
The Dark Novels

In a world where the chosen one has defeated the demon lord and brought peace to the realm, now 500 years have passed since the demon's defeat. Aetheria, the world, appears peaceful, but is it truly so?

Q_Tip · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
337 Chs

Chapter 67

Larkin leaned against the alley wall, gasping for breath, his heart pounding with the exertion of having led the militia members on a chase. "Where the hell did he go!?" one of them exclaimed, their frustration audible in the heavy panting that followed.

As he caught his breath, Larkin couldn't shake off the weariness that settled over him. *How much longer do I have to keep this up?* he wondered, the cumulative fatigue from his extended sprint taking its toll. The relentless pursuit had pushed him beyond the limits expected for someone his age. *Good goddess, if these militia members don't kill me, a heart attack definitely will at this point!* he ruminated, scanning the alley for a potential escape route.

To his dismay, he realized he had reached a dead end. Panic surged through him as he overheard one of the militia members say, "Hey! I'll go see if he's in this alley. You guys make sure he doesn't get the chance to escape if he bolts out of there," signaling a potential end to Larkin's evasion.

Larkin, realizing that fighting might be his only chance for survival, clenched his fist, ready to strike the militia member approaching his hiding spot. However, right before the confrontation ensued, a commanding voice cut through the tension. It was a voice Larkin recognized immediately.

"That's enough!" Victoria's authoritative command echoed, freezing both Larkin and the approaching militia member. As they turned, their eyes widened in shock at the sight of Victoria, accompanied by a formidable contingent of two dozen militia members.

As Larkin cautiously emerged from his hiding spot, he witnessed Victoria's reassuring presence and felt a wave of relief. With a sigh, he wiped the sweat from his face and asked her, "Where were you?" Victoria smiled, responding, "Getting my men and rescuing you, of course." Larkin, physically drained, collapsed to the ground as Victoria moved past the stunned militia members. They seemed eager to question her, but she gestured toward Savik, signaling them to direct inquiries to him.

Kneeling down next to Larkin, Victoria offered a brisk command. "Get up, old man; we have a town to save."

**Back to Xain**

Xain glared down at Karin, his eyes ablaze with Hatred, while she maintained a mocking smirk, taunting him. "Is that supposed to scare me? You being all mad, aw, aren't you just adorable," she sneered. Fueled by his fury, Xain launched a ferocious attack, aiming a right overhand punch at Karin. Swift and calculated, Karin raised her weapon to block and entangle Xain, replicating the maneuver she used on Zee.

However, Xain had something else in mind. Just as Karin prepared to counter, he abruptly pulled back and unleashed an unexpected move—an uppercut with his left fist. Karin, anticipating the strike, shifted to block, Xain, opening his fists, hurled a handful of sand directly into Karin's eyes. The grains hit their mark, causing intense pain and rendering her temporarily blind.

"Ugh! You little basta-" Karin's exclamation was abruptly cut off as Xain capitalized on her vulnerability. Shifting his weight, he extended his lead leg with precision, targeting the outer side of Karin's right knee. The strike connected, and Karin's knee bent, her expression contorted in pain. Still blinded by the sand, she unleashed a wild swing with the blade's weighted end, but Xain effortlessly dodged the attack. Seizing the opportunity, he grabbed her weapon mid-air and pulled before delivering a forceful kick to her gut, sending her about five feet away.

Karin, still blinded by the lingering effects of the sand, managed to regain some composure after Xain's previous assault. Attempting to mask her unease, she taunted, "That hurt, but was it your intention to make me endure what the elf just did?" Her voice, though trying to sound confident, betrayed a distinct tension.

Xain remained silent, his focus unwavering as he swiftly reached into his pocket, retrieving a small rock. With a practiced motion, he hurled it toward Karin's head. Responsive to the audible whoosh of the projectile, Karin instinctively moved her head, narrowly avoiding the attack. But before she could react further, she sensed Xain closing in.

Swinging her weapon's blade in the direction of the approaching threat, Karin's strike found nothing but air. Xain, using his agility, slid and coiled his leg, delivering a precise kick to the outer side of her right knee once again. As Karin bucked from the impact, Xain smoothly shifted his weight and, capitalizing on the remaining momentum, rose to his feet. In a final move, he executed a powerful uppercut, connecting with Karin's chin and sending her sprawling backward, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness.

Karin lay on the ground, battered and beaten, unable to rise after the relentless barrage of attacks from Xain. Her vision remained mostly shrouded, eyes burning from the sand, as Xain approached. Bracing herself for what she thought would be the final blow, she mumbled through the pain, "I Never thought a human could best me without using magic. You're quite something."

However, to her surprise, the anticipated hit never came. Instead, she felt Xain lift her up, taking her weapon and using its chains to secure her hands. He spoke with a changed tone, devoid of the earlier Hatred, "I'm not going to kill you. I can't, especially for the sake of Mari." Leaving her tied on the ground, Xain made his way to Zee's unconscious body. Assessing her condition, he found no serious injuries, but he couldn't leave her vulnerable on the ground, especially with the ongoing chaos.

Suddenly, a voice from behind him spoke, "Leave her to me, dear guest. Please, go assist Master Lennix." Clarissa, her emotionless tone strained, stood behind him, visibly wounded but still standing with the assistance of the black knight's shadow.

"Are you sure? You clearly need help too," Xain expressed concern, to which Clarissa nodded, stating, "I'll manage, dear guest. Focus on aiding Master Lennix." With a nod, Xain left Zee in the care of Clarissa and the black knight's shadow. Clarissa turned her attention to Karin, delivering a warning, "I would recommend you Remain still unless you seek death. I'm less forgiving than guest Xain." Karin listened, not that she could really put up much of a fight anyways with her hands tied.