
The Devil Meets an Angel

The opening scene introduces the main characters and their goals, motivations, and conflicts. The major turning points are where the main characters face obstacles, challenges, and changes in their relationship. The climax is where the main characters face their final confrontation and resolve their conflicts. The resolution is where the main characters achieve their goals and end up together.

Romance2Go · Livros e literatura
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10 Chs

The Devil Married An Angel

Lucifer and Angela had been married for a year now, and they were happier than ever. They lived in a secluded mansion in the countryside, away from the prying eyes of heaven and hell. They enjoyed each other's company, and they shared everything: their secrets, their dreams, their passions.

But there was one thing they could not share: a child.

Lucifer wanted to have a child with Angela more than anything. He wanted to see a little angel with his horns and wings, or a little devil with Angela's eyes and smile. He wanted to hold his baby in his arms, and watch him or her grow up. He wanted to be a father.

But he knew it was impossible. Angels and devils were incompatible in that regard. They could not conceive a child together, no matter how much they tried. It was a cruel fate, and it pained them both.

One day, Lucifer came home from a business trip and found Angela sitting on the couch, holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips.

"Lucifer, I have something to tell you," she said softly.

"What is it, my love?" Lucifer asked, approaching her with curiosity and concern.

"I found him on the doorstep this morning. Someone left him there for us. He's our son, Lucifer. He's our miracle."

She pulled back the blankets and revealed a baby boy with golden hair, blue eyes, tiny horns, and white wings. He was sleeping peacefully, unaware of his parents' joy and shock.

Lucifer gasped and reached out to touch the baby's face. He felt a surge of love and wonder fill his heart. He looked at Angela with disbelief and gratitude.

"Angela, how is this possible? How did this happen?" he asked.

"I don't know, Lucifer. I don't know who did this or why. But I don't care. All I know is that he's ours. He's our gift from God or fate or whatever you want to call it. He's our son, Lucifer. And his name is Gabriel."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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