
Chapter 8

Hiyori: Where are you?

Shiro: I'm on my way.

Hiyori: Come on... Ryueen isn't the patient type.

Shiro: Really? I didn't know... please keep him there for me.

Hiyori: I don't think I can for much longer

Shiro: Oh no. I'm about 10 minutes away.

Hiyori: 10 minutes? That's too long. He will go.

Shiro: But... but...

Hiyori: What is it?

Shiro: If I can't do it now, when else can I confess to him.

Hiyori: Eh? Confess? To him?

Shiro: Yes. When else can I confess to Ryueen-san.


After school hours ended, Tatsumaki, Ayanokouji, Sudo and Horikita were required to exit the premises and report for the meeting with the Student Council and Class C "victims"

That left the class to their devices, but because of what had happened in the morning, there seemed to be a bit of commotion in the classroom, where everyone was ganging up on Sotomura to find out why he was at the Annex room that day.

"Come on, Sotomura. Why were you there?"

"Yeah. Why is that so difficult to answer?"

"You guys, please calm down. Pressuring him like this won't get us anywhere."

A bold and valiant cry came, silencing all the girls in the class. The guys scoffed and looked away.

"Hirata-kun." Sotomura said under his breath with a dreamy expression.

"Don't worry Sotomura-kun. No one will bother you anymore." He said with a confident smile then began to direct everyone's attention away. "Guys, please just go about your normal daily activities. I will be handling this from now."

"Really Hirata-kun?"

Karuizawa asked and he nodded with a confident smile.

"Hmm, only because it's you."

She said then walked out of the class with her clique. It didn't take long for the class to disperse, leaving only Hirata, Sotomura and a few others who usually stayed behind, in the class.

Sotomura himself began to pack his things up when Hirata came close to him.

"Um... Sotomura-san. Mind if I walk with you?"

"Huh? Not at all Hirata-dono. For my savior I shall even welcome you to my humble abode! Let us leave at once! Unless you have matters to attend to at the moment."

"Erh... none at all. Let's go."


Tatsumaki POV

"We will now hold deliberations regarding the violent incident that occurred last Tuesday. Thank you for coming here." The Student Council Secretary Tachibana announced. "As Student Council Secretary, I, Tachibana, will preside."

"The student council president coming in over a little brawl like this? Wonders never cease, I suppose..." Sae-chan Sensei said with a grin.

"Due to my busy schedule, there are some agendas I'm forced to miss participating in. As a rule, though, I do attend." The president responded.

The atmosphere felt a bit off though. The C class students on the other side, and the D students on this side. It was quite uneven, with the numbers present, but I guess it would suffice.

"So it's just a coincidence, is it?"

"Yes. Nothing more."

Horikita was the most unsettling thing about this whole situation. She looked timid. It was probably because her brother was here. The last I remembered, she was about to be beaten to a pulp by her brother. She must be intimidated by him. That wouldn't do.

"To both sides: I wish to ascertain which versionof the events is the truth. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes. Begin."

After receiving approval, Tachibana opened her book.

"Komiya and the other two, you insist you were called to the special annex by Sudo and then attacked by him. Sudo denies this. He insists that Komiya was the one who called him there. Your versions of the events are contradictory. There is only one fact we can be certain of: That the aggressor, Sudo, injured Komiya, Kondo, and Ishizaki. They are the victims."


Sudo slammed down on the desk and stood up.

"I'll admit that I hit them! But they're the ones who started it!"

Was this how this went down the last time? I looked at the president and he looked at both sides without showing a hint of favour. This would be bad for my rep with him. If I couldn't control one measly student, then how would he let me join the Student Council?


I called his name and he paused. He met my gaze and I sent what I hoped was a warning signal. He zipped up, then sat back down.

A/N: LOL, Honestly was imagining those scenes in anime where it's like her Aura piped him down. You know? A single glare was more than enough to make him tell the difference in power. You can ignore me and back to the story!

"Please do try to be silent throughout the rest of the session." Tachibana warned. I gave her a wave, but she straight up ignored me. The audacity.

"Without new testimony or evidence, we will proceed under these assumptions. Is this acceptable?"

The room was quiet. I looked to Horikita and Ayanokouji to see if they would do anything. They had to call Sakura in, not me. This wasn't my prize to claim. Obviously I hadn't given up on joining the Student Council. In fact, if what I was thinking was correct, I was already in the Student Council. However, that wasn't important right now.

"It seems there was no need for discussion." The President said with a bored tone.

"It's clear from the state of their injuries that the violence was one-sided. I believe I should base my decision that. Class D's insistence that it was self-defense is contradicted by Sudo-kun's lack of injuries, and the condition of Ishizaki-kun and the others - "

"Uh... ah... uwa..."

Suddenly came moaning. Next to Sudo, I could see Horikita squirming in her seat as her face was turning red. On her midriff was the reason. Ayanokouji-kun was pinching? Tickling? I didn't know what exactly he was doing, but it was bringing her to the case.

Everyone in the room was staring at her, and I wasted no time to take a video of the scene. I nodded with satisfaction after acquiring Horikita's shame.

'Outstanding move, Ayanokouji-san.'

