
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 7

The meteor shower kept falling, raining down onto the Seron Dungeon.

Destroying the entire space, burning everything.

The light vortex buff that covered Goddess Alkyna's body, was able to make the Goddess not feel the slightest fatigue or injury, even though she had expended a lot of energy and received physical attacks from the zombie king. Although the light vortex has a tremendous buff effect, the buff from the skill can only last for 70 minutes.

"....Haahhh.... haaahhh... haaahhh..."

The zombie king looked exhausted.

He had put in so much energy.

He had repeatedly issued attacks and generated bodies that were very draining of life energy.

Without giving him a chance to rest, Goddess Alkyna continued to attack the zombie king relentlessly.

"Damn it! That light bubble vortex around the goddess' body is really bothering me! I have to find a way to destroy that light vortex first!" muttered the zombie king.

Inside the light vortex, Goddess Alkyna's body twirled beautifully in the air. Her feet danced, as if she was dancing to a beautiful melody. From her beautiful movements, there was a flicker of aurora light surrounding Goddess Alkynia's body.

Goddess Alkyna's appearance slowly changed. Her loose hair was now neatly arranged in a small crown. Her worn-out ball gown was transformed into a beautiful, sparkling light blue dress with floral accessories around it. On her back, there are wings resembling butterfly wings with a combination of black, blue, and purple transparent colours.

The life energy crystal on Goddess Alkyna's forehead shines brightly.

Goddess Alkyna shows her true form as the Queen of Goddesses.

"Zombie king! How many crimes you have committed so far! I, Goddess Alkyna, will put a stop to your actions. Even finishing you off is not enough to make up for all your sins!"

Goddess Alkyna spread both hands, gathering energy, concentrating all energy at one point.

Black clouds appeared in the sky of the dungeon, red-coloured flashes of lightning struck, the dungeon building trembled, tornado winds swirled across the space.

"Holy tempest!" A holy storm with an extremely high level of power descended from the black clouds, slamming into the zombie king's body.

With all the energy he had left, the zombie king tried to withstand the holy storm attack deployed by Goddess Alkyna.


Blar! Blar! Blarrrrrr!!!


Meanwhile, somewhere else in the 1000-level Seron dungeon

Emperor Quelle flew around the entire space. Searching for the whereabouts of the Goddess Ignia.

In the entire space, Emperor Quelle only found bones. There was no trace of Goddess Ignia's existence, not even the aura of energy emission.

Emperor Quelle's heart felt more and more anxious. Even so, he continued to try to think calmly.

"Vision!" Emperor Quelle uses a technique to improve the accuracy of vision. Using this technique, he could see hidden and invisible objects.

The surroundings were bright, like rays of light shining into the ocean floor.

Along the way, Emperor Quelle found many hidden objects that could not be seen by the naked eye. Hidden objects such as secret messages, heirloom weapons, books containing forbidden techniques, and books containing war strategy techniques. All these objects were hidden separately in small portals in the space dimension that could only be seen with the power of vision.

Emperor Quelle took all those precious objects. It was because he believed that they were very valuable and useful in the future.

One by one, Emperor Quelle explored the portal. Until finally, he found a secret portal that was very large and different from the secret portals encountered before.

Emperor Quelle stared at the large secret portal while wondering "Is it possible that he is behind this portal? Hopefully this time I can find him as soon as possible."

Emperor Quelle entered the large secret portal.

The portal he entered was connected to a space from a different dimension. The space of a world that had a land surface of rugged rocks, hot lava that kept spewing out. It was dark, without light. The ceiling was a vast space, in the space there were meteorite rocks floating irregularly, scattered up there in large numbers.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Emperor Quelle jumped from one meteorite to another.

Looking and looking.

While in the middle of the search, a strange creature suddenly attacked.


Swing! Swing! Swing!

A creature with an enormous head, as big as a yacht. No body, no arms, and no legs. Just a head with hair that resembled a gas hose. Each hair had a head resembling a ferocious predatory animal. The head and hair looked like a creature made of metal.

Swosh!!!! Swosh!!! Swosh!!!

The strange creature uses its hair as a weapon to attack. A murder weapon that had claimed many victims.

