
The Dragon Adventure

When a Highschooler and his classmates get summoned to another world....they discover they weren't expected, and they're not the only ones dragged along for the ride

Goreleech · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

The Dragon Adventure


DAY 1.



There was the sound of a loud wailing followed by a low grumbling sigh as a sleeping form rose from the bed.

"I fucking hate mondays."


"Yeah I'm up. Barely."

With another meloncholy sigh of utter disinterest the boy rose from his much preferred coccoon of blankets to gather his supplies for the shower. He took a moment to look at his favorite sight first thing in the morning: a five foot poster of his favorite anime waifu, Rias Gremory from the show Highschool DxD with her devil wings out and blood red hair fanning out behind her like a fan. He smiled on reflex like he did every time he saw her. God i wish i could meet her. Course I'd have no shot. Someone looking like I do? Pff. He sighed again and hopped into the shower as his family went about their usual morning routine. Tyler scrubbed his 5 foot 9 inch 225 pound frame with all the tiredness of a enemy ofthe the morning. Once cleaned up he walked out to get dressed while having his usual glare down with himself in the mirror. His eyes were a dark brown like his hair while his skin was pasty white from rejecting the sun for his cave. His attire of the day being a thin black t shirt that was baggy on his frame with a thick hoodie that made his bulky frame seem that much bulkier. He sighed as he buckled his jeans. I hate my life. He walked out as his obease sister walked in for her shower. The siblings utterly ignoring the other as Tyler took his spot at the long island counter of the kitchen as his even more obese mother went about her own routine.

"Remember you're grounded. No music."

He ignored his controlling stepfather as he ate his brekafast of cereal and an energy drink he'd snagged the day prior. Once fed he grabbed his bag and the rail thin man blocked his path.

"Hand it over."

"Leave me alone."

"Two more weeks for that. I am not a little kid in front of you."

"Yet you're the one makingt the scene."

That sent him ranting as the boy ignored him as usual. Tyler grabbed his bag and slung the thing onto his back before pulling his boots on and heading out the door. BEfore he did he made a point of putting his earbuds in wwhere his step father could see him. The man went to grab him but Tyler merely shut the door in his face on his way out. The boy sighed as he walked out into the crisp fall air of his northern new hampshire hometwon as his stepfather had no choice but to let it go or cause a scene outside. Something that was inconcievable in his mind. You'd think he'd have figured out I don't respect or listen to him. And so should just give up. The brown eyed guy sighed again as he slid down the ice covered hill to his bus stop like a snowboarder, much to the amusement of the other kids at the stop. Tyler smirked as he walked over.

"Hey Daym, nailed it."

Damion, oy Daym as Tyler nicknamed him, chuckled as the taller guy walked over.

"I lost ten bucks cause a you. Was certain you'd eat shit on the way down."

"Heh. I figured you'd made a bet. So that's why I didn't. Try again tomorrow."


Tyler smirked at that as he looked at the girl counting her well earned winnings.

"I hope next time you bet more, Hailey."

"Fuck off."

"Ha. Morning to you too."

"Why the fuck are you talking to me?"



Tyler smirked at her hate, well aware she couldn't stand him for whatever reason, but he'd always take the time to poke her. why? He liked her. The guy looked around as his sister slipped ont he cie and fell down the hill. That made him bust up laughing.


The others all glared at him as he utterly ignored his hurt sibling on the ground. the girl sobbing tears of pain and humiliation at his fat joke. Tyler for his part was looking at his mp3 player for a song in particular as the others went to check on her while he ignored her.


He looked over curiously to see Debie, Daimon's mother looking at him.

"Oh. Hi, Debie. When'd you get here?"

"That's your sister crying on the ground."

"So? why's that my problem?"

She blinked.

"You're family."

"And I should care why?"

His sister was surrounded by the other kids as she sat on the porch of a nearby house nad he shrugged.

"Besides. She's ot enough babysitters. Still need a crane though."

"I hate you!"

"Feeling's mutual. I hate you more though."

The pained yell of his sister was met with his utterly flat retort on the fly as he spotted a familar yellow bus in the distance on another street.

"And get over it. Bus is coming."

"My leg hurts!"

"They BOTH hurt. Carrying that around? No freakin wonder. Now hurry up an get over it."

He got slugged by another of the kids in the teeth for that. Only for the tall guy to retaliate with a vicious fist to his stomach that dropped him to the ground coughing as he fought for breath. That one sent the kids into a frantic frenzy with haile yelling at him.

"He's go0t asthma!"

"Shouldn't be picking fights then."

"You KNOW he has asthma!"

"Yeah I did. Idiot took a swing knowing I knew his weakness. That's on him."

The guy got to his feet after taking hits on his rescue inhaler with hate in his eyes.

"You are a fucking heartless bastard, Tyler. No wonder everyone hates you."

Tyler chuckled as the bus rolled up.

"I hate you too. So thanks."

The tall boy hopped onto the bus ahead of the fat retard that usually held up the line and grabbed his seat by the heater before settling in for the bus ride as everyone glared daggers at him, which he ignored. Tyler pulled his mp3 out again and was looking for another song as a low grumble was heard as Hailey was forced to sit beside him as no other seats were open and no one else was sharing.

"Just sit there an shut up."

"Yo're the one talking."

She gritted her teeth and looked like she was about to slug him when he found the song he was looking for nad leaned against the window for a light doze as the bus got moving. Tyler then noted the light scent of peaches coming from Hailey beside him.

"I like that scent."

"ew. Fuck off."


He smirked as his complement grossed the girl out immensely. I do like it though. He sighed internally as Hailey now forced herself into a seat of three to get away from the creep. Tyler didn't care as he spaced out more or less in the bus on the ride. The trip to their school taking no less then fifteen minutes and Tyler was up and off the bus with the first group soon as the doors opened. He walked along the raised courtyard utterly ignoring everyone as he walked to the doors and inside as the students could either mingle with the others or go to their classes. Tyler, having no friends whatsoever in the school just went to class and sat at his desk looking at his latest encyclopedia on rocksw and minerals as that was what was currently holding his attention that moment. he heard a sigh after five minutes.

"Did you seriously get into another fight at the bus stop, Tyler?"

He looked up to see the teacher, Mark walking in with a disappointed look on his face. Tyler shrugged.

"He hit me first. Not my fault I hit harder."

"david has asthme. You knew that."

"He knew it too. And yet still picked a fight. It's trying to bowl with a broken arm. You can do it, but it ain't gonna end well for you.."

