
The darkened light

Immortal healing beings try to communicate and intermingle with the human world in order to survive on mutualism while hiding a horrifying truth waiting to be uncovered by one of their own who has fallen madly in love with the most powerful, hidden, and lost child.

AroosaLiaquat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Meesha opened the main gate letting Sara in gesturing the bow of respect to her. Sara did not respond anything to her and went inside. She sat on the couch and was in her deep thoughts when Meesha hit her head with a pillow "have you seen a ghost!" she taunted her. Sara took the pillow and placed it on her side "don't you think Jack looked changed?" Sara inquired Meesha "who has seen ghost early in the morning," grandmother asked while placing the tea tray on the table. "grandma how well do you know uncle James and his sons?" Sara asked grandma " I have known them since I shifted back here, Jack was in his teenage and Sam was a baby whose mother passed away after birth" Cacelion explained "James often used to leave him with me while working in his workshop because my house was the nearest to him as not many people lived in this village at that time" she explained further. "so you raised Sam!" Meesha asked with excitement without wasting a minute "you can say that, but James was very hard working. Until Jack started to take over things from an early age. So James tried to spend more time with Sam and my interaction with them decreased. Sam grew up to be a pleasant and handsome boy" Cacelion elaborated. Meesha nodded pleasantly at her remarks about Sam "Grandma, do you think Jack is different? Sara asked curiously "I mean he looks mysterious to me " after looking at the questioning eyes of Meesha and grandmother, Sara added. Cacelion looked at Sara with deep observation "you guys have only one week left for your tour and you are wasting that time on others" grandma changed the topic "but you are not completely well and I don't want to leave you like this" Meesha told Cacelion lovingly "I saw your hand shaking in the kitchen yesterday" she added. "its just requirement of my old days and nothing else. I am fine" Cacelion explained "and I was thinking of arranging lunch at our place for James and his boys "she looked from above her glasses toward Meesha understanding smile on her face and they started to plan different events with Meesha and Sara for their remaining days


Jack woke up to a knock on his door and then Sam started to call for him "Jack, Jack open the door, there is this car that I need your help with". Jack sat up straight and looked around in dizziness, unable to interpret his surroundings. He then looked out from the window to broad daylight and he covered his eyes as sunlight flashed at him. There was another knock "Jack" Sam called again. Jack opened the door and turned his face toward the bed. His room was small with one bed and a chair and table in one corner and a cupboard in another. He always kept his room tidy which was another quality admired by James as Sam was the opposite of him and James always had to clean his room. "are you alright" Sam inquired noticing his shoes and jacket on as he fell right on the bed completely dressed last night. Jack looked at Sam with half-open eyes "yeah, ye..ah I am fine" the night seemed like a dream to him and he couldn't tell whether it was real or not. "did you have a nightmare again? I bet you had one" Sam spoke in one breath. "what is this you need help with? come let's have a look" Jack told Sam and went out of the room avoiding eye contact. Sam gave a frown and followed him to the workshop. Uncle James was already there looking at the latest Civic model, He looked back at Jack when he entered the workshop and gestured at him "Ah! Here he comes" he took a few steps to Jack, put his arm on jack's shoulder, and showed to the owner of the car " now do not worry, he will fix this car in no time, he is car genius" then he looked at Jack and smiled proudly. Jack smiled back at the client and started to examine the car. "he is the owner of this whole place" James introduced the client to Jack. Jack gave him a confused look "was the owner" added the man in a white suit, sitting on a chair, one leg on the other, smoking a cigar. He smiled looking at James which was returned by James "and a very good friend but he moved to France and never came back" Jack who was listening to them silently, went back to his work. Uncle James sat next to the man " so mr. William what brings you back to us after so long?" William took a sip of his cigar and gave out the thick fog, his eyes were fixed on Jack "business" he replied casually. "Business! So you are bringing your business back to here," James asked curiously "No, no it's just a small deal and I thought I could visit my old home while I am here" he looked at James and gave a smile. James nodded and they looked back at Jack together who slid out from beneath the car "all done sir" Jack announced "told you, he is the best" Said James proudly "I know he is" William replied which concerned James but he did not ask anything. William patted the shoulder of Jack while crossing him and drove out of there.