
The Dragon of MHA

Our unfortunate/fortunate character Suzuki Hanakawa, was ran over by a Truck and was transported to a game show for some reason. Then he got reincarnated into the MHA universe with the powers of the Fire Dragon Slayer, Natsu Dragneel. Read along to find out how he makes the best of his second life. The first few chapters are just to get the story going, and I think their garbage, just saying. So don’t rate the story if you’ve only read a few chapters. This is my first fanfic I’ve written so gradually I’ll improve Once you get to Chapter 10, the words increase to around 2k+ on average. Sometimes I'll write more, depending on how I feel that day. ========== Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2

Chopstiksman · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

The Big Three



My body crashes into the cement, even harder than Izuku did, creating a huge crater and generating shockwaves in the ground. I groan slightly as I push myself out of the ground.

Izuku drops out of the sky and even Bakugo runs over, "OH SHIT!!! NATSU, ARE YOU OK!?!?!"

"Oi, shithead, you alright?"

My dragon scales pull themselves back into my skin and I sit up with my eyes closed, "Ow…"

My head is ringing and my skull feels as if it is cracked open, "Jesus, Izuku, couldn't you have given me some warning?"

"My bad. It just suddenly happened."

I open my eyes slowly while rubbing my head, "Damn, this hurts like hell."

Bakugo snorts, "If you were normal, you'd be in hell."

I smirk at this and look up at him, "Well then, thank god I'm not normal."

AN: You are welcome.

I try to stand up, but the impact had delivered a bigger shock than I had expected and I fell back to the ground.


Izuku offers his arm and I take it, "Thanks."

Putting my arm over his shoulder, he supports me with his body as we head back inside. Before we go inside, I look back and smile at the several craters and cracks that were strewn across the concrete floor in front of our dormitory.

"Aizawa won't like this… Maybe we should get Cementoss over here…"

*Three Days later*


'Jesus Christ, he's so loud.'

The day Izuku started to fly marked the end of my house arrest and the day after, I was able to come to school again. In my absence, the work studies were briefly discussed, but only briefly.

Two days later, both Bakugo and Midoriya were able to return to school. The first thing Izuku does is apologize while Bakugo simply ignores everyone and goes back to his seat.

The bell rings and Aizawa walks in, "Now that Bakugo and Midoriya are both back, we can talk more about the work studies. Please come in."

The door slides open and a smile forms on my face as Aizawa introduces our guests, "We'll have people who experienced it first hand tell you how these are different from the internships. Listen carefully."

A well-built boy with short blonde hair and ovalish blue eyes in a U.A. student's uniform leads two other people into the room. Directly behind him is a girl with periwinkle blue hair and a happy smile on her face. Her eyes and eyebrows are both a darker shade of blue than her hair, and she also wears a U.A. uniform.

The third and final person was a tall boy with spiky dark blueish blackish hair and unlike the others, he had a nervous expression. His hands were in his pockets and he was slouching. Just like his peers, the clothing he wore was a U.A. uniform.

"The three third years at U.A. who stand at the top of pretty much all U.A. students," he glances at me as he says this before continuing, "Also known as, The Big Three."

'Here they are!'

My smile remains on my face and I can feel the passive pressure that they are emitting, 'As expected of the Big Three, they really are on a different level compared to the other students.'

All around my classmates are whispering, "The Big Three…"

"The ones who are the closest to becoming pros amongst the students…"

"The top of pretty much all U.A. students? Not all?"

"You are forgetting someone."

Heads turn to look at me before quickly looking back at the Big Three and looking back at me again, all wondering the same thing, 'Who is stronger?'

Aizawa calls our attention again, "Anyways, let's have you guys introduce yourselves. Let's start with Amajiki."

Amajiki slowly moves his eyes to stare at us, and suddenly exerts an intense amount of pressure, 'All that pressure from a single glance.'

I let out a soft whistle and leaned back in my chair, "Wow scary."

The rest of my classmates are almost frozen when Amajiki's gaze drops to the floor and the heavy feeling in the air drops, "It's no good. Mirio, Hado…"

His two classmates look at him as he continues, "Even if I look out at them, imagining they're potatoes, everything other than their head remains human."

His body starts to visibly shake as his anxiety sets in, "I still can't see them as anything but human. What should I do…? I can't… say anything… My mind… blank… I can't…"

He abruptly turns around and faces the wall before saying in a depressed tone, "I want to go home…!"

Ojiro, who is sitting in one of the front row seats, scratches his face nervously, "Uhm, you are the top of U.A.'s heroes course, right?"

Nejire smiles at her classmate, "Oh, listen, Amajiki! That's called having the heart of a flea! Even though you're human. It's so strange!"

