
Chapter 6

Chris was raking leaves outside of his sister's come. He had been fixing things up little by little in his free time. He painted the outside of the house in eggshell white paint like his sister wanted. He had repaired the stone fence the enclosed the front yard and even fixed bellas play set out back. He had a few interviews in the past week but couldn't stand sitting idlely by anymore. It was fall and the cold season would be on them soon. So Chris was trying to get as much done as possible. As he raked he listened closely to Bella singing to herself in her room just above where he was. He smiled softly at her angelic voice.

"Mr. Mase." A man's voice called from by the fence. Chris looked up to see a tall man in a black suit standing there. His hair was slicked back and he had on black glasses to shield from the sun. The man's whole demeanor screamed bad news.

"Who the hell are you?" Chris said as he walked up to the fence.

"I believe you spoke to one of our agents about a week ago." The man didn't waver at the sight of Chris like most do. He kept his composer.

"How did you find me?" Chris asked gripping the rake in his hand tighter.

"You were difficult to track down, but my team managed to locate you faster then anticipated." The man took his glasses off to get a better look at Chris. His dark eyes seemed to be scanning him.

"I'm agent Newton. I'm here on behalf of the American government to convince you to fight for us."

"Just like I told them, I'm retired. I'm not fighting for anyone." Chris turned away.

"I implore you to reconsider." Newtons tone was one of warning.

"Or what?" Chris said challenging the agents words.

"Of course we don't want to make an enemy out of you Mr. Mase. However, we are willing to do all that is necessary to have you fight for us."

"I'm not a damned solider." Chris said through gritted teeth.

"We are well aware of that Mr. Mase, but you have done something that even our soldiers couldn't do."

"And what exactly is that?"

"You defeated Russians best warrior. None have been able to accomplish what you have. Especially at your age." Newton looked Chris up and down.

"I may have beat the Russian bear but that was a different time. I'm retired. Now leave." The agent gritted his teeth.

"I can't stand weak men like you. So arrogant about the ways of the world."

"You think insulting me will help your case?" Chris snapped back. "You're here for my help yet insulting me is how you wish to go about this? Leave. Last warning."

"What is so important that you can't help your country?" Just as agent Newton said those words Bella came running out of the house.

"Uncle Chris! Uncle Chris! I made this for you!" Bella outstretched her small hands and presented Chris with a small paper flower. Chris gladly accepted the flower but urged Bella back into the house.

"Bella go find your mom, Uncle is dealing with someone right now." Bella looked up realizing that her uncle was not alone. she watched the tall man with curious eyes.

"Uncle Chris is this your friend?" She asked innocently.

"Something like that.."

"Bella! Don't run outside like that! You scared me." Sarah came out the door and grabbed Bella. She quickly realized something was amiss.

"Chris... who is this?"

"Go back inside Sarah." Chris voice was one of warning and Sarah quickly gathered Bella and rushed back into the house.

"I see." Agent Newton had a wicked smile cross his face. Chris clenched the rank till his knuckles turned white.

"Leave. Now." Agent Newton turned away from Chris still with a wicked smile on his face.

"It seems you have much to protect Mr. Mase, lets see just how long you can hold out with such a big weakness."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Chris felt his blood boil. "Are you threatening my family!?"

Agent Newton chuckled. "We would never do such a thing Mr. Mase. But I do encourage you to reconsider. For the sake of those closest to you." Agent Newton winked at Chris. "I'll be in touch Mr. Mase. I don't intend to go back to my superiors empty handed." Chris felt a chill creep down his spine. This man was not joking. Chris stood by the stone wall and watch agent Newton climb into the back of a blacked out car before driving off. He dropped the rake and looked at his shaking hands. Sarah came outside,

"C-Chris..." she placed a hand on Chris's shoulder.

"Sarah.." Chris wasn't sure what to say. He had brought danger to his sister's home.

"What is going on chris..." Chris tried to calm himself. He took a deep breathe before answering.

"That was an agent from the American government.." He couldn't look Sarah in the eyes.

"W-What did he want?"

"They want me to fight in the dome wars." Sarah was silent. She dropped her hand from his shoulder.

"But... we just got you back Chris. Those wars are brutal, you could die.." Sarah started snuffling, she couldn't hold back the tears. Chris hugged her tightly.

"Sarah, I told them no. I told them I was retired." Sarah looked up at Chris now. Her eyes were still full of tears.

"Then why do you still look troubled?" Sarah asked knowing their was more then what Chris was telling her.

"Please, tell me what is going on chris."

"He.. threatened me. Using you and Bella."

Sarah's face dropped. She was shocked, "how could he do that!?" She dropped to her knees in disbelief. Chris kneeled down and helped her up.

"What now Chris? What does this mean? Are we in danger??" Chris wasn't sure how to answer Sarah but he knew he had to give her some kind of reassurance.

"I told you I'll protect you and Bella, sarah. I intend to keep that promise to you." Chris was sure he could protect them, but to go against the entire American government would be no easy feat even for him.

"Sarah, just trust me. No harm will come to you or Bella." Sarah nodded but Chris was unsure if she believed him or not. He knew Sarah's greatest fears were upon them. He had put them in danger. Chris helped Sarah in the house then went to his room in the basement. He laid on his bed contemplating his next move. He wondered if coming home was the right move now. "They wouldn't be in danger if I never came back..." Chris thought aloud. He turned over to his side. He still had his swords and guns hidden away in a storage unit nearby. He needed to get them so he could properly protect his family. As he thought about all he could do, he felt a feeling he had not felt before. Fear.