
The Daughter of Batman

Robin Delilah Wayne or known as Becca. Robin goes by Becca Due to the fact that she doesn't like her name. She resents her name because her mother gave her that name. Robin's mother left her at a young age, she was 5 years old when her mother left. She left her on the doorstep of her father's house, Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne took her in and gave her a better life but is trying to keep her out of the life he lived in secret. But one night that line of two lives was broken and Robin finds out the biggest secret ever does it tear her apart from the relationship she built with her father or does it grow their relationship stronger

Lizzie_Taylor · Filmes
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7 Chs

My Father

I was on the way home when Dick got a call from Barbra. He answered and was told to take her off the speaker, so he did. Once he did his face went from looking like he was tired to looking like he was mad but also worried at the same time. I wonder what is going on. He hung up the phone and put it down, he hit the pedal and we started to go faster. "Dick what the hell man, why are you speeding so much? What is going on??" He never answered me, he kept his eyes on the road. We pulled up to the house and he got out of the car and rushed inside the house, I sat there puzzled. I get out of the vehicle and go inside; I couldn't find Dick anywhere inside the house I did however find Alfred. "Alfred where is everyone?" I looked at him in worry, he looked at me and sighed, "They all went out in an emergency I believe." I started to go to my bedroom but stopped at the dicks room. I went in and looked around, normally I would not be allowed anywhere near his room or father. I never understood when I was little, I never went in due to their privacy but now I don't care they are not here, and no one is telling me what is going on and I want the truth. I went through his closet and only found stuff related to him and Kori and I don't want to know any more about that subject. I started to go through his drawers and found a secret hiding spot in his drawers, I pulled it open and looked inside and there was a spot for what looked like a suit. I looked deeper and there were two suits inside the drawer, one was an old suit from a tiny, sided Dick and the other was, OH MY GOD! Nightwing's suit. But wait, Dick is Nightwing??? I closed it immediately and ran out of the room, I shut the door fast and walked away from it. Dick and Bruce came walking down the hallway and looked at me confused, "Hey Becca, you, okay?" Father looked at me. I nodded and then ran to my bedroom and closed the door and locked it behind me. I could hear them walking up to my door, one of them knocked on my door, "Becca, please open the door and tell us what is wrong." I never answered them at the door, I opened my window and looked out, I had enough of the roof to walk out and get over to the wall that I could climb down. I look back at the door as I hear them unlocking it, I head out the window and run down the roof. I head down the wall I look back at the window while heading down, both Dick and Father were looking at me through the window, "Becca!" I saw my father yelling my name, I headed down the wall faster and ran for the gates. Dick and my father were running after me they were farther back, but I needed them to be fathers than that.

They stopped running after me after I got into the darker parts of them, I ran and hid in a dumpster off a small restaurant owned by one of Gotham's major villains. I sat there for a while and waited till they left, but I heard them talking. I heard Dick and my father came closer to the dumpster but didn't know I was there, "Where could she have gone, Bruce?" I heard them stand there, "I have no clue, but I have a feeling that she found something in your room that she wasn't ready for yet. Did you do it well enough?" I waited, "Shit she was always a curious little kid and now she had probably found the secret place." I could see them out of the corner of my eye I looked at them, "Fuck Dick she wasn't ready, I don't think I was ever going to tell her because I don't need her life drawn into this horrible world." I saw Dick's head go down, "I'm sorry Bruce I should have hidden the suits more." I stayed in the dumpster for longer than I expected, I didn't move, I stayed as quiet as I could. I watched as Dick walked away and my father looked around and he looked upset, right now I could care less if he was upset or sad that I had run off, He lied to me for years, and so did my brother. Both he and Dick were Batman and Nightwing, how could they do this to me. He walked away once the restaurant door opened, I got out of the dumpster and walked in the opposite direction into the darker part of the alley. I continued to move through, and I got into the bad parts of Gotham, I wasn't allowed on this side of town mostly because this is where all the bad guys go. I made my way into a place I did know was over her because I heard Dick talk about it, He said that the easiest place to stay away from the bed guys in case I ever did end up here is Cat Tavern. Cat women's tavern that she opened a few years back. She was also known as Selena, and I know her quite well. She is a family friend; I made my way inside and sat down at the back table where no one was. I looked at the menu and decided that I needed to eat, I ordered pancakes and bacon, the best thing Selena makes for breakfast.

