
the demon half human who somehow became the demon lord of insanity NV!

In this world there are many who can use magic a thing of common place however there are those who will always stand above the rest. Those who are on top have the power to influence the masses especially those who win. Normally this would be the story of the righteous hero showing up to overthrow the bad guys but what if everyone was somehow influenced in a almost unnatural way? this is the story of Kira a person with not many morals holding her back from taking action to become one of those special people just to burn the status quo to the ground. NV=remake/new version

hoifzf · Fantasy
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8 Chs

them, the Boogeymen and the heroes

Kaiya was sitting on the cliff in disbelief her village had been slaughtered the smell of burning flesh was coming from the place after all and her friend was unconscious "what's the point" she said in a defeated tone she looked at herself seeing that she had unlocked her own magic power but she'd almost been eaten alive. Her hands were trembling recalling that event those dark eyes that hungered savagely for her insides it was terrifying that monsters like that could exist. She picked up Kira and slowly walked back to the burning village seeing the flames up close the air was like a slow grip on her throat letting out a phew coughs she used he poor kept clothing covering her mouth before running through being careful enough not to touch anything.

Reaching the other side she slumped against a tree laying her friend on her lap 'I'm surprised she's still out was that display from earlier at least she's still alive but I have no idea what we can do we don't have a map or any weapons and no one to rely on'. The full weight of events today crashed down on her as her eyes became heavy and she passed out.


Adrian and Arcane were on the main road in their carriage riding back to Frixton the capital named after the first family line. Arcane had his hands clasped together seemingly focused on something before opening his eyes a bit of sweat on his brow "we need to stop the carriage right now" he sounded serious giving Adrian the look he gave him a slight glare back before yanking a chain as the carriage stopped the two hopped out. "Come out already you can't surprise us Boogeyman" Arcane drew his staff and swung back blocking the knifes of Micheal he was pushed back as a black aura started to manifest from his knives. "Arcane I'm quite surprised that you took out that whole village so brutally back when I was a kid I found those from otherworlds to be interesting to have the balls to defeat the demon king" Arcane scoffed narrowing his eyes "stop playing around you were a cold blooded murderer at the time how the hell did you get out" Michael stayed silent which annoyed him Adrian went to stab him through which pierced right through with enough force for his heart to be forced out his chest Michael still didn't show any reaction though keeping eye contact with Arcane "it's been years since you all defeated the demon king my apologies for attacking you earlier it's been a while since I... started again and finishing off the last man of that massacre wasn't enough truthfully I'm here to say that we have our eyes on you waiting for a slipup we know what your people on this continent don't the other continent was never fully conquered thanks to the sacrifices of the demon lord's and while you may have downed some of them as long as we demons exist there will always be more to continue this war try to make it entertaining for us" Micheal dropped seemingly dead.

"We have to take the news to him" Adrian suggested but Arcane shook his head "there's no need if they were as weak as him the-dammit" Arcane looked down at where the body was but he was gone Arcane then Heard a crash looking to see the carriage cut in Three and they're horses beheaded on the ground "that bastard has the nerve to walk up to us like an equal and took out our ride" Arcane sighed before irritably walked Adrian followed more grumpy at the fact Michael wasn't dead than they're trashed ride.


Kira woke up breathing heavily sweat going down her face she sat up and felt she was laying on someone's lap she got up and turned to see Kaiya sleeping against a tree she bent down and put her on her back and was walking back to the village the closer she got the more smelly the air became walking into the entrance she could fully see the damage done the place was blackened with ash the buildings crumbled to dust and the bodies burnt to the bone. She back out turned around 'I know this is the fault of those 2 bastards taking away my place my home and my community just because I wasn't tied to someone's leash they were suspicious from the start but what would have happened if I told them they would have just died faster there's nothing left here I can feel it all the feelings or confusion anger and helplessness giving me further strength I personally vow to burn the capital the same way' she started walking down the dirt road hearing the ruffling of leaves and the feeling of the mildly cold wind there really wasn't much to this.

~an hour later~

Kira had cut to the left side of the road hearing running water she walked closer until she saw a stream but before she could even think about fishing she saw a group of 5 people already there one catching fish with they're bare hands and the rest looking around with swords drawn and daggers in their sheaths in a belt she hid behind the tree but felt some movement 'oh crap' she heard the flattening of leaves and already knew what just happened with the loss of wait on her back "ouch where th-" Kira rushed to Kaiya covering her mouth "stay quiet there are some shady dudes nearby"she whispered but as if the world was giving a middle finger to them the tree Infront of them was cut in half as snickering echoed through the forest all six walked up surrounding them "well well well it's our lucky day boys we got 2 more brats to sell now kids if you know what's good for yah don't move".


Michael pulled out a mirror channeling some magic into it the mirror shine before a man in a hood appeared "so did they get our message?" the man sounded a bit mad in the head "of course though I could just stepped in and taken some more subjects for you during the chaos it's a waste that you didn't tell me" laughter came from the man before abruptly stopping "there was no need after all the heroes have gone crazy with their position Feylinx won't be the only village they'll make an example of though the rising chaos of the demon continent might distract them from doing it frequently" the man rubbed his hands together "so what does he want us to choose" the man unraveled a scroll and Micheal broke the mirror and looked to the sky "if that's what he wishes".

(yo comrades hope you enjoyed vote comment and peace)

not gonna lie the next chapter is going to be violating so be prepared for things that will be out of pocket

hoifzfcreators' thoughts