Emperor Quelle continued to move forward and avoid the attacks.

Advancing and advancing in search of Goddess Ignia's whereabouts.

The strange creature with a large disembodied head was provoked to anger because it felt ignored.

"How dare you ignore me!!! Accept this...!!!" The strange creature shot a destructive beam from both eyes at Emperor Quelle's body.

Without turning his gaze, Emperor Quelle said "Quiet!" as he blew out a bit of his aura. In the blink of an eye, the strange creature was destroyed instantly. It shattered into pieces of metal sand that could not be reunited.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Emperor Quelle continued his search, picking up speed. The speed of his footsteps shattered the meteorite rocks he walked on.

A tall hill loomed in the distance. When viewed up close, the hill looked like a dungeon with an entrance resembling a monster's gaping mouth.

There were no guards, no visible traps. The dungeon looked unremarkable. Like a habitable cave that could be entered at any time.

Emperor Quelle walked into the dungeon with great anticipation.

"There seems to be something wrong in this place. There are no guards, no traps. It's strange." Emperor Quelle continued to walk forward while keeping an eye on the surroundings. He was always prepared to deal with any sudden attacks.

Soon, Emperor Quelle arrived at a large room. It was dark and cold. The surface of the floor was frozen, around the walls of the room were many holes and cracks that had been covered by chunks of ice.

Emperor Quelle held the hollow wall that had been covered with ice chunks as he said, "It seems that there was a battle in this place recently."


Suddenly, Emperor Quelle felt an extremely powerful energy beam.

"This energy beam?"

A moment later, there was the sound of explosive attacks hitting the surface of the dungeon floor.


"Killer aura found! Delta is ready to destroy!" The robot named Delta came to greet.

A robot that came from the skies of Agret. The sky of the planet inhabited by robots. Delta was one of the god kings from the sky there.

"Where is Ice Dragon? Where is Ice Dragon? Come here, come here. Delta needs your help. Let's eradicate this god" Delta shouted, summoning a dragon.

"Ice Dragon's energy beam! The ice lord who is legendary in the skies of Gloxinia! Why is he in this place?"

A silver-bodied dragon with an ice-blue colour stood before Emperor Quelle. In the blink of an eye the dragon revealed its form as a divine king and bowed before the Emperor.

"Two high-level kings." Emperor Quelle flexed his ring finger and little finger. Leaving his thumb, index finger, and middle finger perpendicularly aligned. His three fingers emitted destructive energy ready to annihilate them at any moment. "You two get out of my way if you don't want to turn into tiny particles that even the power of the divine eye cannot see."

"Please calm down Your Majesty the Emperor, I dare not."

"What about that junkyard creature? Does he still intend to finish me off?"

Seeing Emperor Quelle's radiant energy aura that was already high above the Ice Dragon, the Delta robot also bowed before the Emperor.

"Then, you guys get out of my sight!" ordered Emperor Quelle.

Ice Dragon and Delta moved out of sight.

As he walked past them, Emperor Quelle suddenly asked a question. "By the way, have you seen a goddess in this place? Sorry, I mean did you see Empress Ignia in this place?"

Ice Dragon and Delta looked at each other.

Ice Dragon had the courage to answer the question.

"About that...ummm, you see Your Majesty, when I was visiting Delta in the sky of Agret. I suddenly saw a small portal that appeared there. At first we set up a stance, anticipating an attack from behind the portal. But unexpectedly, we heard a voice calling for help coming from inside the portal. Although the voice sounded faint." Ice Dragon stopped the story of the chronological events that had just happened. He stopped telling the story, for fear of Emperor Quelle's wrathful anger if he continued the story.

"Continue. Then what happened and who was the figure who asked for help? Is she my wife, Empress Ignia?"

Ice Dragon ventured to continue the story of the incident he had just experienced.


A moment before....

Agret Sky

"Delta, you promised me to teach me to make machine-powered devices."

"Be patient, be patient. Delta will teach you. Ice Dragon is requested to be patient."

"You have repeatedly said that to me. Yet until this moment you have not taught me at all. Look, I'm already very old. I need something that can help fulfil all my needs."

