
The Devil reborn

This Story is not mine i just wanted to share it with other fans if you wish to read or support the real creator of this novel then please search for DanzyDanz on fanfiction.net by the name Lucifer. Thanks for reading . . . Almost a millennia after his death, his ever-wandering soul returned to his original body at last. Caused by a date gone horribly wrong out of all reasons. He had no intention on reclaiming his throne or be dragged into the game of politics in the first place, but even the Morning Star can't always be the chooser.

SherlockHolmes221B · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Chapter XVII

"You sure this is the place?"

"Yes! Yes I'm sure of it!" Irina insisted. She had visited this house many times since she was a child and she had never once forgotten. She remembered all of its details, its plants and small trees adorning the front yard where she used to play around.

The Hyoudou residence. The nostalgia was flushing in, resulting a wide smile.

Their sister, Griselda Quarta, observed the house's name plate. "It says 'Kawamura'. Irina, are you sure you didn't mistake it? It's been long since you're here."

"No! I'm 100% positive this is it."

"Umm... can I... can I help you...?"

The sister and the cloaked girls all turned around to see an understandably confused and scared lady. In her hand was an umbrella and the other a bag of groceries.

Irina took the front. "Excuse me!" She said cheerily. She might had been overseas for more than a decade, but her Japanese was still fluent. "But do you know who lives here?"

The housewife, still wary, replied with much caution. "...Um... are you by chance, tax collectors?"

"Huh? No?"

"Oh thank goodness." The housewife sighed in relief, and continued in a much lighter mood. "Then if that's the case, my family lives here. Is there anything I can do to help?"

She was smiling, but Irina wasn't anymore. "Huh... what do you mean? Oh! Then do you know the Hyoudous? Can you tell me where they are?"

"The Hyoudous...? Ah, you mean the family that lived here before?"

The realization dawned on her slowly. "...Wh..what?"

Xenovia and Griselda both looked at each other, worried for their companion.

"Yes, we bought it from them around a month ago. It was unusually cheap. My husband initially wanted to pay more, but they refused, so I asked them why..." When the lady frowned sadly, Irina felt her legs were losing strength. "They said their son passed away not long before. It might be why they left somewhere else... It was a very tragic story. They seem like good people too."

Irina stared at the lady in numbing shock. The ground seemed to crumble into pieces beneath her, plunging her deep into a deep cold ocean she had never thought was there before.

Griselda was very worried now. Irina had always known to be the cheerful kind. For her not to speak a single word couldn't mean anything good. Even Xenovia was staring at her, at lost on what she should do next.

"Oh... did you perhaps, know of them? If so, I apologize to bring such a horrible news... And my condolences."

When she saw Irina's shoulders shaking, Griselda stepped in. "We thank you for your time and help." She smiled politely, and her beauty didn't fail to charm the housewife as she visibly stuttered to reply. "We'll be on our way. Come, Irina."

"O-oh! Alright then... take care." The lady smiled back and entered the gates of her house, sparing a single glance at the group of three walking away.

Xenovia, perplexed, could only stare and watch as Griselda pulled her partner into her hug. It was the first time she saw her weep that hard.

But duties are still duties. "We should get moving..." she said, "At least get back to the motel." A suburban area wasn't the best place to be when they wanted to lay low. More so when the Devils owned this area.

As much as she would like to let her girl grief, she's right. "Irina, dear, we should head back. It's not safe here."

"He was my best friend..." Trembling, her muffled cry barely slipped out Griselda's robe. "Why did he die?! Why didn't I know sooner?!"

"There's no way you could've known. We're terribly sorry for your loss, Irina, but we can't stay here."

Irina pushed herself off her. Her cheeks flushed. Anger and sadness was one terrible brew. It exhausted her like nothing else.

The walk back was quiet.


"My mother approved of you. She is kind, but, she met you and she already likes you? How did you do that?"

"I got you to fall in love with me the very day we met, Princess. Yet you still doubt my charm?"

Rias pouted, before breaking to a smile as she giggled.

At one fuming afternoon, Lucifer lied indolently by the same bed he shared with his dear crimson-haired Gremory, now more smitten at him than ever after his deeds. She was an excellent lady with an excellent figure. An excellent taste for cuisine, although a peculiar taste for… collectibles. Not all girls had a fancy paper fan or an antic sword complete with its scabbard set on display in her own bedroom.

"I've never asked before, Princess. Where do you get those objects?"

Rias guided her eyes at the cupboard across the room. "You mean my collections?" As he gave an acknowledging hum, a soft smile splayed on her lips as she continued. Not often she got the chance talk about her hobby. "I got them from various places in here. Souvenirs from places I've been."

"You must've traveled around quite amount of times. Interesting places?"

"Mmmn, very. Those knives and wooden comb there are from Kyoto." Rias tightened her hug around his chest. "It's a beautiful city. I want to revisit it again this summer. You weren't with me back then."

