
The Dream Reality

Shadow_infinity · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

First Quest : Setting Out for Adventure

"After a restful night, Rowen woke up early in the morning and began his daily routine. He started with some exercises to limber up his muscles before going for a run through the city streets.

Upon returning from his run, Rowen took a refreshing bath and then headed downstairs for breakfast. To his delight, Alina was already at the table, her warm smile greeting him.

"Good morning, Rowen. Come, sit down. Breakfast is ready," Alina said kindly.

"Good morning, Grandma Alina. Thank you," Rowen replied with a smile as he took his seat at the table.

They enjoyed breakfast together, savoring the delicious food Alina had prepared. Before leaving, Rowen expressed his gratitude for the meal.

"Thank you, Grandma Alina, for the wonderful breakfast," Rowen said sincerely.

After bidding Alina farewell, Rowen headed straight to the Nexus of Destiny in search of quests to undertake. With his funds running low, he knew he needed to earn more money to sustain himself on his journey.

As Rowen entered the Nexus of Destiny, the bustling activity and the myriad of quests on offer filled him with excitement for his first quest.

As Rowen navigated through the crowds, he made his way to the central desk, eager to find a quest suitable for his rank. Upon reaching there, he greeted Sarah with a warm smile."Hello, Sarah. Good morning."

"Good morning, Rowen. How are you? What brings you here?" Sarah responded.

"I'm fine. I've just come here to get a quest. Can you show me the quests which I can take on my rank?" Rowen inquired.

"Sure, wait a minute," Sarah replied, before searching for quests suitable for Rowen's novice rank. After a moment, she found three quests for him to choose from and said, "Here are the quests that you can choose from at your rank."

Rowen looked at the quests. "The first quest was for Goblin subjugation in the nearby forest with the reward of the spoils and 20 gold coins per Goblin subjugation. The second quest was an escorting quest with a reward of 2000 gold coins. The last, third quest was to help the village investigate the sudden disappearance of some villagers in the Silent Wood forest, with a reward of 500 gold coins."

Sarah explained. "After you choose, I'll reserve the quest for you so that no one else can take it. If you want to earn money, I recommend the Goblin subjugation quest. Or if you prefer a less dangerous quest, you can choose the escorting quest."

Rowen considered his options carefully. While the Goblin subjugation quest offered a handsome reward, he realized that it wouldn't help him grow much stronger with the limited aether energy provided. The escorting quest, on the other hand, would take up a significant amount of time.

Finally, Rowen decided to take the investigation quest to help the village with the sudden disappearances. He reasoned that if there was nothing noteworthy, he could always come back and take the Goblin subjugation quest.

"Can I reserve two quests at a time?" Rowen inquired.

"No, Rowen, you can't take two quests at once," Sarah replied with a smile.

Disappointed but determined, Rowen confirmed his decision to take the investigation quest. Sarah looked surprised but ultimately accepted his choice.

"Are you sure? You really want to take this quest as your first one," she asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Is there something wrong with this?" Rowen responded.

"No, there's nothing wrong," Sarah reassured him. "You're the odd one here. Generally, hunters avoid this kind of quest, but you are taking it as your first quest. You're a kind one."

Sarah then reserved the quest and gave Rowen the map of the Silent Wood forest, along with directions on how to get there.

With his decision made, Rowen felt a sense of purpose as he prepared to embark on his first official quest as a hunter."

Then Rowen headed towards the village to get more information about the disappearance of the villagers. As he reached the village, he asked some people around for directions to the village chief's house.

Upon reaching the house, he noticed an old man standing under a tree nearby. Approaching him, Rowen asked, "Is this the house of the village chief?"

The old man replied, "Yes, indeed it is. Tell me, why are you searching for him?"

"I have come here for a quest from the Nexus of Destiny to investigate the sudden disappearance," Rowen explained.

The old man nodded understandingly. "Oh, so you are a hunter. My apologies. Let's go inside my house."

"So, you are the village chief," Rowen remarked.

"Yes, and my name is Jenkins," the old man confirmed, opening the door and gesturing for Rowen to enter.

As they settled inside, Jenkins brought tea and asked, "So, how can I help, Mr. Hunter?"

"I need more information about the people who disappeared, anything strange that happened," Rowen requested.

Jenkins provided details, "Five people disappeared in the Silent Wood forest—two teenagers and three middle-aged men. They went to collect herbs as usual but never returned, and it's already been a month."

Rowen inquired further, "Is there anything strange happening in the village?"

Jenkins replied, "There are strange sounds coming from the forest at night, scaring villagers from going out."

Rowen pondered, "Hmm... Is there maybe new creatures in the forest other than Silent Shadows ?"

"Why do you venture into the forest despite the dangers of Silent Shadows who feed on the whisperleaf herbs they are atleast at the Brute-Rank ?" Rowen asked.

"We gather Whisperleaf herbs to make 'Serenity Syrup,' our livelihood," Jenkins explained.

"And what is Serenity Syrup?" Rowen questioned.

Jenkins elaborated, "It's a calming medicine made from Whisperleaf herbs, used to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation."

