
The Divine Emperor From Another Dimension

A divine emperor from another dimension, descending to earth and living as a immortal. On earth, he met a pack of wolves. The divine emperor gave a drop of his blood to the pack of wolves through a vessel of water they were drinking. The pack of wolves evolved into a new species and could transform into a human. The Divine Emperor made them his army. A feud broke out on earth. Martial arts figures emerged. Those with vile hearts wreaked havoc, and spread threats. The Divine Emperor pretended to be a weak youth. He played a charade, and eliminated them without mercy.

archadeus_deus · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Piles of meat fragments scattered into the land where the anvil stood, bones piled up to become a hill of bones, blood pooled and flowed between the cracks of the pile of meat like a flowing river.

That was the scene inside the 1000th level Seron Dungeon.

How bad it smelled in there.

A dungeon guarded by a zombie king and a zombie army.

The system and principles that apply in the 1000 level Dungeon.

The prisoners or gods who get executed in the 1000-level Seron dungeon, if the god is considered useful, then the executed god is turned into a zombie. If it was deemed useless, it was destroyed and became part of the 1000-level Seron dungeon.

"Be careful, son of the knight Quenice. I feel this place is very dangerous." said Goddess Alkyna to Emperor Quelle.

"Well, thanks for warning me, friend. By the way, just call me Quelle."

"Friend?" Goddess Alkyna gasped in shock. She felt unacceptable with that greeting. "Hey... I'm your father's friend. It's rude of you to call me a friend. Call me Aunty Alkyna!"

Emperor Quelle smiled with laughter.

"Very well Aunt Alkyna."

As they walked, suddenly the mound of flesh twitched and turned into a sea of floating hands.

Emperor Quelle and Goddess Alkyna flew through the air.

Seeing such a disgusting-looking surface of the dungeon, it crossed Emperor Quelle's mind to transform it into something comfortable to look at.

"It would be nice if I turned this mound of flesh and bones into a mound of rocks." Emperor Quelle said.

"Rock zone domination technique!"

The mounds of flesh, bones, and blood flowing throughout the space of the 1000-level Seron Dungeon turned into mounds of rocks.

Meanwhile, in the deepest part of the 1000-level Seron dungeon. The area where the zombie king was located. The area that was not affected by the power of Emperor Quelle's domination techniques.

"There seem to be two rats infiltrating." The Zombie King, who was sitting on the throne, noticed the presence of Emperor Quelle and Goddess Alkyna.

The Zombie King picked up the golden scepter leaning beside the throne chair.

Dug! Dug! Dug!

The zombie king stomped the stick three times.

The pile of flesh that became the land where his feet stood, slowly moved, clumped together and formed organs. Starting from forming the organs of the legs, hips, chest, arms, hands, neck, and head.

The lumps of flesh formed into a mass of skinless creatures.

They stood right in front of the zombie king.

Dug! Dug!

The zombie king smacked his staff twice.

A group of zombies dressed in tattered armour that stood on the right and left sides of the throne room, moved from their position. They moved and stood directly behind the line of skinless creature troops.

"The zombie king technique! Evolution!"

A group of skinless disgusting troops re-compacted their bodies into jelly-like lumps of chewy flesh. Then the blobs of flesh travelled up the bodies of the zombie troops.

The lump of flesh slowly absorbs into the bodies of the zombies, and makes the zombie troops evolve into stronger beings. With an accumulative strength level that increases by 350%.


The zombie king stomped his staff once.

The evolved zombie troops moved very quickly and disappeared from the sight of the zombie king. They moved towards where Emperor Quelle and Goddess Alkyna were.

"They're coming!" said Goddess Alkyna while stretching her right hand, trying to protect Emperor Quelle from any attacks.

"Interesting." lauded Emperor Quelle for GoddessAlkyna's bravery.

An army of zombies came to attack from all directions.

"It's bad, it's really bad, they're.... very strong!" said Goddess Alkyna anxiously.

Emperor Quelle smiled.


Emperor Quelle snapped his fingers.

"Domination technique! Gravity!"




Like a heavy rain swept away by a strong wind, the entire zombie army fell, blown into a layer of rocks.

"Room!" Emperor Quelle created a space dimension around him. A space dimension that connected the space he was in, with the space of a different world.

Emperor Quelle stretched out a palm.


The rocky mound split apart, forming a steep and endless chasm.

The bodies of the zombies, who were under the dominating influence of gravity, fell into it.

Emperor Quelle clenched his fists.

The rocky mound that was split open, quickly closed again. Devouring the zombie army. Leaving their broken bodies trapped down there forever.

"Domination technique? A mid-stage divine king technique. Not all divine kings are capable of using it. Could it be that this kid has already reached the level of a peak stage divine king? No! A peak stage divine king couldn't have used such a powerful technique so easily! By any chance, this kid has already reached the level of a divine emperor!" Goddess Alkyna was shocked after realising Emperor Quelle's true level of power. Although Emperor Quelle had hidden his true strength, the two divine king-level techniques he had just used were quite energy-draining. Only the divine emperor level was able to use them at will, as if the two techniques were just a small game.

"Aunty, hold my hand tightly. We're going to teleport directly to the boss dungeon of this level!"

"Ba...okay." replied Goddess Alkyna.

Emperor Quelle and Goddess Alkynorus held each other's hands.



They both teleported and arrived right before the zombie king.

The moment the two of them arrived, the zombie king greeted them with a dark elemental attack.

"Poison pool!"

A poisonous pool appeared under the feet of Emperor Quelle and Goddess Alkyna.

"Sink into my pool little rats!"

