
The cursed eternal

That was the day I lost all I had..... But gained something that was desired by everyone throughout the ages...... They just don't get it ,, it's a damn curse .... Shaw , the last prince of the great eternals was now only pureblood of his clan left, alone in this universe, along with is boring eternal life...... His only wish now is to live a lesurely boring life in some remote corner of galaxy , but is shocked to find a girl with high concentration of unawakened eternal blood..... Is this a simple genetic mutation or forgotten clansmen..??? ------------------------- I got the framework, divided in 3 volumes Lost child of gods is the first vol. With galactic fights in the end and plotline in middle. Support me for this work

Bored_guy7594 · Fantasia
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8 Chs

The Thrashed Imperials


as the order fell all the black armoured Soldiers lifted their foot and stomped on the paved street surrounding of the half- demolished restaurant.


I neat sound came from their stomp which also caused a loud boom to resound throughout the street, along with a small quake which made the dust fly up a little more that was on the streets. as the order was given, the soldiers lifted their left hands, stretched it to their backs. what came out in their hands was a small stick. the stick looked more like the flash grenade...after a second, it lit up in their hands and many lines along with golden runes lit up on the stick.

with it radiating light ,the little sticks in their hands started to get elongated from both the ends and ended up becoming like a staff. as if practiced a thousand times, the soldiers took the staff put one end between their arms and other pointing at shaw.

as if on sync, all the soldiers triggered the staff in their hands which once again had lines lit up on all over its body.

the other end of their staff then started glowing with blinding white light.... and after charging for a few seconds,, it started to emit white hot rays towards the restaurant.

the soldiers showed that they had no concern of accidentally injuring or killing many of the innocent civilians sitting in the restaurant or indirectly damaging the property of one of the most popular city of the country. only one thing they showed that their only purpose was to kill the man with red bangs in front of them at all the cost.

maybe in an instant ,,all their attacks landed on the restaurant. after a few seconds or minute of constant firing , the staff in soldier's hands started to emit smoke... the runes and lines became dull and finally it dimmed and broke apart into fly-ash... once again in a sync,, all the soldiers stomped their feet where they were standing which in turn made some runes lit up from their shoes to their knees thus creating a rectangular energy shield in front of them. the rectangular shield was made as if to protect them from counter attack.

the attack caused a loud boom. the blast resounded throughout the city of whirl causing a huge shock wave inside the city and even to the outer perimeters of the city. the sound and blast was of such a magnitude that it also caused a little tsunami near the ocean because the city was situated at a coast.

with the-- of the blast shook the shields in front of the soldiers eventually started to crack. now the on-lookers were clear that why the imperial soldiers needed shield even if they are in such a large numbers with no counter attack coming from the front.

as the shield totally scrapped, and the dust started to settle a bit,, the soldiers once again took out same short stick which was height of a palm. that stick once again lit up in the same way, elongated in the same way, the soldiers once again took the same position as before and started to charge their staff , it would appear a repeat telecast if not for the destruction that could be seen on the nearby streets and the huge wave that was going towards the vast ocean from the city coast.

as the soldiers charged their staff before the attack, they were just ready to fire once again, but sound of bullets started to come from the restaurant where they attacked. they never heard this type of sound or they never seen weapon that can fire or attack multiple times doing physical damages. technological differences the soldiers made the soldiers confused for a while.

the commander was also startled for a while which caused him to lose the command of this small 'war'.

what happened next made commander's face pale as the bullets kept on firing towards the eyes of soldiers.

every bullet,, with precision,, was shot right into the eyes of the soldiers which was also the only opening left in the armor.

almost all the soldiers were half blinded and many even died, if any were left, they were due to the mana they had in their bodies which had strengthened their body cells as well as extended their life.

if it was all, the commander wouldn't feel that bad but, the next scene made peaceful him horrified was that every soldier that was shot with a bullet.... had their heads exploded as if the bullets were actually miniature bombs.

the armor had many small openings which were rather helpful for air circulation in the armors ...but now they made a rather beautiful mountain that was filled with red blood and the white brain matters.

the scene was rather gore and not suitable for children to watch.

other streets, the on-lookers that were rather interested in seeing all this were now even more horrified and injured ones started to evacuate from the streets and maybe even the cities,,, as the imperial soldiers took it too far.

as the dust settled, what came into view was the restaurant or maybe we should not call it a restaurant anymore, as the place was later demolished site, the building that was furnished and radiant of minute ago was now total ruin, maybe it would be inappropriate to call its as not even the dust was left of it, all that evidence that proved that restaurant was existed here, was, where there were three people were sitting,.

there was a girl in black dress, who was couching below the table with her hands on her head, she was filled with fear ,, that was written on all over her face, the cute face of her was also filled with sweat, and she looked up as the dust settled and she found herself alive and unharmed. there was also a little girl in blue dress with blonde ponytail on her head she had an arrogant look on her face with her hands behind her back as if taunting the soldiers of their incompetence in front.

front of them was standing our prince of eternals that now had a rather huge bomb in his hands..... maybe the soldiers wouldn't know that it is a bomb but the thing looked really dangerous by instinct.

after the dust fully settled, that took about a few minutes,.... what came into their view was, the commander and... and nothing else as the commander was standing there... alone in the crowd... a pile of dead bodies.

"shaw , maybe you should put that toy back as it could reallllyyy destroy this city....!!" lisa suggested as she saw the commander kneeling on his fours, just a little bit away,, with some yellow liquid oozing out from is couch....

honest thought..... pay me for regular updates... its real motivation

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