The teacher sighed again as he sat at his desk.

"And how far in life do you think that hateful attitude will get you?"

"Far enough. Most millionaries and billionaries are assholes. Don't get even get me started on polticians."

That got a snort from the older man.

"I can not argue that one."

"Right? You're a math teacher. So that just makes you a dick."

"HA. That's a new one. even for you!"

"It's too easy to make fun of math teachers. No one takes em seriously."

"Okay. You've ruined my day."

"Sweet victory."

"An points for the epic song reference."

"I got it on this thing. somewhere."

Mark sighed as other students came in and Tyler just shut down to focus on his book. That kid. is absolutely hateful to the other students. And is yet hilarious when you get to know him. They hate him and when they dish it out, he just responds with his trademark viciousness. And then they go right back to hate. Tyler was looking at an entry on cobaltite he found mildy interesting when a girl looked over,

"Hey, whatya lookin at?"

"A handbook on rocks and minerals, Sarah."

"Really? Why?"

"I'm bored. Plus I saw an episode on underground mining accidents the other day and I got curious."

"Seems odd. Anything useful?"

HE shrugged.

"Not really. Some neat tidbits of random facts here an there."

"Like what?"

"Hmm. Welll. For one. I played skyrim last night and found an ore called corundum by whiterun. I thought it was a fictional ore. But. I was flipping through this and look here."

The girl leaned over curiously and he showed her the page in question.

"See? Corundum's the minerl Sapphires, rubies, and other gemstones coem from. Plus is often used in steel manufacturing. Not really useful, but kinda cool since in the game I kept fiding sapphires and rubies when I mined the rock."

"Huh. That's kinda cool. Anything else?"

"Hmm. Youy familar with the gem cobalt?"

She smiled as she sat back in her seat.

"I love the color."

"Same. I prefer glacier blue but that one's close. well. Coblat is actually it's own mineral formation called cobaltite. And is actually magnetic. In it's raw form at least."

"You know a lot. Is that all you read? Encyclopedias?"

"I read manga too. Some stephen king, and some fantasy stuff like lord of the rings."

Her eyes flashed.

"Manga? Like anime?"

"Yup. You?"

"ew. Get away freak. Only perverts read that."

He sighed as she leaned away from him and even moved desks to get further away. why i even bother? Tyler went back to his encyclopedia as Mark looked on sadly. That's why. He tries to be nice and they might even like talking with him. But as soon as he tells them his interests bam. They slam the door in his face. Even when they have no idea what the hell they're talking about. Tyler set the handbook down and pulled his current manga out and flipped to the section he was looking over as another girl came up laughing with sarah beside her.

"So pervert, what's the dirty book this time?"

He smirked.

"Attack on Titan. Have a look."

He flipped it around and they gasped at the panels of utter carnage as people were being eaten alive by giants. Tyler flipped the next page and they wee about to throw up as one guy was bitten clean in half with exacting detail. Tyler chuckled as he flipped back to his page as the horrified girls gaped.

"Manga and anime isn't all T an A. It gets dark. And this one is a legend since most of the mian characters you meet end up dying. Horribly. If you need some eyebleach, check it."

He flipped them anotherone from his back and they looked at the cutise title.

"Teasing master Takagei? This a hentai?"

"Not even CLOSE. It's called slice of life. Look it over and follow the instructions on the panels to read it."

Sarah sighed.

"dammit. I'm curious!"

she took the thing and sat beside him and got to flipping as Mark delayed starting class to give the kid a chance. Tyler smirking into his own volume as Sarah was soon awwwing at the cuteness inside. Then she passed it back smiling.

"Okay. That's adorable. Got anymore?"

"Of that one? I got the six volumes at home since it's always a good idea to have eyebleach on hand some a these. I'll bring in the second one tomorrow for you."

"Thanks. I like it. Slice of life?"

"Yup. Here. Check this one out."

He wrote the name K-on onto a piece of paper and passed to her.

"It's on Hulu. You can either watch it dubbed or subbed but tell me how you react once you get through it."

She blinked.

"It's a slice of life, right? Not that?"

"Oh hell yeah/ Kon is a legend in the slice of life category. and for a damn good reason. I won't spoil it though."


"HA. Thems the brakes."

Sarah put the recommendation in her purse as Tyler finished the volume he was readign with shaking hands and she looked at him concerned.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah. Story's getting intense. But i don't have the next volume."

"Main character about to die?"

"More the entire city is. And them not being able to do a damned thing about it. I'm more interested to see what gives. The characters, or the monsters? Kicker?"


"This the third volume thus far. and over HALF the first cast you met are dead already."


Tyler smiled as Mark started the class. The tall boy taking notes and paying attention though every now and then he'd spot Sarah looking at him from the corner of his eye and found it hilarious. She was a pretty enough girl with long brown hair and green eyes he kinda liked. her skin was fiar and her rack respectable. He had a full head on her and she was half his size to begin with. Her outfit was a bright pink hoodie and jeans with sneakers. Tyler smirked as she looked at him again and she blushed! like full on blushed as she though he'd caught her. i did. But that's not what's funny! He'd also spotted hailey glaring daggers at him as Sarah was actually her sister! Tyler chuckled internally as the class broke for a fifteen minute break and Hailey marched over to confront him as Sarah went to the bathroom.

"Okay asshole. What the hell did you give her?"

He showed her the manga and she blinked.

"And the show?"

"Watch it with her."

"I am. And you better not get any ideas."


That made her blink as he opened the handbook back up rather then talk. Hailey was also a pretty enough girl with the same brown hair as her sister, but her eyes were a lively hazel. her skin was slightly darker and her breasts half a cup larger. Her outfit was jeans, a short sleeve T-shirt and some girl's workboots for whatever reason. Tyler spotted Sarah come back in and Hailey walked back to her seat with a final glare at him. Sarah smiled as she sat beside him.

"What was that about?"

"Big sis broke out her shotgun."

"HA. You're funny."

"I try."

Sarah smiled as she twirled her hair with a finger absentmindedly as he flipped a page.


"Something new?"

"Yeah. had no clue opal was used for pottery."


"I know right? Here."

he showed her the entry and noticed she had a scent of light cotton candy about her as she got close.

"Wow that is kinda neat."

"I've actually seen an opal once."

"Really? I haven't."

"My grandmother had an opal ring. No clue why. Thing was weirdly hypnotic."

Sarah smiled at that as he smiled.

"I like the scent."

"Thanks! It's my favorite!"

