
The Dragon Adventure

When a Highschooler and his classmates get summoned to another world....they discover they weren't expected, and they're not the only ones dragged along for the ride

Goreleech · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

The Dragon Adventure: Chapter 2



DAY 2.


Tyler woke with a start to the sounds of birds singing, in a tent, in a forest, with two girls on either side of him. He looked to his left and saw an adorable little elven girl holding his arm with surprising strength against her body while on his right a beautiful elven woman was holding his arm to her blue dress in a way he could feel her large breasts quite nicely. What the FUCK happened last night? Where-oh. Isekai. That's Lyris, and that's Yrisa. Okay. He looked back at Yrisa and smiled att he elven cutie as she snuggled his arm like a bodypillow. Then he settled back as Lyris opened her blueeyes with a smile.

"She's so cute like that."

He smiled as she moved his so he was holding her by the waist instead her holding him.

"She is. A shame to wake her."

The elven mother rested her head on his chest and he loved how her hair felt as it brushed across his skin.

"You really warm."

"You're really cuddly."

That made her smile as she kissed him again.

"I'll give it tonight."

He looked into her blue eyes,

"You sure?"

She nodded smiling.

"I want it. From a man."

"Alright. So long as you want to."

She got a strange look in her eye now.

"Do you not?"

He smiled.

"I do. But I can't enjoy myself if SHE'S not enjoying herself. Plus, seems a little soon to me."

She smiled and rested her head on his chest, listening to his beating heart.

"You have a kind heart, Tyler. And I need to move on. So I want it."


HE hugged her with one arm as Yrsia woke with a squeaky yawn and smiled at the two.

"Morning, momma, morning Tyler."

They hugged the blonde elf cutie tightly.

"Morning sparkles."

"Morning sweetie. Clean up before breakfast."


Tyler caught a few more fish in the river as Lryis relit the fire. They had breakfast together before the girls loaded into the cart and Tyler took the drawbar. He whistling as he pushed the thing along at a light run, making the ladies laugh at the scene of the mighty warrior pushing their cart like a horse. The trio rolled along the road in the forest without any issues with Tyler loving the mindless change of pace from studying for pointless tests and fighting his war with his family to pushing a cart with two elven beauties sitting inside it. Tyler rounded a bend and they left the forest behind to step out onto rolling plains of tall green grass as far as the eye could see. He whistled at the sudden transition.


The plains were a beautiful shade of green with the stalks of grass waving like ripples on the open ocean in the light after noon breeze, bringing with it the scent of millions of different flowers and blooms with it. Tyler looekd up and smiled at the expanse of open blue sky that again stretched as far as the eye could see. back on the ground he looked ahead and spotted a far off tower surrounded by lesser towers in a semicircular pattern with a silvery white gleam to the far off buildings. Lyris smiled.

"Those are the royal tower, council chambers, and military leader towers. Drako, the towering city."

"Damn. That's intense."

They laughed as he looked up again and spotted a sea of craft flying to and from the city in clear lanes. Some being simple ships hulls under massive balloons, others being shaped like planes and aircraft from his world. Yet others were shaped like swords and spears that flew. He chuckled at that as they rattled along the thoroughfare.

"I sure ain't in Merica anymore."

The elves missed his beneath the breath statement as they were taking in the sights of the grasslands while Tyler pushed the cart without any sign of flagging or fatigue. They traveled hard that day and Lyris stood upright ont he footplate to look around at the landscape.

"There's another Traveler's Rest an hour ahead, Tyler."

"Got it Lyris."

Yrisa was loving her ride as they pulled into the rest. This one having the same white runes carved into the dirt but was situated against a large semicircle of rock like the last. Tyler smiled as he lit the fire and made fish from the river for dinner with help from the ladies as various airships and other craft passed overhead with a low hum or low rumbel depending on the size of the craft. Once they were settled Tyler looked the looted coin over from thye bandit camp.

"Hmm. LAl told we got 65 gold, 435 silver, 665 copper. Does the coin convert here?"

Lyris nodded.

"Yes. But not like you'd expect. A single silver is worth 1,000 coppers. a single gold, is worth 100 silvers. And you have to visit a bank to exchange money. There's a fee too. for every 10 silvers converted, the kingdom takes 4. for every ten gold, the tax is 5. It gets a little pricy to convert coin so most just hoard it until they have millions of coppers to the point it don't really matter."

"Scary system. How's the rule?"

she sighed at this.

"king Dracis isn't the most...patient...of people. He can be outright insufferable with his laws and bylaws."

Tyler narrowed his eyes and looked to the capital with new eyes.

"And you're going there, why?"

She smiled.

"Because Mossilia is a matriarchy. NOT a patriarchy. King Dracis is an insufferable bastard, this be truth, but the queen Vulpine is simply heavenly to be around. Dracis has no real power without her backing and only in her presence."

"How stable is their relationship?"

"Unstable at best. He's king only in name and hates that fact. She tolerates him because he gave her a simply beautiful daughter by the name of Emily. Word around the capital is Queen Vulpine has been looking for a fresh suitor to replace the king. Whether this be truth I know not for certain."

Tyler sighed now.

"I wouldn't stay in drako any longer then I absolutely have to, Lryis. Countries with that type of strife between rulers are powderkegs simply pleading for someone to throw the match."

She blinked at his insight and warning.

"What do you suspect?"

"A coup, at worst. Dracis has his wife assassinated and seizes full power."

She gasped hard at this suggestion as Yrisa tilted her head.

"Why would he want his wife dead? If they're married, don't they love each other?"

He patted her hair fondly.

"They should be. But sometimes love goes away and people wind up stuck. That's why you must choose your husband most carefully, Yrisa."

She smiled and snuggled against him.

"I will."

He hugged her warmly as Lyris sighed now.

"I see you come from a strife ridden country, Tyler. And that is a tragedy."

He sighed as well before looking back at the capital.

"Well. I'll drop the mold off and get out of the city."

Yrisa looked at him.

"What'll you do?"

He shrugged.

"No clue. Maybe see if there's an adventurer's guild and join up. or just up an roam."

The blonde cutie rested her head on his shoulder.

"why can't you stay with us?"

He looked at Lyris and she smiled.

"He's an active warrior, sweetie. we were planning to settle in Drako, remember?"

She looked at her,

"I dom but why can't he stay?"

He hugged her warmly.

"Cause I want to go on more adventures. Don't worry. I'll visit."

She sniffed.

"Mean it?"

"I promise."

That made her smile as she hugged him back.

"Kay. Just bhe careful, okay?"

"You too, Sparkles."

She blushed as usual before yawning hard and he carried her to the tent and laid her in the bedroll. Once she was comfy, Lyris appeared behind him smiling.

"She won't wake up. ready?"

he smiled widely.


She smiled eagerly this time as she undid a bow knot in the back of her blue dress and it fell from her frame with ease and a rustle of cloth. He blinked as her massive breasts flopped free and his sword stood for war as her slit had a small tuft of fur at the top. he stripped as well and her eyes went wide as she saw her night's sword.

"Oh dear. Just be gentle."

He smiled as she laid on her back.

"I will."

The eager teen placed his spear on her spot and she wrapped a long leg around his waist.

"Don't force it. It's a good deal bigger then what I'm used to."

He leaned in and kissed her softly as he applied a soft pressure and felt her part around him.

"Damn. I love it."

She smiled with a slight pant as she stretched to accomadate the sword.

"Slower please. Oh my, and you're only 15 years? Scary."

He suckled on her large rack as she adjusted before feeding more into her until she was fully stuffed. Now panting from the strain and the feelings flooding through her she smiled.

"Slow. But I love it."

He kissed her as the thrusting began and soon enough she was bucking to meet him as she got used to the girth and loved it immensely. The two played for a few hours before she got a fresh cream and moaning orgasm as he fell into her marvelous melons. Then she smiled warmly as he kissed her.

"I loved it. Thank you for being kind."

He smiled as he threaded his fingers in hers.

"Thanks for letting me."

She groaned as it was removed from her and shuddered att he closing feeling.

"Damn. You ruined me!"

He kissed her warmly and she pulled the dress back on without any underwear as that was just not an option right then. He pulled his own clothes but not the shirt and she settled her head on his chest.

"Good night, Tyler. You're always welcome wherever our door is."

"Good night, Lyris. I'll visit often. Night Sparkles."


"How the did you tell?"

"She's too cute for sneaking."





Tyler woke to see Lyris asleep on his chest with his arm around her waist in a most protective manner and on his left was little Yrisa curled into a ball in the crook of his arm. he smiled as he stroked her soft blonde hair fondly. I'mma miss this little cutie. I'll visit her often. He looked back at Lyris and kissed her awake.

"I have never experienced such romance before. I love it."

She opened her beautiful blue eyes with a smile and Tyler kissed her again.

"I like to spoil my girl."

That made her glow before she kissed him again.

"You are the only man. In forest elf culture, once gthe husband goes to his hunt, the widow is only permitted one other male lover in her lifetime. She cannot marry the lover though as the first is still waiting for her. Normally I'd turn to women for my pleasure and I intend to. Just know you will be that one lover."

He kissed her again.

"I'll pop in between escapades. whatever they are."

She smiled proudly.

"I had a dream last night."


"Ha. when elves choose their lovers, they have a dream of their future ahead as a warning from Halla in case I am not certain. Would you like to know what I saw?"

He smiled.


She smiled with such...pride....he blinked.

"I saw a mighty dragon encircling myself and Yrisa in it's impentrable scales while we on the inside were bathed in a warmth of a kind I have never known. There were others, but we were in the center of the coils, as if WE were the powerful beast's coveted trove. I looked at the dragon's head and a voice told me that the dragon was called Tyler. And that he was a legendary dragon with a ferocity unmatched even by the other dragons when those he loved were threatened. They say he has all the power of a dragon king and all the viciousness of an archdemon of pain. I smiled at the dragon and it looked at me and nudged my chest with evident love and affection. Then it used it's long tongue to fondle my naked breasts. Yes, i was naked as well. guess you're kinda an addict. I just smiled as i had never before felt so protected as I did in that dragon's coils. I woke up to see you kissing me with her arm wrapped around me in the same way as it's tail was."

