
the demon half human who somehow became the demon lord of insanity NV!

In this world there are many who can use magic a thing of common place however there are those who will always stand above the rest. Those who are on top have the power to influence the masses especially those who win. Normally this would be the story of the righteous hero showing up to overthrow the bad guys but what if everyone was somehow influenced in a almost unnatural way? this is the story of Kira a person with not many morals holding her back from taking action to become one of those special people just to burn the status quo to the ground. NV=remake/new version

hoifzf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

a event to a massacre

(warning big exposition)

Paine and the group walked up to the edge where Ainz and Kate were waiting with 28 other orphans besides Kira or Kaiya that were close to their age.

"oh... good everyone is here... didn't have to do hide in seek"

Ainz gave Paine a judgemental look.

"actually there is something that's missing"

Paine glared at Ainz and made subtle finger movements like a code for him to leave it.

"well that can wait we dragged these kids out for a reason...so I'll let the gentleman... do their thing"

Arcane and Adrian's men set the boxes by each other Arcane stepped Infront and layed his hand on the box that broke apart along with the others to form a alter with a bright ball full of energy hovered over.

"alright this is a simple process all of you need to stay completely still otherwise you might be riving on the ground"

everyone's face went pale Kira looked at Kaiya then at Paine.

"uh don't look at me...I didn't feel like saying anything"

"ok 3...2...1"

Arcane slammed one hand on the ground as red weblike markings spreader across the ground around everybody.

"{Arcane style: vital release}"

the markings glowed as a flash of light erupted blinding everyone as a huge gust of wind ripped through the air parting the clouds and blowing back trees until things calmed down revealing almost everyone on the ground except Kira who was standing just fine.

"woah kid that's pretty impressive what did you do?"

"I closed my eyes before those markings reach us cause I may or may not have been nervous"

Kira looked at her hands and saw this barely noticeable red aura and also felt 100x better than usual flexing her arms feeling like she could do anything.She looked up and noticed that Arcane was giving her the most suspicious look.

'I gotta feeling this guy might kill me'

"hmmm you know it's pretty rare for humans to have red magic aura's"

"oh well uh has there been a case"

"oh yeah with slave halfling children"

Paine feeling like something might happen was going to try to change the subject.

"haha well we could talk about this later how about we finish up...ok"

Arcane state intently at Paine and smiled.

"ah yes I guess you have a point let's at least see what skills they have"

Paine let out a breathe and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow.

'I might have fucked up here but I'm sure the people at the capital have mellowed out about rogue children I hope'

Adrian not caring for the tension stomped his foot sending out a wave of power calming the effects of the technique.

"alright stand up babies we don't have a day or two to waste on yah it's sad this idiot pulls the same trick everytime"

"what can I say I never get tired of the oh shit face before they get blinded"

everyone who was basically crippled a second ago felt like almost nothing happened a moment ago.

"cruel jokes aside...as the one in charge who actually knows how this stuff works kids fair warning this is a bit more tedious"

"yeah tedious and necessary so for this last step so I can get a drink later we won't be whole individual spirit guide instead we'll unlock your skills all at once"

"That's very unwise sir it could stun their progress as practitioners of whatever magic and skill...they try to master"

"hm why that's the point my small friend"

Arcane grabbed the orb holding up up as authorial chains slammed through forcing the group to experience a brief vision before returning to reality.

"what the hell?... that's not how this event is supposed to go ever since you 2 have gotten here you've half assed this important life event as if it's a means to a end"

Arcane smirked looking Paine directly in the eye.

"that's because it is sorry to say but you know we have a strict policy if you harbor rogues you'll get no mercy when being dealt with we just did this all so my puppets could have a clear target on everyone in this village"

Paine Kira Ainz Kaiya Kate and everyone else suddenly was hit with a sudden need to step as far away from this place as possible but before any movement can't be made the sound of a vocal melody entered they're ears Paine and Ainz immediately covered their ears with thin layer of magic coding. Ainz was the one who looked the most pissed knowing exactly what that sound was.

"You bastards I can feel it now that whole uneasiness you called a bunch of mermaids and sirens here! You couldn't just kill us yourselves"

"please why would we cover ourselves with the blood of your people when we have pets to do it for us"

"exactly we're supposed to be sent to handle real threats your village was going to be done away with anyway after this place is cleared out we'll build the mine for those magic conductive metals that you owed consider you to be an example of those who don't pay at the exact time we ask for payment you should meet the deadline"

"and besides you should worry about your weak children who will be the first to walk off this cliff and jump to they're deaths"

An explosion happened back in the village a piller of flames lighting the evening sky. Paine looked at the whole situation trying to make a key decision as time seemed to slow to how fast he was thinking.