Now red in the face at the blunt complement Sarah sat back and had a rueful look on her face.

"I guess you're blunt."

"Like a freakin hammer."

"I...like that."

"Word games suck."

That got an agreeing nod.

"Oh you have NO idea. My mom loves saying metaphors and teasign me with them. Ugh. Just tell it to me straight!"

"Testify sister. I for one hate those twoway statements. Like I'm sorry. Did you insult me or complemient me?"

"Those make my head hurt! And nine times outta ten it's both!"

"fun as hell to do it to people yourself, but god does it suck to be on the recieving end!"

"I guess. I try, but the ones i come up with suck. You good at them?"

He smirked.

"Kinda. I think it's all in the set up. Like a good one liner."

"I can see that. It's hard to set up a good one on the fly."

"Well. YOU're a good one. So set up enough."


"Wow. Cute."


He chuckled as she went red in the face while everyone else in the room just stared at him in mild shock at the smooth flattery. Poor Sarah was red as a tomato and Hailey was on the verge of the killing the man. Then the rest of what he said processed in Sarah's mind.

"Wait. what the hell do you mean set up enough?"


"wow. You suck."

He laughed at her now sullen tone aqs she saw exactly what he did. Then she smiled nervously.

"And thanks."

"sure. And remember that thing about the set up. Once you start seeing them clearly, be amazed how often you can throw someone for a loop."

Sarah smiled.

"You would know a thing or two bout that."

"It's fun screwing with people."

"So true."

The tall boy smiled at that as the clas restartedand Mark got to the next lesson as tyler set his handbook aside. The class went on for about fifteen more minutes when the intercom went up and they were called to the auditorium for some assembly. Sarah staying by Tyler as they walked to the large room and got seats next to each other. The burnette seemed really nervous as she followed him and he smiled.

"I don't bite."

She smiled at the attempt.

"You do bark a lot."

"Only to those that bark first."

"You like dogs?"

"More a cat person, but dogs are fun."

That made her smile.

"I got three cats actually."

"Sounds hectic. You got a laser pen?"

"Duh! I use it on them all the time!"

"wanna royally screw with em put a mirror in front of them."

"Oooh you evil bastard! I gotta now!"

"Just be ready to lift it. Sometimes they bumrush."

"Noted. Anythign else?"

"Put a pickle or a cucumber by them when they're not looking."


He shrugged.

"They're supposed to flip out."

"Oh. I'll do that too."

Tyler smiled at that as the assembly got underway with the princible talking.

"What's this about?"

"Don't look at me. I zoned out soon as he started talking."

She smiled at that one as once again she started fiddling with her long brwon hair and he smiled.

"I like how your hair shines, Sarah."

"Thank you."

Now blushing hard at this new one the girl had a bemused smile on her face.

"Starting to worry you have a crush, Tyler."

He looked at her,

"Would that be a bad thing?"

"I have a boyfriend."

"Ah. Makes sense."

She looked at him with an unreadable emotion in her eyes now.

"And by that you mean?"

"That the pretty girls always have someone."

"Oh. Thanks."


Now red in the face again she slumped in her seat as Tyler settled into his seat to sleep for the rest of the assembly. Sarah was so embarrssed she was giving off heat a good hand length away and Tyler smiled. Called it. The tall boy looked at the stage with a mild curiousity and noticed something floating in the air half way betweent he stage and himself.


"What's up?"

He looked at a now curious Sarah and to the floating object that was drifting along just above the heads of the other students.

"Okay. For safety. You see that flaoting ball bove Scott's head?"

She frowned and looked overexpecting some kind of prank.

"By Scott....what the hell?"

"You see it too?"

"Yeah what is that?"

Tyler sighed as he followed the thing with his eyes.


"In broad daylight?"

"Ghosts don't have a schedule."


Tyler watched as the ball thing floated to a spot above the students near the center of the room and a few other heads turned to look at it as they noticed it. Tyler looked around now as it hovered and noted fifteen more such balls around the room.


"what's wrong?"

Sarah looked at the bigger boy as he looked around.

"Thing's got friends. and a lot of them."

"Are we safe?"

"No clue. worst case, we die. Best case? Nothing."

She gulped as more people noticed the floating balls and Tyler sighed as he saw one start glowing.

"Isekai, ailen invasion, we're about to get superpowers, we're about to die, about to captured, or some combo of the bunch. Either way? Buckle up."

Sarah was now getting scared as the balls started glowing with bright blue lights in a pulsating pattern.


"We're boned."

"I loved that show."

She smiled despite her fear att he reference and he smiled at her.

"Better. We're fish in a barrel right now. So least we can go to hell with a grin."

That made her smile wider as he got poked from behind and saw it was Hailey doing the poking.

"Since we're about to die. I'd like to say I liked you more then you thought."

He smiled.

"Thanks, Hailey. I liked you too. You're cool."

He looked at Sarah as the balls glow got brighter.

"You? You're sweet."

The trio took hands by unspoken agreement as the balls flashed and it blinded them a moment before dimming hard. The auditorium was then revealed to be completely empty save for the contents of the pockets and bags of the missing people. And in a set of three seats were an mp3 player, three wallets, and a folded letter sealed with a lipstick kiss.

The next thing Tyler was aware of they were on the floor of a large ornate room sitting on a lavish red carpet. The tall boy in black was next aware of Hailey and Sarah holding his hands with a vicelike grip. he smiled at this briefly before looking around the room they were now inside. It being built more like the inner sanctum of a church and was constructed from the purest white marble that was arched like the inside of a watermelon. Tyler looked up and saw the ceiling was close to 50 feet above their heads with a mural of a roaring dragon with blood red scales attacking a city. The tall boy then looked at the walls and saw the white marble rose to about chest height on the wells before switching to solid black stone for the remainder of the chamber. The other thing he noticed was they were the only ones in the room with a set of double doors set into one side of the conical room. Tyler frowned as he rose to his full height with the two girls still holding his hands. Hailey gulped.

"Tyler? Where are we?"

He sighed at her small, frightened voice.

"No clue, Hailey. But I'mma find out."

He let their hands go and walked over to the doors as the rest of the people in the room recovered and grouped together. Tyler walked to the door and noted they didn't have a doorknob on this side of the things and were also curved to match the slight curve of the walls. He pressed on them and felt a slight give follwed by it stopping.

"Well. We're chained in here. I think I can break it though."

Mark the teacher came over as Tyler pressed on the solid wooden doors.

"Are we safe?"

