
The Day Earth Fell into Silence

“Any human alive must be captured, neutralize and reported to the nearest post!” In a world much like our own, an ordinary day takes a sinister turn when a sudden and mysterious slumber claims the lives of most of humanity within minutes. Amid the desolation, Chump discovers a glimmer of hope: her sister miraculously survived. Reunited but thrust into a harsh reality, they soon encounter enigmatic beings from another world. These interplanetary visitors from Mantrea reveal that they have conquered Earth, harvesting souls for their goals under the decree of their formidable "Goddess". With a thirst for revenge burning in his heart for their world death and his sister being kidnapped, Chump embarks on a quest to gain any sort of powers, survive against the madness and confront the leaders of this otherworldly dominion. Along the way, he must find a way to control the elusive and potent magic known as Remenant, a force beyond his comprehension. Vengeance, survival, and the mysteries of Remenant weave a gripping tale of determination and resilience. Not gonna lie, I feel the sypnosis a bit generic for my taste, but hey, will have my touches here and there KYAHAHAHA!~ I also post the novel in RR until i get a contract somehwere hahaha~ (This is a weaktostrong long novel. New chapter once a day, at 21:20 GMT+8... I should stop changing the hour, but i realize that most of my viewers are middle asia and far east europe~)

Clyonor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

He could be you! he could be me! He could even—

"Wait, wait! Please, listen to me. It was a pain, he signaled those! I have all my investigations with me; I plead with you that I mean no harm!" The soldier placed restraining bracelets on the purple draconic human.

Sharlindra stood quiet, confused by the situation but didn't act, as she didn't know what was happening and didn't seem interested in it.

"Enough of your words. Once our general is here, your fate will be decided—" Julie was cut off by a stronger sound coming from the front garden. In the middle of a beautiful garden of flowers, perfectly in order, a sanctuary had been raised.

It was a four-pillared structure with a semicircular vault made of emerald scales of an unknown origin.

The pillars resembled classical Roman pillars seen in many modern buildings.

In the center of this sanctuary, numerous runes formed an enchantment spell. They created a polygon with 20 corners, perfectly symmetrical from any perspective.

Hanging from four steel chains in the center of the ceiling was a deep dark green crystal orb. The orb projected a green light toward the runic spell, which in turn fed the light back toward the orb, forming a circulatory spell. It created a triangular portal that emitted ominous sounds.

From the portal, a giant wooden cart filled with different medicines emerged, followed by Ephiron pushing those carts, appearing calm but lost in thought.

Julie shouted to the butler, "Ephiron, thank the goddess you're here; we need to contact the General."

But Ephiron didn't respond; he was concentrating on his job and lost in thought at the same time.

Betanya struggled against their kidnappers, yelling, "HELP! PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP!" This brought Ephiron's attention back, and he looked in that direction.

He parked the cart in a safe spot where it wouldn't move and ordered, "Stop, what is going on?" Julie nodded and formally saluted. "Captain Ephiron. A pleasure to have you back. I was informed that you wouldn't return until the afternoon."

"I got what I needed faster than I thought, miss. What is going on here, Julie? Who are these two guests?"Julie handed him the documents that Betanya brought with her, and he read them.

Before Betanya, who was still panicking from the experience, was brought inside the mansion, Ephiron shouted, "Wait! It is not my decision, as this concerns international politics. But Clyon signed these. Do not treat her as a full prisoner."

"Huh?!" Betanya, Julie, the soldiers, the maiden, and everyone except Sharlindra, looked confused at the twist of events. "But you are the second in command after Ladice, sir!"

Sharlindra started to get impatient, moving her feet up and down quietly, as well as her eyes. She thought, disgusted by the waiting, "Can we finally move on from that, bitch?"

"Starting tomorrow: Let her have free movement through the gardens during the day, but never alone. She is allowed to interview the human prisoners and Sharlindra, but only once every day. She will receive normal semi-nutritive food. Cleaning will be done in her room every month. That's my final word. Any of this can be changed only by me or Ladice. Understood?"

Everyone, except for the two new guests, collectively shouted affirmatively, "Yes, sir!"

"Wait, no!" Betanya pleaded again while being introduced to her new private spaces aggressively. A smile appeared on her face as she descended.

Ephiron remained calm, only hinting at a bit of sadness as he watched the person being dragged down the stairs. "Perfect. Julia!"

"Yes, sir," Julia responded immediately. Ephiron continued, "Call the doctors of the units, send a message to the villages of all the water tribes, as well as our scientific leader. I wish to hold a meeting with all of them, and I will pass the information to Ladice afterward."

"But...Sir, don't you have your private sessions at night?" Julie asked without changing his position.

"Something urgent came up that needs a change of plans. I will inform her that I won't be able to assist for the whole night, and I may be absent until tomorrow morning."

Everyone reorganized themselves; Ephiron sent a couple of soldiers to move the new cargo to a dry place. Julie organized the troops again to provide an official entry for their new guests. Ephiron bowed beside Julie to Sharlindra.