'I know I can't help both the orphans and the people still in the village some of them will die and judging by that explosion and seeing those other men disappeared after that blinding from earlier it's in my best interest to leave the kid's to those 2 but these present threats right beside me are still the wildcard in this whole disaster'

"Ainz I'm leaving this to you and you to I should say dishonorable heroes wha-"

Paine was cut off as his whole head was caved in and ripped from his shoulders as blood sprayed along the ground.

"he actually had the nerve to call us dishonorable that was a foolish mistake"

Arcane swung his staff as the blood slipped off and Adrian touched his companions shoulder as they were covered in a white glow.

"goodbye hope you don't try anything foolish cause you'll die just the same enjoy the fireworks"

Ainz was about to rush at them but heard splashing making him come to a deadly halt before running back.

'shit I'm too fucking late'

he thought as he jumped down so fast touching the water freezing it over a bit blocking the jaws of both feminine monsters.He breathed a sign of relief until he saw the mind controlled kids trying to break the ice along with the much stronger monsters trying to do the same.

"damnit I'll have to sacrifice some of the strength of my ice barrier to do this fuck"

he clenched his fist before slamming in hand as a wave of magic blew the monsters back and broke the mind control but the monsters recovered quick and slammed through the ice chomping into some of them one of them broke through trying to attack Kira.


I suddenly woke up from some trance and saw a monstrous fish come at me but before I could move someone put there arm between me and it and got bit severely and let out a scream of pain as I got blood all over my face I recognized the voice and was completely stunned as ringing began to sound in my ear. I knew this was the worst thing that could happen but what could I do my friend was going to die and judging by the screams I was hearing around me everyone was injured or going to be dead as well. I was stuck unable to move as everything went blurry as I heard a voice.

"it seems like you're too weak let me clean this up for you'


Kira's eyes became slitted the red color becoming more bright her magic power fluctuated before she punched the mermaid in the jaw so hard it broke open letting Kaiya go from it's jaws as the blood from it's body filled a area of water it's brethren went in and devoured it.

"K-Kira what ahh!"

Kaiya held her arm that almost got severed blood gushing with muscles and bones showing a clear sign of someone who wasn't going to live through the day.

"You shouldn't talk"

Kira bit into her arm and forced Kaiya to drink from it as her arm regenerated snapping back in place and reconnecting as new skin and muscle were made making her arm good as new. Kira jumped so high she was back on the cliff and layed her down but before she could go back she grabbed her head in pain.

"dammit looks like that all I can do for now"

Kira's eves lost the slits returning back to the darker red color before collapsing in her knees taking deep breaths like she ran a whole marathon she shakely pulled herself out to the edge seeing the carnage that was unfolding.

~at the beach~

Ainz was fighting off the beast with 10 others none were able to outright rip through them like Ainz or Kira but we're able to knock them back with one hand in the rock dew to the boost in power however a group of mermaid and sirens started swallowing a huge amount of water as their cheeks puffed up and they shot a condensed water attack one of them blasted Ainz through the rocks ripped a whole in his shoulder but what really broke him was seeing his wife Kate get blasted by six ripping her apart along with the 10 survivors.

'Paine Kate everyone it seems like this could be the end for this place these monsters guarding the coast and they're goons killing our people with unkown strength I apologized for not noticing the signs earlier'

he boosted himself up seeing the 6 men from before with their swords drawn facing him.

"your the only one left once we're done with you those 2 brats are next prepare to die!"

they all rushed him he dodged the 6 way stab and punched one of them into a tree and had to take 5 stabs to the arm to block the rest and froze the blades as they shattered some of the frozen metal going through his body he knew he was a dead man but was about to take them alongside him. All five tackled him to the ground and started stomping him out devoted to their mission assigned to them but as Ainz was being turned to a literal stepping stone someone move so fast that their heads seemed to fly off by the wind itself a man in a black coat appeared his back turned to him.

"who the hell are..you?"

the man turned showing his pale face with a blank expression and deep black eyes.

"me? well my name...is Michael and your a dead man"

His voice sounded dull and without emotion but still felt human enough for Ainz to not be too unnerving.

"are...are you an enemy"

Michael walked towards him and sat with him.

"no...but I'm not a ally either... I'm here to make sure that my partners project didn't due"


Michael stabbed a knife through his heart.

"yes and it seems like this place did well for her... I'll see you in hell my friend"

he closed Ainz's eyes before getting up and walking off the cliff as a dark aura covered the entire beach as he was gone and the sea monsters were mutilated.

(hope you guys enjoyed I wonder what's gonna happen next comment vote and peace)

fun fact touch is a essential part of using magic in this world unless your a certain level or race

hoifzfcreators' thoughts