"Most likely not. Fuck it. I-we-need answers."

Tyler took a step back from the door and wound up before planting a foot on the door with a vicious strength. There was a crystiline snapping sound as the doors blew open from the kick. Tyler smirked.

"Knock knock."

That made a few of the others sigh as the bold kid walked out the door.

"Hooooolllllyyyy shiiiit."

His voice of stunned shock inspired everyone to follow him and they too had the same reaction. for they were inside a dark, dank, rotting castle with moldy tapestries ont he walls, a rotted carpet onn the floors, and shattered glass windows looking out at a forest. Tyler looked at the shocked others.

"Something tells we weren't expected. Come on and stick together."

Mk and the other adults frowned.

"Okay. we'll take it from here. You kids get back inside and shut the door."

The kids nodded but Tyler was already moving along the hall alone. Mark called after him,

"Hey! You too! we don't if it's safe or not!"

"Why I'm gonna find out."

They sighed at that as Tyler spotted something against the wall.


There was a suit of old knight's armor standing to attention against the wall by a ragged painting od a sunset. Tyler walkedoverand saw the sword and shield were still present with the sheath. The resourceful teen took the sword and smiled as he saw it had an edge. The thing was a strictly one handed longsword with light grey metal, no rust, a razor edge, and a cord handle. The sheath he strapped across his back with the handle over his right shoulder before looking at the shield. the thing being in the shape of a kite with a cross on the center boss and two arm holds in the steel. He blinked as he hefted it.

"Things lighter an it should be. Cool."

The boy then looked down the hall as Mark and the others came over.

"You think you can use that?"

"Well enough. Alright. Step one. Loot the place. We need information, weapons, and any information on this world. We're not on earth anymore."

That got a gulp as a sound of footsteps was heard approaching from down the hall. Tyler blinked at the sound, notebly the unsual gait the sounds were making. Step, step, drag. Step, step, drag. Like something was limping hard as it walked. The group of adults and kids got behind the lone kid with the shield as Tyler took a stance with the shield and sword ready as a person's shilouete appeared at the far end of the hall. Tyler's eyes narrowed.

"That is NOT a person. Get back."

The others did indeed get back as the figure approached them. Tyler had the swordpoint hidden behind the shield as he got a look at the thing when it stepped into a pool of light from a broken window. He sighed.

"Trial by fire."

The figure was revealed to have yellow flesh with a rotting green slash across it's face that went straight to the brain and even had it visible as well. In height it was Tyler's hieght while rail thin in a mouldering black suit and tie. Tyler sighed as the thing walked on a broken leg towards him.

"Okay. Head or heart."

The sword wielding boy rushed the thing with the shield held high and the thing hissed at him like a snake. Tyler smashed the creature int he chest with the shield and knocked it right over before he stabbed the thing in t6he heart with the sword. it hissed again before bursting into blue fire and burning to ash. He sighed at this.

"Typical undead."

He swung the sword to get the festering liquid off the blade as the others walked over nervously to look at the warrior. Mark was the one to ask the question.

"what was that thing?"

Tyler sighed as he looked at the pile of ash.

"Best guess is a draugr or something like it. Zombie best explaination. Come on. If there's one, there's more."

TYler sheathed the sword over his shoulder and got walking along the way the now dead creature had come from with the rest of the kids and teachers behind him. The tall boy looking the mouldering hallways and shattered glass windows over with the eyes of a highly experinced role playing gamer and weeb. Isekai. And looks like it was an unexpected summon. Hmm. The group found no other doors set into the walls and the windows were far too high to be reached as the walked along the 10 foot wide corridor. TYler making note of the remaining paintings and the fact they all depicted the same dragon or man in a crown riding a dragon as they went. Okay. Dragons are big here. and the crown is tied to them. How closely I'll have to find out. They came to another set of double doors and Tyler frowned as they too didn't have any handles or knobs.

"That's not a good sign. That chamber was pristine. And yet they had the doors leading to it chained shut and the handles removed."

Mark was getting scared now.

"And what does that mean?"

"Either they wanted to keep something IN, or we were summoned to be KEPT in."

Thety shuddered at the implications as Tyler kicked that door open as well. This time they were mometarily blinded by a sudden burst of light before blinking it away as their eyes adjusted. Then they found themselves looking into a very dense forest stretching as far as the eye could see. Tyler blinked at the sound of singing birds and the wind in the timbers. The trees themselves were also collassal. Dozens and dozens of feet wide and soaring hundreds of feet high the t things created a green ceiling that masked the blue of the sky from the ground based gawkers. Tyler then looked at the dirt.

"Hey Jeff."

A tall guy with the physique of a runner came over.


"You hunt, right?"

He blinked as he saw Tyler's train of thought.

"Yeah. Lemme see."

Tyler stepped aside and Jeff frowned as he saw the patch of dirt leading into the hall.

"Huh. That dirt's not been touched in years. Not with that level of crusting."

TYler sighed as he walked out and looekd at the building they'd just exited.

"And that hallway's a part of a long forgotten castle. Look."

They walked out and did look. Only to blink at the ruins they gazed upon. For a once mighty castle had been reduced to a few towers missing their tops, the walls destroyed with signs of extreme heat since a few were even melted. TYler looked to the front gate and smiled.

"Let's see if the main hall's got any leftovers we can scavange. In any castle seige, the main hall's the last line of defense."

They nodded as for the time being? They didn't have a better idea. Tyler led the way to the shattered front gate and into the castle proper. The main entrance being a good 30 feet wide and opened up into a small townlike area with various buildings ranging from a smithy to a multitude of barracks before the roadway reached the bottom of a set of grand stairs leading to the ruined keep. Tyler and the others walked along the roadway avoiding the massive stones and shattered glass of a lost battle. Tyler looking for bodies and skeletons of any variety in the torn out fronts of buildings while the others were shaking at the profound silence of the ruins. Not even birds were heard singing anymore as they strode on the stone walkway. Tyler looked into one window and spotted movement and held a fist up as he drew the sword.

"Got movement. I'll go take a look."

The boy walked to the ruined front of the building that was two stories tall with a large hole blown into the front where the door had been. Tyler walked inside and the moving shadow turned on him with a hiss. He sighed as it was another of the zombies that died with a single stab to the heart. He walked out and shrugged.

"False alarm. Another of them things."

They shuddered at that before Tyler looked att he castle.

"Screw it."