She turns to us while pointing at his socially awkward friend, "This is the flea, Tamaki Amajiki, and then I'm Nejire Hado. We were asked to talk to you guys about work studies. But wait…"

She walks up to Shoji and stares at him for a while before saying, "Hey, hey, why are you wearing a mask? Are you sick? Trying to look cool?"

Shoji unconsciously touches his mask and begins to answer, "Well, because in the past-," but something else caught Nejire's attention and she moved away.

"Oh, my! You must be Todoroki, right? Right? How did you get burned right there?"

Todoroki freezes up slightly, "Well, that's…"

Once again, Nejire had moved on, "Ashido, Ashido! If your horns break off, will new ones grow back? Can you move them? Well?"

Mina touches her horns as Nejire moves on while Aizawa is getting more and more annoyed, "Asui, you are a tree frog, not a toad right?"

She bounces on her toes and smiles at all of us, "There's so much I want to know about all of you! It's so strange!"

Aizawa glares at the last member of the Big Three, Mirio Togata, "Oi, isn't this lack rationality?"

Mirio waves his hand slightly as beads of sweat form on his forehead, "Don't worry, Eraserhead! I'm going to wrap things up, right?"

A gleam appears in his eyes as he leans in with his ear and shouts out, "The futures gonna be…!?"

There is an awkward silence as no one knows how to respond to that, 'Damn, these three seem even stranger than they are in the anime.'

"Grim! Is what you are supposed to say, right?"

Mirio leans back and scratches the back of his head while laughing heartily, "Hahaha! Yosh, my call-and-response was a huge fail! Ahahaha!!!"

Momo browns slightly as Mirio continues laughing, "Natsu… aren't they kinda… weird? For people called the Big Three, they don't exactly…"

I finished her sentence, "Feel like it? You can say that now, but these three, they are undoubtedly good."

She stares at me for a few seconds, "If so, then maybe it's a thing for strong people to be eccentric in some way or another…"

Mirio lets out a small sigh, "Well, you guys look like you're not exactly sure of what's going on, right? We're third-years who suddenly appeared to explain work studies that aren't even required. That's confusing, right?"

He puts his hand to his chin and starts to think, "Hmm, you guys got your provisional licenses as first-years, right? You guys sure are energetic...besides, it looks like my joke didn't work earlier, right?"

Nejire and Tamaki both look at him suddenly, and Mirio grins, "Alright, I got it!"

The class goes, "Wh-What!!!!"

Bakugo cracks his knuckles, "You bastard, are you looking down on me? I'll blow you to pieces!"

Todoroki narrows his eyes brows, "This man…"

Even Momo looks excited, "A group fight against the Big Three? How interesting…"

Mirio rubs his nose confidently while looking at Aizawa, "It's the most rational to have you all experience our experience first hand, right? How about it, Eraserhead?"

Aizawa nods his head slightly, "Do what you want."

Ten minutes later, all of us are standing in one of the empty training grounds, our gym clothes on, and huddled in a group, while Mirio is standing in front of us, stretching out his legs.

Sero raises an eyebrow, "Are you serious?"

Mirio replies without stopping his stretches, "Completely serious."

Tamaki is leaning against a wall, and I can hear him mutter faintly, "Mirio, you probably shouldn't. For the work studies, it would've been enough for us to say, "This is how it was, and I learned a lot from it." Not everyone is filled to the brink with ambition. We can't end up with kids who are unable to recover after this."

Kirishima frowns, "What does he mean, "Unable to recover…"

In an instant I disappear from my spot, and appear next to Tamaki, "I think you are underestimating us too much, don't you?"

His eyes widen as he suddenly notices my presence, and even Mirio and Nejire are surprised, "You, when did you get here? How?"

I shrug my shoulders in response, "Just now when I walked over."

The rest of my classmate's nod and Tokoyami steps forwards, "There may have been a handicap but all of us have fought pro heroes before, and most of us have experience with real villains as well."

Bakugo grins as explosions crackle from his palms, "Do we look like such weaklings to you? Weak enough where you need to worry about us, huh!?"

I grin at my classmates, fully knowing what will happen in a minute or so, "I'm glad that you guys are feeling so good about yourselves. I'll sit this one out. I have no interest in weaklings~"

I say the last bit as a tease, and all three of our upperclassmen glance at me, and Aizawa nods his head silently. My classmates all nod confidently, and only Momo looks at me suspiciously.

Mirio grins at this, "Weaklings, huh? We'll see about that. You guys can come at me whenever, and however, you want. Who's first?"

Midoriya and Bakugo both step up at the same time, "I'll go!"

Bakugo glares at Midoriya and the latter does the same and surprisingly Bakugo yields, "Tch, have at him then."