Tyler blinked at the lengthy description.

"Soo, I'm as powerful as a dragon, a sex addict, got the soul of a demon, and build a fanbase.wow."

She smiled at this and kissed him again.

"Something like that. I kinda like the addict part though."

"Wow. we're gonna need a proper bed though."

"I'll manage. My sister owns an inn in the city."


He kissed her again before rolling over to hug Yrisa awake. She giggled as she opened her blue eyes.

"You're warm, Tyler!"

He scooped her up for a tight hug.

"And you're cute!"

She blushed as always and pressed her face into his chest to hide her embarrassement. He stroked her long blonde hair a few times before they left the tent and had fish for breakfast. Then the cart was loaded up and they were moving with Tyler doing the pushing. Lyris was still unable to wear underwear due to her session and was blushing slightly at the new breeze as Yrisa was happily humming beside her. Tyler looking ahead as they went, noting the towers were far closer then yesterday.


Lyris smiled.

"That sounds right. I'll sell the cart and use the moeny to help us."

"I'll take 10 gold, 100 silver and 200 coppers from the treasure chest. Use the rest to get back on your feet."

"You sure?"

He smiled over his shoulder at her.

"You need it more then i do. That black dagger I'll keep as well."

She smiled warmly as Yrisa hugged her.

"Tyler's great."

"Just really, sweetie. He's my One."

"yay! Now he HAS to visit!"

"was gonna."

They laughed at his miffed response as they approached a long line of people and caravans waiting to get into the city. One man laughed as he saw Tyler pushing the cart.

"Make your wife mad, laddee?"

Tyler sighed.

"Bandits. Found her and the cutie under attack by bandits."

The man sighed as well.

"Bad business. My apologies."

"You're good. Those bastards got sent to hell though."

"Good on ya. The cart?"

"Didn't want them to lose everything. Plus, one casualty."

"Oh that poor woman. You got a heart laddee. Don't let it die."

Tyler chuckled at that.

"Oh that died years ago. Now I'm just pretending."

Yrisa giggled.

"He's really nice!"

"Thanks, Sparkles."

The man laughed at that one.

"Sparkles? it fits! Good on ya lad."

The man was next in line for the guard and Tyler looked up at the imposing walls overhead. They towered easily 400 feet above his headand stretched as far as the eye could see in either direction with wallgates like the one they were at scattered here an there. The wallgate itself was also a collassal structure with a portcullis 50 feet wide and was raised 60 feet in the air. The gate had three lanes of traffic; one going in, one going out, and a large 20 foot expanse that had columns of armed men moving in and out clad in full armor or on horses. Tyler then looked back at the guards and noted the crest on the emblem was different from the one on his own shield. The thing being a howling wolf with a moon backdrop while his was the dragon roaring at a field. The man was let in and Tyler rolled the cart up and the guard looked at him.

"Name, business and origin."

Tyler smiled politely.

"I'm Tyler, that Lyris and Yrsia. The ladies are headed to see their sister and bless the woman's child. I'm heading to see the queen about a mold I found. Origins...ladies?"

Lyris smiled.

"The region of Drakon, sir."

The guard looked at Tyler.

"You. Your face bothers me for some reason. have you ever been in the capital before?"

"No sir. Just blew into the country a week ago."

"odd. I could swear to the wing I saw you somewhere."

Tyler smiled a little sheepishly.

"I wouldn't put too much stock into it. It happened so freakin much back home it's not even funny. I shit you not, I once went to a sea port town no less then a thousand leagues from my hometown, and people STILL thought they knew me."

The guard shrugged as he looked closer.

"I guess you just got one o those faces. And your business with the3 queen?"

Tyler lifted the corner oft he mold into view and his eyes widened.

"A royal mold. I see. The queen will be informed. Clear!"

The cart was waved along and Lyris took over navigating as Tyler blinked at the layered city he now stood in. Drako was a massive city built in tiers that rose a story at a time with homes and businesses on each teir leading to the Towers in the center of the city. The road they were walking along was one of the main thoroughfares of the city and was lined with clean cobblestone while on the sides of the street were one story buildings with flat rooves level with the next teir above them with gardens and parks built ontop. The city's teirs were connected by a medium ramp at another set of walls a set distance from the outer walls, but weren't as impressively massive. Them being more or less level with the next teir of the city moving inward. from Tyler's estimate, the city had no fewer then 24 tiers. The result was the upper tiers soaring above their heads in a wal they were visible from any part of the city and allowed for easy navigating since the Towers and Upper Tiers were the exact center of the city. The main thoroughfares led straight from the outer walls to the royal Tower plaza like a spider's anchoring webs. Tyler whistled as they turned a corner off the main route and down a sidestreet on the first tier.

"This is a untakeable town."

The elven lady smiled.

"You have no idea how right you are, Tyler. In all the histor of the city, it has only fallen ONCE, and that was because of a traitor opening the wallgate from the inside. The gates are independent of each other and so recieve different types of support. The higher tiers have everything from catapaults and cannons to ballistae and launchers of magical attacks while the lower tier has hundreds of thousands or knights ready to man her walls."

"And I bet the nobility live in the higher tiers, right?"

"Actually no. They live all over the city as the properties on the higher tiers are open to all. provided you have the coin on hand."


Tyler looked back at the street as they were waiting patiently for a chance to go at an intersection that was crammed by more carts and people on horses. The sidewalks and overhead pathwas were packed to bursting by more people of more races then Tyler had ever seen in more places; elves, humans of every race and color, animal people of every variety, hell even a few reptile people Tyler had never heard of were stridng the stone walkways on their way to whatever. Lyris smiled as he looked around awestruck at the bustling city.

"I can tell you've never been to the big city."

"Oh I have. Just never gets old."

Yrisa giggled at that as they headed along the street with Lyris pointing the way.

"Now take a right here. Go three crossings down and take a left."

Tyler followed her words and in under ten minutes they arrived at the inn in question. The building being a thatch cottage with white paneling interlaced with wooden supports wrapping around the various windows and doors of the homey looking inn. There was a wagon parking section and Lyris smiled as he settled it in.

"I'll see my sister and then we'll take Yorlod to Torsin's Hall."

Tyler nodded and used a knife as a wedge in one of the wheels. She looked at him curiously.

"What's that for?"

He smiled as Yrisa stretched beside him.

"Antitheft trick. They try to move that wagon, the damned wheel'll snap."

"That is so clever and simple i love it."

He smiled as yrisa hustled him to carry her. The little elf loving being tall as lyris led the way inside the inn with Tyler carrying the small elven girl. The first thing that hit the warrior was the scents of meat, firesmoke, pipesmoke, and other such scents of an active inn and tavern. The second thing was the noise as adventurers gambled, bickered, ragged on each other and created general chaos inside the place while other patrons got quieter meals in the far corners away from the more active fighters. The place was open with long trestle tables in the center of the place with blazing fireblaze on either ends of the room and many windows lining the front. In the back of the room was a long bar with various patrons all throwing drinks back while on the right was a set of stairs leading to the upper rooms and on the left was an aisle leading to the bustling kitchens. On the far left were smaller tables for one to 6 people looking to relax after a day's work. Lyris led the way down the middle aisle of the room as Yrisa gulped nervously at the roe. Tyler smiled as he patted her.

"You're okay, Sparkles. I gotchya."

she smiled and pressed her face to his collarbone.


The elven mother walked to the bar where a mountain of a man in grey overalls and a ten shirt was wiping glasses. He had a vivid red beard and hair while his arms were thickly corded from years of backbreaking manuel labor doing whatever it was he did besides serve beer. His eyes were ice blue while the tips of his ears were tipped like razors, declaring him a pure elf while Yrisa's tips were rounder and softer indicating her half elf heritage. The small girl was happy nestled in the warrior's arms as Lryis walked up to the bartender.

"Brock. I made it."

The man looked over and smiled with joy as the blonde was seen.

"Lyris! You made it girl! Was wonderin when you'd get-where's Yorlod? And who is THAT holding me cute granddaughter?"

Tyler blinked at tTHAT claim, and did double takes from Lyris' golden tresses and the man's fire hair. Yrisa giggled as Lyirs sighed sadly.

"we need to talk, granpi. The trail....wasn't good to us."

The man's eyes narrowed dangerously as he now glared at tyler, who locked eyes with him and lifted an eyebrow without fear. That made him smirk.

"You got a spine kid. Come on. Marki!"


Another burly elf appeared from the kitchen, only this time his skin was coal black and his eyes were blood red. Brock nodded at the bar.

"Take over. Something happened to yorlund."

"Got it chief."

Tyler followed the group with Yrisa still happily nestled in his arms into the back of the inn through the kitchen and as they passed a cook putting the finishing touches on a fried bit of fish he smirked.

"Toss a pinch of thyme."

The lady blinked as he said this but obeyed the odd demand. Brock glared at him for the stunt.

"What the ell you playing at?"

"Trust me. You'll see."

Lyris smiled.

"That's Tyler. You get used to it. I think."


Brock noted the look on his granddaughter's face and the tone in bher voice as he led them into a cloth covered room with padded cloth seats around a low to the floor table.

"Weapons on the ground at my table."


The warrior set yrisa on her seat giggling the whole time before he set his weapons beside him in easy reach. Brock then looked the gear over and blinked as he saw the crest on the shield.

"You're a noble?"

Tyler chuckled.

"Not even close. found it in a castle not too far from the road. Maybe half a day's walk. Belonged to the leader. Seems someone had a problem with the place as it was covered in skeletons and even had a few undead walking around."

The red haired elf shrugged.

"There be more lost keeps in Mossilia then actual towns. But not the matter at hand."

Yrisa hopped out of her seat to sit in Tyler's lap all smilesand he chuckled with a hug.

"Next time asik, Sparkles, kay?"{

"But you're fun to bother!"

"Can't argue that. Just know that now I get to bother you."