He set off for the keep with the others right behind him as he was the only one that was armed. Tyler walked up the grand stair case to the ruined front door of the keep and sighed as he saw the damage. The doors had been completely blown into the keep with enough force behind it to take a solid thirty percent of the wall with them. The main atrium was littered in rubble while the high flung ceiling above their heads was poked full of massive holes that can only ceom from things tearing through it to get inside. Tyler then looked at the floor and saw the thing was littered with skeletal remains. HE sighed at the sheer numbers of skeletons with some in full plate armor in clear defensive lines.

"I knew it. This castle got hit hard byt a massive force and they holed up here to make it work for it. Alright. See what you can come up with for gear. Something tells me we're here to stay."

They gulped at that as Tyler walked over to one sksleton laying on the floor in golden scale mail with a crown on it's head holding a longsword with a scale grip. Tyler noting the armor had a massive rent of three claws on the breastplate he knew had gottent he heart when it existed.

"Poor bastards. We need your gear more then you do. So thanks."

Tyler took the scaled longsword and found it to be dozens of times lighter then his current blade. Tyler swapped them and spotted a shield beside the fallen leader and lifted the gold scaled kite shield. Again it was dozens of times lighter and with more comfy arm rests. On the center boss was a crest with a man riding a dragon into battle. Tyler looked back at the skeleton and took the crown off it's head. The thing being solid gold with a blood red ruby set with golden claws into the metal. Sarah looked over from her skeleton and saw him with the thing.

"What? You wanna be king now?"

"nah. Thing might be valuable."

She chuckled at that excuse as Tyler looked at his skeleton, or more accurately, his position. The gold armored skeleton was set behind the first three ranks of skeletons all in heavy armor with wall shields. Tyler sighed as he saw this.

"He hid behind his own men to direct the defense from the back."

MArk frowned as he strapped an axe onto his back.

"He was the ruler. They don't usually put their lives in danger like that."

"A true leader stands at the front against whatver dares stand there while rallying the ones they're leading behind them."

That made him smile as Tyler spotted a bow on the ground by what looked to have been an archer.

"I love the thought behind that Tyler."

That made him chuckle as he took the longbow up.

"I got a few things kickin around in here, mark. Odd. The string is fresh."

He did a few test draws and found the twine string to be both supple and freshly waxed while the wood was also gleaming nicely. He sighed and took the half empty quiver of arrows from the skeleton.

"This one hasn't been here long. Makes sense."

The others were looking around the room as Tyler found a suit of chainmail ion his size he donned under his shirts. Then the last piece he found was a good set of daggers taken from a few bodies. Happy with his loadout he looked at the group as they gathered.

"Alright. we need information now. This keep might have what we're looking for, but keep the heads on a swivel."

They nodded and Tyler led the way to the shattered throne of the dead leader before taking a hard left towards a door set into the wall. The armed kid opened the door without issue and they found themselves faced with a full audience chamber with a number of seats in a semicircle around a large highbacked chair with some book shelves behind it. The group went to shelves and Tyler sighed as he saw the offerings.

"Only things here are tomes on the local plantlife. Makes sense anything useful woulda been looted already."

Mark frowned.

"The weapons and armor?"

"Probably a curse or the attackers were in a hurry. That last one makes sense."

Tyler then looked at a wall and smiled.

"Bingo. got a map."

The kids and teachers gathered around as Tyler unrolled it on the desk.

"Okay. First we need to find north."

One of the geography teachers looked out the window.

"The sun is still rising. Unless the sun rises differently here north is that way."

Tyler nodded and looekd at the map. Noting how it was a mere map of the region with the castle the center.

"Conveinent. Okay. Castle's name was Drakonfall Hallow. Which means there's a city to the west about a half day's journey. The country's name is Mossilia. And this region is called Drakon. The city's name is Drako. Sensing a pattern here."

They smirked at that before Tyler sighed.

"Okay. We're lost in another world. With zombies and magic if they're anything to go by. we got brought here without anyone knowing besides the summoners and so can assume not a soul knows about us. Which means we're lost in a foreign land and might not even speak the langauge. we don't even know what the hell the currency is here. That said, so long as we speak the tongue here we can improvise. Only thing left is this: Stay together, or split up."

That got a mass of murmers as they discussed it. Hailey looked at him.

"What're you gonna do?"

"I'm making for the city. I think I'll hit this one alone. But if ay of you wanna go with me, feel free."

Sarah and Hailey looked at each other then looked to Mark. Then to Tyler. Sarah sighed.

"I'll stay with them."

Hailey nodded.

"Yeah. Seems safer."

The others also elected to go with the rest. TYler smiled at them and passed the map over.

"Alright then. Good luck to ya. And whatever you do, do NOTA, OKAY? Do NOT let the natives know we're not from around here. Something tells me it won't be pretty. Plus we have the subcultures."

They nodded and Tyler headed for the door as Sarah bit her lip.

"Be careful!"

"You too!"

She smiled as he walked out the door. TYler sighed as he crossed the boneyard again in the main hall. They're gonna die. He spotted another quiver of similar sized arrows and took them for his own. The lone boy got his barings in the ruined town and headed west for the city. The trees rustling in the wind as the grass crunched underfoot as he walked leaving the ruined keep behind with his classmates. I just hope I speak the tongue here. Or I am SOOO boned. Tyler smiled as he walked through the trees listening to the birds singing. Long as they KEEP singing I got a shot.; The lone warrior bypassed a tree and blinked as he stepped onto a large dirt road stretching far as the eye could see in either direction.

"That's conveinent."

Tyler hopped onto the road and followed it along the desired direction with his eyes and ears wide in case of surprise. The lone teenager whistling as he walked his long limbed walk missing his mp3 player while noticing a loud ringing in his ears he could not remember being there. The sword, shield, and bow on his back weighing less then his backpack did empty and he wondered at it. The sword along should weigh 8 pounds. That shield a good 10. Yet I feel like there's a mere 5. odd. He enjoyed the absolute solitude as he walked, not even missing his sure to be panicking family back in his old world. My sister's probably looting my room, my stepfather's having a releaved rink, and my mother hasn't decided to care yet. He shrugged at that as he rounded a bend and came upon a strange sight. A large covered wagon was laying on it's side with a group of people milling about the thing. Tyler tilted his head as he approached. Bandits? Most likely. The teenager got closer and heard some talking,

"Now then pretty one, who's gonna get to be first?"

Tyler drew his sword and shield silently as he heard a woman sobbing,

"Please. Don't hurt my daughter. I'll do it, just please, spare her."

