
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
220 Chs

Chapter 120: Great Misunderstanding


Hello Lovelies 🤗 so since I'm all well now, like promised here's the new update. Thank you for all your messages.

Happy Reading 🥰!


Jeffrey looked around the mansion that belongs to the Woods. He has never been to such extravagant mansion before well except for the high ranking socialite people he has killed before but of course he was never invited to one. He thought the Whichburn's mansion is already big but this one is a whole new different level but then again he thought that the Whichburns owns a secluded place big enough to house and train people like him. Jeffrey sighed at the thought and smile to himself but suddenly someone grabbed him by his arms and took him to a secluded place inside the humongous ball room.

"Where have you been?!" Jeffrey looked at the man in front of him. He tried to find any worries nor sorry in his eyes for grabbing him that hard but no the man showed him neither of those.

"Vic, I was with Adrian." Jeffrey answered. He doesn't want to reveal that he's now somehow being accepted by his fiancé's friends.

"You should have told me, now go and be good to that fiancé of yours. Don't get drunk too much tonight you still have a client to satisfy."

"How about you?" Jeffrey asked.

"I'll go later, I have a date waiting." Jeffrey followed the gazed of his so called brother and there he saw a beautiful Alpha actress. Jeffrey sighed what should he expect.

"Don't embarrassed me with my client."Jeffrey just nodded in response. He's too tired to think, he knows in doing so it will only make the pain he's feeling palpable. He sighed and tried to enjoy the night. He made sure to stay away from Victor and most specially to Axel's group of friends. He take every liquor his hands could grabbed. Tonight he wanted to get wasted to not feel, to get himself completely numb. He was so out of it until he heard a commotion and people flocking on one side of the event hall

Jeffrey uninterestedly dragged himself to where the people are then he felt a strong familiar pheromones. His heart raced at the thoughts rushing to his mind so he pushed his way through and he's not mistaken right in front of him is Raven who's strangling Rion. He doesn't know what happened but Raven is livid clearly has the intention of killing Rion through strangulation. If they were in their teritory and they don't have a hearing it would have been ok to kill Rion, they can pay their freedom but no all eyes are on them. Jeffrey quickly move his body to separate the two and prevent Raven from committing murder in front of those powerful people but someone got there before he did and in one swift move that person was able to throw Raven in one of the tables which causes it to break and collapse.

"You don't kill a person in my son's wedding." The person who throw Raven said in a calm voice like throwing a full grown bulky Alpha was nothing.

"Are you ok Rion? Please call a medic and throw that trash out!" Yes it was none other than the Groom's mother Mrs. Clara Woods

"Now that I looked at him nearer I can see he's a beauty but not my taste. I just wonder how should I break him before I send him to his death?" Jeffrey shivers to the sound of the voice he knows so much.

"He's being spoiled too much by those stupid people." Jeffrey could not looked at Victor with that viscous and lustful pheromones he's subtly emitting. "Go take care of that idiot Raven. Make sure to clear up the misunderstanding with the Woods. We wouldn't want to get to their bad side. Specially that Clara Woods, she's rumored to hold her husband to his neck which makes her words absolute. I pity his husband though, dominant Alpha males should always stand up above others. They shouldn't let their petty wives control them." Victor laughed. "And now their only son married to a Beta. Hilarious right? And like his father he's circling on top of his Beta spouse who's family is unknown." Victor continuously mock them, a mockery which only him can hear.

"I think they are just being adored by their husbands that's why they are submitting to their wives." Jeffrey didn't know where he got the courage to talk back. For a moment Victor was silent but that silence didn't last long when he felt a hand gripped his face hard and seconds after he came face to face and eye to eye with Victor.

"Adored is not a word exist in a dominant Alpha male's vocabulary. Female Alphas, Betas and most specially Omegas should know their place and that is beneath us. Like you, no matter how strong of an omega you are, the fact that you are just an Omega will never change. Even that Theodore Shun will know his place sooner or later after Shun, Taekyun got sick of him." Jeffrey felt the sting on his cheek after Victor harshly let his face go. "I'm no longer in the mood, I'll go now. Fix this mess and go to your appointment. You're my precious dog aren't you? And you will do what your master tells you right?" Victor smiled at him.

Jeffrey nodded in response. Like a dog he quietly nodded as his master patted his head. After Victor disappeared to the crowd he went to fix what happened to Raven and even went to the lengths of apologizing to Derrek and his family. The party went on like nothing happened but Raven was escorted to go home. Jeffrey stayed for a little, trying to drink some more. He looked at his watch and saw he still have some time.

"Are you ok?" Jeffrey looked at the person beside him.

