hid to avoid attracting their aggression and observed them closely to understand why the Whisperwind Wolves were in this forest, the habitat of the Silent Shadows. After observing for some time, he concluded that it might be a territory war.

But as Rowen was pondering this, a loud sound emanated from a cave behind where the wolves and shadows were fighting, causing them all to suddenly stop. Then, some wolves emerged from the cave, appearing slightly different from the Whisperwind Wolves outside, but one of them stood out completely, emitting a very strong aura. As they emerged, the Silent Shadows swiftly fled from the area without hesitation.

Rowen utilized his skill "Omniscient Gaze" on the wolves and discerned that all of them were merely common wolves at Brute-Rank. However, the six wolves that emerged from the cave were minion wolves at Hatchling-Ravager rank, which makes them twice as strong as the common wolves.

And the wolf that is leading them and is appeared different from others was a Hybrid at Elder-Ravager rank, which is five times stronger than common monsters and was on the brink of a breakthrough to the next rank.

Realizing the dangerous situation, Rowen considered about leaving the area for his safety, acknowledging the significant rank difference that made confronting them alone unwise. But as he attempted to retreat, the Hybrid wolf sensed him and issued a commanding roar, as prompting the wolves to attack Rowen.

Quickly thinking on his feet, Rowen employed his skill Shadow Step to evade the coming threat. And as he fled the area, he glanced back and witnessed two minion wolves along with numerous common Whisperwind Wolves following him closely.

But Rowen managed to escape from them using his skill Shadow Step and reached a location where he spotted a small cave in the distance. 

Rowen thought, "Let's go inside before they come back for me. It's better to rest here tonight instead of wandering around the forest searching for villagers at night."

As Rowen approached the cave, he noticed a faint light emanating from within, causing him to slow down to avoid falling into danger once again. Moving cautiously toward the cave entrance to investigate the source of the light, he discovered two children sleeping beside burning wood inside the cave.

Rowen entered the cave and woke up the children, saying, "Hey, wake up." The children stirred, slowly opening their eyes and seeing Rowen, they asked, "Are you here to save us?" Rowen reassured them, "Yes, where are the other three men?"

The children began crying and explained, "They... They died while protecting us. When we were gathering herbs, wolves attacked us out of nowhere. Our fathers fought them off and told us to run and hide. They promised to come after us, but they never did. They lied to us." Rowen comforted them.

As the children's stomachs growled with hunger, they asked, "Do you have any food with you, sir? We're hungry, we haven't eaten for two days." Rowen placed a hand on the child's head and said, "Here, take this. I have some jerk meat." The children eagerly accepted the meat and started eating.

Rowen reassured them, "Don't worry, no one's going to take that from you. Here, you can have mine too," as he shared his portion with them. After eating and filling their stomachs, the kids introduced themselves. "My name is Liam," said one, "and my name is Ethan," said the other.

Impressed by their bravery and survival skills, Rowen said, "Liam and Ethan, you both have nice names, and you're quite brave to survive for so long without any adult's help. How did you manage?" Liam and Ethan explained, "We found this cave while running from the wolves and have been living here ever since. There's a river nearby with fresh water, and some fruit trees, but the fruit ran out after a while, and we've been starving for two days now."

Rowen praised their basic survival skills and courage, instructing them to sleep while he kept watch for any lurking dangers.

Throughout the night, Rowen remained vigilant, keeping watch for any potential threats while the children slept soundly. The flickering flames cast eerie shadows on the cave walls as Rowen's thoughts drifted to the events of the day.

As dawn broke, Rowen gently woke Liam and Ethan, whispering, "It's time to go. We'll head back to the village now." The children rubbed the sleep from their eyes and nodded, still weary from their ordeal.

Before leaving, Rowen ensured the fire was extinguished and the cave was left undisturbed. He led Liam and Ethan through the forest, guiding them safely towards the village.

Along the way, Rowen shared stories and jokes to lift the children's spirits, distracting them from the hardships they had endured. Liam and Ethan eagerly listened, their laughter echoing through the forest.

But their laughter doesn't least long, Rowen sensed the wolves approaching their location. Liam and Ethan also heard the sounds of approaching danger and looked to Rowen in fear and with trembling voices, they asked

Rowen, "Sir, what are we going to do? Are we going to die like our parents?" Tears welled up in their eyes, reflecting their deep-seated apprehension.

Rowen, sensing their distress, placed a comforting hand on their shoulders and assured them, "No, none of us are going to die. Don't worry, I am with you. I haven't mentioned it before, but I am a professional hunter." His words carried a sense of calm and confidence, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of imminent danger.

