
The cursed eternal

That was the day I lost all I had..... But gained something that was desired by everyone throughout the ages...... They just don't get it ,, it's a damn curse .... Shaw , the last prince of the great eternals was now only pureblood of his clan left, alone in this universe, along with is boring eternal life...... His only wish now is to live a lesurely boring life in some remote corner of galaxy , but is shocked to find a girl with high concentration of unawakened eternal blood..... Is this a simple genetic mutation or forgotten clansmen..??? ------------------------- I got the framework, divided in 3 volumes Lost child of gods is the first vol. With galactic fights in the end and plotline in middle. Support me for this work

Bored_guy7594 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

01- New day


'Oh damn.....'

Well , opened my eyes and now here I am ready for a new day.....

How much time has it been??

I don't know but this body is stiff

*Crackling sounds

Aah ... What a stiff neck

My mouth is dry now

Well , first check out the conditions outside.


Shaw moved his fingers a bit. But they were too stiff to move in the first try , due to lack of mobility for a long time , body too , terminates its functions to save energy.

Moving the stiff body of his , shaw stood up and sat where he was sleeping.

Applying a little force to his neck , he moved his neck, followed by some crackling sounds , he observed the surroundings. It was a cave , a cave too small for 2 adults to fit in.

Damp and gloomy walls gave a little bit pungent smell. But Shaw wasn't least bit bothered about that. What he wanted to know was the exit of this prison.

Scanning the surroundings was smooth walls above and no sign of exit. Below his feet were some mutated plants , evolved through don't know how many years to emit light in this dark cave.

"Haam hai sheeled..??" (Am I sealed ?)

"Mah wouch???"(my voice)

'oh fck , are my vocal chords jammed ??'

'good fellow , how many years it has been '

Struggling to stand up , Shaw started warmin up his body , crackling sounds kept echoing inside the cave

'haah , thank goodness there is no camera here , or else I could record a horror movie from the sounds '

'now then , how to exit ...'

"Hey Isma ....."

"Heyyy , are you there isma "

"PLEASE STOP FUCKING CALLING ME THAT " -came a sound inside Shaw's head.

"But that's your damned NAME" shouted Shaw as he raised his shoulders while opening his arms wide. Expression was also pretty convincing.

"If I was not in your shithead for 7594617780 years 8 months , seven days , 16 hours and 58 minutes , I would have been convinced that i was yelling at you for the fucking first time"- a girly voice rang again , albeit this time it sounded a bit defeated, and specially annoyed.

"I see , so it's been 500 years since my last good sleep " Shaw pondered , touching his chin with his index finger and thumb. "So long , I don't know if they would be alive here , I really miss them , hey isma , calculate if they are alive !"


"But that's what your dad , i.e. Prince Shaw named you , you can't deny your name like that, and what's good about Lisa ... You might not know significance of your name but I thought a whole night before naming you that....."

" You see , isma represents -- Integrated skill and management a.i. ,, that's what you are made for , to manage my life and all skills I learn , suggest me most optimal solutions for my problems "

"WHICH I DO NOT NEED TO TELL YOU BASTARD CREATOR BECAUSE YOU HAVE NEVER USED MY OPTIMISATION FEATURE" Lisa was really annoyed from shaw , as if she was fed up for whole eternity. "ANYWAYS , MY NAME IS lovely impressive and smart A.I. .... Or Lisa , your names are the worst so I won't be taking them at all " Lisa said with a pout.

"How are my names worst , my naming sense would be best in the world , just take my name as an example .. shaw , or prince sexy haha " narcissistic personality of Shaw was coming out again but he quickly focused on his condition as the pungent smell filled his lungs.

Pinching his nose , he clenched his left hand.

*Dub-lub .... Dub-lub....DUB-lub.... THUMP...THUMP..THUMP...*

as the sound of heartbeat kept on increasing, clenched left hand kept of filling with energy , air around even showed signs of distortion..... And the punch was thrown out.

Although it looked a bit funny as one hand pinched nose but power of the punch was not small at all. the air cannon went through his fist straight to the wall.


Earthquake went through the walls , quake went for more than 10 seconds and... The whole mountain crumbled under the first of shaw.

"How the hell did it became a mountain?? "

"Maybe they wanted a certain prince to die of suffocation... After all they sealed you here "

"Don't taunt me , lisa , i slept here , those ants don't have power to seal me "

"Yeah , they don't have power to seal you , some had that power but result would be same , afterall , after some time after the seal , a certain unkillable bastard would get stronger than the seal and would end up being unsealed "

"Ouch" Lisa saw shaw's right hand on his nose and left hand on his right chest.. she was speechless as this bastard forgot his heart is on the left side , pinching his nose was more of a priority for him.

As he saw Lisa not being intrested in his performance, Shaw walked out of the ruins where he was standing then saw behind him was some runes.

His Rocky bed and cave was still lit with runes. Shaw glanced it and said "such an exquisite technology, they were dead set on sealing me for eternity ..."

"After all , not many worlds could tolerate a bastard such as you " commented Lisa as she projected an image of hers on shaw's shoulder. A loli about size of adult's calf , dressed in blue frock like a doll , blonde hair tied up in a ponytail and a few strands of blue dyed hairs scattered on forehead, dancing with the wind.

"Don't cut me in the middle when I am pretending to be an expert here !!! " Shouted shaw as he was cut off in middle . "First , I want some food ... Lisa , teleport me to a restaurant"

"Yeah yeah , whatever " Lisa's mouth was hard as ever but body was very honest , she manipulated the space around her , scanned the map of this world and teleported to the town nearby.

First work , slow start , my plan for this novel is going on present adventure of Shaw and Lisa , in volume one , I would be focusing on his journey in a few world's , then in volume 2 , I would start writing about Shaw's past , creation of Lisa , and their crazy adventures which led to their wanted notice in many galaxies.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!... I am broke , I need a new laptop to write more in a chapter so please motivate me as hard as you can

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