"Sorry. I'll ask next time."

He hugged her warmly and Brock looked at his granddaughter in disbelief.

"Lyri, what happened?"

She shuddered as she retold of the ambush and Tyler's magical appearnce and rescue. Tyler was playing with Yrisa in his lap as brock sighed once the tale was told.

"I see. Yorlod went to his hunt. And that brave warrior saved you."

Lyris smiled now.

"he has shown me so much kindness, grandpi, even letting s keep the lion's share of the looted coin just to get back on our feet since our entire lives were in that cart. Yrisa adores him too. right sweetie?"

She giggled.

"Yup! He's my big brother!"

He hugged her tightly.

"I got a cutie for a little sister, right Sparkles?"

She blushed as always but smiled anyway.


Brock smiled at the adorable sight.

"Your petname is sparkles?"

"Her eyes sparkle when she smiles."

Yrisa smiled and blushed at the complement and Brock smiled as well again.

"They do indeed, Tyler. I love that name."

Lyris smiled proudly now.

"I chose him as my One, grandpi."

Brocik blinked.


"That was his reaction."

Again she retold of the trip in exacting detail as Tyler just hugged Yrisa. Though Brock blinked once he heard of the dream.

"You're telling me he's got the dragon in him?"

"Not IN him, Grandpi, he IS one. The dragon WAS him. Like a dragon pretending to be human."

Tyler shrugged as Brock looked at him in mild shock.

"I don't screw around when people I love are in danger."

That made him smile approvingly.

"I can respect that. Yet the demon soul worries me."

"I may be a protective dragon normally, but back me into a corner, and all hell breaks loose."

He nodded.

"Again. I can respect that sentiment. Your plans for my daughter and granddaughter? surely you won't be taking them adventuring with you?"

Tyler smiled as he patted Yrisa, making her squeal.

"Once they're set up in town I'll get back to my adventures and pop in every now and then to ruin their week. or however long I feel like it. Places I'll most likely wind aren't nice to cuties liek Yrisa."


"See? Cute!"

Brock laughed at that as yrisa hid her face again.

"Oh she's got you good. Alright kid, I can see the truth from here. Yorlod?"

"In the wagon."

He nodded sadly.

"The family will take him to his Hall. You may be Lyris' chosen One, Tyler, and deserve it you do, but I'm afraid the laying to rest is our task."

Tyler nodded.

"I completely understand. I have some business to handle at the palace anyway. The loot's here, Lyris."

He pulled the sack out and removed 10 gold, 100 silver and 200 copper from it before sliding it over to her. She smiled at this.

"Thanks. Feel free to come back once you're finished."

"I will. Onoly inn I know in town right now. No hustling."

"Dammit.Kid's sharp."

They laughed at Tyler's shutdown and Brock's irritation. Then the big elf smiled.

"You get a room here long as oyu like, Tyler. I cannot thank you enough for saving my girls like you did. And our door is always open to you. and yes we'll always have a room ready for when you blow into town."

"Nice racket. Thanks Brock. You be cute now, Yrisa."

She looked at him,

"You leaving?"

He hugged her tightly.

"I'm not leaving town. Just headed up to the palace. You have some things to handle here. I'm coming back."

"You better."

"Yes Yrisa."

"Good! I'll allow it."

"Wow. You're a little dictator aren;t ya? But you cute so I'll hug you."

She blushed as he did hug her before buckling his gear back on as Lyris and Yrisa went to get a well-earned bath. Once they were gone Brock rose to his full height to look at the boy as he strapped his sword over his shoulder.


"No I did not set them up. No I'm not gonna just disappear. Yes I'll visit frequently, well. Frequent as I can at least. No I won't break their hearts. and yes I'll look after them when in town. I miss any?"

Brock snorted at the rapid fire answers to his about-to-be-asked-questions.

"Nope that covers it."

"No I won't make a mess and I pay."

"There it is."

"And I'm nice to the serving girls."

"You have this talk before haven';t you?"

"Only with a loaded crossbow in my face....by like ten people. Small village you see."

"HA. You know then."

"Yup. We done?"

"Just need to check on that order."

Tyler smirked as they headed to the lady he'd bothered. She smiled as they walked up.

"He loved it. So he got another one."

Brock blinked and Tyler chuckled.

"I got a few things floating around in here. l;ater Brock."

The red haired elf just scratched his hair as Tyler walked out.

"Just who the hell is that kid?"

Tyler walked back to the main thoroughfare whistling before turning to the palace. Something tells me the royals will know EXACTLY what I am. I-oh yeah. I still got that damned crown. Eh. No biggee. I'll give it to yrisa when i leave. Princess of cute, am I right? He smiled, nearly able to hear that scamp's ego trip now. The tall warrior passed through the other wallgates on his walk to the palace taking note the buildings the further in you went became newer and more intricately designed with one building rising a solid 10 stories above the ground with a freakin hole in the middle floor in the shape of a greataxe that airships were flying through on their way to wherever. Tyler then looked at the people around him and noting their attire shifted from leather and cloth to sleek fur and bright satin. HE chuckled at this observation. there IS a large gap from poor to wealthy. Interesting. The lone warrior walked towards the massive Tower in the center of the city and tilted his head back to look up. It being constructed of white marble along the first 60 or so floors before switching to a neon red that only grew the brighter the further up you went. On the ground floor was a large set of double doors leading into the palace with throngs of people moving in or out with lines of armoured knights moving all over the place. Tyler adjusted the sword on his back and headed to the front door whistling. He got in line behind a man in a fur robe and he looked over his shoulder at him,

"My word young man. You are a savage barbarian. Thinking of entering the royal palace in such atrocious attire."

Tyler looked over his shoulder, as if expecting someone to be there before looking down and tilting his head. His hoodie and jeans were still clean despite the fights he'd been in and his shirt still smelled fresh from the laundry he'd done the night before the teleport. So, visibliy confused, he looked at the man.

"what's wrong with it?"

The man pursed his lips at the ignorant man.

"You are indeed a lowly adventurer. You seek to stand before her royal grace looking like some dusty vagabond. How obscene. This is why I can't wiat for his grace to take the throne. He-"

"I'm sorry? I thought this was a matriarchy?"

The man smirked.

"For now. His grace is a most wise ruler and knows her grace's days are limited indeed."

Tyler chuckled now.

"So that's his play? Interesting."

The man frowned as t his tone.

"Speak lad. What do y6ou know?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. maybe. Anyway you'renext."

The man huffed at this and was screened by the guard as Tyler sighed internally. Great. That queen's got the noose around her neck and that king's hand on the lever.


Tyler stepped up and the guard glared at him.

"Name and business before the queen."

"Tyler, sir. I have a mold to return."

"Ah. Go on. She's expecting you."

Tyler walked in and blinked at the layout of the building. The place was merely a set of raised bleachers lined with lavish chairs in which nobles sat in with a long red carpet leading to two thrones set against a massive stained glass window of the crest. Tyler looked around and spotted sets of lifts heading to the higher floors and as he looked up he saw the floos above had crystal colear glass floors. Creating a very disorienting illusion of there being NO floor and people just walking on air.

"Yeah that's gonna screw with me."

He walked along the read carpet towards the thrones lokin the rulers over as he approached. The king was an older man in his late forties with grey black hair and red eyes that had a look of distinct irritation in them and a hint of frustration. Tyler sighed internally again at this. Numbered and the clock is ticking. The man was a full head shorter then he was and considerably rounder then him as well. He was clad in a fine grey robe while one his head rested a crown like the one in Tylers bag only he could tell that one was a replica on sight. Beside him on a higher raised dais sat a truly beautiful woman with vivid silver hair that hung to her feet while her eyes were brillantly shinging emeralds that had an oddly hypnotic effect when looked into. Her skin wa spale and slightly lumionus as well. Her breasts weremassive and swelled the thing gown of white satinshe wore that covered her tall frame. She being a solid 6 feet tall with a circelt of gold on her brow that contained a sparkling sapphire. She sat with her long slender legs crossed in a way that showed off their flawless beauty with her hell clad feet on display as well. Beside her sat another lady with the same features as her mother, only younger with a smaller bust. Tyler walked up to where the rug ended and an announcer stepped forward.

"Presenting the high Queen Vulpine, crown princess Emily of the fair heart, and the king Drakis. Speak your name before the court, traveler, and the reason you stand before the royal family."

Tyler smirked.

"name's Tyler, your elegance. An I found something you might want."

She lifted an eyebrow as he reached intohas bag.

"How refreshing. A straightforward man."

Tyler chuckled as he grabbed the mold.

"I know when I'm outfoxed."

That made her smirk.

"You have no chance."

"Noted. Here you are."

He pulled the mold out and a round of exaggerated gasped went up from the nobility as he held the thing up.

"No clue if it's the real deal or not, but word is you like these things."

Vulpine rose from her throne with an imperious elegnace that made Tyler smirk. Put on a show why don'tcha? The princess was merely observing but Tyler noted a look of excitement on the king's face as the queen decended the steps of her throne with clicking footsteps. What is this? That king.....rigged. He sighed and looked at the mold now.

"Hmm. What then hell?"

The Queen stopped midstep at his confused voice and lifted an eyebrow.

"Something the matter?"

"There's a freakin needle hole in this thing. what the hell?"

The queen blinked and Tyler looked closely,

"It's already gone off! what rhe? Oooh so THAT'S what that was. An I thought it was just a splinter."

He reached around his back and pulled the irritating thing poking into his skin and the queen stepped back once he had it out.

"That's a poisoned needle. That mold was rigged! Alarm!"

Tyler sighed as he tossedthe thing aside and lifted his hands as knights came pouring into the room.

"wasn't me. I got freakin pricked by it."

The queen blinked at that one as the king was sweating bullets.

"and yet you discover this falsehood just now?"

"Once I learned it was royal property, felt best not to screw with it too much. Plus I was kinda busy. escorted an elven family that got attacked by bandits two days out back tothe city."

The queen was looking into his eyes the entire time and nodded as Tyler stood surrounded by spearpoints.

