
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

"Your Majesty, please entrust the Queen to us. We will take good care of her. Your Majesty has nothing to worry about." said Goddess Afia, the Goddess of medicine from the Giginger kingdom.

In stature Goddess Afia has wood brown hair, emerald green eyeballs, a sharp nose, and wears a crown of leaves made of gold combined with emerald stones.

"Well, thank you my friend." said Emperor Quelle as he kissed Empress Ignia's forehead.

Emperor Quelle opened a portal, teleporting to his imperial palace.





Emperor Quelle arrived at the palace. The previously majestic palace was now just a ruined building that was fragile on many sides. How furious Emperor Quelle was to see the condition of the palace that was already in such a condition.


Emperor Quelle teleported again. Teleported to where Emperor Granel and his army were.

Emperor Quelle flew far above Emperor Granel and his allies.

Flying above the cloud layer.

Emperor Quelle's body emitted light, a bright light that dazzled the eyes.

The light energy gathered in his hands, forming a long spear weapon.

He threw the spear at Emperor Granel and his allies.

The spear shot out with great speed, obliterating the clouds it passed through, and shaking the entire sky of Gloxinia.

The spear shot quickly towards Emperor Granel and his allies, striking them in the form of a flash of light.

Emperor Granel knew the direction in which Emperor Quelle's attack was coming.


Emperor Granel threw up a barrier wall, protecting Prince Cossu, the armies, and himself from the flashes of destruction.


A powerful explosion enveloped the barrier wall.

Above that sky Emperor Quelle said, "Hide? Who do you mean by your master is hiding somewhere far away!"

A moment later, Emperor Quelle concentrated his inner energy at the tip of his index finger. A small needle-shaped beam of internal energy was created, a small needle that was able to penetrate all kinds of objects in the Gloxinia rainbow.

Emperor Quelle flicked the small needle.



The small needle pierced quickly into the barrier wall, moving freely within the barrier, piercing the life energy crystal of the god king and the troops of Emperor Granel's camp.

The divine kings and the troops of Emperor Granel's camp fell to the ground, dying on the spot in one piece. It was as if they were fast asleep on a cloud.

"Apparently, today I have to clean my house from a bunch of trash and dust." Emperor Quelle said as he looked around.

Emperor Quelle looked up at the vast sky as he said "Hmmm, it seems that not only my house is dirty. It looks like I need to rid this world of a bunch of trash like you."

Emperor Quelle opened his palm. In his palm, a spherical energy light appeared. The energy light was extremely powerful and dazzling to the eyes.

He grasped the energy light and threw the ball of energy into the sky of Gloxinia. From the sky, the ball of energy plunged sharply into the territory of Emperor Granel's palace.



The small ball crashed into the territory of Emperor Granel's palace and destroyed all corners of Emperor Granel's country.

Emperor Quelle moved quickly to create an enormous amount of small bubbles in both of his hands. Soon, he threw the bubbles towards the territory of the allied kingdoms under his rule.

The tiny bubbles spread out in various directions. When they were above the allied kingdom's territory, the small bubbles suddenly grew bigger and turned into a protective wall that enveloped the country.

"It's cleared up a bit. Now the rest of the rubbish is here."

"Bastards!!!" Emperor Granel shouted angrily. His entire body appeared a red-coloured aura like a burning fire.

Aura of rage. That was the aura emanating from Emperor Granel's body.

"Hey old fart, don't get angry like that. You're very old, your anger is not good for your health." Emperor Quelle was getting provocative.

"This time I'm really going to finish you off stinky brat!!!" Emperor Granel looked even angrier

"Tck tck tck! My palace could be destroyed if this old fart vents his anger here." Emperor Quelle said as he shook his head.

Before Emperor Granel moved to vent his anger, Emperor Quelle swiftly took action.

"God Emperor technique! Space dimension! Space."

Emperor Quelle and Emperor Granel moved into space. Making space the battle arena.

"Okay, now we can fight without anyone interfering."

"Noisy! Get lost, you stinky brat!" Emperor Granel moved, making an attack.

"Divine Pyrogram!" A fireball skill with the power to destroy a planet was deployed.

Emperor Quelle blocked the attack.