Lucifer glanced down at his chest, at her head and just the tip of her pretty nose peeking out. Giving compliments were nothing new that Lucifer enjoyed on doing, but receiving them? It's like receiving a small yet thoughtful present.

"Crafty with your words aren't you? You silver-tongued Devil you."

Rias giggled. "Your fault."

Her giggle grew into playful laughter as Lucifer abruptly squeezed her belly and nuzzled his face into her flock of hair. She grabbed a hold of his arms, feeling their muscles and their sweats as she desperately tried to free herself from his evil, laughter-inducing clutches.

After a brief time of their little tussle, they were positioned in the same way they were just a few moments ago. Him on top, her below. Fingers linked. Eyes looking into one another with adoration. Both smiling without a care to the world.

Her smile gradually grew softer and timid as his spirited brown eyes glided over hers. Past her rosy cheeks and her parted lips. Past her chin and down to the bruises on her neck and chest. His eventually reached her enviable breasts and her pink buds. She would be surprised if she didn't count at least eight of his love-bites, and that's not counting her stomach and thighs.

Then his eyes swept over to hers again, and Rias could see and feel the warmth of those brown irises.

"You're gorgeous." He said, as then came his questioning look complete with a cheeky smirk. "Are you aware of that?"

She thought she had become accustomed to his trifling teases. She was wrong. Her cheeks still felt as warm and her bashful smile still broke through her best effort.

His smile widened and reached his eyes. "So gorgeous even with these hickeys. A few more wouldn't hurt, would it?"

As he snuggled down to ravish her neck that she had lost count, Rias' giggled and cradled his head. "Lucifer! I can't cover all of them with makeup!" She said in feign protest, all in her giggly breathing. Her moan escaped her mouth not long after as Lucifer planted another bruise on her smooth skin.

The time he was done and drew his head back up, her speech had become breathy. "Nnh… you're too good with your lips…"

"Practice kept it sharp."

Rias threw a mocking stare, narrowing her eyes. "Oh? And my lips are just a grindstone?"

"Delightful sparring partner, if you will."

Her smile spread again as they shared kisses full of giggles and chuckles. Her arms reached around his neck as her hands grasped his brown mane, lovingly messing his quiffed hairstyle. She had never understood why couples in movies would always move their head while they kissed, but now she knew why. He only had a pair of lips and they couldn't cover every part of her lips at once.

In due time, her breathing became frayed and coarse by desire. She felt the fire swelling in her chest and the little jolts coursing through her body. Her thighs rubbed against each other, the fluids trickling and seeping into the mattress. By the time their lips parted, she longed for him and his deft touches yet again.

Instead he drew away from her, and she was like a kitten who had suddenly lost the warmth of her mother. "...What... why?"

She had thought it was a punishment for her for neglecting him. But Lucifer should understand that. She was tired from all the exercises, and... she didn't to grow too close to him had she lost.

Rias was about to ask him to confirm her thought, but as her lust faded like a candle, she looked at him, and found he was staring at... a wall? No, his gaze seemed to go beyond that wall. For the first time, she saw the anger in his face. She saw his lips pressed tightly and his brown irises flashing those flickering blue flames.

Desires turned into worry. "Lucifer?"

As usual, he was quick to douse his anger, and was smiling at her once again. "What do you say if we head out for a walk?"

Now she was all but confused. "A walk?"

"Yes." He said simply, sliding off the bed and already dressed in his long-sleeved white shirt and trousers in just a blink. "You might want to meet these people as well."

If he was any other man she would likely be offended, take it as an excuse to refuse her and her advances, but this man is Lucifer. He knew more than she knew, she knew at least that much.

"These people? What do you mean? Who are they?"

"Not sure myself, but the holy folks most likely. Quite the strong ones, perhaps." Then their presence dimmed, slowly and slowly like a dying candle… but it's still there. Like the red tip of a candle's wick, leaving trails of smoke until it completely died out. Except, it never did. It was faint, but Lucifer sensed it moving. "Better hurry up Princess. They're cloaked."

Albeit confused, and sweaty, Rias went with her better judgment and propped herself off the bed. They would need to change the sheets later on. A damp bed isn't as comfortable.

Hence, she readied herself, using a little bit of wind magic to dry her body off her sweat and several perfume to hopefully coax the lewd scent. She headed to her dresser. Used to him seeing her naked body, and she did appreciate his leering gaze whenever she took her clothes, be it wearing them or taking them off.

She would play cutesy normally, but she didn't want to keep him waiting. And if he was right – which he usually is – the quicker they are, the better.

"Okay." Rias said, fluffing her hair from the neckline of her spring-themed outfit. Easy for the eyes but stunning nonetheless. "Where to?"

Lucifer paused for a while, his eyes tracing the ceiling as if there were hints there.

Surprisingly, to Rias, he seemed to find those hints as he said with his usual confidence, "The park."


