
The Daughter of Batman

Robin Delilah Wayne or known as Becca. Robin goes by Becca Due to the fact that she doesn't like her name. She resents her name because her mother gave her that name. Robin's mother left her at a young age, she was 5 years old when her mother left. She left her on the doorstep of her father's house, Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne took her in and gave her a better life but is trying to keep her out of the life he lived in secret. But one night that line of two lives was broken and Robin finds out the biggest secret ever does it tear her apart from the relationship she built with her father or does it grow their relationship stronger

Lizzie_Taylor · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

My Life

It is the first day of high school, I am going to a new school. This is nerve-racking, I mean I know what it is like to be the new kid at a public school, but I will be the new kid at a private school. My father asked me if I would like to go to the school he went to for middle school and high school. He said Dick and Tim went there as well. So, I took that chance and said yes, why wouldn't I want to go to a school my father and two out of three of my brothers. I get up out of my bed and head over to my closet I need to choose the right outfit for today because the wrong outfit will socially block me out of my real crowd. I chose a short sleeve light blue top with the emblem and a blue plaid skirt and black shiny shoes. I put my hair up in a half-high ponytail and the rest was straightened down. I looked in the mirror my red shiny hair was perfect, and my outfit looked amazing. I was ready for my first day after I put on mascara and lip gloss. I grab a light jacket and head out of my room, down the hall Dick was standing in his doorway. "Why are you so happy? School is not a fun thing." I looked at him, "It is but maybe it wasn't for you since you were a nerd and never had fun." I grinned and walked down the hall to the stairs, I heard Dick chuckle and mumble under his breath. I wonder what he was talking about, is there something I don't know about my brother?

I head down the hall and into the kitchen, "MM something smells good, what are you making Alfred?" I sit down at the bar and wait patiently. Alfred turned around and handed me a plate, there were pancakes, eggs, two pieces of toast, and bacon on the side. He also sat down a tall glass of milk for me. "Thank you, Alfred!" I smiled and looked him in the eyes, He smiled a little bit but then went back to cleaning up the kitchen. Dad walks through the door with a paper in his hands and a briefcase, "Have a good day at school." He kissed my head and walked out to the garage and left for work, I guess it is an early day today since he left before me. At least he made Dick drive me to school, he hates that school for some reason, and I think because he didn't do much while he was there, he just went to school and home. Dick didn't have many friends and it was kind of sad, but I understood why. I mean after losing your parents it is hard to make friends since they come, and then go. Friends are just placeholders unless you find the ones that become family which then are your best friends. I finish eating my breakfast and grab my back, I don't ever bring a book bag that hurts my back and can cause me to have a hunch back, so I only bring a purse with pens and one pencil, a small notebook, and other purse essentials. I head out into the garage and get into the vehicle while I wait for Dick to come out. He was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, so I can tell he does not care what he looks like as long as he is wearing clothing outside of the house.

Father has talked to him about wearing a shirt outside of the house as well because of his scars from the circus and bullying just so he wouldn't get stopped and asked about the scares and get in trouble for something he didn't even do in the first place. "So, are we ready for our first day of school?" I like at Dick and smile, "Kind of nervous, new school and all. It's farther away from the other schools and home in general." Dick nodded, "I can understand that kiddo, I felt the same way when I went to this school for the first time as well, but you'll make plenty of friends and you will do well I can already see it. Don't worry." Dick smiled and me and started the car and drove out of the garage. We headed down the road and I turned on the radio. They were playing country; I changed the station and hear one of my favorite songs, Bad guy by Mass of Man. I turned up the song and looked out the window for the rest of the car ride. It took 30 minutes to get there but once I got there my anxiety went up, I got even more nervous than when I was at home. He stops the car and looks at the school, "God it is even worse than I remembered, but don't worry you'll have a better experience than I did I promise." I get out of the car and walk slowly up the stairs of the school. As I walked into the school everyone was watching me, I had eyes on me the entire time. I headed to the headmaster's office, there were two students outside already and school hasn't even begun yet. They were all messed up like they have been fighting with each other. I am assuming a teacher sent them to the office for fighting in the halls or outside of the school, which would explain why Dick said it is worse than what he remembered.

I sit outside the office and seat away from the boys, they would not stop staring at me. Why is everyone looking at me do I look like a monster or something? The principal comes out and looks at us, "Robin Wayne?" I look up at him, "It's Becca, but yes that is me." I get up and walk into the office with him. I sit down in the chair and wait for him to explain my class schedule and the extracurricular things at this school. He sits down in the chair behind the desk and pulls out four sheets of paper, "So Becca, I see you are a straight-A student from your old school, you were on the debate team, Captain of the Cheerleading team, Volleyball team, Student Class president, and in charge of fun raisers and planning for the school parties and committees. You have had your plate full, haven't you? Well let's get you started here; cheerleading tryouts are after school today and tomorrow from 3:30-5:00. Here is your schedule for classes." He hands me the papers; my first class is AP Biology. I took regular biology last year in 8th grade. I also took Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 over the summer, so they put me in Geometry for the second period. My third period is World History 2, and fourth and fifth are electives, they put me down for newspaper and art class. My 6th period is English 2 and then my 7th period is P.E.