Aizawa yells out as I lean against the wall, "This is a good chance for all of you. Make sure you get the most out of this experience!"

Mirio grins at Izuku, "That's good, you sure are energetic!"

Izuku takes a deep breath in and activates his full cowling, and Sato yells out, "The close combat team should surround him all at once!"

Kirishima sharpens his hands, "Well, then, senpai… Thank you for showing us your kindness…"

Izuku finishes it off, "I look forward to your teaching!"

Izuku dashes forwards and leaps into the air, and Mirio's clothes fall off, signaling the activation of his quirk. Several girls cover their eyes, and Mirio apologizes, but Midoriya takes full advantage of his "mistake."

"You're… full of openings!"

Izuku roundhouse kicks his head, only to see his leg go through Mirios skull, "Tch!"

Izuku lands behind Mirio and glares at him and mirio grins, "So, you went for the-"

He uses his quirk as tape, acid, a laser beam, and a concentrated explosion all fly through his body, hitting the rock face behind him.

Dust flies everywhere, and Iida calls off the attack, "Wait!"

As the dust clears, everyone realizes something, "He's gone!"

"Where'd he go! Quick! Look!"

But it was too late.

Mirio pops out of the floor behind Jiro, who is the farthest in the back, "First, I'll start with the long-range fighters!"

Jiro's scream alerts the others and several people swear, "He warped!?"

Sato kisses his teeth, "Tch, his quirk isn't just slipping through things?"

"What kind of strong quirk is that!?"

Amajiki, who is still next to me, mutters quietly, "You're wrong."

Tokoyami attacks Mirio with Dark Shadow, only to get punched in the gut a few seconds later.

"Mirio's quirk isn't one to be jealous of."

Miro disappears in a flash and reappears next to Sero, slamming his fist into his chest.

"What you should be jealous of is his skill, first-year boy."

Mirio continues bouncing around, knocking out my classmates in a single blow. Todoroki's ice and fire cannot touch him and neither can Bakugo's explosions. Walls, shields, guards, quirks. Nothing stopped him from punching you.


In less than thirty seconds, he took out all of the long-ranged quirk users in our class.

Aizawa looks at the bodies strewn across the gym, "Mirio Togata… as far as I know, he's the man closest to being number one, including the pros," he then looks over at me, "Natsu, you are a sort of loose cannon. Your firepower tops his, but that's not everything."

I grin at this, "I know. He gives off the same aura as him after all."

Aizawa stares at me quietly and nods his head in satisfaction, "So you get it after all."

'After all, All Might wasn't number one just because of his strength. His charismatic attitude and ever-present smile are what gave him a large advantage over Endeavor.'

Mirio rolls his shoulders, and looks at the remainder of the class, "Now, all that's left are those that focus on close combat, right?"

Uraraka takes a fighting stance, "He's strong enough to slip through things, and he can even warp?"

Ojiro clenches his fist, "Doesn't that make him unrivaled!?"

Mirio flashes his teeth as he takes a fighting pose, "Oh, stop it."

Midoriya tries to keep a cool head as he analyzes Mirio's power, "There must be some kind of trick to it. Whether he is using his warp powers to slip through our attacks or is slip

ing through things to warp, he's attacking us directly. So as long as we go to a counter, there will be times when we can touch him! If we can't tell what he is doing, then we should figure out assumptions with what we do know, and do whatever we can to find a way to win."

Mirio smirks as he begins to charge, "Ho, impressive! Let's see if you can maintain that line of thought!"

He slips through the ground and his pants come flying off. Izuku narrows his eyes and seconds later, he turns around kicking at where he expected Mirio to be. Mirio did indeed pop up behind him, but once again he phases through, and stretches out his arm, aiming his two fingers at Izuku's eyes.

He instinctively closes it, and at that moment, Mirio ducks underneath his guard and knocks him out in a single blow.

Iida yells out, "Midoriya!"

Mirio continues smiling, "Are you sure you can be worrying about others?"

Weaving through the small group, he knocks out each of them in a single punch, "POWAAAAA!!!"

I get off from the wall and clap my hands slowly, "Congratulations, you took them all out."

Mirio clenches his fist and smiles at me, "Oh, is the final boss making his appearance? I thought you don't fight weaklings?"

He returns the jab I made previously, and I laugh it off, "No, no, you misunderstand. This is for experience, my classmates would be lacking in that department if I had stayed on the field."

"Well, aren't you a nice person."

I kick off the ground and start picking up the bodies of my classmates and lay them against the wall, "Can't have anyone dying."

Mirio watches me with amusement and when I am finally done, he gets into position, "It's a bit unfair to the others that you got to see my quirk beforehand, but what can I do about it? Life isn't always fair."