It was bad enough that their place of staying was located at a rowdy district. Their cloaks and Xenovia's wrapped weapon would attract more than just unwanted attention and questioning looks, but as it was the only motel without the Devil's influences, they had no other option. If bad gone to worse, they could simply claim they were cosplayers – but that meant lying, and Griselda would chew them out for it.

The church trios set forth to their guesthouse, making little to no eye contact and maintaining none as they passed a quiet park. It was Sunday, but it might be a little too scorching for kids to get out and play. Summer was coming, after all.

There was something unexplainably eerie walking through a park where there was nobody else. Not a soult but theirs, and whoever saw them would pay additional attention to them compared to where there were people bustling about.

For example, the couple walking in front of them.

One was a foreign man in a white dress shirt. Long-sleeved. Holding his hand and tittering was a beautiful and foreign young woman with gorgeous crimson locks. A Devil.

Their faces were shadowed by the hood of their cloak, but Griselda could sense their uneasiness surfacing. Coming into contact with a Devil this soon was the least preferred scenario.

"Stay calm." She whispered, "Look around the park."

Her disciples mentally nodded. Irina naturally pointed at a nearby pond, with ducks. White ducks swimming along their yellow ducklings. Normally, she would had squeed at how cute and fluffy they were, for they were cute and fluffy, and yellow. But after finding out the death of her childhood friend? Staying cheerful was rather difficult.

The couple seemingly took interest at the bathing ducks, and they passed them without ever raising the suspicion of the female Devil. There was an odd glance due to what they're wearing, but other than that, it seemed they had avoided a trouble for now.

"You know, Princess, what's funny is that we just passed it." The man said in discernible English, in a voice casual enough but loud enough that the trio couldn't help but overheard.


"Yes." He confirmed, "Isn't this part of the city is your tract of land? I don't recall you ever saying you allow micks wander around in broad daylight."

"Micks…?" Rias was a multilingual Devil, but slangs weren't listed in her vocabulary yet.

"Catholics, Princess." Lucifer smiled as he meaningfully directed his eyes at the three cloaked figures, who had noticeably slowed their walking pace. "Roman Catholics, to be as precise. One so saintly as well."

Rias caught up.

"Xenovia! Don't!"

And the moment she did, one of the three threw away her cloak and had wielded her oversized sword. A Holy Sword that rattled Rias to her bones, rendering her unable from moving the moment she lunged at her.

Lucifer, however, was unaffected by ostentatious weaponry. Pointing a finger, he let loose of a highly concentrated demonic power that was smaller than a red bean. Same color too. Xenovia dodged by stepping to her side by judging the direction of his finger. She failed to do the same as his shot switched direction and pierced through her calf.

Rias gasped as Xenovia winced, falling down into the dirt path chest first.

He knew the other young girl was antsy. He could see it in her violet eyes - they remind him of Akeno's, except for their liveliness and of course, the resentment. Her eyes were practically flaring with hate.

"Get away from her!"

"Stay, Irina."

Upon closer inspection, Lucifer noticed their… questionable attire. "Why, I know it's sweltering, but isn't it a bit too brazen to wear swimsuits in public?" He muttered, amused, keeping watch at the other two as he approached the blue-haired one. Not so she didn't do anything stupid, but so she did do something stupid. Such as what she did earlier.

"Good day, miss... Whosit of Whocares." Lucifer greeted with a friendly smile while Rias stayed behind. The close proximity of an actual Holy Sword was too much for her to stand.

Understandably, they didn't reply. And the girl on the ground only let out a grunt and a dagger of a glare, feebly trying to grasp her large blue sword. Impressive, considering her right leg's muscle just got torn apart.

Still, must they be so rude?

Well, fine for him. Two could play the game. Better yet, he had no obligation of holding back. Neither of these girls was a Devil.

Lucifer was not a fan of swords or sharp stuffs, but he was a fan of irony. He toyed a little with gravity to make her sword fly instead. Their eyes shifted on the flying obsidian sword as Lucifer played it like a puppeteer, making it dance and spin on the air as though it had a mind of its own. All while pressuring her to be friendlier with the dirt. He could keep his hands clean this way.

"You know, I don't peculiarly fond of churches… Their sermons. It's unbearably long." He smiled, bragging his perfect pearly whites. "Thus why, you lasses have exactly five... nah, three minutes to save her life."

That sentence alone changed the air. Their expression darkened, and the terror on their faces was raw. It was so very humane of them. Faced with the unexpected or unnatural, and fear was their go-to state of feeling.

"Unless, you want to do the interrogation instead Princess?"

Rias shook her head. In the moment she was trying to stop herself from shaking. Everything happened so fast. The chill in her bones hadn't yet subsided, and she was spiting herself for being caught so blatantly off-guard. If Lucifer wasn't there... she rather not imagined what would happen then.