The butler spoke, "I am sorry for the sudden inconvenience; in these changing times, not everything is as organized as we would like. I was informed of your arrival, Miss Sharlindra. Have you been informed of your current situation?"

"Yes, although I have a question?" Sharlindra's expression and mood returned to normal.

"Yes, miss?" Ephiron responded.

"My main element is Soul Seizer, and the water element is secondary. Why am I in the water tribes?"

"You have been officially invited by Ladice. While it's true that priority would be given to taking you to the territory of Soul Seizers for your initial training and education, Clyon personally decided to move you here first. I am afraid I missed the details," Julie responded.

Sharlindra was puzzled by the information. "Yes, that's another question... I am a slave, right? Then why am I being trained?"

"That information will be provided later. First, we will show you the installations as well as your duties."

Ephiron, Julie, and Sharlindra moved around the mansion. I won't go into details now, but rest assured, that the only floor they taught her was mostly the maidens', ceremonies', and meeting rooms.

The rest of the soldiers were dismissed and returned to their standard or newly assigned duties.

Julie asked contently, "To have an idea, may I ask, have you ever trained in weaponry? Don't worry about the powers; I have the best methods."

"Yes...why?" Sharlindra's confusion only increased with each question.

Ephiron and Julie looked at each other. Julie's eyes lit up in excitement, and Ephiron smiled and nodded quietly. "Excellent! That will make my life easier. Tell me, did you have any weapons training, or do you think you can handle precision with any weapons?"

Sharlindra took a moment. "...Most white weapons," she hummed about what more.

Ephiron and Julie froze for a moment, and from their expressions, both found it unbelievable. Julie exploded in condescending laughter. Ephiron stood quietly, observing them.

"And some guns too."

Julie hit her back. "Hahaha, don't need to be shy. If you don't know how to use weapons, you don't need to lie to us!"

Those words irritated Sharlindra more than anyone could have thought. "I am not lying."

"Come on, seriously, we can train you in that."

"Are you deaf or something? I had training with almost every weapon when I was a child.

Sharlindra wrinkled her brow while her face displayed a mixture of a frown and a smile.

Julie smiled with a big, smug expression, hearing the bold talk from Sharlindra. "Oho?~ If you think so, beautiful mistress. Then sure, let's meet tomorrow after your duties. I will prepare a whole squad and weaponry for you by that time. But I will understand if you chicken out.~"

"Bring it on, bitch."

Sharlindra's eyes darkened, but a voice interrupted before things could escalate further. Ephiron quietly interjected, "I'm afraid you'll have to resolve your problems on your own. Remember, Sharlindra, you are still a slave and will serve as a proper maiden. But for now, I must excuse myself. Julie."

"Yes, sir," Julie set aside her fighting spirit and immediately focused on Ephiron's words.

"You've proven to be a valuable asset to the noble House of Starsea. I leave you in charge of organizing things for the evening. I'll have a communicator on hand in case you need my assistance."

"Yes, sir."

"And as for you, Miss Sharlindra..."

"Hm?" Sharlindra replied, irritated by the inconsistent treatment.

"I suggest you use this evening wisely to get acquainted with the other maidens. It might be easier for you, being the first Reincarnated. Enjoy yourself and get a good night's sleep."

"Yeah, sure. Have fun too, I guess," the banshee-like woman rolled her eyes, prompting a snicker from Julie once Ephiron had departed.

Ephiron returned through the portal, back to planet Earth. It was afternoon, and the sun was inching closer to the horizon, casting a warm yellow hue across the sky. With some effort, aided by the residual water from the storm, Ephiron propelled himself upward toward a tall building.

It was the same building where he had obtained the initial medicines and where Chump resided.

"Ephiron?" An autotuned voice sounded from the same ceiling. The demon-like man turned around, offering a shy smile. Clem was up there, surrounded by the electric bunnies, gazing out at the city below.

"Clem!" Ephiron approached and bowed slightly before ascending. "I was worried something had happened to you. Tell me, what's going on?"

"It's... complicated, but I'm looking for a human. Hehe~ You know, human hunting and stuff."

Ephiron tilted his head, his expression softening. "You mean Chump?"

Clem's expression strained, showing a hint of worry. Before things could take a turn for the worse or the golem could respond, Ephiron raised a hand and reassured them, "Don't worry. I captured him this morning, and he explained everything, including your contract. However, he is still free around here. He saved me from a compromising situation."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand," Clem began to say, "I've been searching for him for the past hour—"

Suddenly, from the sky, a small meteor materialized, crashing onto the road right in front of both individuals and the rabbits. The smoke cleared almost instantly with a single fluid motion, revealing Asaga.

Asaga hadn't changed a bit since that fateful morning, not even her attire. Her fighting spirit exuded from her, and her aura practically resembled a towering flame. Her fangs and teeth appeared even sharper than before.

"It's almost dusk now! Are you running, you coward?" she taunted.

"Right behind you," came a calm response, behind her.

I recommend "SharaX— Right behind you."

Dope song! I recommend it

As for the chapter, what can i say that just moving more pieces. The first real duel will begin. Now this time, with a bit of prep time.


Clyonorcreators' thoughts