As Jenkins asked Rowen " Do you want to ask any more questions ?" 

Rowen interjected, "No, that's all. But before I leave for the forest, know that the missing people may not be alive. You shouldn't get your hopes up."

Jenkins replied, "I know. I know that they might not be alive. It's all my fault for not having the courage to go into the forest. Or we shouldn't have let them go into the forest. Or if we had more money to offer, maybe help would have arrived sooner." Tears welled up in his eyes for the people they had lost.

Rowen replied, "It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. That's how the world works, Mr. Jenkins. You should calm yourself down. I will be taking my leave."

With that, Rowen bid farewell and headed towards the Silent Wood forest, pondering the gravity of the situation.

When Rowen reached the edge of the Silent Wood forest, a shroud of eerie silence enveloped him. The dense canopy blocked out much of the sunlight, casting long shadows across the forest floor. As he ventured deeper into the woods, the air grew thick with the scent of earth and damp foliage.

Rowen's senses were on high alert, he kept a firm grip on his weapon, ready to defend himself against any potential threats lurking in the shadows.

With every step Rowen took, the dry fallen leaves and twigs crackled under his weight, creating a symphony of rustling sounds that echoed through the forest. As he pressed onward, his senses sharpened, attuned to every sound and movement in his surroundings.

Suddenly, amidst the chorus of nature's whispers, Rowen heard a low growling sound emanating from a distance. His heart quickened as the growls grew louder, drawing nearer with each passing moment.

With heightened vigilance, Rowen scanned the forest ahead, with his skill " Omniscient Gaze" and as he spotted the approaching figures of Silent Shadows emerging from the shadows. Their sleek forms moved with predatory grace, their amber eyes gleaming with hunger as they closed in on their prey.

As Rowen concentrated, his skill "Omniscient Gaze" and delved into the essence of the Silent Shadows, revealing there information:

• Species: Silent shadow 

• Rank: Hatchling-Brute

• Aether Energy: 1500

• Skills: [ Shadow Step ] : The Silent Shadows can blend seamlessly into the shadows, allowing them to move swiftly and undetected through the darkness. This skill enables them to ambush their prey with stealth and precision.

[ Shadow Siphon ] : The Silent Shadows can drain the life force from their victims by enveloping them in darkness. This skill weakens their targets while bolstering the strength and vitality of the Silent Shadows, making them even more formidable adversaries.

Armed with this knowledge, Rowen strategized his approach, devising tactics to counter there formidable abilities, while maximizing his own strengths. With determination burning bright in his eyes, he prepared to face the Silent Shadows head-on, despite the rank difference and he was ready to protect himself from them.

With his heightened perception, Rowen identified there weak points in there defense. He noticed subtle patterns in their movements, revealing openings where their defenses were momentarily compromised. Armed with this knowledge, Rowen formulated a plan of attack, poised to strike at the opportune moment.

As the first shadow lunged forward with a ferocious snarl, Rowen deftly sidestepped its attack, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift and calculated strike, he targeted one of the weak points he had identified, aiming to exploit the creature's vulnerability.

His blade slashed through the air with deadly accuracy, finding its mark with precision. The Silent Shadows let out a pained howl as Rowen's attack landed, the force of the blow causing it to stagger back momentarily.

Seizing the opportunity, Rowen pressed his advantage, his movements a blur of motion as he engaged the remaining Shadows in fierce combat. With each strike of his blade, he targeted the weak points he had uncovered, capitalizing on every opportunity to inflict maximum damage.

Despite there formidable strength and agility, Rowen's skill and strategy proved to be a match for their ferocity. With each slash of his blade, he whittled away at their defenses, gradually wearing them down with relentless determination.

As the battle raged on, Rowen remained focused and composed, his movements guided by instinct and honed skill. With each successive strike, he drew closer to victory, his resolve unshaken by the relentless onslaught of his adversaries.

Finally, after a fierce and hard-fought struggle, the last of the Silent Shadows lay defeated at Rowen's feet. 

After defeating the Silent Shadows, Rowen wasted no time in collecting their energy cores, the pulsating orbs containing their essence. With a sense of anticipation, he settled himself beneath a nearby tree, preparing to absorb the aether energy contained within the cores.

As he absorbed the energy from two of the cores, a surge of power coursed through Rowen's veins, signaling his breakthrough to the rank of Apprentice. 

With renewed vigor, Rowen continued to absorb the remaining cores, each one contributing to his growth and evolution as a hunter. Once he had absorbed all the cores, he paused to assess his newfound abilities, using his skill "Omniscient Gaze" to scrutinize his growth once again.

The information revealed by his skill confirmed his advancement:

•Attribute: Chaos (Initial - Stage)

•Rank: Initiate - Apprentice

•Aether Energy: 1300

•Skills: [Origin of Infinity] (Rank - Primal)

 [Omniscient Gaze] (Rank - Unique)

 [Slash] (Rank - Common)

With his newfound rank and enhanced abilities, Rowen felt a surge of confidence as he resumed his investigation of the forest. With each step, he remained vigilant, scouring the surroundings for any signs of the missing villagers or clues that could lead him to their whereabouts.