"More amusement for me then." Lucifer sniggered. "As I am certain you have your own… 'holy' busyness to attend to… shall we?" He checked his wristwatch as the sword hovered right above the girl's back, pointing downwards like a blade of a guillotine. "So. Two minutes. Starting from… now."

Like the hand of a clock, the sword began to move clockwise by each second.

Threatened with the execution of her child, Griselda hadn't yet falter. "Are you the overseer of this city?"

"Dear sister, that's not how this works. I ask, you answer. Rather simple procedures, really..." He said, politely. "Also, your time seems to be running short. Not yours, hers. But yours too once hers did." His eyes landed at the girl with the chestnut hair. "And possibly hers."

Irina clenched her teeth as the string wrapped around her arm changed into a Japanese sword.

Lucifer simply cast a smile, thinking nothing of her failed attempt at intimidation. "Since you weren't aware of the rule, I'll be kind and reel back." The Holy Sword turned counter-clockwise to its original starting position; pointing at Xenovia's back. Now that he had established the rule, Lucifer restarted again. "Let's start from your names."

Griselda considered her options, and internally grimaced at the lack of choices. This was botched. How couldn't she sense he was a Devil? Xenovia's life was in danger because of her own rashness, but also because of her blunder. No choice but to obey.

"I am Griselda Quarta. These are my helpers, Irina and Xenovia." She said, her green eyes remained steeled. Not often she stole a glance at the bleeding girl, at the time, paralyzed and pressed to the ground.

"Ahh… Griselda? Italian or Germanic?"

He was fooling around to let the time ticks. "Let her go." She demanded, calmly. "I'll answer everything you want."

She's beautiful; Lucifer wouldn't deny it. That black nun-cowl of hers perhaps hid more for his eyes desired. But she's no Devil. A human woman. And Lucifer had little time to spare for humans and their wants. Especially humans who didn't listen when they should.

Xenovia screamed as the sword slashed her back, ripping a portion of her black battle suit as the color red began to spread. A shallow cut and nothing to be worried about, but enough to sharpen his point.

"Don't bend the rules, sister. That's our job." Lucifer chuckled. He still smiled, but his eyes were no longer smiling. "What order are you from. Order of the Christ? Templar? Hospitaller perhaps? Or are there any recent ones since I last checked? You religious folks love making new cults every now and then don't you."

Even Rias was no less surprised by his deductions and his knowledge regarding the religious orders that was founded roughly a millennium ago, some years after the Great War occurred. His daringness impressed and conceivably frightened her. Whoever those people were, they weren't ordinary people. Ordinary people doesn't carry Holy Swords on their back. And yet, Lucifer was unaffected.

None of the girls answered. They just stared at their blue-haired companion whimpering in pain, and that did not appease Lucifer.

"Somehow, I haven't made it clear enough. Did I speak to fast? Do I have to pick a verb from the good book so you can understand what I said?" The evil glint in his eyes indicated his patience was running low, and for once, Lucifer hoped they stalled long enough for him to take a drastic measure. "Now if you could stop wasting my time... that would be very much appreciated."

"We are from Vatican City. We are sent here to retrieve what's been stolen." Griselda told him. Her blue eyes remained cold and distant, but she couldn't hide the fear lingering within. Not from him. Not from The Devil. "They are only my aides and apprentice. Let them go, and-"

"Careful there." Lucifer warned casually, "She's already bleeding once because of your demands. I ask, you answer, remember?"

Griselda pressed her lips tightly.

"Good." He smiled. "What were stolen?"

"Holy Swords."

Lucifer quirked his eyebrow tauntingly, as if mocking her. "Holy Swords? Plural? They're stolen? Are you sure you didn't give them away for charities? How many were stolen?"


"Three? Three legendary swords were stolen... A girl lunged at a Devil without reasoning... Is it me, or you church people lacks competency?"

Griselda didn't miss the veiled threat. "Do forgive her impetuousness. She's still young, her emotions often get the best of her."


He let go of his hold on the sword and allowed gravity to do the rest.


Before Irina could rush in to help her friend, Griselda held her by her shoulder - much to Lucifer's disappointment as Durrandal stabbed the ground. If he killed her then he'd have no advantage over these two people. Still, it made their hearts skipped a beat. Wise, careful humans are boring humans.

But her reaction triggered a chain reaction as Rias had fired a shot of her power of destruction. She missed by purpose, letting it skim past her and destroying a row of trees in the process, but it was an effective warning shot nonetheless.

Lucifer smiled as Rias stepped next to him. Her face cold and dead serious. "If you agree to explain as clear as possible why you are here in this city, I will let her go."

Lucifer paused. "What?!"

"Please trust me on this."

Ah. Lucifer saw her sly intent through her eyes – the windows of the soul as told by the trusted bartender.

"No." he said, surprising her yet again. "I apologize to disappoint you, Princess."

