
The cursed eternal

That was the day I lost all I had..... But gained something that was desired by everyone throughout the ages...... They just don't get it ,, it's a damn curse .... Shaw , the last prince of the great eternals was now only pureblood of his clan left, alone in this universe, along with is boring eternal life...... His only wish now is to live a lesurely boring life in some remote corner of galaxy , but is shocked to find a girl with high concentration of unawakened eternal blood..... Is this a simple genetic mutation or forgotten clansmen..??? ------------------------- I got the framework, divided in 3 volumes Lost child of gods is the first vol. With galactic fights in the end and plotline in middle. Support me for this work

Bored_guy7594 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Isabell quiency and the prince of eternals

"So... Is it a typicall template for heaven's chosen..?.... A typical female protagonist name , body that is just right for storing and utilising worldly energies and iq just right to understand laws of this world.... A poor background, meek character ... Orphan who grew in oppression of nobles watching unfairness of government...and yeah , about to be violated by a pig who was somehow connected by first prince of albia .... Then what ? Intense simulation causing awakening of your mana viens ... That's what they call it here .. right ? Lisa ? "

Sitting in a café , one can see a handsome guy fully colored in white with red bangs in front of a stunning beauty. It would seem like a couple on date if not for the laid back attitude of the guy and the girl be looking too meek. "What..?? What do you mean by that.? "

"Hmm...." Instead of replying to isabell , Shaw tilted his head upwards, looked at the roof .... As if looking beyond what humans could see with naked eye , he say a huge net covering the sky ..... Maybe it should be called the net covering the atmosphere of the whole planet, a net woven by the laws of universe. Every planet has it's unique such net which is its protection and foundation. Seizing up the whole net , Shaw saw countless 'threads' emerging from the net and connected to every 'organism' living on this planet.

Waving his hands Shaw hid most of the white 'threads' streaching from the net connected to the world leaving only a few hundred left. These few hundred had something special in them , they were thicker than others and they were in different colours. Some were golden , some red whole some were black colored.

Smile appeared on Shaw's mouth as he saw a threads streaching out from isabell's back and connected to the net. "Intresting..... Hey Lisa , how much could I toss in this playground?"

"Huh? What playground?? Co-Could you please care to explain who you are and what nonsense do you keep babbling... Like the prince of eternals, protagonist template and w-what do you mean playground..??" Isabell asked shaw after mustering up some courage after not getting reply from him.

Lisa, who was sitting on Shaw's lap eating donuts had squinted eyes with whole of her attention in eating donuts ... Ignoring shaw ... Well she couldn't ignore anymore because there was burning pain coming from her butt .... She jumped up on Shaw's lap and shouted "you bastard !!!, toss if you want to, why did you pinch my butt, and how can you even pinch an energy projection!!!"

"Hehe¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" smug look on shaw's face was cranky as it could be while explaining,, "you are an AI installed by me inside my head anyways , and a program can feel if I program it to be .... "

Hearing the word 'program' , Lisa's face was gloomy for a second but recovered next moment, after giving shaw a pout, she took the bite of the doughnut with an angry face, sat on Shaw's shoulder and said while chewing "you can toss with your mechanical toys if you want to,, this world can tolerate level3 weapons of yours and level2 weapons could be mainstream with level 2 higher humans living here based on energy levels "

"And what about the heaven of this world?? , it seems that it is a little bit more advanced ...."

"Hmm.... This planet's heaven and it's laws ARE advanced... But how should I say it.... It feels like a billion year advancement that takes one in a trillion chance was done in a span of a few hundred years , so although the planet is advanced , only it's laws are, this planet does not have foundation of the land , soil and other physical requirements to fulfil it" said Lisa while looking at roof, same as shaw, although their conversation seem to be nonsense falling in ears of nearby guests and isabell.

Isabell was now totally annoyed as she saw both of them completely ignoring her, grievance was written all over her face as she slammed the table and shouted "can you please stop ignoring me and answer my question..??"

"Hmm??" "hmm??" In a sync , shaw and Lisa bought their eye level from 90° upwards to 0° straight towards isabell then once again in a sync, they sounded "oh, you are still on the seat ?"

Isabell was sitting there... Speechlessness written on their faces, at first she thought that shaw was the annoying one who doesn't cares about anything else In this world but now she has reached an understanding that these bastards wear the same pants.

Isabell's lips twitched in anger as reminded them "why am I even here with you and most of all, who are you??"

"Well, I have 5 minutes left in this restraunt because it is gonna be messed up soon, and let me introduce myself , I am Prince Shaw Edward Xerman Yacob II , the last member of the great eternals.... Well I was a prince a few billion years ago , then they died and here I am"

"Haha , I am also a princess of gods >⁠.⁠< stuck here with mortals without my powers and now what do you mean that we have left with 5 minutes??"


A loud blast sounded a little away from the duo as the debris was flying all over the restaurant with many pieces of glass stuck on the restaurant customers... *to be continued*