That got a round of chuckles from the men as pants were dropped.

"depends how good you are. Now come on. Open that pretty mouth. That's it."

Tyler smirked as he got within range without the preoccupied bandits realizing a thing. The warrior lunged with the sword and stabbed the talking man in the center of his spine, killing him instantly as Tyler slammed the pointed edge of the shield into the back of another stunned man. There were originally 9 bandits, but two dropped dead leaving seven. Tyler reversed the grip on his sword and spun a vicious circle as the caught-with-their-pants-down men scrambled and tripped over themselves to react. The shield's sharp point at the bottom of the pantagon shape slashing another man in the belly as Tyler stabbed another int he chest. They dropped dying as the remainder fell to the ground as they fumbled with their pants and belts. Tyler chuckled as he stabbed each one in the heart.

"idiots. Always have a lookout."

The last laughed as he got stabbed.l

"We did!"

Tyler pivoted and an arrow bounced off his shield from inside the trees. He sighed as the coward hid in the trees rather then face him head on.

"If ya come out now, it'll be painless."

There was a low snort from a tree to his right and Tyler dropped his weapons with a deliberate clang as he pulled his own bow with an arrow ready in the same movement. His chainmail deflected a second arrow and Tyler smirked as he aimed.

"Hey fuckwad. I surrender."

The idiot poked his head out around a tree in shock only for Tyler's own arrow to take him in the eye.

"Idiot. That was not supposed to work."

The warrior turned now and was faced with a terrified lady holding a trembling dagger aimed at him with one hand, and the other wrapped tightly around a small girl of maybe 6. The lady was a beautiful specimen with long golden hair that shown in the sun while her eyes were a lovely blue that sparkled like the sun on water. Her outfit was a long dress that was badly ripped around ehr waist and chest letting her massive breasts be seen in all their double D glory. The girl beside her had the same blue eyes and blonde hair while wearing a black and white dress like a maid outfit. He found her cute as hell. The woman gulped as the man that had killed 10 bandits with such ease looked at her trembling daughter.

"If you seek a reward, just please, use me. And be gentle."

He smiled and put his bow up.

"Appreciated. And you're good lookin an all, but prefer it be fun and NOT a bribe. I'm Tyler, miss?"

She narrowed her eyes in suspision.

"If you're not after my body, why'd you help us?"

"If I didn't, who else was?"

That made her blink and she lowered the knife.

"You won't hurt us?"


She deflated from relief as she couldn't find a lie in his words. Then she hugged her daughter tightly.

"It's okay, sweetie. We were rescued."

The girl started crying and Tyler looked at the tipped over wagon.

"Hmm. I MIGHT be able to fix that. But step one. You two get your marbles b ack an I'll see what the idiots left us."

The woman nodded as her girl sobbed from her near horror.

"I'm Lyris. This is my daughter Yirsa."

"She's a cutie."

The girl blushed through her tears and smiled a litte as Tyler was leafing through the pockets and gear of the dead bandits.

"Thank you."

"Sure thing sparkles."


"Your eyes sparkle. I kinda like it."



Lyris was smiling as her girl stopped crying and hid her face in her chest oput of embarrssment.

"Aww! I think you embarrassed her out of her fear!"

"That's cute too. So mind telling me what happened?"

The blonde mother sighed as she stroked her daughter's hair.

"We, me, Yrisa, and my husband Yorlod were riding down the road minding our own heading for Drako when an arrow took Yorlod in the chest and the horse pulling our cart in the shoulder. She panicked and broke her straps. The wagon tipped over and she bolted right off the cliff over there. They came then."

"A lightning strike. Interesting. Where'd Yorlod land?"

"Under the wagon on that side."

Tyler sighed as he peered around the thing and saw the spattered remains sticking out from under the wagon.

"We'll get a sheet or something for the remains when i flip the thing over again."

"You have the strength for that?"

Tyler kicked the wagon and felt how solid it was.

"I should. Worst thing is I get him out from under it at most."

Lyris smiled at this kindness.

"Thank you, Hero."

"I'm no hero. Just a kid in the right place at the right time."

She smiled at that as Tyler looked the archer over last.

"Hm. They had a camp up there."

He looked at Lyris.

"I need to check that camp for more captives. Think she can handle the walk?"

Yrisa became indignant.

"I'm half elf. Of COURSE i can handle it!"

"Atta girl. Lyris?"

The woman smiled as she brushed her blonde hair aside, revealing that she indeed had pointed ears.

"I can too. And thank you for defending us."

"No biggee. I got practice in with me blade, rescued you two, and killed 10 people. That's a good day inn my book."

"you have a funny sense of humor, Tyler. Pray tell, did they have any coin on them?"

Tyler pulled the clinking pouches out.

"They did. But I'm not from this country and no clue what they had."

He passed it over and she blinked at the amount inside.

"They worked this spot hard. In total they had 5 gold coins, 100 silver coins, and about 55 copper coins. That's enough for three days at the local inn, meals included."

"You can take the looted coin and I'll see what the camp has?"

She smiled at this.

"You're very kind, Tyler. Put our pouches are intact. You need this more than we do."

"I have everything I need and you lost a husband. Take the thing."

That made her smile brightly as he traced the bandits' tracks back to the trees.

"Thank you. Again."

"No biggee. Come on I got a trail."

Yrisa skipped over to walk beside the tall warrior and smiled up at him.

"Are you gonna be my new daddy?"

Lyris tugged at her collar in heated embarrassment as Tyler patted the giggling girl.

"Sadly not, Sparkles. I'm only 15 afterall."

"that's it?"

"Yup. You?"

She looked at him curiously.

"I'm close to 150. Yet you look older then daddy did and he was only 550."

"elves live longer then normal humans, Yrisa."

"Oooh. I keep forgetting that."

Lris smiled as she came up beside him.

"I'm the elf actually."

He blinked and looked at her. She smiled disarmingly.

"I can tell you're not from this country. And my eyes see a most....unsual....tension in you. Wherever you're from it doesn't matter. You saved our lives."

"My home's a complicated place, Lyris. Wrong people hear of your suspiscions, it won't be pretty."

"I see. Another country then."

HE nodded gratefully and looked back at the forest as they walked. FUUUUUUCK! Elves will see right through me. And I still don't know how they'll react to me being an outworlder! He forced the worry out of his head as they came to a large clearing a few minutes from the road with a mass of tents encircling a firepit. Tyler noted a few more people moving about and looked at the mother and daughter.

"Get down. and STAY here. I'll drop em."