"Aren't you afraid I might hurt you too?" No one answered him so he thought that Omega will leave him alone but no rather leaving him alone he sat beside him.

"I'm afraid but I believe them, they said that you are a good person. They said that you were just misunderstood." Axel looked at the Omega and saw the hand marks on his neck.

"Don't believe in what others tell you." Jeffrey said, he took a cigarette and light it.

"Yeah, you're right. I was like that too. I stopped believing. It was just pure luck really but because of them I start believing again." Jeffrey looked at Rion with a calm and carefree smile on his face as he watches the crowd of people happily dancing.

"Do you honestly believe that after this you will be able to have a normal life? That people will look at you without contempt not disgust? You're a prostitute and nothing can change that. Like me you too also have a loose hole a proof that many men have entered, pleasured and watered that place. No one can accept people like us."

"Chester was like us but Terrence accepted and love him, Theo is like us but Taekyun accepted him and me like you said I used to be a prostitute but someone accepted me not just him but his only family also accepted me..."

"What do you mean?" Jeffrey asked.

"I'm pregnant, it's not out in the public yet but I trust you that you will keep it a secret. Help me Jeffrey, help me. You know more than anyone that what I'm saying are the the truth but your brother is blocking that, your brother is helping them."

Jeffrey got up. "I have to go, tell others I'll leave first and take care of yourself and your baby." Jeffrey just called a cab, he went to the address it was a high class hotel but the room booked are not different than ordinary fitted for someone like him. When he went inside he saw the client that his brother was talking about. It was the head persecutor in his brother's case. Jeffrey laugh inwardly, such a smart move to get the prosecutor on their side. The man is already in his late fifties or probably already in his sixties enough to be his father.

"I specifically requested you, the moment I first saw you I thought you're really beautiful. I never thought he will agree to this." The man said.

"I'll just take a shower." Jeffrey casually said.

"No need, I want to inhale your scent." The man whispered.

"Sorry to disappoint but I don't have any scent, I don't emit pheromones." Jeffrey answered back. The old man didn't answer instead he start kissing his neck which made Jeffrey felt like he's about to throw up so he run towards the bathroom and there he emptied his stomach although there's nothing to throw aside from all the alcohol he took. He rinsed his mouth and looked at himself in the mirror, for some reason he felt really disgusted it's like his guts is wringing as that man kissed him. He pushed himself to go back and told himself it was a job to help his brother get away from his crimes.

Jeffrey took off his clothes and the man throw him in the bed. "You know I don't like simple sex that's why I always sought for things like this. My wife is old wrinkly and doesn't enjoy thrills but youngster like you can withstand a-lot of things. Your pain tolerance is greater than others." The man said. The man tied his hands on the bed board. Later the man fed something to him but Jeffrey didn't protest he let the man. He's not new to this, there are clients who prepare things as that he just secretly wish that the man wouldn't draw out blood on his body or cut him or maybe he doesn't take long in doing him.

The man keeps on talking but he can no longer hear it as his mind is already traveling to the darkness, Next thing he knew is that his mouth is gag, his legs is spread wide. His jewel is plugged. Jeffrey can't feel the pleasure he should be feeling instead he felt like his body is being tear to pieces just accepting the man on top of him. After the man cum Jeffrey thought it was over, even though he's high on drugs that the man fed him he can clearly feel everything. He can't even speak. His body can't move with all the restraints put on him. He waited for the man to release him but no, instead he was turned and bend over, raising his hips and exposing his entrance then he felt something hit his behind. Jeffrey felt like the skin from his buttocks has tear with all the hitting, the cum of the man trail in between his legs.

"I heard from your brother that you can't get pregnant." The man said after pulling out of him. Jeffrey thought that was all when the man unfolded him but he didn't untied him instead the man walk towards the door and when he opened it 3 more men came. "I thought it was such a pity not to share a rare beauty like you. It's the first time I have slept to someone as beautiful as you. I'll probably won't be able to again."

The night went on with Jeffrey as those four men took turns on him to the point he passed out. When he woke up all four are still sleeping. He got up and run to the bathroom throwing like there's no tomorrow. Everything is spinning and his head felt like it was about to crack open. He forced himself to get up, put his clothes on and got out of that place without even putting his shoes on. He walk to the alley, he doesn't want to be seen by people, he doesn't want to be pitied on. His legs are both shaking so he decided to just sit there. He gathered his legs to his chest, wrapped his arms around them and pressed his face on his knees. He told himself he will just sleep. After hours of sleeping a familiar scent filled his nose. It was a very calming scent unlike those men last night. It was way too calming that it eases the pain he's feeling.