"I see no lie in your eyes. I deem you an unlucky bastard."


The knights took a step back when an old skill in Tyler's arsenal flared up and he blinked.

"Get down!"

The queen reacted like lightning as a crossbow bolt slammed into the spot she'd been standing an instant before. Tyler's sword had cleared it's sheath and his shield slammed into hisoff hand as a group of masked attackers rushed the queen and princess as they retreated in terror as their knights were caught by surprise and overwhelmed. Tyler reahced the ladies first and pivoted to take a stance.

"You, foxy grab the bow and quiver. Aim for the eyes. You, second fox, get down flat and don't move."

He felt the queen take the bow and arrows,

"We live through this, you'll be a hero."

He smirked.

"Nah. Just a lucky bastard."

She smiled at that as the first of the attackers reached him,

"Water slash! Firebolt!"

The dual spells caused a mass of steam to exploded after three men were cut down by the water spell. Tyler rushed then with his shield up, bowling three men over for the queen to dispatch with a trishot of arrows as alarm bells exploded into action throughout the city. Tyler retreated to the spot before the queen and the terrified princess after the rush lost momentum,

"Acid shot!"

There was a low gasp of shock from behind him as he sent a stream of jet black liquid into the faces of four of the masked attackers, and the screaming began whixh Tyler smirked at.


Five more wobbled as the spell disoriented them. Tyler rushed again with his shield before pivoting on a foot in a circle to slash the throats of the stunned before dancing back to defend the queen as she aimed arrows over his back.

"You good, foxy?"

"You're having fun with that, aren't you?"

"I like foxes."

"I'm okay."

"You princess?"

"Yes. Please, be careful."

He smirked and took a fresh stance.

"Take more an these idiots to bring me down."

He rushed again as the remaining ten fighters regrouped,


They blocked his waterspell with their own casting,


"Oh really?"

Tyler slammed his shield into their magic barrier with a ferocious force and the sound it made was like a heavy bell toll as Tyler smiled widely at the ripples.


The firespell turning the air around them into a red tinged dome,

"fire an arrow into the dome, I'll handle it from there."

The queen smiled at the order and took aim with three shafts before firing all three in the same post as Tyler hopped backward, planted his feet and lunged with the tip of the sword impacting the same spot as the arrows at the same time. The barrier shattered and the three shafts took one in the chest as Tyler spun another circle, cutting two throats on his way by,


The survivors wobbled and Tyler killed 6 of them and was moving to the seventh,

"Spare that one. I need answers."


Tyler looked around and saw the room was quiet as the nobles were cowering behind the wall oh heavily armoured knights as they came racing to defend the queen. Tyler shrugged as he swung the blood off his blade.

"Class dismissed."

Vulpine smirked as she handed his bow back.

"It has been too long since I put arrow to bow. I must admit I miss it."

Tyler chuckled as he replaced the quiver on his back.

"You wanna go raise some hell, go for it. what're they gonna do? Tell you no?"

She laughed as he helped emily off the floor.

"You good?"

She smiled with a pale face.

"I am, thank you. are you alright?"

He looked himself over,

"eh. Just covered in blood. That's nothing new. Pro tip? Get a snack of something sweet."


"Yup. Like cookies or something. Helps with the nerves."

She smiled sweetly.

"I will. Thank you again."

He chuckled then looked at the king as he poked his head around the dais.

"Is it safe?"

Tyler sighed as the lone survivor was dumped on the floor.

"Alright. Mind if I get this one?"

Vulpine lifted an eyebrow.

"You'll break him?"

"In record time."

"Now I'm interested."

"So am i."

She smirked at this forward ploy as Tyoler pulled his dagger and walked over whistling to the cowering man on the ground,

"what to do to you? What to do, what to do. eh. Start off simple."

The shaking man looked at him and Tyler smiled widely as he hefted the knife.

"I can smell a lie at a hundred paces. Talk, and I won't skin you alive."

The man shuddered but closed his mouth.

"Oh. Good. I hoped you'd say that."

The man tried to vanish into his mind as Tyler cut his shirt open.


Only for his intrigued noise to send a cold shiver down his spine. There was a heavy tug from his neck and Tyler smiled at the locket he now held.

"She's rather pretty. SHe's just cute."

The man started shaking as Tyler looked at a most intrigued Vulpine.

"I wonder. You think a goblin den would enjoy them?"

The queen blinked. Then smiled wickedly as she saw his train of thought.

"Why go that far? We have a race of trolls that live under the city for just these types of things. And they love our woman immensely. Breeders you see."

"Huh. Think fast."

He tossed the locket to the queen and he looekd back at the horrified man.

"talk. or I'll deliver them to their new lovers myself."

"what the hell are you?"

Tyler smiled a slow, creeping smile and the man shuddered.

"what am I? Ha. I'm a Dragon. Choose. wisely."

The man looked into Tyler's eyes again and he licked his lips.


"Okay! okay! I'll talk! Just get away from me you monster! and leave my girls alone!"

Tyler flipped his dagger laughing to the queen.

"Hook, line, and got em. He's ready for you."

"He's too small for mhy tastes."

"Nice to see some high standards in a high society lady."

She smirked as she strode imperiously down the steps like a tigeress on the prowl.

"I have never heard that one before. Impressive. Now. You. Your purpose."

The man shuddered.

"To kill you and blame it on elahein to let the king ascend the throne."

Tyler frowned.

"The poisoned needle?"

"The first attempt. We were the backup plan."

"Soo the mold was a plant."

"It was. The one that found it would bring it back to the queen and the trigger would fire the poison. You should be dead by now."

"I'm immune to 99% of toxins due to a misshap in my homecountry involving a magical experiment. My shots are dead as well."

Vulpine blinked at this.

"Thank the gods for temples then."

"Right? Thank the gods for idiots that pissed off the wrong donkey."

She smiled at the image he presented before looking back to the man.

"Your reward?"

"An earldom per person, 250,000,000 gold per person, and the pick of the women of the realm."

Tyler was looking at the now white as a sheet king as his plans were laid bare.

"The nobles were in on it as well."

"A few were. i have names."

"And you know so much, because?"

"It was how our company ran. Grunts get the same information asn the leaders so we're all on thye same page."

"I like that system i must admit. Been a part of armies that had no communication besides orders with the top."

Vulpine smiled at that.

"I do too to be honest."

Tyler chuckled at that before frowning.

"Hold up."

He looked at the captive man anew.

"So what you're saying, is the entire first attempt was dependant on some jackass finding the mold, KNOWING what it was, and where to bring it?"

The man nodded.

"Yes sir."

Tyler frowned harder as he looked at the queen.

"That plan has more holes then an active flower girl at a pre wedding party."

Vulpine smirked as Emily blushed at the images conjured.

"Nice image, and you're right."

TYler looked back to the mold now for a switch or trigger.

"Hmm. I am missing something, and I feel like it's right under my nose."

The Queen shrugged.

"A faulty plan?"

"If this were just a mere argument between nobles I'd agree. but to usurp an entire queendom with such a halfcocked scheme? When the ambush woulda done the job anyway? I wonder."

He looked back at the man.

"Were there TWO plots?"

The man gulped.

"There were. Both from the king. The mold and the ambush."

"You're lying."

HE went white as Tyler smiled widely.

"The king alone can't pull off this type a play. Not alone. The nobles helped."

The man was shaking violently as he replied.

"They were. A fair few to be certain. The mold was their idea as they intended to hire an adventurerto retreive it."

"Oh. Okay that makes much more sense. So the king got bought by the more power mad and greedy nobles to off the queen and set up a puppet. Then a Dragon flew into town."

The queen lifted an eyebrow.

"That's twice you've said that."

Tyler smiled as he looked at her.

"I got chosen as an elven beauty's chosen One and in her future dream I was depicted as a Dragon. So I'm running with it./ Plus my shield."

He lifted the golden scaled thing intop view with the crest and the queen gasped in utter shock.

"The crest of the Dragon King! His keep has been lost for close to five eras! Where did you find that? what else was found?"

Tyler shrugged.

"Well. I got a map. I got my sword, shield, all my equipment there. Oh. There was also this skeleton in full gold scale armor. I didn't take it since plate armor's not my style and it had been torn open in the chest. Oh. I also found this."

He lifted te crown into view and the quen went white ashe shrugged again.

"Looked valuable so planned on selling it. But, then I decided to just give it to my elf;s girl. make her day."

Vulpine, and the entire room sank to their knees as the sunlight glinted off the ruby.

"The crown of the Dragon King, at last it has been found."

Tyler tilted his head as even the white faced king was kneeling.

"Ummm. Okay. I'll bite. what the hell is so special about this?"

Vulpine looked up in shock.

"YOu don't know the legend?"

"I'm not from this country. Place I'm from is rather....closed off...to the outside world."

She sighed and got to her feet.

"Somehow that fits more then it should. Don't say it."

"Wow. We think a like."

"Rogue. The legend says whosoever bares the crown of the Dragon King is the rightful ruler of Mossilia. For the crown can only be taken by he who most embodies the dragon King when he lived millienia ago. The Dragon King was a most ferocious fighter and sadistically cruel to his enemies. But, according to the stories passed down by our familes, the most ikind, gentle, outright loving soul to his people and loved ones. He ruled this country for close to 700 years of peace after he forced an era of strife to a close. It is said not even the dragons were a match for his strength as he was that type of legend. Then one day his keep was attacked by a legion of archdemons that broke through the barrier between relams during a Tear. or a hole in the barrier between our relams opens up. They say he an his people fought to the last and slaughtered many archdemons but in the end were overpowered. Even though he died, not a single archdemon was able to escape alive. He killed them all and once an archdemon is killed here on the mortal plane it cannot return for the next 150,000 years. So, for the last 100,000 years, we have walked free from fear of the archdemons. Now it would seem the crown was found."

Tyler looked at the golden circlet curiously.

"Soo, just because I'm holding this thing means I'm some kinda prophecied ruler?"

She nodded with awe in her eyes.

"Indeed. and if the crown chose you, then you must be a truly powerful soul. And i would accept you as the true king."