Aizawa calls out to me, "Don't injure him too much."


'I could suffocate him by surrounding him in fire, but that would be too boring.'

Taking a deep breath in, I crack my knuckles and call out, "Thanks for teaching me, senpai~"

Mirio grins at me, "Then, here I come!"

He drops down into the floor, and disappears, "Eni, mini, myni, YO!"

Ducking down, I dodge a strike to my temple from the left, and quickly lash out with my arm, 'Tch, nothing.'

I couldn't see it, but my arm undoubtedly phased through him and he disappeared once again, 'I expected this, but his reaction time is really good.'

"All the more fun."

Something below me flickers as Mirios leg pops out of the ground and flies straight to my chin. I lean back, dodging it, and jab with my right. He phases through my attack and counters with a punch to my stomach.

His eyes widen in surprise as I don't dodge it or anything, and instead let it hit me, "Ow."

The moment he lands his punch, I grab his hand and attempt to crush it, but he activates his quirk and quickly retreats.

Mirio flexes his wrist and smiles, "Not bad, letting yourself get hit to exploit the brief moment I am tangible."

I rub my stomach slightly, "Man, you throw a good punch. No wonder the others lost so easily."


The two of us stare intently at the other, waiting for someone to make the first move, 'I wonder, how far can you push me?'

Tensing my legs, I push off of the floor at high speed, sending me flying at Mirio. My foot flies at his face and he phases through it, preparing to counter when I suddenly flip in mid-air, and bring my other leg down upon him.

My foot grazes his left cheek before he drops down into the ground, "Tch your habit of becoming a mole is a bit annoying, let's shift the playing field."

A concentrated ball of fire forms around my hand and I clench my fist, "This isn't my full power, but it should be enough!"

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

The ground splits open, creating numerous cracks and crevices around me, "I can see you now!"

A flash of yellow and tan zooms sound the ground and he sticks his head out of the ground a few meters away from me, "Cracking the ground to make me visible, huh?"

I leap forwards and stomp on his face, but he disappears and pops up several meters away again, "You really are interesting, Dragneel. You are surprisingly strong with the use of your quirk."

I shrug my shoulders, not bothering to correct him, "Well, what can I say," I dash forwards and reach out to grab his face, but he phases through, "I train."

"Is that so?"

He pops completely out of the ground, his manhood visible for everyone to see, and smiles at me, "Better finish this up soon."

I roll my neck, "Glad that we are thinking along the same lines."

He starts running forwards, and doves underneath the surface of the floor before quickly popping out a few feet away from me, 'Using his quirk to gain momentum, nice.'

His fist aims at my face and I sidestep him. I slam down, preparing to break his arm, but as I expected, he phased through it, 'Phase Two, then.'

Continuing with the momentum, I slam down into the ground and grab a handful of rock shards, 'The activation of his quirk allows him to slip through anything, attacks, defenses, and even the ground. However, that also means anything can slip through him, which means light, air, and sound.'

In one swift movement, I launch the rock shards into the air and several of them penetrate his skin before he realizes his mistake and phases through, 'He only uses his quirks when he needs to in order to save his stamina. So right after he attacks or dodges…'


Mirio tumbles into the ground, 'He is vulnerable.'

Amajiki immediately runs over in a panic as he sees blood seeping from several holes in Mirio's body, "Mirio, are you ok?!"

Mirio just groans and Tamaki glares at me, "You bastard, this was just training, why did you have to hurt him!?"

I shrug my shoulders, "It's fine, it's just a few holes. At least it didn't penetrate through his whole body."

Tamaki glares at me, "Fine? He's bleeding!"

Before anything else, Aizawa walks over, "Amajiki, I understand your concern, but Togata is fine. It's nothing that Recovery Girl can't fix, and even then his wounds are shallow."

Mirio nods his head and pushes himself up into a sitting position, "Yeah, Tamaki, no need to worry about me."

He then looks up at me with a grin, "That was pretty sneaky of you, to use rocks as a projectile weapon. I will admit, I didn't expect that from you."

I let out a sigh, "Well, I may not seem like it, but I am the top of my class after all."

I look over to the rest of my classmates who are all starting to stir, "Well, that was very educational, Togata."

Mirio laughs, "Please call me Mirio."

"Thanks, Mirio. You can call me Natsu then."

I start to walk away, but before I get too far, Mirio calls out, "Why didn't you use your fire to attack me?"

I lean my head back, "Well, that would be boring if I did that."

AN: Here is a nice long chapter, cause I will be going on a trip, so no chapters until the end of the month.


Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum

Discord: https://discord.gg/BMtDTUtyh2