When he came to his senses he's in a different room, a room not a hotel room. It is filled with that scent a fresh scent of lavender with a hint of sandalwood in the morning. He looked at himself and saw he's dress in a clean dark sarin pair of PJ and his left hand is hook on to what seems to be a dextrose. Jeffrey didn't like the feeling so he harshly pulled out the needles.

"You shouldn't have done that." Jeffrey looked to the direction where the voice came and there stand a man on a white knitted sweater and loose white pants and in his hand is a mug. The man put his mug on the side table before walking towards him.

"You were intoxicated, we needed to hydrate your body and to neutralize the drugs in your system." Seeing the man up close he can't deny that he's handsome but he's married Jeffrey thought. He watched him inserted the needle back to his vein. "Look your vein pop up because you carelessly pulled out the needle. Your veins in your hands are quite thin so they are fragile, they will easily burst if not careful in inserting and pulling….. there all done, I'm going to put this to prevent your hands from moving too much and also don't raise your hand or the blood will flow to the tubes, we wouldn't want to see this in red now do we?"

Jeffrey remained starring at him. "You're not much or a talker are you?" Jeffrey didn't say a word so Henry continued talking while putting on the tape to secure his hand and after that he went to clean his wounds but Jeffrey remained silent, silently watching him.

"How come we only meet when you're not sober?" Jeffrey even thought that the way he laughed is cute and his voice is soothing.

"Why are you helping me? You should have left me there." Jeffrey finally said

"How can I not help someone in need, it's my profession to help." Henry smiled at him, even though it was clearly a lie. Henry is the kind of Doctor who's heartless. He operates only the VIP's for him there's nothing more important than earning on his own and to not depend even on a single sent from his outrageously wealthy parents. He wanted to show them that he can build a hospital on his own with his own money. He doesn't need anyone to help him. So he wondered why he helped the omega in front of him twice in a row in less than a month.

"You a doctor?" Jeffrey asked.

"Hhhhhhmmmm." Henry answered.

"You save lives." Jeffrey whispered, then he looked outside the window and thought of all the people he killed. He kills while the man in front of him save lives.

"How did you find me?" Jeffrey asked without looking at Henry."

"I don't know, I happen to smell you and I just found myself following the scent and there a saw you. You really such a handful, ow I even cleaned you up in that area if you don't mind." The man said then smiled at him which only made Jeffrey embarrassed.

"You-you shouldn't have!" Jeffrey hide inside the blanket and from there he heard the man laughed.

"Well I'm your boyfriend after all so it is my duty to take good care of my lover. Now that I think about it, it seems this is meant to be don't you think? We keep bumping on to each other." Jeffrey's heart beat fast after hearing the man said lover and all the cheesy things he keeps on spouting. He's not used to hearing such thing.

"I took blood sample and had you tested if you don't mind. The amount of cum and the tear are not looking good, so just to make sure. Luckily you're negative to any sexual transmitted diseases but I still suggest for you to get tested again after 3 months but please use protection."

Jeffrey was knocked on with the reality. Yes he needed to be careful and yes he needs to use it for the rest of his life because he can never be in the position where he will freely have the freedom to have a consensual sex without worrying he might catch a disease. He got out of the blanket.

Henry saw the sadness and emptiness in Jeffrey's eyes and he didn't know why he said that but his mouth just move on it's own. "But I will prepare if you will stop having sex with anyone for three months, I'm a possessive boyfriend after all. Kidding aside, take care of your body."

The emotions he saw earlier didn't come back. Henry thought that the omega might be tired so he told him to rest and went back to his work. He decided to work from home since the unknown omega is in his house and he needed to nurse him. Henry stretched and looked at the time, he prepared something light for dinner so his guest came eat properly and after he's done he went to his room and knock before opening it but when he turned the lights on the Omega is no longer there, "Not even a note of thank you hahahaha." Henry laughed. He sat to the bed where the omega slept. "His scent is still here. He took my clothes with him well I throw away his clothes." Henry was livid smelling the scent of other Alphas to that Omega that he had to throw away the clothes and not wash it. He even went to the extent of cleaning the omega in the reason that he needs to clean his wounds there.

"You left, not even a name. If I meet you again what should it be this time? You seem to be getting worst every time a see you." Henry talk to himself he seems calm but deep inside he can feel a great anger creeping out. "I really shouldn't meddle in other people's business, this is getting dangerous." Henry whispered. He got up and throw everything he prepared, got his jacket and went out to drink.

"Hey you called?" Henry looked at his patient

"Hey I need someone I can talk to." Henry drink to his glass.

"Want one?"

"Just juice." Axel happily declined the offer for the alcohol. "You know me and my husband are both trying."

