
The cursed eternal

That was the day I lost all I had..... But gained something that was desired by everyone throughout the ages...... They just don't get it ,, it's a damn curse .... Shaw , the last prince of the great eternals was now only pureblood of his clan left, alone in this universe, along with is boring eternal life...... His only wish now is to live a lesurely boring life in some remote corner of galaxy , but is shocked to find a girl with high concentration of unawakened eternal blood..... Is this a simple genetic mutation or forgotten clansmen..??? ------------------------- I got the framework, divided in 3 volumes Lost child of gods is the first vol. With galactic fights in the end and plotline in middle. Support me for this work

Bored_guy7594 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

isabell?? a young eternal ???

Shin continent, country of albia , city of whirl

the once, majestic, white city of food was now totally deserted and many of the streets near the coast were also destroyed to the point only debris of the shops were left.

some small 'ports' near the beach, too, were destroyed by the aftermath of 'war'.

its just at the centre of explosion site, all we could see one table, 3 chairs beside it and 3 people sitting there in awkward silence.

other than these three, not even a single living soul could be seen.... because there were five thousand corpses surrounding them and .... a soulless fellow with a wet couch was kneeling not far from the 'line' where copses end.

Complex emotions were seen in the eyes of the kneeling and lost 'war' commander, while most of it was filled with fear, there were touch of awe and shame.

while our 'war' matyr was praying for the good outcome, the protagonist of war and his 'manager' had other plans.

lisa could be seen, sitting on the chair, her short legs on the table, which looked rather funny, and he chin, up to the sky, she looked at that 'war hero' through her nose,, with distain.

looking at him in distain , lisa said to shaw, "hey shaw, i have a question.....can you explain to me.... how could... by any chance...anyone be this incompetent....ತ⁠_⁠ತ. I mean, just look at this guy, he prepared for a war.... and all the contribution this fellow did was to shout 'attack' and .... and nothing else!!! there should be limit of incompetency, and.this guy had broken the records !!! "

waving his hands, shaw said.."forget it lisa, why bother with a mortal, plus, this planet is now developing towards the rune technology, i can imagine the efforts they put in when i saw their weapons..... you know , all i gave them was this ..... children's handbook to runes introduction that was once very popular among young eternal children."

"you guy, what the hell are you thinking with this head of yours!! the book you are speaking of is might be one of the children's handbook to the introduction of a new technology tree but ,, for a civilization that is learning that there also exist another continent beyond the sea,,, like giving fire to people living in stone age or just simply, forcefully, elevating or pushing forward the technology level of a planet by whole thousand years because this planet didn't even have Mana..... mana source here is that that toy of yours what you gave it to that bitch... and children hand book in your words is thousand years rune research for newbies!!!"

"well, whatever at least they created what was written in that picture book. i mean, they DID make a practical toy with that, and that might only be just a good working model..... but that works too"

"umm...." a third sound came between their 'conversation' as isabell interjected between them "the rune technology you two speek of.... it is said to be founded by the first queen of albia 500 years ago, and it was a rather novel concept to take thin, free energy, present in the world and then inject it in some special lines which she termed as runes.... i am a student of rune technology.... doing part time at a restaurant.... and still don't know why am i here....."

"you are here because you are part of a...." looking at shaw, lisa changed her words while replying to isabell "near extinct clan... as for the rune 'inventor' you speak of, she was just one of the many bitches under shaw... runes are billions of years old..."

"what clan??" confusion was written all over isabell's face as she couldn't fully comprehend that how could she, an orphan be part of a big family.....

"well, there USED TO BE a group of people, as of blessed by the universe itself.... the pride was etched into their genes..... into their very being..... which in turn somehow made them into an idea that eventually had their whole clan destroyed by their own hands. a dangerous idea EST into their minds that caused the bloodline of that clan to be cut off..... well at least at that time there were very few young ones because of not so high fertility rate of the eternals. their work there were many idiots that had is physical relations with aliens and you can sometimes find some species with a little bit of eternal blood in them... but the genes of eternals are rather special so.... just having their blood doesn't make you an eternal.... the genes of eternals are dominant but they do not awaken so normally, just like in you, is only to make up for the other half of the gene chain.... and if not awakened.... it lies dormant for god knows how many years..... and somehow, both of your parents had a good amount of eternal bloodline making you a fully fledged young eternal."

shaw explained while looking seriously in isabell's eyes.

raising her left hand.... isabell pointed the question that the three overlooked the most....."why are we discussing this in the middle of nowhere.... just look at the place.... corpses are scattered and we are at the centre of a half destroyed city....."

realising this shaw took out a rectangular brick like thing from his pocket and pressed a button in its centre. many tiny runes lit up all over the surface of it... if one doesn't look carefully,, they may even think that the brick is a light source that glows.

the runes etched on brick made the 'rune fan' Isabel's eyes shine as if watching a treasure unfold before her eyes. But what happened next made her mouth grow into big 'O' shape due to shock.

A shock equivalent to seeing a smartphone in filament bulb era.