"Ummm. I'm only 15."

"I'm sorry?"

She looked at him in shock before loooking him from head to toe before looking him in the eye. He shrugged.

"Yeah. 15. People don't live as long in my village for some odd reason. I think it's cause the magic is extremely thin if just not there at all."

The queen held up a glowing hand and became visibly confused.

"Your mana pool is gigantic. Like even bigger then mine. And I spent years growing it. Yet, I feel you're right. It was NOT there when you were born. When did oyu enter the country?"

"Bout...four days back? Yeah that sounds right."

"Who ARE you?"

"Tyler. Beyond that, that's all I know."

She sighed and rubbed her aching head.

"Okay. I've heard of more bizarre things. The matter at hand. The accesnion."

"Can I refuse?"

she blinked and looked at him in shock.

"Do you not want to be king?"

Tyler smiled.

"Not really. Seems a gilted cage. Once I put this thing on, I won't be able to just up and get lost. Sorry. Sitting on a fancy chair isn't in my cards. Here."

He held it to her and she started shaking at this.

"You would turn down a kingship, and offer the power to me?"

"Sure. I don't want it, and you'd make better use of it an I would."

The queen just smiled at rthis.

"You DO embody the Dragon King. He didn't want to be a ruler either."

"Just happened?"

"Pretty much. he saved a princess from a hellish fate and she fell in love with him. He fell in love with her and the story went on."

"Yeah. That'll do it. Sooo. The crown."

The queen smiled as she took it.

"I will only hold it. Because only a man can be the True King. And I want you to don it. That said, I can see the active warrior in your eyes. A future king it would seem."

"That's fair. Maybe in a few decades I'll want to take a crack at you."

She smiled wider now.

"Oh that will happen.....sooner."

"I like this place!"

That got a snort from the gawkers as Tyler looked at the now recovered king.

"Soooo. That guy."

The queen scowled and rounded ont he man in an imperious fury.

"You are sentenced to death. Take him away."

The king tore his sword from a hidden scabbard and lunged at the woman,

"die you controlling, heartless, EVIL bitch!"

"Over here."

Tyler appeared like magic with his golden shield in front of the king, even though he'd been no l;ess then fifteen feet away. The boy tilted his kiteshield to the side and the thrusting swordpoint deflected harmlessly off the center boss, leaving the pale faced king wide open for Tyler's longsword to stab him in the stomach and out his back. TYler smiled widely,

"Where I come from, people like you are always second fiddle to people like me. An I'mma enjoy that wife a yours."

The king died in a fury at the taunts as Tyler tore the blade free with a grin. Vulpine smirked,

"Oh really?"

"Sooner or later."


"I like beauties. and foxes too. Can you really blame me?"

That made a few ladies in the room snort and Vulpine sighed while rubbing her head.

"I can see the type of king you'd be right now. A love addicted rogue. All I'll say: You better be good at it."

"I'll show ya later."

"Okay. I opened that door."

Tyler smiled at her mild irritation as he flicked the crown off the dead king's head onto the hilt of his sword.

"Be careful with open doors. Never know what'll come to say hi."

He walked over as The silver haired queen smiled at that wisdom.

"So true. You saved me and my daughter's life and our queendom. And you have a claim to be king as well. I-what the?"

Tyler looked over his shoulder to see the king rising from the ground with now yellow skin. He sighed.

"I shoulda seen that coming. Undead. I got it."

He walked over with a look of boredom as the thing lifted the sword,

"Acid touch, stun, stun, and stun."

The thing fell to the floor under the rapid spells and Tyler stabbed it in the heart before crushing the thing's skull.

"Pff. I hate these things."

The kind disintegrated to dust and Tyler looked at the white faced room.

"Clear. Just a draugr."

The queen blinked.

"That was a revenent."

"Wait. For real? You sure?"

She nodded as he looked at her confused,

"When a person dies in the grip of intense anger or jealousy, their spirits become twisted and refuse to go to Death as intended. They become the revenent and are one of the stronger forms of undead in the world."

"Ummm. what the hell? I killed two a those things when i found my blade, and they put up the same amount of fight."

A man in a white robe stepped forward and held a glowing hand to the dust remains.

"Milady. The Warrior speaks truth. This was merely a lesser draugr. How he knew that on sight is beyond me. But it be truth."

Tyler smiled as he sheathed his blade over his back.

"The skin was a giveaway. Yellow is usually the draugr's rot. Less skin and more bone, more powerful the undead. Rule a thumb."

The priest blinked.

"By the Light. If that be truth, then a pattern has been discovered for the most unpredicable creatures we face. Milady. I must take my leave. I must consult the Archives."

The man bowed and left in a hurry as Tyler looked back at the queen.

"Okay. Now what? Oh. I'm taking this."

He took the king's sword and the queen laughed.

"You are hearby named the King to be. And such ALL his possesions are yours to do with as you see fit. Until the day you seek to don the crown, as is your right, it will be waiting. You may also claim the queen or princess as your first wife."


He looked over at this one and she laughed.

"You just thought it'd be a one night thing didn't you?"

"Kinda. Marriage wasn't a thing in my village as it ruined relationships. And was the cause of more murders then even money."

That made her lift an eyebrow.

"In Mossilia, it be a more a pact to stay together. And since you're a chosen One for an elf, you'll appreciate the fact you can play still. So long as I get the seeds. Or Emily."

Tyler looked at the princess and she blushed as he did. Then he noted a bead of cold sweat on her forehead as if scared to be chosen. He looked at the queen.

"Nifty place this. I choose you, my Queen."

Emily deflated from relief as Vulpine smiled.

"Then it is settled. And YOU are going to prove your mettle later tonight."

"I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow."

She frowned.

"Why's that?"

He smirked.

"Cause walking won't really be an option."

That made her smirk knowingly.

"We'll see about that. I'm not the most....easily....pleased."

"I'm an addict."



The queen then smiled eagerly as Tyler looked at the blushing princess and the queen lifted an eyebrow,

"No others the first night."

"Wow. Cool. sooo, now what?"

She sighed and sat on the throne.

"For now I have a purge to undertake. Your tasks?"

He smiled.

"I'm gonna go check on my little sister. After that? See if there's an adventurer's guild in town."

The queen removed a large key from her gown and tossed it to the warrior, who caught it easily.

"That is the key to your chambers. And mine."

"I'll break in frequently."

"Ha. I now have other matters to attend."

"Make em sweat."

He walked away whistling as the queen sent her loyalist knights on a hunt for any coconspirators in the city. Tyler shook his head as he walked along the street. What. The fuck just happened? I go to turn in a mold, and wind up saving the queen, princess, Queendom, killing the king, TWICE, and now I'm married to the queen? And I'm a chosen king? What the fuck is wrong with this world? That typa bullshit takes weeks usually. Ugh. Go with it. Vulpine's hot, Emily's gorgerous, I'mma ruin the queen tonight, I got an elf lover, and my little sister's an elven cutie. Not bad for day three! Chuckling at his own joke the warrior returned to the inn just in time to meet Lyris and Yrisa at the front door on their way on. The blonde mother smiled happily as he walekd up.

"Tyler! I guess it went smoothly?"

"You are not going to believe this bullshit."

Yrisa giggled and pounced on him,

"Big brother!"

"Hey Sparkles. I got a tale to tell."


The now curious group headed inside and Brock brought them to the backroom where Tyler explained his visit. They just looked at him as he finished.

"So in the space of three hours, I discovered a plot to kill the queen and princess, saved them, outted and killed the king, was found to be carrying a prophecied crown, got named a king to be, married said queen and will ruin her later, and here we are."

Yrisa giggled.

"You're a king?"

He shrugged as Brock and Lyris looked at each other in utter shock.

"Lyirs, who is this kid?"

"I have no idea. we met on the road, remember?"

There was a squeal and they looked to see Yrisa getting mercilessly tickled by the tall warrior with a smile on his face. Lyris just sighed and smiled fondly.

"I guess he's just that type of adventurer, Brock. The one that finds legends and priceless treasures with soulcrushing ease."

Tyler smiled as he hugged Yrisa tightly.

"I found you two, didn't I? Priceless treasures indeed."

The two girls smiled warmly at that while Yrisa blushed. Then she looked at him,

"if you're a king, does that make me a princess?"

He tilted his head.

"Huh. Good question. Vulpine knows you claimed your One, lyris. Not sure how that translates though. Eh. I'll ask her later."

Lyris smiled.

"It's common for the more.....desirable men....to have multiple lovers in Mossilia. Since I'm an elf and chose you, and you chose the queen, basically yes, it makes Yrisa a princess of sorts. But the Queen has to recognize it before it's official."

Tyler smiled.

"Princess Sparkles. I can hear it now."

Yrisa blushed before smiling.

"Big brother's great!"

He rubbed her hair fondly as he looked at Lyeris.

"Vulpine said no extras thye first night."

"Oh my."

She gulped at the implications of the NEXT night. Tyler chuckled.

"I'm an addict remember?"

"Oh damn."

He laughed as yrisa enjoyed her snuggle before Tyler looked at Brock.

"where's the local adventurer's guild?"

He sighed and wrote some simple directions on a piece of paper.

"Here kid. To think, me girl's got the future king as her chosen. and me granddaughter's got him wrapped around her little finger."

Tyler shrugged.

"She's cute so I allow it."

"Hey! You love me!"

"Everyone loves you, Yrisa. You cute."


She blushed at this and reacted as always. By pressing her face into his chest to hide. Tyler smiled.

"I'll go join the guild now. You two okay?"

Lyris smiled warmly.

"The blessings were made and Yorlod is hunting with his ancestors. I felt his presence and he was able to impart a message. He said I found my True Husband and that I will be forever happy now. Oh. And that Yrisa's going to be a most indomitable woman with YOUR influence."


"My reaction exactly kid."

Then Lyris smirked.

"He ALSO said he hates you. Since, ya know, better and bigger."

"HA. In yo FACE."

The room laughed at this and Tyler set Yrisa on her own cloth seat.