"Yeah right." Henry drink to his glass.

"So why is my Doctor drinking? Someone turned you down?" Henry glared at him. "Ow sorry I forgot you can't get it up after meeting an Omega you didn't even slept with ouch!"

"Shut up, it is much worst. I found him again….. in a mess, drugs and alcohol intoxication. Bruises and multiple cuts not to mention arrggghhhh. Why do I always get entangled with him!"

"So what did you do?" Axel asked like asking for a piece of gossip.

"I took him to my house, they'lle arrest him for drug use if I bring him to the hospital. I don't know what's going on inside my mind. I even ride along with that boyfriend thing he's mumbling before and for a moment I thought his eyes light up or maybe it was just my imagination because it disappeared instantly. Damn it I didn't even go to work to look after him. I even cook dang it I don't cook because I'm too lazy to do it and then he run away again…. Again!" Henry drink empty his glass. "I swear if I see him again, I will let him die…. You hear...." Axel was laughing the whole time until Henry stopped talking and just stand up and run outside so Axel followed him.

"Hey what happened?" Axel asked him but Henry is looking left, right, behind and in front he's circling as if he's looking for someone.

"He's here." Henry whispered.


"The omega was here. I can sense his scent but it was gone now."

"How can you smell him all the way here?" Axel asked.

"I don't know, that's what I also want to know. It was always his scent that brings me to him." Henry explained.


"Where have you been? Robie said that after you went home earlier you disappeared." Jeffrey looked at his brother who's clearly waiting for him.

"None of your business." Jeffrey answered.

"Anyways, they love your service and said they would want to have a go again." Jeffrey glared at his brother. "But I told them to sabotage the evidences submitted to them by the other party and if they do that….."

"I don't want to, I agreed to have sex but not an orgy of old people doing BDSM." Jeffrey sneered but what he earned are hard continuous slaps till his lips bled again and his right cheek reddened and bruised.

"You don't have a say in this. You're just a dog and a dog's job is to follow his master." Victor left.

Jeffrey went to his room like nothing happened. He looked at his face in the mirror and wipe the blood on his lips. "He even tend to my wound and yet Victor made my wound here open and bleed again." Jeffrey whispered as he talk to himself but the image of the Alpha burned to his mind. He went back to his house to sneak in the clothes but the alpha was nowhere to be found so he carefully laid the folded PJ's on top of bed and went on, he decided to just walk instead of riding a cab for awhile but the Alpha's familiar scent got his attention so he followed it and there he found himself going inside the bar and there he saw Axel and his husband happily talking to each other. Axel woke up from the reality that the man has a family of his own, he shouldn't dwell nor meddle with it because it is not his business to do so. He sighed and figured that he just went there to bring back the thing that's not his to begin with. Annoyed by that scent that's lingering to his nose he rode a cab to get out of there quickly.

"I really hope not to see him anymore." Jeffrey whispered. He knows those coincidental meetings are nothing more than just coincidence. That man might made him just his mistress. "You're delusional Jeff, delusional. Others might get lucky but not you….. not you. If others are being taken as a wife, you you're just for a mistress role." Jeffrey laughed.

"I need to get him out of my mind."

A month went by and the trial came. True to the prosecutor's promise the evidence submitted by the other parties were all proven null and deemed not worthy to use as evidence which left Axel's side at the disadvantage.

"I made a very good job so I'm expecting a good reward." The prosecutor whispered while feeling his butt.

And later that night Jeffrey found himself once again in that state that happened months ago, instead this time it is much worst as the man invited more men to play and break his body. Jeffrey who's limping didn't even bother taking his clothes, he only took his long coat and got out of the hotel. Blood and semen trailing down his thighs and leaving foot prints on the floor. He even remembered begging Victor to reconsider since he doesn't want to be touched again like that because ever since that man told him to take care of his body he refrained from any sexual activity because he's no longer in the mood or better yet he always throws up just by locking lips with anyone. But Victor didn't consider as a matter of fact he injected him with both drugs and aphrodisiac.

Jeffrey didn't know how long he walked, he felt wrecked, empty and hopeless so when he saw the ocean he absentmindedly climbed up to the railings and jumped without any hesitations. Jeffrey felt a sharp pain hitting his back like his body hit a pavement. He didn't even struggle and let all the air out of his lungs to come out and the more he stayed there sinking the heavier his eyes get, for some reason he felt at peace that he can finally now rest. That his mind, his body and mostly his heart can now rest and be at peace.

"Finally…." Jeffrey mouthed even though no voice came out but a smile finally form on his mouth. One single smile in a month that he hadn't even felt any single happiness.