The air was no longer peaceful and tranquil. It was intoxicating. Their lungs tightened, and they felt as if they're slowly being strangled by thick smoke. Griselda stood resolute, unaffected by his small spell. But not from the suffocation of her children. She watched in horror as Irina and Xenovia began to choke, hands around their neck, gasping for air as they keeled over.

They were distraught, looking at her for help, and she was powerless. "What are you doing?! Enough of this! What else do you want to know?!"

Like a desperate mother begging the lives of her children. "Your faithful children attacked us. Twice might I add. Both when neither of them are in the position to do so."

"No!" Rias raised her voice, a bit strained as she didn't want to. Not when it's him. But this city was her territory to control. As he looked at her, her resolution nearly falter. He was scowling thinly, but the ire in his eyes were terrifying. Just how spiteful he was to the Church? "Let them go!"

"Why?" Lucifer seethed. Deep purple flames blazed in his eyes; a beautiful sight but not in this scenario. "They intended to hurt you, Rias. Twice."

It was sweet of him, but Rias was determined. "And they failed. Both times, thanks to you." She said clearly, intending to remind the fools who attacked her of their failures. It would be waste to miss a chance of twisting the knives.

Still, love him or not, hate them or not, she couldn't let these important people die. "You can't kill them. They're guests of this city. This isn't worth risking a war."

"Then they shouldn't have sent these jokers to begin with, don't they."

As they debated, Irina and Xenovia were getting paler and paler.

"Please! Spare them!"

"You've had your chance, sister."

Rias grasped his hand, retaking his attention to her. "Please."

At her soft plea, Lucifer sighed deeply, and nodded. Both Irina and Xenovia breathed sharply, coughing, desperate to breathe.

Rias smiled.

Her eyes then met Griselda's, holding her gaze firm, but with assurance. "Sister Griselda. Had you been any less than who you are, I'd have you and your subordinates executed. Regardless of your reasoning and position, you're crossing a Devil's territory. Not informing its overseer prior to your visit was very unwise."

Griselda fixed her posture. That man had broken her stoic façade and nearly broke her. She had never felt so hopeless, not in front of her children. Despite so, she'd keep the grace and honor she had left.

"I understand, and I apologize." She said, as calmly as she could despite her rapidly beating heart. It was only their first day of their task and she nearly lost two of her aides and herself. "Our mission is a sensitive matter and I'd rather meet the overseer myself than sending an envoy."

"Sensitive enough that you're forced to travel all the way here from Vatican City?"

"Yes, my lady. It's not meant to be shared in an open space such as this park."

Rias considered the proposal, mentally weighing the choices.

She stole a glance at the man beside her. It was clear to her that Lucifer was in a foul mood. His eyes were glued at Griselda like a lion to a sheep. He was practically butchering her in his mind.

"Very well." Rias sighed, hoping that her decision could help Lucifer calming down as well. "We'll head to my school and continue our discussion there. Meanwhile, your subordinates can be taken care by my servant. I promise you no harm will come to them."

Irina and Xenovia finally regained the strength and composure needed to lift themselves off the ground. Irina was clearly distressed, but Xenovia still had some fight in her despite she was limping and wincing from her leg wound.

"...Treated by a Devil...? I'd rather di-"

"Mind your tongue, Xenovia. We are not here to make enemies. And I will not have you die from your own folly." Griselda reminded her thickheaded companion with a harsh tone. "Pardon me, my lady. Your offer is very generous. You have our utmost gratitude."

Rias nodded briefly, before turning to him. "Lucifer? Since she's injured and our school is still a bit far from here, and seeing that I can't use my magic circle to bring them... can you please...?"

"Transporting those who tried to have you killed... That's a lot to ask, Princess." Lucifer muttered bitterly. But as Rias puppy-eyed, he only sighed, and said; "The things I do for love." as he tore up a portal from thin air, connecting the park and the dimly lit room otherwise known as the Occult Research Club's clubroom.

All while Griselda felt failure gnawing her, and dread's claws slithering around her neck. She didn't mishear, but she had mistaken him as a mere human with magical capabilities. Now she realized how horribly mistaken she was, and the gravity of the danger she herself, had led the two girls into.

She was a renowned exorcist, but no Demons or any spawns of Hell she had faced held the name 'Lucifer'.


Lucifer stood by a wall near the exit, far from the center of the clubroom, which was where Rias held a discussion with the sister. Watching her from a distance was enough to brew his ire, let alone being sat near her.

Stood next to him was Rossweisse, who had brought Asia along with her. He was told she had moved to another apartment, large and spacious enough for her and Asia. The girl was at the moment, nursing the blue-haired hothead at another couch.

"...To be nursed by a Devil... and one who is a Witch..."

"Xenovia. How many warnings do you need to keep your mouth from spewing needless words?"

She gritted her teeth, and quieted down. A pity. Lucifer was waiting for a reason to bring judgement down upon the ungrateful brat. But Koneko was with her, quietly eating a cake, keeping watch. While Kiba stood behind Rias' and Akeno's seat, looking uncharacteristically vindictive.