I was not surprised they put me in P.E. even though I went through P.E. all middle school, but I think I must have two years of high school Physical Ed as well. I looked at him and smiled, "Thank you!" I stand up and head to the halls, I did not ask for a locker because all the books are online, and I have a small iPad in my bag with a keyboard in case I need to write anything for English class. All my stuff is online here, and I love that no more heavy books or worrying about leaving an assignment at home or it getting wrinkled and ruined. I head down the hall to AP Biology, I walk in and choose the table in the middle by the window on the left side of the classroom. It was nice, sunny, and warm all at the same time. A perfect place to sit and get work done, the bell rang, and everyone rushed into their classrooms. I worked on the assignments that were up on the whiteboard so I could get them done and over with them so I would not forget. Everyone sat down and three boys sat down at my table plus one girl with blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing clothing like mine just with a long sleeve shirt and white sneakers. The girl sits closer to me, she looks me up and down and then smiles, "I like your style, hi my name is Kristina Bankley, and you are?" I look Kristina in the eyes and smiled, "Becca Wayne." Kristina gasped a little, "Wait you are a Wayne, Like Related to Bruce Wayne?" I nodded, "Yes, my father is Bruce Wayne." She smiled even more, "I knew I liked you; we are going to be great friends." The boys smiled, "Oh right I never introduced you to the boys, The one right next to me is my boyfriend Jake Hunters. The one sitting next to you is Ben Tyler and the one in front of you is Brandon Williams." I smiled at them all, "Well it is nice to meet you guys." The teacher comes around and hands out papers to every table.

"Welcome students, it is your first day back and yes I may know most of you but not all we do have a new student in our class this year." That was when I found out that everyone has been with each other since they were little and had the same teachers growing up. "Now let's give Miss. Becca a warm welcome." Everyone looks at me again, "would you like to tell the class a little bit about yourself?" I nodded and stood up, "Hello, my name is Becca Wayne, yes, my father is Bruce Wayne. I am 13 years old; I was the captain of the cheerleading squad back at my old school, and I was the class president. I play volleyball and was also the team leader for the debate team." I sat down once I was done talking everyone clapped and then went back to doing their work. I get back to finishing my work and looked at the paper that he passed out to the tables it is the local science fair. Hmm maybe I might do it but only if I have a partner I don't want to seem like a full-on nerd. The bell rang right as my table finished its work. We all got up and headed out to the halls, Kristina walks out with me, "So where is your next class?" She looks at her schedule while I look at mine, "I have Geometry next." She looked surprised, "But Geometry is for sophomores or higher. How did you get into that class?" I chuckled, "I did Algebra 1 in the 8th-grade year and then Algebra 2 over the summer so I could be ahead." She nodded, "I can understand that, worth the extra work I presume.

I head down the hall to Geometry, the class was full of sophomores and juniors. I sit down in the front of the class and a boy sits right behind me. He watched me the entire time from coming in and then sitting down. I felt a tap on my back, and I turned around. "Yes?" He smiled at me and looked me up and down, "Hi, my name is Kaden Jackson, I'm the quarterback for the football team, and you are?" I looked at what he was wearing, it was a white long-sleeve shirt, he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a blue tie around his collar, navy blue pants, and black penny loafers. He also had a letterman's jacket hanging on the back of his chair. "Becca Wayne" He smiled at me, "Well, well, well. I didn't know we had royalty here at our humble little school." I smiled and let out a soft laugh, "And what do you mean by that?" He grinned and looked around, "We all know that the Wayne family is superior to the rest of the class. And the best-looking family." I blushed a little but kept my cool. "Well, I don't know about that but okay." He smiles, but then the teacher started to talk so I turned back around, and she handed little syllables to everyone. "This is the only class that you will probably use paper for, but the papers will not leave the classroom. Each class has their bin to turn in the papers." I looked through the syllabus and it was long, but I understood it at least. So now that I know what I am doing, I work on my worksheets and finish them by the middle of the class. She had passed these out to see where we are and what we know. I handed it to her, and she smiled, "Thank you, Hun." I walk back over to my desk and work on something else while I wait for the rest of the class to finish.

*Later that day*

It was lunchtime, and I had my food, but I was searching for a place to sit and eat, most places were taken but I found Kristina and Brandon. I walked over to them and sit down, Kristina smiled. "Hey girl!" I smiled at her, "Hey!" I started to eat; the food was good. I was better than my old school. We all finished eating and the bell hasn't rung yet so, we got up and walked around the courtyard. It was nice and clean, we sat down on the benches near the small lake by the school. "So how has your day been going so far Becca?" I look over at Kristina, "It's going well, how is your first day back to school going?" Kristina smiled, "It is great thanks to you." We all smiled, Kristina took her phone out and took a picture of all of us together and posted it on her Snapchat. "Okay, I need to add you to my Snapchat!" I typed my Snapchat into her phone and Brandon's phone, "Now you both have my Snapchat, and we can text all you guys want." They both smiled. The bell rang and we all had to get going to our next class, I was overly excited about art class. I got into the classroom, and I don't see a teacher all the kids are running around and throwing papers around the room. Why is it like this, where did the teacher go? I sit down in the back of the classroom and pull out my small art pad, I never leave home without a form of an art pad, and this one was the size of a hand. Which makes it easy to carry around and store away if I ever needed my hands.