Emperor Quelle calmly drew a small circle in the air right towards the poison pool under his feet. Drawing with the tip of the index finger,

"Domination technique! Divine light pool!"

The poison pool beneath his feet, in the blink of an eye, transformed into a pool of light capable of restoring energy, strength, and healing wounds.

Several external and internal wounds on Goddess Alkyna's body disappeared instantly. Goddess Alkyna had now fully recovered.

However, something unexpected happened to Goddess Alkyna.

The figure of Prince Lecit, who died horribly, is now a creepy zombie king.

Dewi Alkyna's little heart wanted to cry, but she tried to stay strong to see what her eyes saw.

Dewi Alkyna could only stand still without saying a word.

Without giving any room for manoeuvre, the zombie king attacked in quick succession.

This time it was a rain of darkness sword attack that emerged from a dark violet coloured circular array.

Again Emperor Quelle simply blocked it with one index finger.


A protective wall appeared transparently and repelled all the attacks launched by the zombie king.

Emperor Quelle turned his gaze towards Goddess Alkyna in a glance.

Goddess Alkyna still looked silent, standing still, she still couldn't believe what was happening in front of her eyes.

"Aunty, are you alright?" asked Emperor Quelle to Goddess Alkyna.

"Prince Lecit..." said Goddess Alkyna in a low voice.

"Huh? What do you mean aunty?" Emperor Quelle asked again.

"That zombie is Prince Lecit...." Goddess Alkyna said through tears.

"......" Emperor Quelle was silent, not daring to say a word. Then he thought for a moment.

"The being in front of us is not the prince Auntie knows." said Emperor Quelle.

"No...no...no... He is Prince Lecit! Although his physique has changed, I can still recognise him. I still remember his face clearly." said Goddess Alkyna with tears in her eyes.

"I mean, indeed the body of this zombie is the body of that prince. But, the soul lodged inside is the soul of the zombie king." said Emperor Quelle while observing the inside of the zombie king's organs using the power of the divine eye. "Using the power of Auntie's divine eye, look carefully. Does that zombie still have the crystal life energy of the prince you know?"

Goddess Alkyna used the power of the divine eye. Looking at the contents of the zombie's head, Goddess Alkyna did not see Prince Lecit's life energy crystal inside the zombie's forehead.

"Prince....." Goddess Alkyna said in a low voice. Her eyes lowered, then she covered her eyes with her palms and cried out in anguish.

The zombie king continued to attack. But all his attacks vanished when he touched Emperor Quelle's barrier wall.

The long-range skilful attack was unable to penetrate the barrier wall, the zombie king tried to give a close-range attack using his golden staff.




The melee attack was meaningless.


Emperor Quelle didn't want to waste any more time. He decided to eliminate the zombie king from sight.

Emperor Quelle moved his arm.

"Wait!" said Goddess Alkyna while holding Emperor Quelle's wrist.

"I don't have much time to serve him. Right now my wife is in danger. I'm worried about her."

"Leave this zombie to me. Let me handle it. Go and find your wife!" said Goddess Alkyna as she wiped away tears.

"Are you sure you can handle this zombie?" asked Emperor Quelle with doubt.

"Hu um, I'll try to handle it." replied Goddess Alkyna nodding her head.

"Alright, be careful. But before that, I will put up a protective wall that can shield you and restore your strength."

"Holy light vortex!" Emperor Quelle moved a finger, casting a protective buff onto Goddess Alkyna's body.

A vortex of light enveloped Goddess Alkyna's body.

"I think that protective wall is enough." said Emperor Quelle.

"Thank you, now I will free my friend's body from the evil zombie's influence."

"Alright, take good care of yourself." said Emperor Quelle.

"Hu um, thank you." said Goddess Alkyna nodding her head.

Emperor Quelle smiled. In the blink of an eye he disappeared from Goddess Alkyna's eyes.

"Sword knight, I am very happy to meet your son here. Sword knight, do you know? Your son has grown into a very powerful divine emperor." Goddess Alkyna said to herself.

Goddess Alkyna turned her gaze towards the zombie king.

"Zombie king! I will not forgive you for all your evil deeds! Especially for taking over my friend's body! Now, you can feel my attack...."

Goddess Alkyna raised both hands up, then she swung both hands forwards.

"Meteor shower!" Goddess Alkyna unleashed the meteor shower technique.



Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Thousands of meteors rained down all over the room, destroying every object in sight, hundreds of floors of Seron's dungeon were in ruins, the zombie king trying to dodge the relentless meteor shower.

Goddess Alkyna jumped into the fray, stabbing the zombie king in the stomach with her strong, sharp fingernails like the blade of a sword.



Blood spurted out from inside the zombie king's stomach.

"Arrrrrggghhhh!" the zombie king cried out in pain.

Dewi Alkyna moved backwards to keep a few metres away from where the zombie king was. Goddess Alkyna swung her hands forwards again, aiming both her palms right at the zombie king's wounded stomach.

A ball of energy the size of a watermelon emerged from Goddess Alkyna's palms.

"Haaaaa!!!" Goddess Alkyna shot a powerful ball of destructive energy into the zombie king's abdomen.




A huge explosion ensued. The zombie king's body shattered.

"Did I succeed?" thought Goddess Alkyna with some doubt.

A moment later, the zombie king's body regenerated and returned to its original form.

"I guessed it, you can't be defeated that easily." Goddess Alkyna clenched her fist. "Alright, now let's have a serious fight, and end this game immediately!"


Goddess Alkyna and the zombie king fought fiercely in the air.

The entire dungeon shook, and a flash of lightning struck.