Meanwhile, Rossweisse struggled to come up with any topics to talk about, and Lucifer seemed too enraptured with the sister. In her struggle, she realized he was the one to always start the talk. If she wasn't so shy, perhaps she could have thought of something...

"Why is Griselda Quarta here...?"

"You knew her?"

"...I read from books... it's said she's a famous female exorcist."

His expression darkened. All the more fuel for his burning ire.

Rossweisse didn't catch that, though. "What do they come here for, Lucifer?"

"Lost swords." Lucifer scoffed disdainfully. "Something of the sort."

"Oh..." Rossweisse then glanced at Asia, presently healing a girl's leg. "Was there... a fight?"

He scowled. "Bloody brats leapt at her with their swords." Anger was practically boiling in his words. "I'd have them killed there right then." But this was Rias' territory, not his. And Lucifer was not a childish Devil.

Worry filled her. "Were you hurt?"

"I'm fine sweetheart. A tad vexed, perhaps." He smiled at her, but then it was gone. "Do you want to know something, Rosie?" He suddenly spoke up, but without looking at her. His stern eyes remained at the veiled lady.


"I'm wondering about many things at the moment." His tone was not his usual tone. It lacked the playfulness and the charm. It was almost if he was someone else. "I never liked brooding about my past. But now I don't know if know what my past is."

"...What do you mean?"

"For example. A name. Buné."

Rossweisse creased her eyebrows. That name rang a bell. "...Buné... I think I've heard of it before..." She thought harder, and her eyes lit up as she remembered. "Wasn't that the name of the province where we were training?" Well, excluding him.

"Yes." Lucifer replied. "He died in the battle at Ruins of Apostolis. Her mother told me that."

"Lady Venelana?"

Lucifer nodded. "He was one of my generals. Buné the Dragontamer. He was ambushed by the Fallen Angels at the Ruins of Apostolis. He fought and he won. His men lived but he died."

"And I couldn't remember. Not until Lady Venelana told me. He served under my name and fought for me and died for me. And I couldn't remember his name. A province is chosen in honor of his deeds during the Great War. Hearing its name caused a spark, but I didn't bother to stop and try to remember. I waved it all off."

She finally grasped the pain in his eyes and the frown on his lips. "Lucifer..."

He finally looked at her. "Don't it make you wonder what else did I forget? Who else did I forget? Why can I not remember everything?"

Sometimes she forgot she was in love with a Lucifer. She was reminded of that fact again today. "...It's been long years, Lucifer... Centuries, even... You've lived as humans, lived their life, and for a long time too... It's not your fault."

Lucifer sighed. Kicking himself was pointless. That, he knew. "Very well." He said, "Let's say it's not. Then what about the Civil War?"

Rossweisse had heard of it before. "Oma told me about it once... It was um... horrible."

"Horrible is it?" Lucifer chuckled. "Nine Houses were rendered extinct. Murdered by Devils. 'Horrible'? Tragedy, more like."

She wished she could do something. She wanted to do more than just listen, but she didn't know how. It aggravated her as he seemed to know many ways to lift her spirits.

"Nine families became extinct, because of my decision to listen to my people's demand that is to take Heaven. A decision that was made many years before. The very decision that killed Buné and others whose names I still can't remember."

"Heaven didn't shut their gates for them. I was the only one chosen to be exiled, but they chose to leave and follow me instead. They shed their wings in exchange for a bat's." Her heart churned as his voice shook lightly. "When my own brothers decided to banish me, they became my brothers. My sisters. And I killed them."

He then smiled at the irony. "And I can't even remember their names."

"Lucifer..." Rossweisse felt her heart shattered as she saw the redness in his eyes, how his brown irises began to gloss. She grew even more frustrated at herself. She loved him, yet she didn't know how to comfort him. Her own tears began to well, because after all the studies, the training she received, she was still a girl who knew nothing.

It only took him a few seconds to compose himself. Not a single tear was dropped. Not in front of his girls and especially not in from of the exorcist. Or sister. Whatever. He never showed his weakness in front of his enemies or potential enemies. Not unless it was a part of a gambit.

He smirked, recalling the times him and his armies had made complete fool of Heaven's and Grigori's best generals. The look on their faces must had been priceless. Shame he was busy winning at another battle.

Nonetheless, talking surprisingly lifted a bit of his burden and his ire. "Thank you, Rosie." Lucifer said, his voice reverting to its charismatic tone as he turned his head, only to find the girl's head was hanging down bitterly, her shoulders stiff.

He heard sniffles too. Something wasn't right. "Rosie?"

"I'm sorry..."

Before he could reach her shoulder, she jerked away and stormed out of the room, leaving the door wide open. Everyone who was there turned for a look, and they only found a dumbfounded Devil in white dress shirt, staring incredulously at the open door.