In the middle of their conversation, the two of them were suddenly startled by the appearance of a dimensional portal that appeared out of nowhere.

"What, a portal? Why is there a portal in this place? Is there an intruder attack from the enemy's side? By the way, do you have an enemy that hates you Delta so much?"

Ice Dragon and Delta set up their stances. Preparing for the attack that came suddenly from behind the portal.

"Delta doesn't know. Delta does not know. Delta only knows, Delta has wiped out Delta's enemies."

Hearing Delta's answer like that. Ice Dragon wondered in confusion. "If the dimensional portal is from your enemies, then where did this dimensional portal come from?"

Ice Dragon and Delta stared at each other.

Soon they heard a faintly audible voice from behind the portal.

"T...tttt..to...long...please, me...please, to..long a...me." came the faint voice.

Ice Dragon and Delta entered the dimensional portal, following the direction of the voice.

The portal door suddenly vanished into thin air.

Ice Dragon continued to walk in the direction of the voice.

The voice sounded like someone screaming in pain.


"Ugh...ugh...ugh..." that's how the voice sounded.

Ice Dragon and Delta stepped into the corner of the room.

Upon arriving at the corner of the room, Ice Dragon saw a goddess lying limply on the floor. Her body was covered in wounds, she was breathing heavily, and her eyes were closed in pain.

A sword was stuck in the goddess's stomach. It was stuck right in the heart.

"Isn't she Empress Ignia? What happened to her? And why is she in this place?"

"Delta doesn't know. Delta just saw that woman."

Ice Dragon examined the wounds on Empress Ignia's body. From the results of the examination, he found several heavy wounds on other parts of the body's vital organs. Heavy wounds on the inside of the chest. Right on the chest, he found a hole where a sword pierced through the heart.

Blood continued to flow all over the Empress' body.

"It's bad, I have to stop the bleeding. If not? Then her condition will become even more critical!"

"Cure!" Ice Dragon mobilised its healing power, trying its best to treat the wounds on Empress Ignia.

The scratches on Empress Ignia's body were still wide open, blood was still flowing all over her body.

Ice Dragon thought hard, trying to find a solution.

"Alright! If this is the case, then there's no other way! Like it or not, I have to freeze her body inside the ice zone. That's the only solution to stop the flow of blood from his body. Yes! That's the only way that comes to my mind right now! I must be able and successful in doing so! I must be able to! I have to! Yes, I must!!!"

"Divine protection! Frost!"


"So that's how it is Your Majesty, I am unable to help heal the wounds suffered by Empress Ignia. My strength is still very weak Your Majesty. So I am only able to keep her body inside the ice chunk I made, so that Her Majesty Empress Ignia's blood will stop dripping. I apologise for my inability, Your Majesty."

"Both of you, stand up!" ordered Emperor Quelle. "Elder Ice Dragon, I am very grateful to you for your efforts in saving my wife. Please forgive me for my impudence towards the Elder."

"No, no problem Your Majesty. I actually deserve the punishment from Your Majesty, for my incompetence."

"Elders are too modest. By the way, can you show me where my wife is?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Ice Dragon escorted Emperor Quelle to where Empress Ignia was.

With her sword still drawn in her stomach, Ignia's body was preserved inside a huge chunk of ice.

Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers.


A portal gate appeared right behind Ice Dragon and Delta.

Ice Dragon and Delta looked at the portal that appeared right behind them. Then they both looked at each other.

Emperor Quelle gave instructions. "You two return to the skies of Agret. I have prepared a portal for you. If you use the portal, then you can return directly to the sky of Agret, and can resume your business as before. Once again I thank you for your kindness in trying to help my wife. As a token of my gratitude, please accept this small gift."

Emperor Quelle presented the heirloom weapon and the forbidden secret technique book he had just obtained from Seron Dungeon to the two of them.

"Thank you Your Majesty. We will always remember Your Majesty's kindness and take good care of Your Majesty's gifts." said Ice Dragon respectfully. "Now we retire. May goodness always be with Your Majesty, please take good care of yourself."

Ice Dragon and Delta entered the portal and made it back to Agret's sky safely.