I got my food not soon after I ordered it, I gulped it down very fast. I was very hungry after all; Selena came over and sat down. "What are you doing here all alone little bat?" She smiled and chuckled at me, I smiled and looked up at her, "I need some time away from the family." Selena looked at me with confused eyes. "Are you sure, I was told by your father you should never be in this part of town every Hun?" I signed, "Yeah just don't tell him right now, I found out the biggest thing he has hidden from me for years and I need time away to process it all right now. I get up and hand her the money, "The food was as usual amazing Selena, but I really must be going." I leave the dinner and head back out to the streets; I looked around to see where I could go next but there isn't anywhere else to go. I make my way down the small lit street when I heard my phone go off, I looked at my phone and there it was missed calls and text messages from Dick and my father. I never answered them though, just ignored them. I deleted the notifications and continued moving, I stopped at the small park that was left alone for looks like years. I sat down on the closest bench and took my phone out, as I deleted more notifications Dick face-timed me and I accidentally answered it. "Fuck!" I immediately ended the call. Dick didn't call back after that, I got another message from dad. He texted me "I know where you are stay there and don't move. Please I need to explain everything to you, just give me the chance." I climbed into a tree and wait for him to show up, and he did show up moments after sending the message. I stayed in my tree as he pulled up and got out of the car, he went onto his phone and texted me, "Where are you?" I looked at him in the tree, "where you never look", I sighed, I don't think I am ready for this. He walks over to me and sighs, "There you are" I look at both him and Dick, "Why would you run from us, we are not the bad guys here." I looked at them both, I was starting to get mad. "But yet you keep this secret from me for years, how could you!" He looked down while Dick looked away from me. "Look Becca, I kept this from you due to the life we live, if you were brought into this life, you would have never had a normal childhood, that is all your mother and I wanted for you." I couldn't look at them, "But yet you couldn't tell me anything at all not even a little." He looked sad, "Just come down please, let's go home and talk about this there. I get down out of the tree and stood there staring at them, "Why so you could lie to me more about everything?" I walked away from them and into the streets once again, and they both followed me. "Becca please stop walking away from us." I walked father the more they talked, I made a left turn and there stood Joker and Harley Quinn. I stopped walking and stood there, "What the?" They looked at me and then came closer to me, I was surrounded by them and their goons, I looked back at Dick and my dad, and they were worried, I looked at them and then they all attacked me, both Dick and my dad disappeared and then reappeared as Batman and Nightwing. They fought until they couldn't anymore, I was gone in an instant and they lost me quickly. I had no clue where they were taking me, but I was needed alive for some reason. I heard my phone from across the room ding, that means dad was looking for me, but that is not a normal ding, so I am assuming he is using the Bat cave computer, or at least I assume that is what he is using since he is batman after all. I sat there waiting for the next person to come into the room and so it was Harley Quinn and the Joker himself, what did they want with me? I am no use to them unless they know who my father is in the dark. "What do you want?" They both looked at me and then Harley walked into the closet on the right side of the room, she came back with an outfit and smiled, I am so confused. Is she trying to change me into someone else right now? "What the fuck is that supposed to be?" Joker laughed and walked closer, "Welcome home daughter." I looked at him with a crazy face, "Excuse me?" Harley walks over and sets down the clothes, it was a dark blue rhinestone top with black studs. The shorts were a bit short, but they were not any shorter than my cheer skirt, it was full black with a white belt with black studs, and the shoes were like Harley's white with black stripes. She looked at me, "I'll undo yah if you promise not to run." She smiled. I nodded and she untied me, I stood up and got dressed in the clothing she gave me, she had me sit back down and worked on my hair. She puts my hair in a do that is half up and half down, with braids. Once she was done, I had red streaks throughout my hair mixed in with my black hair as natural, I stood up and followed her. I have a feeling if I play the part, I could get out of here faster than I was put here in the first place. We walked outside to where Joker was, "Look Puddin' isn't she pretty!" He turns around and smiles at us both, "Just like her mother." He walks over to us and grabs Harley by the waist and kisses her cheek, "No let's go make some trouble in Gotham, Shall we?" We all nod and walk to the car; he drives us to the back entrance