"I'll go see her." Lucifer said to Rias, and he stamped out of the room, searching for the Valkyrie as he closed the door behind him.

He didn't have to look far, however. She was some steps away from the clubroom, leaning against the wall and sniffling to the sleeves of her violet business suit for whatever reason. Lucifer still wondered why she was dressed so formally, but that wasn't the matter at hand.

"What's wrong dear?" Lucifer approached her, gently holding her shoulders. Just in case she scampered again. "Tell me. Was my sob story too sobby?"

His little joke didn't help much. She was still saying nothing, hiding her face as she shook her head.

"What then? You helped me earlier. Let me return the favor."

"Help...? I didn't do anything..."

"Oh but you did, Rosie. You listened." Lucifer chuckled, wrapped his arms around her and cradled her head. "Hush now dear. What's the matter? Hm? Did I upset you?"

She was moping at herself for being unable to comfort him when he needed it, and now she was in his chest again, being comforted by the man himself. Gods she hated herself much too often. "Why are you so kind to me?"

"What's that?"

"...I haven't done anything for you." She sobbed, "Rias must've... you..." She couldn't even make up sentences properly, and it only driven her frustration to the point she pushed herself away from him. "I'm useless. Why do you like me?"

"Useless? You?" Lucifer snorted, "You're not a tool, dear. And haven't we had a conversation about this before? Specifically, in your apartment?"

"That doesn't change anything..." Rossweisse muttered, "I'm not perfect, Lucifer."

"If I want perfect I'd date a mirror." He laughed, trying to lift up the mood as he stepped to her side. He felt the wall pressing against his back. "You're a sweet girl, Rosie. Smart, clearly. You're a teacher. Your students like you. You're afraid to disappoint your mother but it shows that you love her. You're amusing when drunk too."

Rossweisse shot a glance at him, glaring with her tear-stained eyes.

Lucifer chuckled lightly at the oh-so-intimidating glower. "You're unconfident. Somehow, you keep finding faults in yourself. Faults that I can't see that I'm starting to think they're just your imaginations."

"Imaginations...? I couldn't do anything to help you!"

"But you did, didn't you?"

Rossweisse froze, and finally had gathered enough to look up at him, letting him see her enflamed eyes and her northern irises.

He chuckled, smiling broadly as he drew distance to cup her face, and wiped the trails of her tears with his thumbs. "See? Like I said. Your imagination."

They stared at each other, him smiling and hers a look of stark confusion, wonder, and many other feelings still wrestling in her mind. Rossweisse muffled something when Lucifer squished her cheeks, much to his amusement.

Her gaze fell to his smiling lips... and her heart raced wildly. She loved him and she wanted him to kiss her. No, she wanted to kiss him.

"Now why don't we head back inside, hm? It's bloody blistering out here... Summer is coming."

Rossweisse froze as he let go of her, already tracking back to the clubroom. Her plea for him to stay a while longer was inch close on getting out of her mouth, but as she reeled back, thinking about everything he had done, the time he had given to her, she supposed it was enough for her.

"What're you doing standing there? Let's get-"


They both snapped at the door. That was Rias' voice. Without a word, the two made haste getting back inside. Lucifer practically slammed the door open, the hardly restrained rage in him searing. He would be more than happy to oblige the church ladies' recklessness.

But instead of a fight, he was instead welcomed by the sight of an enraged Rias, already on her feet. Meanwhile, Griselda still remain seated.

"You're here just to tell me, a Devil whose primary duty is to watch over this city, to let you, Church's emissaries, roam this city freely without MY supervision?! If so, then I have to refuse."

Exchanging a brief glance at Rossweisse, Lucifer and her decided to walk towards Rias' seat, joining Kiba. Akeno gave the two a welcoming smile before setting her eyes at the nun again.

"I understand it is an unpleasant request, but such is the order we were given." Griselda spoke calmly. "In light of the recent unfortunate events that befell our priests and exorcists who were sent here, the ones you yourself had given approval, you must understand our reasoning."

"Are we under suspicion here?" Rias' words were not without an edge. "Do you suspect we have a part behind their deaths?"

"Four out of four priests and three of the three exorcists were reported dead. We can't afford losing more."

Arms crossed, Rias thinly smiled as she sat down. "Then perhaps you should have secured your swords better."

Impressed at the jape, Lucifer was smirking behind her. Though, Griselda's composed reaction was somewhat a letdown. "It is our own unruliness. Hence why our only goal here is to make amends by ourselves. Let us find those responsible for the thievery without restraint. We won't inconvenience the Devils and we'll leave your city once we've restored the missing swords and apprehended the culprit."

Rias closed her eyes, appearing in deep consideration. Agreeing to this would benefit the Church and the Devils' already deteriorating relations and a sure way to show her that the Devils were unconnected to the deaths of those priests. But was she really willing to let these people go around without her regulation? If they died, that would deter the relationship even more.

