
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 9

With utmost care, Emperor Quelle laid the Empress's body on his lap.

With great affection, Emperor Quelle stroked Empress Ignia's hair and washed away the blood stains that had soaked into her dreams.

"I shouldn't have allowed you. I shouldn't have granted your wish. Really, how regretful I am for my decision."

Without touching the hilt, Emperor Quelle lifted the blade lodged in Empress Ignia's abdomen. He lifted it slowly, using his inner strength, and with great care.

The moment Prince Cossu's heirloom sword was lifted from Empress Ignia's abdomen, it crumbled into dust.

"According to my knowledge, Ignia has excellent regeneration abilities. But, how can she have such severe bodily injuries?" Emperor Quelle looked puzzled. His eyes were sharp, focused on thinking about the cause of the injuries on Empress Ignia's body, so that the regeneration ability of Empress Ignia's body did not seem to be working properly. "Wait! Is it possible?"

Emperor Quelle used the divine eye technique, examining the entire organ structure of Empress Ignia's body.

During the inspection, Emperor Quelle saw that the three life energy channels connecting the life energy crystal with Empress Ignia's organ channels were well sealed.

"It turns out that this is the problem. But, how could it be? Empress Ignia is the strongest goddess in the sky of Gloxinia. The power of the divine kings, has not undergone much development and has remained at the intermediate stage and high level for hundreds of thousands of years. Yes, their power level has remained like that because of their own stupidity of continuously sending the old fart supplies of food and supporting medicines that could increase their power level. So, I don't think the divine kings would be able to do it.

Then who is it?

Is it the old fart?"

"Break Seal!" Emperor Quelle broke all three seals that sealed Empress Ignia's life energy channels.

Empress Ignia's entire life energy channel had been successfully opened. However...

"Huh? What a wonder. Why hasn't her body regenerated yet?" Emperor Quelle tried to think again. "Is it possible? Hmmm, it feels like the wound is already very severe. Alright, I will treat the Empress completely."

"Divine Light" shone brightly on Empress Ignia's body.

Healing light, healing all organs of Empress Ignia's body from wounds. Internal wounds, as well as external wounds that occurred on the surface of the body's skin. Her torn skin had recovered without a scratch.

Although Empress Ignia had recovered from her wounds, she was still unconscious.

Emperor Quelle turned his gaze to the right and left. Trying to sense the supporting energy around.

"The conditions in this place are not very favourable. It would be best if I took you back to the palace.

But before that...."

Emperor Quelle concentrated, trying to make telepathic contact with Scwartz and Scwertz.


"Scwartz, Scwertz? Are you guys still there?

Scwartz, Scwertz?"

The two generals gave no answer.

"There seems to be something wrong."

Emperor Quelle tried to detect the energy radiance of the two generals.


They? They have returned to the palace! What has happened? Has something happened there?"

Emperor Quelle checked the atmosphere of the Palace using his remote viewing ability.

Emperor Quelle smiled in irritation.

"Tch, apparently they've made their move!"

Emperor Quelle looked down at Empress Ignia who was lying limply in his lap.

"I'd better take Ignia to a safe place first."

Emperor Quelle used his long-range ability again. He monitored the condition of all the royal palaces under his leadership.

There was nothing unusual about the entire allied royal court. Everything seemed to be fine.

"Alright. For the time being, I will take you to the Gingiberi kingdom and treat you there."

Emperor Quelle carried and hugged Empress Ignia's body tightly.

"Teleport!" Emperor Quelle teleported to the royal palace of Gingiberi and treated Empress Ignia there.


Meanwhile in the Quelle Imperial Palace.

"Tch! What a bunch of scum! You only dare to attack us when our Emperor isn't here!" muttered one of Quelle's imperial soldiers. "If our Emperor were here, you'd all be finished by his hand!" he continued.

"Noisy! Little bugs like you don't deserve to talk!" said Prince Cusso as he slashed the blade of his sword at the soldier's neck.

Prince Cusso stomped on the soldier's head and said "Even if your little Emperor were here, he wouldn't be able to do anything!" and burst out laughing. "Hahahahaha! Quelle! Come out, face me! Hahahaha!"

Prince Cusso kicked the body of one of the dead soldiers in his hand. Then he said, "See, your stupid Emperor doesn't dare to show his nose, does he?"


Emperor Granel slapped Prince Cusso on the head.

"Shut up you fool! Just do your job and don't talk too much!" Emperor Granel rebuked Prince Cossu.

Emperor Granel and the kings of the allied kingdoms stormed Emperor Quelle's palace.

They slaughtered the entire army, without any mercy. Killing all the gods and goddesses in sight, including killing children and babies still in the cradle. How cruel their deeds were.

"Slaughter! Slaughter them all!!! Kill them all to the root!" shouted one of Granel's imperial soldiers.

"Please! Please don't kill my child!" shouted a goddess who was very young and had a fairly low level of strength.

"Noisy! Get out of my sight!" snapped a warrior as he struck the goddess on the head with his mace, knocking the young goddess and the baby in her arms to the ground.

"Slaughter!" the evil warrior unleashed his god of destruction skill and decimated the young goddess and the baby in one fell swoop.


The young goddess and her baby were wiped out, vanishing from sight.

"Barbaric!" shouted Scwertz who had just arrived on the scene.

Scwartz muttered, "Damn! We're too late!"

"I'm so sick of what they're doing! Let's eliminate them from the skies of Gloxinia!" said Scwertz.

"Of course! Of course they should be eliminated from this world!" replied Scwartz.

Scwartz and Scwertz, moving with great speed, decimated the entire enemy army and wiped them out of sight.



Slash! Slash! Slash!


Destroying the enemy troops mercilessly.

"There are so many of them!" said Scwartz.

"Yes, that's right. There are so many of them! We must hold them all off until reinforcements arrive." said Scwertz.

"Tch! Looks like they've got this all set up! What a hassle!" complained Scwartz.

"Yes, it looks like they've been planning all this for a long time! How ridiculous." added Scwertz.

While the two generals were busy eradicating the evil troops, Prince Cusso suddenly came and interrupted the two generals.

Interrupting with a destructive energy attack.


Scwartz and Scwertz managed to evade the attack.

"Hohohohoho... Look, who are these?

I didn't expect to meet two pet dogs of fools in this place." Prince Cusso mocked the two generals.

"Yeah, I didn't expect a bunch of losers to come to our house with such a despicable pace either. How disgusting!" responded Scwertz.

"Hey two silly puppies! Where's your master? Is he currently hiding somewhere far away? Hahahaha! My hands are itching to finish him off!"

At the moment Prince Cusso was busy making fun of Emperor Quelle, a flash of light came striking.


Emperor Granel threw up a barrier wall, protecting Prince Cusso, the reinforcements, and himself from the attack of the flash of annihilating light.

"Hiding? Who do you mean by your master is hiding somewhere far away!"

Emperor Quelle arrived, with his body bathed in light, he flew above them.

"Apparently, today I have to clear my house of a bunch of trash and dust."