They nodded and he pulled his bow before moving towards the first tent with all the noise of a ghost. Tyler reached the first camp and heard light breathing inside. He smirked and pulled his knife before making a small cut in the canvas material to see a sleeping bandit on a bunch og bedrolls on the ground. Silent as a mouse Tyler was beside him locking his nose off as he stabbed him twice in the chest and was out the back to the next tent. The camp had ten tents and the next he found was empty so onto the next one. Ashe passed one tent a man in black robes walked out and took a spot by a large mound of dirt to take a piss. Tyler smirked as he came up behind him, stabbed him in the ribs twice and once in the heart, and dragged him to a thicker patch of bushes out of sight. The murder making no more noise then a rustle of grass. Tyler peered around the tnet and spotted a man looking at a map by a table with three more people before a lone guard was seen patrolling the perimeter in his direction. Tyler pulled his bow and took aim as the man approached. There was a soft twang and the shaft took him in the heart, punching right through his chainmail with a slight clink and he dropped to the ground. Tyler was moving around the camp now and found another sleeping man in a tent who he stabbed in the heart. The four at the table were talking earnestly when the one in the center looked up.

"Hey Yord. The pass is closed this time a year, right?"

Tyler smirked as he drew his bow while the man called Yord failed to answer. The leader sighed now.

"Dammit Yord. If you're asleep again, I swear to the gods I will kill you. markus, go kick him."

"Yeah boss."

Tyler was in the perfect position as the man walked over grumbling to the spot he'd killed the two.

"Damn you, Yord. Boss asked a ques-"

Soon as he was beyond the sight of the other three, Tyler took t5he shot and the arrow slammed into his back hitting his heart and lung. The man was dead before he hit the ground. The assassin smiled as he fitted another arrow to his string as the men looked over and saw Markus was gone now too. The leader frowned and drew a greatsword.

"Check the camp. Something's up."

The three survivors split in three directions and Tyler smiled as he shot one in the heart as he stood in the blindspot of the other two. he crumbled to the ground silently and the second was hit a moment later leaving only the leader. Tyler smiled as he walked into view behind the man as he ducked into a tent and gasped,

"Alarm! we got an assassin in thye camp!"

He came rushing out of the tent only to be faced with Tyler's drawn bowstring.

"They know."

He fired and the man dropped to the ground dead with the barbed shaft in his chest. The lone warrior chuckled as he looked over at the trees.


Lris and Yrisa came out now with nervous expressions as the boy had assassinated men in their own camp without their companions knowing a thing. Tyler smiled as he put the bow on his back.

"Alright. Let's see. see if they had any captives and I'll check for valuables."

They nodded and Tyler went to the table the four had been looking at. He smiled as he saw the map of the local area with various landmarks and destinations marked for later visitation. Plus there were some places marked for loot, danger, to be avoided, to be raided, and places were goods were to be sold.

"I'm taking this."

Lyris looked over as he rolled the map up.

"The map?"

"Yup. I don't wanna get lost again."

That got a giggle from little Yrisa as Tyler next went to the largest tent and found a small chest set against the backwall.


He opened it and found the thing to have a small pile of coins, a few pieces of paper, a jet black dagger, and amold set that made him tilt his head.

"Now that's outta place."

He took the mold as Lyris poked her head in.

"Find something?"

"Yeah. A mold for a crest."

She blinked once she saw the intricate design.

"That's the royal crest of Mossilia! Only those of royal blood are permitted to look upon it!"

Tyler frowned hard as he looked at the thing.

"I think we found one of the molds for their brooches. Neat."

He looked around and spotted a large backpack and took it down as Lyris gulped.

"The crest mold. I suggest you take it to Drako. The next city over. It's the capital."

"Sure. I think I can get paid!"

That made her laugh as he put the coin fromthe chest into a large sack,

"The coin found here is yours?"

"I'll split it with you, as again, you lost a lot in that attack."

She sighed at this.

"It wouldn't sit right, getting a handout."

"Then don't look at it like a handout. More....compensation. They ruined your cart and the goods on it, right?"

That made her smile.

"You clever boy. And that does sound better."

The trio worked the camp over and Tyler looked the robed man over last, finding more pieces of paper with names written on them.

"Hmm. Firebolt, water slash, Acid Shot, and stun. These spells?"

Lyris blinked at the question.

"Is magic not permitted in your country?"

"It is, they keep it secret. I assume things are different here?"

"They are. read the name of the paper and press it into your hand."

He did as requested and the paper branded itself into his right hand. She smiled.

"And there you go. You can now cast a spell. Just picture whatever form the spell takes and think of your mind as the bow."

"I think I got it. Water slash."

He swiped his hand across the air and a thin blade of sky blue water arced from his hand to cut a tree trunk clean i9n half on the other side of the clearing. Tyler smiled as he saw this.

"I like magic. mana?"

"Feel anything?"

He tilted his head as he felt his body.

"Not really. More like I just picked a five pound block off the ground."

She blinked.

"That meabns you have a truly massive mana pool inside you. A tragedy your country doesn't teach magic freely."

"eh. their loss."

Yrisa came over now and got a hug off the warrior as they left the stripped bare camp to flip the wagon over. The thing was still there and Tyler walked to the other side and gripped the edge and set his feet.

"Get back Yrisa."


He heaved on the wagon's edge and the thing gave a loud groan of timbers as he lifted it with strain before it flipped onto it's wheels with a clatter and crash. Tyler was panting slightly as he dusted his hands off.

"That was easier an I thought it'd be."

Lyris came over with a sheet and Tyler helped the widow load her husband's badly crushed body into the wagon covered in the sheet before Yrisa tilted her head.

"Who's going to pull the cart? Our horse is gone."

Tyler chuckled at her question.

"I will. And don't go there. I WANT to help you keep something."

Lyris just smiled at this kindness.

"Thank you. Can i request you keep an eye on Yrisa a moment? I need to change."

"Damn I was enjoying the view. Sure."

The blonde woman had some color go to her cheeks at this as she went behind the cart and Tyler got a hug from Yrisa. The small blonde giggling as he lifted her up into his arms.

"Wow, Tyler. You're really tall."

He smiled and sat her on his shoulder.

"Now so are you!"

She giggled hard at her new position.

"I like being tall!"

"So do I! Though doors sometimes fight back."

She looekd down curiously.

"How? They're doors."

"Sometimes I'm taller thent he door. and don't notice."