"I came to check on you, Sparkles. I got a few more things to hyandle."

"Ugh. Fine."

He ruffled her hair fondly, making her squeal before Lyris came over with a warm kiss.

"He also endorsed my choice."

Tyler smiled as he stroked her blonde hair.

"I'll look after you."

She smiled.

"I know you will. My Dragon."

"My elf. I'll come up with a better one later."

"Ha. Gon you arrogant prick."

He kissed her again and walked out chuckling as Brock sighed.

"Lyris, that is a terrifying kid. But also a wonderful man as well."

Tyler walked along the main thoroughfare of the city whistling as he followed the directions Brock gave hi,. Okay. Take a left here. Four streets done, and it's the longhouse looking thing. Oh. That's gotta be it. The warrior looked at the great longhouse that served as Mossilia's adventurer's guild curiously. It being three football fields long and five stories tall made it an imposing structure. The thing was constructed from dull brown wooden paneling and he could see a vast number of multicolored shields on each panel to create a kalediscope of colors and reflections as the sun hit them. Tyler walked over to the side of the longhouse looking at the shields curiously.

"Ha. You must be new here."

He looked over to see a barrel chested dwarf not even half his height smirking at him with twinkling black eyes set into a wrinkled face. The dwarf's skin was cracked from years in harsh weather and his body thickly corded from his ardourous lifestyle. The shorter man's hair was snow white and he was garbed in full plate armor with a dwarven greatsword on his back. Tyler chuckled as he jabbed a thumb at the shields.

"Wall of the fallen?"

The dwarf thumbed him on the back with a hearty laugh.

"More or less kid! Thems be the heroes' shield wall. Those adventurers that accomplished some great feat or died a warrior's death get a shield added to the wall in their honor. That they might continue to defend even after being felled."

"Huh. I die make me into a spear. They'll still get me point!"

That made the dwarf bust up laughing.

"Ya got fire kid. A rare thing these days. You looking to join the guild?"

"That's the current pain in the ass. There a trick to it?"

That put a smirk on the dwarf's face.

"A test of arms actually."

"A deathmatch?"

"If ya can't control yerself."

"I like the way this place thinks. I'll go pick a fight."

"Ha. You'll go far with that atitude. I be Rocklic Stonemaster. You?"

"names Tyler the Dragon."

"Ha. And how did you get that kinda title?"

TYler showed his shield.

"Me shield's got a dragon it. Good enough."

The dwarf blinked.

"The Dragon King's shield. By my beard."

TYler chuckled as he slung it back.

"Nice meeting you Rocklic. I'mma go start a fight."

The dwarf just gaped at the kid wielding the shield of a legend as he walked in. Tyler blinked as the thick scents of roasting meat assailed him the moment he walked in through the double doors of the guildhall. The place was also loud like an indoor tailgate rally which made the warrior smirk. The place was packed solid with all mannor of adventurers. Some 7 foot tall barbarians in fur armor wielding weapons the size of Tyler, others dwarves half his height in full plate armor belting out drinking songs while piss drunk themselves. Others were elves sipping some drink in light mail or leather armors as they kept tot hemselves while animal people of every variety garbed in every variety of armor wielding all types of weaponry mingled seamlessly. Humans were also present and Tyler more or less ignored them as normal humans were boring compared to everyone else. The place had a long line of trestle tables with games of chance, of strength and skill and even a few courage underway among the other adventurers as serving girls walked around in skimpy outfits with drinks and food on trays for hungry adventurers. Tyler smirked as an overly friendly man with white wolf fur ears and a tail took the liberty of slapping the ass of one such girl with evident admiration; only to have the girl turn around and hit him in the face with a straight right so hard he was knocked the fuck out! Tyler whistled at that. Note. To. Self. do NOT piss off the barmaids here. She's got a helluva ri8ght though. He looekd around and noticed a large borad at the far end of the hall a good thirty feet long and five high plastered with hundreds and hundreds of flyers and posters for various hunts, raids, requests, and marks for tasks. Hello meal ticket. Okay. Step one. He looked around and spotted a booth at with a smirking woman sitting inside it by the door. So he walked over. The lady had seaweed colored eyes and vivid green hair while her skin was smooth and dappled as well with tan and white splotches. Her bust was large while her outfit was a mere cutdown tunic for her arms and midriff while for pants she merely wore shorts and seemed to be barefoot. She smirked as he approached.

"Oh great. Another wanna be hero. Welcome to the Mossilia adventurer gui;d My name's weed. You'll be dead within a week."

"Noted. I'm Tyler the Dragon. Lookin to join."

She snorted.

"You? A dragon? Whatever kid. A fancy title won't get ya far. If you seek to join you have to prove your strength of arm."

He chuckled at her utterly disinterested voice.

"Challenge accpeted. So who is it?"

She sighed and slid a paper over.

"The names with skulls are deathmatches. More skulls, more powerful."

"Neat. This guy's got five."

"That's Martland Spiritbreaker. He likes killing rookies in fights."

"His weapon of choice?"

"A mace and wall shield."

"Nifty. he'll fit the bill."

"And you'll be dead."

"Least you won't have to look at me anymore."

She smirked ever so slightly.

"A bonus. When can you fight?"

"right now."

"Very well."

She sighed and hit a switch on the side of her booth.

"Spiritbreaker. Got a rookie with a deathwish."

"HA. I love that salt."

He looked over at the now placing bets guild as a tall man in light chainmail armor wielding a mace shaped after a falcon head and a shield emblazoned with a tiger on the boss approached. He was Tyler's height but more wiry with brown skin and blue eyes. he smirked as he saw the teenager looking him over.

"Och. You laddee? Heh. Seems a bit young to be throwing away your life."

Tyler smirked.

"Take more an you to kill me. So. Here or ya gotta ring?"

The man smiled and Tyler noted he was missing teeth.

"A fiery one. or ya just cocky. The ring be there."

Tyler walked over whsitling like he just didn't give a fuck to a large sandpit the guild used for sparing and took a spot at the far end as Martland walked to the side opposite him. The warrior tilted his head.

"I cna loot this guy after, right?"

The others chuckled.

"Ya can if that get that far!"

"Ole Martland's undefeated."

"Ya got a deathwish kid."

"And he won't be the one to grant it. Now then. Any rules I should know of?"

Martland pulled the mace from his belt and took a stance with the mace off to the side in full view.

"Only one that matters: Win."

Tyler drew his sword and pulled his smaller kiteshield from his back grinning.

"I can do that."

He struck his own stance with the tip of the sword behind the shield with a leaning stance and the boss on full display. A few dwarves and elves gasped as they saw the dragon boss but Martland frowned as he saw the stance. The green haired lady pulled a black coin from her pocket and with a bored expression flipped it. The thing flew into the air and shattered with a snap. Tyler didn't move as Martland rushed him with a furious speed with his bigger shield ike a battering ram. Tyler merely held his ground smiling like it was another day at the office as the man barreled down on him. Martland was thrusting with his shield when Tyler smirked,


The man tried to recoil and retreat from the sure-to-be-a-trap stance but Tyler merely lunged forward from his leanign stance top nudge the man off balance. the golden scale shield moved in a sweping manner that swept the now falling man's shield aside and he thrust with his longsword with practiced ease.


Only for the cowardly Martland to cast a spell out of pure desperation and lock Tyler in place as he blinked in surprise.

"Well this is new."

The hall was now full of boos and calls of coward as Martland got back to his feet grinnign with an assured smugness as Tyler was still frozen in place like a statue.

"You cocky arrogant kid. Thinking you can bring me down. i am the spiritbreaker!"

"Good for you. I don't care."

The hall snorted att he retort as Tyler tried moving his arms and found he had just the slightest wiggle room as Martland walked towards him grinning like a happy idiot.

"You nearly had me. Too bad I'm faster then you."

"Least I don't have to resort to a coward's trick. Paralyze. Really? Musta scared you more an I thought."

The other adventuers were chuckling at the taunts and Martland gritted his teeth as he lifted his mace.

"I still won though."

"You pissed yourself, didn't you?"

He went red in the face with wrath as the others all laughed, when a lady's voice was heard.

"Look at the floor! he did!"

There was a noticeable puddle on the floor of sand where martland had fallen and the hall lost it laughing at the now humilatedman as Tyler sniffed the air.

"Oh gods that is foul. Please tell me you didn't shit yourself too?"

The hall was fighting for breath as martland now wore a look of pure murder as he took a two handed grip on his mace.

"I am a legend! I'm the Spiritbreaker!"

"I'm The Dragon. I win."

The room laughed at that one as Martland brought the mace down. Only,

"Acid touch."

A gout of acid flew from his mouth to hit the man in the chest; sending him screaming to the floor in agony breaking the weakening paralyze spell. Tyler walked over chuckling as he lifted his own sword after releasing his spell.

"People like you will always play second fiddle to people like me. Why is that? Heh. I got a spine. Allyou will ever have, is your hand."

The man screamed as Tyler stabbed him in the face. The warrior then stepped back as the guidl recovered.

"Ten gold says he comes back as a draugr."

A few laughed and ten voices were heard.

"Show usthe gold kid,"

So he put the ten disks on a nearby table and ten more laid their ten beside it. Then Tyler held up a hand,

"5...4....3...2....1...and SNAP."

He snapped his fingers and the dead guy sat up. The other adventurers blinked at this and Tyler walked over whistling.

"You things are really freakin predictable."

He stabbed it in the heart and it faded to dust.

"Dust to dust bitch."

The hall looked at him and he smirked.

"I win."

The losers grumbled as he walked away 100 gold richer. Tyler smiled as Weed walked over.

"Your strength is proven. And so is your mind oddly enough. Your brand."

"Helluva way to mark your territory, but hey I don't judge."

She slumped as he lifted his shirt.

"Great. ANOTHER roguish hero."

She stamped his shoulder and Tyler smiled as he nodded at the job board.

"Sooo that."

weed smirked.

