
The cursed eternal

That was the day I lost all I had..... But gained something that was desired by everyone throughout the ages...... They just don't get it ,, it's a damn curse .... Shaw , the last prince of the great eternals was now only pureblood of his clan left, alone in this universe, along with is boring eternal life...... His only wish now is to live a lesurely boring life in some remote corner of galaxy , but is shocked to find a girl with high concentration of unawakened eternal blood..... Is this a simple genetic mutation or forgotten clansmen..??? ------------------------- I got the framework, divided in 3 volumes Lost child of gods is the first vol. With galactic fights in the end and plotline in middle. Support me for this work

Bored_guy7594 · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Royal council and attack on the prince

Somewhere in the vast blue sea, there was a rather small island , maybe It couldn't be even called an island as total area of that piece of land was 1000meter square. Border of that land was covered with sand and it felt more like an almost fully submerged piece of land.

The island was covered with many trees tall as a building, coconut trees were even taller than normal.... Might be due to many reasons.

Above the land, beside the trees, there were large patches of green shrubs and even many herbs scattered along the island. There were many fruits hanging on the branches, berries of diffrent colors... Some tasting heavenly..... While some might be deadly poison that wouldn't even leave the bones of their predators.

While it may seem to be best place for an adventurous trip if there was 50 times larger area filled with same greenery, at the very Central position of the island, there stood a huggee Banyan tree , covering area of more than 100 square meters with thousands of supporting roots standing there like a pillar. It could be mistaken as an artificially created jungle if it was a bit more green , but at that same place, just before the main trunk of the tree, there stood a man. He had golden blonde hairs neatly combed to the back of his head with a few short hair hanging around right side of his forehead. red robe with wide shoulder guards were plated with rose gold colored metal, hanging with a few yellow roped giving the man a royal look. Suddenly, there was a sudden click that sounded from the trunk of the tree...

*Tuckk* *shhhooo*

With the sound of air pressure , few straight lines resembling a gate together appeared on the trunk just in front of the man along with white smoke that discharged from the sides of the gate.

The door that was camouflaged as the trunk was then pushed inside and then it slid down vertically.

As the smoke cleared, the interior inside the trunk was displayed.....

It looked like a perfect hexagonal shaped room with spotless white walls. Even if one doesn't look too closely , then they wnouldn't find even a shade of shadow in the room but would be even more surprised to find that there is no light source in that room.

As he stepped into the room, the man's few scattered hair jumped with whe wind , with rythmic sound of his boots echoing in the room , the man eventually reached the centre of the room, as he stopped , the room became silent again. The man glanced back sharply and then uttered in a low voice "what are you doing....bug!!!... this is not a place where you belong!!!" as the words finished, a phantom flashed by and a black robed person appeared behind the man in kneeling position but didn't respond to the man's taunt.

The man now had obvious anger as one could literally see the nerves bulging on is forehead due to high blood pressure giving his handsomeness a rather strange charm but with an obvious arrogance radiating from him.

"fuck off you bug, future kings don't need protection of a damned slum dweller!!!!!"


still getting no response from the black robed person, the man just waved his hands saying "humph" and returned to calm state again.

with the wave of his hand, phantom flashed by again and now there was only that man present on that Island as if only he was present all along.....

The man now turned around facing the entrance of the tree , what came into view was a handsome white man, he had clean face with a long jawline , small pointy nose and thin lips that almost felt as is pursed intentionally. He wore a white shirt with black bellbottom styled pants and shiny black leather shoes underneath.


tapping is right toes twice on the ground , a blue circle just surrounding him lit up with neon blue light , the gate of the room closed and the circular platform on which he was standing started moving downwards.

surrounding cylindrical wall was dark with only light source coming from the room above. after a minute or so going downward, the platform stopped, and wall surrounding him also disappeared, after one second, lights underground started to light up. as the room was illuminated what came into view was huge underground base which was even bigger than the Iceland which was built on it. after a few steps the man came across table the table was rather big, approximately 50 m song long and about 5 m wide. as the man walked to the table, the sound of his footsteps keep a echoing inside the hall. the man sat down on end seat and tapped twice on the table with this finger. with the sound of a tap some hologram projections lit up on every seat and old men appeared on every seat. most of them having grey hair on their heads wearing white dresses with different styles. all of them had gloomy look on their faces as if both nervous and fearing about something. the man walked up and shut down on main seat every old man was silent by then.

as the pin drop silence shouted the hall, the man broke the silence by putting his feet on the table and looking to the old men by his foot which was outright disrespectful. all though angry by sudden move ,.none of the old men dared to utter a word.

"hey did you all had an orgy or something and somehow, accidentally ,all of you discharged on each other after getting drunk..!? i am rather surprised that how did you old fellows bothered to attend a meeting after your position was promoted to general. after all you old lustful guys are always drunk in alcohol and beauties. I don't know why the hell would my father appoint you son of b****** as a general of a whole country. "

the gloomy faces of every old men appearing in the projection was now black as the bottom of a pot. but they didn't took sarcasm of the man seriously as they were used to it. one of the old man that looked much senior than others cleared his throat and spoke in a heavy tone "about 6 hours ago, we had a news from our planetary monitoring system that the banned mountain had collapsed and after searching for a few minutes be found someone looking like that devil from 500 years ago on a street in the city of whirl."

the Playful look on the man who looked like a royal collapsed and his stood from his seat within a second. he was stranged in sweat, his hands and feets were shaking from fear as if remembering a childhood shadow.

"you..... you guys are from military right !!?? what the hell did you do to cope up with that situation !!!don't tell me that you simply attacked him without any preparation.....!"

"although I am prince of Albia but you dumb guys have not really had any information about him.... he is a devil and a rather powerful one.... simply attacking him won't kill him at all. your idiotic order might destroy some quarter of our country. I am prince of albia but as I have read, that man comes from world for more advanced than ours and he is Prince of one of the strongest family ever existed.... that's what we have gotten over the years exploration of this galaxy . we know his name it's called shaw and we know that he calls himself Prince of eternals , a clan with only few records left even in many galaxies. even if that man has a single connection from that clan, we should not touch him because even if it is a thousand times diluted bloodline it is strong enough to destroy a planet big as ours...now please answer me, have you ,, by mistake,, attacked him?????"

the man's face paled after not getting a reply for a few seconds his whole body was drenched in sweat as he sat back or rather, collapsed on his seat.

if anyone bothering to read this .... please share the book so that i could get the contract and..... moneyyy .... i need money!!!!!

to buy a new phone , college fee , travel fee etc etc....or else i will drop this book after 20-30 chapters !!!!!!!

by the way , i have done framework, this book is divided in 3 vol. , maybe 500 chapters or depends upon how much detailed story readers want , i am capable of streching more

fast paced..... it'd be too boring i won't bother discussing that

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