
Chapter 7

Chris had spent the next few days gathering his weapons from the storage unit. He gathered them during the day so Sarah and Bella wouldn't see what he was doing. He didn't want to worry Sarah more then what he already had. Sense their conversation Sarah seemed to be avoiding him. This hurt Chris but he figured it might be better this way. If something we're to happen to his sister and niece he would never forgive himself. Chris was finishing up sharpening his blade. He ran a cloth over the metal. He thought about the lives that have been taken by this very steel before putting it against his bed. He ran his hand through his light brown hair and sighed.

"Maybe leaving would be better..." He thought aloud. It was possible that if he left they would leave Sarah and Bella alone. However, Chris couldn't just give up on his family like that.

"I'm a selfish bastard.." Chris shook his head trying to get the thoughts to cease. They already knew about his sister and niece. They would never leave them alone even if he was gone. Chris stood and started for the stairs leading up to the living room. As he entered the living room he spied Sarah sitting on the couch.

"Hey..." Sarah muttered.


"Will you do me a favor?" Sarah stood walking to the kitchen counter where a piece of paper sat. "I need these groceries picked up, do you mind running to the store to get them?" Chris looked at the list in Sarah's hand before grabbing it. Things were awkward between them right now but Chris still wanted to help his sister out in anyway he could.

"Of course sarah."

"By the way... have you heard anything from that agent?" Sarah fiddled with her hands not looking Chris in the eyes.

"No I haven't heard anything yet." Chris placed his hand on Sarah's shoulder, "I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you guys. Trust me Sarah. I don't think he will come back." Sarah nodded. It had been a few days and nothing out of the ordinary happened.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid..." Sarah said forcing a smile on her face. However Chris noted she still wouldn't look him directly in the eyes.

"Sarah.. it's okay." Chris hugged Sarah tightly, "I'll go grab this stuff real quick then I'll be home, okay?" Sarah finally looked her brother in eyes and nodded once again. He felt a bit calmer now. He said his byes and walked out the door to go shopping for groceries.

Once he was at the store he reread the list again: eggs, milk, bread, chicken, etc etc

Just as Chris found the chicken his phone rang. It was Sarah, "Maybe she forgot to add something to the list."

"Whats up sarah?"

"Hello Mr. Mase." Chris frozen in place, agent Newtons voice.

"What the hell-" Chris was cut off by the muffled screams of Sarah in the background.


"Mr. Mase, we have been very patient-" Chris interrupted agent Newton

"Don't you dare do a thing to my family!-"

"You are in no position to make such requests or to be interrupting others Mr. Mase." Chris went silent, he had never been on this side of the conversation before. He had however, as an assassin, been where agent Newton is and he knew agent Newton held all the power right now.

"As I was saying, we have been very patient Mr. Mase. But I'm afraid our patience has run dry."

"Please, leave them alone and I will go with you." Chris begged. He was already out of the store and rushing towards home. He prayed he would get there in time.

"Well, as happy as we would be to have you join so easily, we think it's best to teach you a lesson before taking you on." Chris felt his heart beat wildly in his chest.

"Don't hurt them, if you do I'll-"

"You'll what?" The agent taunted Chris.

"If you haven't noticed you are in no position to be making demands. However, because we aren't monsters we will let you chose who will die for your insolence."

Chris stopped in his tracks, how could he make such a choice?

"I will not chose to kill a family member."

"Hm. That's what we thought so we will chose for you. Here little lady. Why don't you say your goodbyes?" Agent Newton put the phone to Sarah's mouth,

"Chris.. Chris.. please.. save Bella keep her safe!"

"Sarah! I'm almost there, I will protect you-" a gun shot rang through the phone. Chris dropped to his knees in disbelief.

"Well, it seems your only family left is your niece, and we will be taking her with us until you win this war. And Mr. Mase? Play nice with us, or you will be an orphan once again." -click-

Chris felt hallow, he forced himself to stand again. Chris ran as fast as his legs would take him. Before he knew it, he stood in front of his sister's home. It was quiet, only the leaves on the ground rustled. Chris entered the house, noticing the front door was already opened. As he walked in he saw his sister's lifeless body laying in the living room. A bullet hole in the middle of her forehead, blood trickling down between her eyes. Chris dropped to his knees and clutched his sister's lifeless body. Chris felt the fear and anger build up in his body making his blood boil until one piercing scream escaped, silencing even the wind. Chris wept over his sister's body remembering her last words to protect Bella, his only family left.

"I'm so sorry Sarah, i-i should have protected you, I should have been here!" He squeezed Sarah's corpse, hoping she would just wake up and hug him back. But he knew all to well that once a person was dead, they never came back. Chris was so busy morning he didn't hear the door creak open. There stood Mikey, looking at the scene in front of him. Chris was stained in Sarah's blood, his eyes bloodshot from the tears that escaped down his cheeks. Mikey sighed heavily then walked to Chris.

"Get up kid. She's gone." Mikey placed his hand on Chris's shoulder.

"Mike.." Chris looked up at Mikey, he noted how defeated Chris looked.

"Chris, we have to go."

"No! I can't leave her here."

"We can bury her then." Mikey helped Chris up from his position on the ground.

Chris stood for a moment before reaching back down and unhooking Sarah's locket from her body. He opened it to see a picture of her and Bella.

"They took Bella mike." Mikey nodded slowly. He was regretting telling the American government Chris's name. He was regretting telling Chris about his family.

"You will have a chance to get her back Chris. But for now we need to bury Sarah. She needs to be put to rest." Chris nodded. And wiped away his tears.

"I'll kill them Mike. All of them."