"Go crazy. One bill per raid to start. Take the one you think you'll die to and I'll stamp it before you head out. nay loot obtained by hunts and bills is oyur to claim and same with the reward. try not to blow it all on one whore, okay?"

"Sooo you're expensive?"

She slapped him as the other men snorted.

"Fuck you."

"Sure. Got a spot?"

The men were laughing at the bewdy jokes as Weed pulled the mace off the ground and waggled it threateningly.

"I am going to hit you so hard with this, all that'll be left is a msear."

"Okay now you're just settin me up."

The woman had a look of pain on her pretty face as he took the mace now.

"words cannot describe how much I hate you right now. Go die to a bunny."


He looked the other loot from Martland over and found the spells.

"paralyza, stun, got that already, Hm? Mist shot? Okay. A bow spell that lets you shoot an arrow of mist in place of an actual arrow. power based on mana pool. Scary. and last is...HA. get this, Stallion's boost."

The hall laughed again as a lady's voice was heard,

"That explains so much!"

Tyler looked at the man beside him,

"Here. All the you can get, the better."

"I hate you so much. it works on women too."

"Bigger rack?"

"And better puss."


That made the men snort as a few ladies lifted eyebrows at his newfound joy. One tossed a mug at him

"And just WHO are you thinking a lad? We're just fine!"

"Agreed. But I got an elf that would love it."

He added the thing to his pack as an elf walked over now to glare at him.

"Oh really? YOU got an elf?"

"Umm. Yeah. She picked me as her chosen One after her husband was killed in a bandit raid I saved her from."

The elven lady blinked.

"Her name?"


"Brock's girl?"

"Umm. Yeah. You know her?"

The elf had a sword to his throat now.

"She's my sister."

He blinked and looked at her for real now. She was half a head shorter then he was with fiery red hair that dropped to her waist and glowed like the stuff. Her eyes were ice blue while her skin was fair with a yellow twinge that added a hint of exotic elegance to her frame. her bust wasn't as large as Lyris' double Ds but still an impressive C while her outfit was a set of tight fitted leathers of green and brown. Her ears were tipped like razors denoting her full elf blood. She was barefoot and on her back was a large bow made from a white bone of some kind with arrows in her quiver tipped with shark's teeth. Tyler tilted his head now at the angry elf,

"what's your name?"

She gritted her teeth and he noted they were pointed.

"Feria Fire's Mate. Was. It. Willing?"

"Ya know what? Go ask her yourself. She's at Brock's with Yrisa. I'm not going anywhere."

"I will do that. If she's not RAVING,"

"You'll set me on fire. I know, I know."

She smirked at this and sheathed her sword. The fire haired elf went to walk away,

"Oh. When you see Yrisa, call her sparkles. Watch the glow."

Now she had a look of murder in her eyes as she glared at him.

"If SHE is not raving, everyone will skin you alive."

"Ha. You an I both know she'd do it for kicks."

"Okay you got me there. what, hey!"

She glared at him a moment longer before walking out for her interrogation. Tyler chuckled before heading over to the job board. Okay. I got 110 gold, 100 silver, 200 copper. I need to get a feel for the monsters and jobs for tomorrow after I plant the queen. He walked along the board whistling looking at the requests for merchant escorts, hunts for monsters, delivery jobs, and even a few bounty posters. Tyler was walking when a bill caught his eye and he smirked once he saw the creature's magically taken image.

"A Tyrant. 100 gold for the kill? I can hunt a T-rex in my sleep. Need a decent spear though."

There was a snort from beside him and he looked to see a tall woman with black hair and yellow eyes grinning at him.

"You think killing a Tyrant is a one man job rookie?"

"Sure. Just gotta know what the hell you're aiming for. Things were everywhere back home so we got good at killing em. See here?"

He pointed at the two tiny arms on the dinosuar.

"just behind them is the heart. If head on, duck under the jaws on the intial lunge. the sheer weight of the head will drag the animal forward further then it intended and for a moment it'll completely lose you. Plant your feet and use a lone spear to stab here. Done right, you hit the heart AND a lung. Then use the falling momentum of the animal plus a yank to the opposite direction of the fall to tip it onto it's side. Then bam. Tyrant steak."

The lady just looked at him.

"Ifyou miss?"

"You die."

That made her chuckle as he looked at her. She was a tall woman with raven colored hair and pale skin that was faintly luminous too. Her eyes were a vivid yellow and she had a set of three claw mark scars on her cheek giving her good looks a more dangerous feel while her bust was large but well protected by her sleeveless breastplate of a reddish metal. Her arms were bare and well toned from her life of an adventurer. She had a pair of tan pants reinforced by thin bits of a brightly polished silver metal. She too was barefoot for some reason and for weapons she had a long spear of red wood that was tipped with a blue metal. She also had a bow made from another type of bone with a string of blood red material. her arrows were tipped with shards of some kind of metal while a pair of leaf bladed shortswords hung from her hips. She smirked at his not-hidden-at-all look over.

"I hate men."

"Nice to see standards are big in this city."

"Ha. Okay I like you. I'm Mera,."


"That sucks."

"It does. What's your best kill?"

she smirked and rubbed her cheek.

"A werewolf."

"Ah. Explains the eyes. It pass?"

She blinked then smiled.

"It did. It's fun."

He chuckled.

"I bet it is. My best kill is a draugr."

"Really? Not bad for a rookie. well. I got a job. Later Tyler."

"Sure. See ya Mera."

She grabbed a bill and headed out as Tyler looked back at the board. I'll go get the rest of my gear situated and have Vulpine before I get to it. He headed to the door and Weed smirked.

"Scared already?"

"Need a tent dammit. YOU need a good bed."

That one made her grit her teeth as he walked out. Only to meet Feria as she was returning. The fire haired elven lady smirked as he walked out.

"Leaving so soon?"

"nah. Need some good camping gear before I get going."

"Nice excuse. I talked to Lyris."

He tilted his head.


feria pulled a dagger from her belt and flipped it to him,

"A reminder. That I'm watching. And Sparkles suits her. They ADORE you. And the general store's over there."

"Thanks, Feria."

He sheathed the leaf bladed dagger in his belt and she walekd in,

"I'm curious too. She told me everything."

"I plan to take a job tomorrow. Want in?"

"I'm headed out today sadly. Next time."

"I'll look forward to you."

She smirked and they were moving. Tyler headed to the large windowed shop that Feria said was the general store whistling as he went. The place being a two story building with a tan panel finish and glass set of double doors. The warrior walked in...to a robbery in progress as the man running the shop was being held at arrowpoint by one man as another loaded coin and goods into a sack. Tyler smirked.

"Paralyze. Stun."

The archer was frozen in place holding his arrow as his accomplice was fozen in place for a moment that allowed Tyler to knock him out cold before snapping the arrow and cuting the string on the bow. The shopkeep smiled as he saw the mess was over. he was an older gentlemen in his late fifties with white hair and mustache. He was clad in a overall and tan shirt shopkeep outfit and Tyler whistled for the town guard. They arrived a few minutes later and he jabbed a thumb at the two idiots.

"walked in on a robbery. He's paralyzed and that guy's out cold."

The guards laughed and Tyler looted the men before they were dragged away once he released the spell. The shopkeeper sighed with relief as he replaced everything taken in the proper place.

"Thankee kindly adventurer. Ruffians today. No respect. I am Yorland Whitemane. How can I repay you?"

Tyler smiled.

"Need a decent tent for hard travel."

That man's blue eyes lit up twinkling as he plyed his craft.

"How many people?"

"For now, just me. But make it a twofer."

"HA. Aye lad. That un there be of good quality."

Tyler took the canvas thing down and smirked.

"Water proof, cut proof, wear resistant, and warm to boot. How much?"

"As repayment for the aid."

"Not needed, but very much appreciated. Alright. Now just need the other gear."

The man nodded.


"I'm new in town, so 1 full gold?"

The man chuckled.

"You want quality. I canr espect that. 20 silver would be the highest quality I have."

"Ah. we'll go with that."

The man vanished into his shop as Tyler poked around the shop looking at various goods for sale when he noticed a small box with paper slips on it like spells. Curious he looked at them. Great Slam? A two handed weapon ability that triples the strength of an attack for one hit. Cooldown is 15 seconds and the icon is a slamming hammer. woah. weapon skills. Jackpot. He flipped through until he found one, deep slash. Doubles the cutting power of a one handed longsword for two hits. Cooldown is 15 seconds and the icon is a wet sword. Cost is 30 coppers. next is a shield skill....got one. Bulwark. a passive skill? Okay. Increases the force needed to break the block with a shield by 25%. A warhammer would have to hit you a quarter harder for the shield to be knocked aside. My shield style is more of deflecting them straight up blockin. But a good one none the less. Oh here we go. Shield smash. When bashing with a shield, the impact is doubled to that of a one handed mace. and it's a passive skill? 50 coppers. I am so taking those. He set the two skills on the counter as Yorland came back with a higher quality backpack made form grey leather and had more pockets in easy reach. The thing even had a wooden fram around the partt hat rested on the back for weapons and canteens. Yorland also had fishing gear, some space saving cookware that fit into itself, a few waterproof boxes of matches, a fire lighting crystal, four 50 ounce canteens, and various seasonings for cooking in the field. He's also included a fishing rod and bait. Tyler smiled as he placed the 20 silver, 80 coppers on the counter.

"Thanks, Yorland. You buy pelts and the like?"

The man smiled.

"I do. Pay based on quality and cut."

"Noted. Thanks again."

Tyler loaded his new backpack right there and sold the old one for 5 coppers back. Then he shoulderedthe thing.

"Lighter an my old one. what the hell?"

Yorland chuckled.

"It's an enchanted backpack, lad. Holds close to 50 pounds of gear alone. And up to 750 pounds of goods alone. and when full it'll weigh as much as that shield does."

"Yikes. That's a nasty trick. I love it. See ya next time."

"Take care now."