"Divine flame barrier!" The flame barrier enveloped Emperor Quelle's body, protecting him from various fire element attacks.

Emperor Granel delivered a follow-up attack.

"Water tornado!" The water tornado struck the divine flame barrier that enveloped Emperor Quelle's body, the divine flame barrier vanished instantly. The water tornado continued to spin, drenching Emperor Quelle's entire body.

Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers.


The water tornado broke apart, becoming droplets of tiny water bubbles that floated around the body.

Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers.


"Divine crystal light!" Emperor Quelle turned the droplets of water bubbles floating around his body into water crystals, then he froze the water crystals into waves of ice crystals ready to tear the opponent's body.

"Shoot!" Emperor Quelle shot a wave of ice crystals towards Emperor Granel.

Emperor Granel moved very quickly, dodging the attack.


Emperor Quelle read the direction of Emperor Granel's movement. After successfully reading Emperor Granel's direction of movement, Emperor Quelle delivered his next attack.

The attack he launched this time was a melee physical attack.


Emperor Quelle drove his fist into Emperor Granel's face.

The fist strike he delivered was not just any fist strike. Emperor Quelle's fist contained an element of divine emperor energy that could destroy the solar system in a single blow.


Emperor Granel managed to dodge, and he counterattacked with a right foot kick.


Emperor Quelle parried the attack with his left hand.

"Divine Frozen Sword!" Emperor Quelle took out a freezing sword. A sword that possessed tremendous freezing power. One swipe of the Divine Frozen Sword could freeze a planet.

Emperor Granel resisted the attack.

"Divine resist mastery body!"

Divine resist mastery body, a high-level ability that can make the body immune to all mastery element attacks such as the elements of fire, wind, solid objects, darkness, light, and water.

The frozen skill is included in the water element mastery category.

"Stop playing around, stinky brat!" Emperor Granel punched Emperor Quelle on the chin.

This time, Emperor Quelle didn't have time to block the attack.

Emperor Quelle was sent flying, his body hitting an asteroid floating in space.


The asteroid shattered and produced a huge explosion.

Emperor Granel moved quickly, suddenly he was right in front of Emperor Quelle, then....


He punched Emperor Quelle very hard in the stomach.


Emperor Quelle's body disappeared from sight.

"Tch! Illusion technique!"

In the blink of an eye, Emperor Quelle was already right behind Emperor Granel.

Emperor Quelle counterattacked.

An attack with a higher level than the previous attack.

"Your movements are so slow, you old fart!

God Emperor technique! Universe-destroying fist technique!"


Meanwhile in the Giginger royal palace.

"Empress, are you awake?" A beautiful goddess immediately helped Empress Ignia sit back on the bed.

Goddess Afia came, carrying a glass cup filled with medicinal herbs for Empress Ignia.

"Drink this potion." Goddess Afia served the cup to Empress Ignia.

Empress Ignia took a sip of the cup of potion.


After gulping down the recovery potion, Empress Ignia said to Goddess Afia, "Thank you for helping me, Goddess Afia."

"There is no need to thank me, Empress, it is my duty to treat the wounds on the Empress."

Empress Ignia smiled.

"You are too modest Goddess Afia."

"Not really, Empress. I am only performing my duty as the Goddess of Medicine."

They both exchanged smiles.

After a while, Empress Ignia recounted the bitter incident that had just happened to her. Of course, the incident was made to seem bitter based on the scenario generated from the contents of her brain.

"Insolent! That perverted prince is absolutely unforgivable! If I ever meet him, I'll cut his balls off!" Goddess Afia was furious with Prince Cusso's behaviour based on the story from Empress Ignia.

Empress Ignia then asked, "By the way, who brought me to your palace Dewi Afia?"

Goddess Afia replied "Of course your husband, Your Highness Quelle. Who else could have saved you from the hands of that perverted prince?"

"His Majesty Emperor Quelle saved me?"

"Yes, Your Highness has saved you, Your Highness." replied Goddess Afia nodding her head.

"Is His Majesty here now? Can I meet my husband? I miss him so much."

The goddess Afia was wavering, she was confused about how to answer the questions asked by the goddess Ignia to her.

"Mmmm... about that...."