Yet before she came up with a conclusion, Lucifer spoke up. "If you don't mind me for saying this, sister, but you just lied."

Griselda remained calm while her aides were visibly wary. "Pardon me for asking, but what proof do you have to support that accusation."

"You're a smart woman, sister. You know who I am. Do you think I can't tell a sin?" Lucifer scoffed, his eyes merciless. "You said your only goal is to make amends. You lied. Well, partly. That's not your only goal here, isn't it."

"What?!" She shot her eyes open, glaring straight at the nun in front. "Sister Griselda, what is the meaning of this? I gave you my trust, and you dare lie?!"

"She didn't lie!" From the side, Xenovia yelled, refusing to stand idly by when her godmother was being assaulted like this. "Our goal is to come here and extract the swords, nothing more!"

To Lucifer's surprise, she wasn't lying. Which could only mean one thing; "She didn't know, did she?" When Griselda said nothing while her kids stared at her with bewilderment, he pressed on. "Oh you didn't tell them. What is it about your secret goal that you can't tell your own children?"

"Y... You're lying..."

"Oh, but I never lie." Lucifer grinned. "Rather odd isn't it? Someone who never lie to be a terrific lie detector. So," he stared back at Griselda after shutting up the bluenette. "I believe explanations here are needed. Don't you think so, sister?"

"They are here for that objective alone, it is true. My objectives, however, aside from that, is to ensure they will get home safely."

The girls smiled, thankful that their faith in her was right.

Oh she was shrewd. Lucifer had to give her credit for that. Unfortunately, Lucifer's much shrewder. Circling the couch with a methodical gait, he said to her. "So. Looking after the swords and the kids are your only objectives. Is that what you are telling us?"


All eyes fell on her, looking expectantly but Lucifer's. He knew he had won. It was such a minor slipup, but the price might be heavier... Griselda took a deep breath. "It's not."

He smiled. "And what is this other objective of yours."

She stared directly at him, eyes fearless. "I am here to confirm whether or not a Devil has returned from the dead."

It was then the entire attention changed to him. Although they had known, there was still that inkling curiosity to confirm if he was who he was. A thirst for a real proof if he was the real Lucifer.

"And who told you to." His voice was anything but friendly, lined with barely contained rage. The cold, calculating gaze did nothing but augmented his menace. "Michael? Aries? Is seeing me personally considered a sin that they sent a spy instead?"

Uneasiness crept upon her. "I am not in the position to say what your brothers'-" the girls gasped as she was lifted to the air.

"Brothers?!" Lucifer seethed. His eyes flashed deep lavender. "Those 'brothers' you spoke of banished me. Disowned me. And you still have the gall to say they're my brothers?!"

Griselda choked, gasping for air as her hands tried to pry the invisible grip tightening her neck. She didn't fight back. She knew it was useless and would only fasten her demise and her children. She still managed to wave her hand to tell her girls to stay. She didn't have to, since Kiba had created a barrier of swords encircling them. His eyes were equally malevolent as Lucifer's.

Rossweisse reached out to him, but she hesitated. In truth, she was scared. Terrified at learning that the man she loved could reduce the strongest female exorcist into a helpless woman.

"Lucifer!" Even Rias was starting to panic. The situation had gotten beyond her control.

"...You're still... an Archangel..." She rasped.

"I'm starting to think I've misjudged your intelligence, sister. I am many things but an Archangel." Lucifer evidently snarled. Just saying that word left a bitter taste in his mouth. "Let me ask you again and for the last time before I decide whether I should crush your neck or not."

To prove his point, her neck visibly constricted as if someone was choking her for a moment. Griselda whined meekly, desperate for air.

"Who. Sent. You."

"Just tell him! Please!" Irina pleaded, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't handle another loss this soon. "Please! ...Don't die...!"

"...Archangel..." she rasped, "Gabriel..."

Griselda slumped down the couch the moment she was freed. She rubbed her throat, gasping as air filled her lungs.

With a swing of her Excalibur, Xenovia shattered all of Kiba's swords. Asia could only scream as the girl hastened to Griselda. Kiba had made them disappear before the shrapnel could harm anyone, and he was there to stop Xenovia's advance, parrying the giant Holy Sword with his much smaller blade imbued with his demonic power. Otherwise, it would had shattered.

They glared at each other, both intent to kill one another.

At the couch, Asia had no idea what to do as Koneko had Irina in her grip, stopping her from helping her friend.

"Gabriel..." Among the ensuing chaos, Lucifer's quiet whisper still managed to be heard by everyone present.

"...My sister...?" He raised his head. The rage had died away, and what replaced the bitter outcast was a brother who missed his sister. A brother who believed, among all of the Angels in Heaven, his sister would be the one who would willingly meet him. That she would see him face to face.

His faith was shattered to pieces.

"...She... sent you?"

To be continued…