Tyler walked out doing some math in his head. Okay. I had 10 gold, 100 silver, 200 copper. I made 100 gold off that bet in the hall so I had 110 gold, 100 silver, 200 copper. I spent 20 silver, 80 copper. So I have 110 gold, 80 silver, 120 copper. He looked at the sky throughthe towering skyscrapers and smiled at the darkening sky. I'll go let Yrisa and Lyris know I'm in the queen tonight. Then see about cleaning up before heading over. The plan made the warrior headed back to Brock's inn. He walked in and smiled as he saw Yrisa bouncign around the dining hall bringing meals and drinks on trays to the patrons and getting large tips for her cute. Lyris was also moving around the room with trays getting large tips as she worked her elven good looks. He walked over and the blonde cutie squealed as he did.

"Big brother!"

"Hey Sparkles."

she got a hug as Lyris walked over smiling.

"You here for me?"

"I got invited by the queen."

"Wow. You work fast. Need to clean up?"

"I'd like to pretend to care."

Brock sighed.

"There be one open."

"Thanks, Brock."

Tyler headed to the room in question with Lyris smiling as escort. The warrior smiled as he stripped before getting into the hot water.

"Ohh. Better."

His clothes were put into a magic cupboard for cleaning and Lyris stripped as well to join/help him clean up. He smiled as she drapped herself across his body to kiss him as she got to trimming his rather scraggly brown hair.

"How doyou usually like it/"

"Hmm. You know the term buzz cut?"

"I do. Thin?"

"it grows fast and is freakin irritating when it does."

She smiled and got to work as he enjoyed her body on his. The bath being merely a massive hole in the floor with stone benches around the rim with on reclined in the water for relaxing. He smiled as she moved across him to reach a better spot offering her large nipple for a kiss, which he gave. She shivered.

"I love that. but not a good idea when I'm holding scissors."

"Noted. So. Feria."

Lyris laughed as she worked.

"She's my older sister. Intense ain't she?"

"Just a bit. why's she a fire head and you wearing gold?"

"Our mother had red and blonde hair. Like a mix."

"Ah. That's kinda cool."

"She's a great beauty of an elf. Sadly she's been out traveling the world these last few decades so you won't get a chance to meet her anytime soon. She'll send money from her adventurers and gifts for Yrisa to let us know she's not dead yet."

he stroked her soft back and she purred.


"Sure. Tonight?"

She smiled knowingly.

"I'm having my first lady tonight. That black haired girl you gave the advice to."

"wow. Score for you. Enjoy."

"I will. You as well."

He smiled as they cleaned him up and when he was clean he slid a gold coin into her tunic between her massive breasts.

"Keep em perky."

She laughed.

"Get out you rogue. An I will!"

"Oh. Look. I found this."

He showed her the spell and she smiled.

"You dirty, dirty man. I love you. And can I borrow that?"

He slid it into her shirt as well>

"Keep it."

"Bastard. You're going to ruin my night!"

he chuckled and got dressed before kissing her again.

"I'll see ya in the morning, Lyris."

She laughed and headed out. Yrisa was giggling as a lady with a bushy foxtail patted her as he walked up.

"Hey Sparkles. I'm headin to the palace tonight. Work that cute, okay?"

She smiled and got a warm hug.

"I will. This is fun!"

"You're cute. that's why."

she blushed and the others chuckled warmly. Then he smioled at the other patrons.

"don't make her mad. Okay?"

He smiled wider, and a cold shiver went through the entire room.

"Or I'll ask you why. we clear?"

A mass of heads nodded nervously at the radiating coldness seeping off the smiling boy. Tyler patted Yrisa again and she giggled before walking out. Brock shuddered as he looked to his smiling longingly daughter,

"He really DOES have a demon soul!"

Tyler walked to the palace feeling refreshed from the bath and Lyris. The warrior whistling with an extra spring in his step as he went into the palace without having to talk to the guards. The mess had been cleaned up and Vulpine was sitting on her throne with crossed legs. Emily was also present and she smiled as he approached.

"I took your advice and felt much better after. Thank you."

He smiled.

"Sure. Be amazed how far a little sugar can get you."

He looked at Vulpine now.


She smirked.

"Very much so. I trust you bathed?"

"Just before I came here."

"Good man. I was about to order you to."

"Oi. I got standards too. They may not be high but I got em."

She uncrossed her long legs and decended the stairs like before and took his arm.

"Hmm. More muscle then i9 expected."

"I hope you're ready for this."

She smirked.

"That's my line. Come on. Emily. Verlia is waiting for you in your chamber."

"Yes Mother."

The princess left with evident excitement and Vulpine led him to an elevator behind a stone panel. She sighed with relief once the door shut and kicked out of her heels. Tyler smiled sympathetically as she rubbed her sore heels.

"You okay?"

She smiled warmly.

"I am. Just them thing hurt after spending all day in them."

"I can help with that."

"Oh really?"

"Fair warning, I spoil my girl."


He smiled at her now nervous tone before she sighed.

"I saw how you looked at my daughter when i named her among your rewards."

He looked ather curiously.


She looked him in the eye.

"Why didn't you choose her?"

"Because she didn't seem to WANT to. You seemed to want it more then she did."

She blinked.

"That's it?"

He looked at her visibly confused.

"That's all I need."

The queen smiled with relief.

"Again. No lie. I see we were rescued by one with a real heart. emily is not interested in men. We tested this with a willing partner and she was disgusted by his member to the point of vomit. If she were to take a husband, he'd have to rape her for her to produce an heir."

Tyler sighed.

"Yeeah. NO. She's not getting forced into a living hell. Period."

Vulpine smiled with a vicious determination now.

"I cannot agree more. She is a most gentle and loving girl too. I only ask when that you seek out a temple in a few hyears to fulfill your own duty now."

"Sure. For the sake of clarity though, I don't WANT kids."

She smiled at him now.

"I understand. A warrior's heart. When the day comes to pass, I'll take care of it."

"Alright. Oh. The elf that chose me."

The silver haired beauty smiled.

"I think I know where this is going. What's her name?"


"Brock's girl?"

He chuckled.

"Guess she's that kinda popular. The one and the same."

He retold the tale and Vulpine sighed once she heard it.

"That poor girl. So young. Bu at least she met you. Yrisa is so sweet. You want her brought intothe royal family/"

"She IS my little sister now."

"Emily will ADORE her! I'll make it official tomorrow. IF I can still walk."

He patted her back,

"You won't."

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him. The horny man giving it right back to thebeautiful queen and her eyes went wide as he got his tongue involved. Then he LET her go to smile as she panted for breath.

"How's at?"

She smiled weakly.

"Oh dear."

The lift stopped and the doors opened to a large carpeted hallway without guards that the barefoot queen led him down. Tyler leering at her round ass through her silver gown making her squirm withevery step as they walked. They came to a large set of red handled door and she smiled.

"MY chambers."


She opened the door and he blinked at the layout. The room was a massive open design with a wraparound balcony on all sides. They were at the very top of the tower and he whistled at the late day view of the distant landscape. there were small dips in the floor with red velvet couches around a logfire in the middle with more vlevet foot rests by the flickering flames. One one side was a full bar with kitchen behind it made form white granite and marble. Tyler then looked to the other side and smirked at the large steaming hot tub for two set in a corner of the room with a clear view out the seamless wraparound window. Vulpine smiled as she nodded to another section around a large panel.

"My bed."

"You need to clean up. An I wanna show you something."

She frowned at this demand but sighed.

"I guess that's fair."

They went to the two person hot tub that was made for sitting or laying in and stripped down. He smirked when he saw her massive breasts flopped when free and her slit was bald.


She smirked as he stripped.

"Let's see the sword."

So he released it and she blinked. Then gulped.



Now nervous she got into the hot water and he joined her. Only for her to moan as the water massaged her sore body.

"Okay. Good idea."

He smirked and sat right beside her.

"Sit here."

she looekd and blinked.

"In the bath?"

"why not?"

The queen gulped but obeyed and sat betwen his legs where he started rubbing her shoulders with gentle firmness that had her moaning at the pops and cracks as he relieved stress.

"You evil, evil man."

"I'm good at what i do."

He moved to her spine and started poking various points along it getting intense pops and cracks while her moanign grew in intensity at the relief. Then he kissed her neck, raising goosebumbs on her skin.

"Lay on your belly."


Now lost in the bliss she complied and he mounted her firm rear to press into her spine and back with more force. Getting more cracks and pops as he massaged her into a marshmellow. She climaxed no fewer the 5 times as he worked her feet over before rolling her onto her back.


She smiled and wrapped her long legs around him.

"I love you."

He kissed her as he slid into her warm tightness and she groaned atn the filling feeling.

"Dammit! I'm ruined!"

He thrust into her gently at first as she gauged what she could handle before smiling with a wild lust,

"Harder dammit!"

so harder she got and away they went. Him loving her sounds and feel as she was ridden like a horse for the next several hours before she flopped in the water with a lewd moan as she came down from her latest climax. Then she smiled.

"It can't take anymore. I loved it."

Then she saw how he was still armed.

"Oh dear."

He smiled.

"Roll over."

"Umm. Okay?"

she complied and he placed the tip on her untouched rear, making her buck.

"Umm. Be nice? That's a new one."


With a gentle firmness he spread her before sliding into her untouched shaft, making her moan even harder. Then she smiled,

"I love this."

And she was once again riddne like a horse until he was spent and they laid in the water recovering. He smiled as he kissed her.


She glared at him,

"My ass is HATING me right now and my poor slit is aching ofr more. but it's too full. Bastard. I loved it! That's it. nay time you're in town you are to visit me FIRST."

"Yes Vulpine."

"Good. And I sleep naked. and underwear isn't an option tomorrow or tonight."

He kissed her large breast lovingly.

"You can recover in longing."

"I love you you ruining bastard. Now I can't walk right now."

He lifted her up in a princess cradle and carried her to her bed naked in the back of the room where she sighed as he laid her in it.

"And thanks for being gentle and nicer then i hoped."

He got in beside her and kissedher hard.

"I can't have fun if SHE'S not having fun."

The queen rolled over and drapped herself across his chest smiling contentedly.

"Best. Lover. Period. Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, Vulpine. I like foxes."