Upon hearing Rowen's reassurance, a spark of light returned to the children's eyes. They found solace in his words, trusting in his expertise and resolve to protect them from harm. 

As the wolves approached, Rowen swiftly assessed the situation using his skills "Omniscient Gaze" and recognized them as the same pack that had chased him before. Realizing he couldn't outrun them while carrying the children, Rowen considered his options and concluded that fighting was his best course of action.

With determination burning in his eyes, Rowen drew his blade, ready to defend himself and the children against the approaching threat. He positioned himself between the wolves and the little ones, his stance firm and his senses alert. 

As the first common wolf lunged forward, Rowen met it head-on, his weapon flashing in the sunlight as the battle began. With a swift and skilled slash, he dispatched the first wolf in a single strike. The remaining wolves surged forward, but Rowen fought them with skill and ferocity, each strike calculated to keep the wolves at bay and protect his charges. With every swing of his sword, Rowen knew that the safety of the children depended on his bravery and resolve. He was able kill every common wolf with ease.

But as the two minion Hatchling-Ravager ranked whisperwind wolves joined the fray, Rowen felt the weight of exhaustion settling in from battling the common wolves. Their higher rank posed a significant challenge, and Rowen's fatigue made the fight even more daunting. 

Despite his weariness, Rowen remained steadfast in his determination to protect the children. Each clash with the minion whisperwind wolves tested his skill and resolve, but he refused to yield. With each strike, Rowen fought on, drawing upon every ounce of strength and determination he possessed.

Every move was deliberate, every action aimed at gaining the upper hand against the formidable adversaries. As the battle raged on, Rowen knew that victory would not come easily, but he was prepared to give everything he had to ensure the safety of those under his care.

As the minion whisperwind wolves struck him with a powerful blow, Rowen was sent hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby tree with a sickening thud. Pain lanced through his body as he slumped to the ground, his vision swimming with spots of darkness. 

Blood filled his mouth as he struggled to rise, the taste metallic and bitter on his tongue. Despite the overwhelming agony coursing through him, Rowen refused to succumb to despair. 

With grim determination, he pushed himself to his feet, ready to continue the fight no matter the cost. Gathering his remaining strength, Rowen squared his shoulders and faced his adversaries once more, his resolve unbroken despite the odds stacked against him.

With a tight grip on his sword, Rowen faced the wolves defiantly, his voice ringing out in challenge. "Is this all you've got, you big-looking dogs?" he shouted, his words laced with determination. Summoning every last bit of strength within him, Rowen unleashed his final strike with a ferocity born of desperation.

With a swift and skilled maneuver, he executed a shadow step, darting towards the wolves with every fiber of his being focused on the attack. Each movement was precise, every muscle in his body straining against the pain and exhaustion threatening to overwhelm him.

As he closed the distance between himself and the wolves, Rowen prepared to deliver his most powerful blow yet, determined to emerge victorious against all odds. With a swift and precise motion, he slashed both of their heads in one seamless move, ending the threat they posed once and for all.

After defeating the wolves, Rowen collapsed to the ground with the broken sword in his hand, his body weary but his spirit triumphant. With a smile, he reassured the children, "I told you not to worry, didn't I?" before slipping into unconsciousness. When he awoke, he found the children crying beside him, their faces filled with concern. 

Rowen comforted them with a smile, saying, "No need to cry. I'm not leaving you yet." The children hugged him tightly and Rowen reminded them, "Calm down, both of you. Though I've won the fight, my injuries still need attention."

Slowly, Rowen rose to his feet, collecting the cores of the defeated wolves. "Let's go before more wolves come," he urged the children, leading them towards the safety of the village once again.

As they approached the village, Rowen spotted familiar landmarks and breathed a sigh of relief. They were almost home. With a sense of accomplishment, Rowen escorted Liam and Ethan to the village square, where concerned villagers gathered to greet them.

Relieved to see the children returned safely, the villagers thanked Rowen for his bravery and kindness. Liam and Ethan were reunited with their families, who embraced them tightly, overcome with emotion.

Rowen watched from a distance, a sense of satisfaction warming his heart. Though his journey had been fraught with danger, he had succeeded in bringing two lost souls back to safety. As Rowen was ready to leave, Chief Jenkin gave him his quest reward of 500 gold coins and said, "Thank you for bringing these little ones home, Mr. Hunter," nodding slightly to Rowen.

As the villagers celebrated their return, Rowen quietly slipped away, ready to return city. With each step, he carried the memory of Liam and Ethan, a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the bonds that unite us all.