of Gotham P.D. They both get out and look at me, "You coming sweetheart?" I nodded and got out of the car and headed up on the roof with them, they go in and told me to stay there and wait for them to come back. I did but I looked down and saw both Nightwing and Batman outside of Gotham P.D. I threw something over there and they looked over at me, Batman flew over and looked around. He looked at my jacket and, on the back, it had "Property of the Joker" He turned around and looked me in the face, "So your joker little bastard?" I shook my head no, "Dad, it's me..." He stepped back and looked at me again, "Becca?" I nodded, "But now I can't even recognize you, what did they do to you." I looked down, "Becca come with me." I went into his arms, and he flew me away, we got back to the Manor, and he sat me down, "Are you okay Becca?" I didn't talk after that, I was scared to say anything, I was with The Joker and Harley Quinn for hours and I saw too much that I didn't want to explain to any for a while. I didn't even want to talk to him about what I learned about the family in general, mostly because I think I have been scared enough tonight. I got up and slowly walked to my room and closed the door, I went to lock it and I noticed my lock was missing. So much for locking my room for privacy now. I changed out of the clothing and into my clothes. I lay down on my bed and curled up into a ball, I was so scared that I started to shake. I cried myself to sleep that night. I don't think I have ever done that in my life, and I never thought I would, but I did. I woke up the next morning to Dick asleep in my chair that was in the corner of my room by the window, I looked at him, was he there all night. If so, he is not a very good watchman because he fell asleep on the job. I got up out of bed and tried to walk quietly out of the room, but I still woke him up either way. "Mm, hey kiddo, did you sleep well?" I looked at him and then walked out of my room I could hear him talking still, "Okay, so you're not talking to me either," Dick followed me out of my room. I walked into the kitchen and made myself food, I grabbed my plate and got ready, I sat by the window and ate the food. As I ate my food Dick sat in front of me. Dad was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, Dick looked at me, "Would you please just talk to us, we were going to tell you one day it just wasn't the right time." I shook my head, and I continued to eat. Dick sighed and lay back, "Okay well then if you won't talk to me it is going to be a very long and silent car ride and I don't know if I can do that, so you will have to suffer with my singing for the time being. He smiled and headed for the car, I went upstairs and got ready for school then headed back down to the kitchen, I, of course, kept the red streaks in my heart and put them going down the part that was out of the half up half down hair look. I got into the car with him and put my headphones in as soon as I got in, "Wow okay so you are going to ignore me the entire time. And when did you get those red streaks in your hair, I know damn well your father would not let you get those at all." I look in the opposite direction and roll my eyes, Dick sighed and drove me to school, this was going to be a very long drive. I kept playing my music, I had Falling in Reverse on the song that was playing was "Situations". It is a good song not going to lie. We finally got to school, and everyone looked like it was a normal day, I go to get out of the car and in the mid-timing of getting my bag, he took my earbuds out of my ears. "Okay, look at me, and look at me now." I looked up at him and gave him I could care less about your speech face. "don't give me that face Becca, not now ever." I sighed, "Look Becca, you and I have been living in the same house for years and I get that you don't give a shit when it comes to what I have to say so I'll just say it out loud to you. I may be 6 years older than you, but I don't care. And I can't explain to you much about how I feel because of how young you are now, but one day I will. But please for the love of God, don't do anything stupid today. Stay in school and have a normal life. Be who you are normally." I nodded and left the vehicle, I walked into school, and the entire way there I could feel dick staring with puppy eyes at me the entire time. That guy is interesting. Yeah, I grew up around him and lived with him most of my life. I still never fully understood him or how he felt towards me, and this is the first time he showed real emotion and it just felt weird. I headed off to class and got ready for the rest of the day.

The day went by fast, I was annoyed to have to ride in the car with Dick again and listen to his signing because he took my headphones away this morning, and now I have nothing to help me get through the ride. I wait outside for him to pull up and it was a different car, the window rolled down, and inside was not Dick but Dad. I got in the car I was silent the entire time going home, he kept looking at me every other second. I kept my head pointed to the window, ignoring anything he asked or said to me. We got home and I walked into my room, I kept quiet for a good few more weeks.