She burst out laughing at the image he created in her head and his tone. Lyris came back a moment later in a fresh dress of l;ight blue that sadly didn't display her massive bust. Much to tyler's disappointment. She smiled teasingly.

"I offered."

"I know. Yet I'd prefer it actually be willing."

That made her hug him and she whispered below Yrisa' hearing.

"It's a two day trip to Drako with the cart."

"You sure?"

"I am. I'd like to....love.....again."

"Alright. Hop on."

She laughed at that twoway statement. She took her spot on the bench and Yrisa giggled as he took the drawbar in his hands.

"Giddy up horsy!"

"Wow. You luck you cute or I'd get mad."


"See? Cute!"

"It was."

Now red in the face, Yrsia pressed her face into her mother's arm as Tyler got to pushing the cart and found it surprisingly light as they got going. Lyris blinked as he made it look easy.

"How strong are you?"

"No clue. Strong enough, I guess."

"Just keep being gentle with Yrisa, and I'll allow it."

"Yes, Lyris."

"Wow, mommy. Your face is red."

Tyler smiled at that one as he got into a comfortable grooze pushing the cart. This is hilarious. Now I'm a horse! He smiled as the strong teenager helped the family make great time on the road as Lyris looked atthe darkening sky.

"We need a campsite. There's a well hidden spot just ahead by those ferns."

"Got it."

The warrior rolled the cart off the road and down the very well hidden trail to a small clearing with a river flowing around a large slab of rock set against a rock wall. Tyler noticed white eldritch lines carved into the rock and looked at Lyris.

"What're these?"

She blinked at the question as her and her daughter hopped down from the wagon once it was settled into the shadow ofthe rock.

"Those are Guardian runes. A magical repellent to keep monsters and demons away when you camp there. Does your country not have those either?"

"Guess not. Or if they do, only a very few select few get to use em."

The blonde elf sighed at this as Tyler helped them set up a three person tent before he built the fire from wood taken from the surrounding woodland. Then they sat around the flames as Yris tugged her mother's sleeve.

"I'm hungry."

She sighed.

"I'm sorry sweetie. The bandits destroyed everything and they didn't have any supplies in camp."

Tyler looked at the gently flowing river. Then smiled.

"Ha. Shouldn't be a problem."

He took his bow and headed to the water's edge. The mother and daughter watched curiously as he made a few adjustments to his position before taking aim with his bow. Yrisa looked at her mother.

"Momma, what's he doing?"

"I have no idea, sweetie. Let's watch."

Tyler smiled and fired the arrow, and as he pulled the thing out of the water he had three good sized trout impaled by the gills on the thing.

"Ha. I still got it."

Lyris blinked as he set a fresh shaft to string.


"It's called bow fishing."

"Oh. A techinque fromy our country?"

"More sport. More fish on the shaft at once wins a prize. And keeps the fish."

He fired again and had four this time. Happy he pulled his dagger and Lryis smiled.

"I can handle that much."

"Sure. I'll get a couple more. I spotted a good pike in there and missed twice."

Yrisa helped her mother flay the fish as Tyler grumbled by the water.

"Come on you bastard. Hold still.....GOTCHYA."

They looked and blinked as he lifted a 6 foot pike from the river with the arrow in it's head.

"Gotchya bitch. Come on."

Tyler carried the large creature over and Lyris just shook her head at this most strange warrior. The trio flayed the fish and Tyler pulled a thin rock over for them to fry it on as Yrisa used some recovered cups for river water from the cart. The fish were cooked to a turn and they dug in with gusto before Tyler buried the unusuable parts on the far side of the clearing. He returned in time to see Yrisa fighting to stay awake by the fire, her tramuatic day havinjg drained her energy. Tyler smiled and as she fell forward again he caught her.

"Come on sparkles. Bed time."

She smiled tiredly as Lyris felt her heart ache at the sight of the dangerous boy carrying her small girl to the tent and tucking her in. He then rejoined Lyris by the fire and she pecked him on the cheek.

"Thank you, Tyler. So much."

He patted her soothingly on the back.

"You're welcome. What were you heading to Drako for anyway?"

She smiled and rubbed her belly.

"I'm expectant, and it's the elven way to bless the unborn child in a temple to Halla the Elvn goddess. Yorlod was a human and he followed Torsin the Bear. A barbarian deity if you can believe that. His request was to have the child blessed by both. I said why not?"

She had large tears in her blue eyes as the reminder hit her.

"Now he's dead and will never even know if it's a boy or girl."

Tyler hugged the grieving widow tightly as she sobbed silently into his shoulder and him stroking her soft blonde hair soothingly without a word. The woman lett he tears fall for a while before sniffing hard and just clinging to the solid teenager like a lifeline.

"Thank you."

He smiled at her soft, barely a whisper voice. And just held her tighter.

"Are you okay?"

She smiled and looekd at him with peace in her eyes.

"I will be. I'll visit both temples and have the child blessed as he wished. Maybe, I'll feel his presence there. But how do I tell Yrisa? She thiniks he's asleep."

"Tell her he's gone hunting with Halla."

That made the elf smile.

"She'll understand. When she's old enough. But for now, that will make her smile. And give her something to be proud of."

He patted her back and the elven widow leaned on his shoulder by the dying fire. She smiled as the fire popped.

"I'm tired."


He pulled a branch at the edge of the fire and it smothered itself with a low hiss that made Lyris chuckle.

"That's a ranger trick."

"I know a few things. Not many but a few."

That got a smile as they went into the tent to see Yrisa had fresh tear stains on her face and Tyler sighed ashe gently wiped them away.

"She knows."

Lryis nodded sadly.

"She does. That poor girl."

"She'll be fine. She's stronger an she knows."

That made her glow with pride as he removed his shirt and mail to lay on the fur bedroll.

"She is very much so."

Tyler settled and Lyris took her spot beside him and rested her head on his chest.

"Do you want it?"

He looked ather.

"If you want to give it."

She smiled sweetly.

"If not?"

"Then no. I won't have you force yourself."

She kissed him on the mouth this time with a happy smile.

"Thank the gods it was YOU that saved us. And I do want to give it. But I'm tired tonight."

He patted her hand.

"It's your choice."

"Thank you. Good night, Tyler."

"Good Night Lyris. Night Yrisa."


"You're too cute for cloak and dagger shit."

This one is more of a slow burn for when the actual fanfiction aspect comes out. I'd initially started this tale out as something completely different and got bored....so in came the anime characters. Hope you enjoy!

Goreleechcreators' thoughts