"S-Stop it! What are you--?"

I noticed Chabashira-sensei grinning mischievously. This woman... what kind of teacher was she?

Ayanokouji finally stopped and the black haired Tsundere found herself with a flushed face.

"Say cheese~" I said, then took a pic of her. He glared at me. "Come on, glares will make you look older than you are, you know?"

Ayanokouji whispered something to her, but I couldn't care less. Whatever it was, it snapped her back into reality.

"I beg your pardon. I would like to question the witnesses. May I?"


"I'll allow it."

Horikita took in a fresh breath, probably preparing herself mentally for this.

"First question: What were the circumstances under which Sudo-kun called you out? Answer me."

"After practice ended, he said he wanted to talk to me."

"And what was Ishizaki-kun doing in the special annex with you? He is not in the basketball team. There was no reason for him to be there."

"I... wanted insurance."

He supplied the answers like he had rehearsed them before, which was expected.


"Everyone knows what a violent guy Sudo-kun is. He's a big guy, too."

"You thought he might attack you, then?"

"That's right!"

"And so you brought Ishizaki-kun, who had a reputation of being a strong fighter in middle school, as a bodyguard?"

"I did it to protect myself!"

"I have some knowledge of martial arts myself. Fighting multiple enemies increases the difficulty exponentially. For you to beaten so one-sidedly, especially with Ishizaki-kun present, makes no sense."

"Well... that's just because we didn't want a fight!"

"If you had no desire to fight, and you weren't fighting back, it's extremely unlikely that all three of you would be hurt."

"That does sound like common sense." Sensei chipped in.

"Common sense doesn't apply when Sudo-kun's involved!"

"There was a student who witnessed the entire fight."

The mood changed drastically. The Class C students now looked nervous, their eyes darting between one another. Big mistake right there. I took a picture, but they wouldn't know that.

There was no rule against bringing a phone in here or using it. I was guessing they expected us to use "Common sense" here to know not to use phones during sessions. Unfortunately, I lacked that "Common Sense" for today.

"Would the witness step forward, please?"

The doors opened and Airi-chan came walking through. I waved at her and she waved back, although nervous. I had to say, I was impressed. I never expected her to be able to come In front of so many people all for the sake of someone who wasn't even her friend... No. She wouldn't do that. She was doing this for someone who meant more than a friend to her.

"Please state your name and class."

"C-Class 1-D, Sakura Airi."

"Please take your seat."

Airi-chan sat down on the chair that had been provided for her and the meeting proceeded.

A/N: Ok, literally no change to the discussion from the anime, except a few stupid jokes from Shiro and the possible hints for V3... yeah... So! We move past this and onto

After the meeting, I wanted to talk to Airi for a bit, so I told Sudo to head over to Sotomura's, and that I would meet him there. He nodded and left leaving me with Airi, Ayanokouji and Horikita. Horikita eventually left. I was going to stay behind, but then I noticed Airi behaving weirdly. I looked at Ayanokouji's face.

I walked towards Airi, then whispered in her ear.

"Seriously? This guy? Good luck with that, I'll be cheering you on."

I patted her on the shoulders. Her face turned red.

"W-wha-?! Erh- ah... Shiro?!"


I left both of them there.


Hiyori: Where are you?

Shiro: I'm on my way.

Hiyori: Come on... Ryueen isn't the patient type.

Shiro: Really? I didn't know... please keep him there for me.

Hiyori: I don't think I can for much longer

Shiro: Oh no. I'm about 10 minutes away.

Hiyori: 10 minutes? That's too long. He will go.

Shiro: But... but...

Hiyori: What is it?

Shiro: If I can't do it now, when else can I confess to him.

Hiyori: Eh? Confess? To him?

Shiro: Yes. When else can I confess to Ryueen-san.

Hiyori: EEEEHHH?!

Shiro moved the phone a distance away from her ear.

Hiyori: Ok, understood! I will buy you all the time you need. Try to hurry it up.

Shiro: Thanks.

After cutting the call, I looked at the door in front of me. I was currently on one of the floors belonging to the boys. I knocked on the door and there was a little bit of delay, before I heard shuffling footsteps, then a click as the door opened up.

Peeping through was Hirata-kun. I gave him a light hearted wave with a smile and he responded kindly.

"Oh, Tatsumaki-san. You're here. Come on in."

He opened the door widely, allowing me to step in. Normally, I believe this is where you could say I was cheating on one of my closest friends by entering her boyfriend's room, but no! This is Sotomura's room!

It didn't count. Besides, he wasn't the only one here. There was Sudo sitting on a bed and Sotomura cowering in the corner, shivering after what I assumed to be the treatment Sudo said he would deliver. Then there was the laptop at the corner of the room on the desk with a black coloured lamp.

Yep, absolutely nothing weird about a girl in a room with 3 boys in a dark room with only a single black lamp out.

"Tatsumaki-san! You're here." The idiot exclaimed... Idiot Red head, I mean.

"Tatsumaki-dono? Oh shit."


I cut the call once I saw her waving at me. She was still in her uniform. It would appear that she wasted no time to get me this meeting. Next to her, playing with his phone was a guy with shoulder length magenta hair that was styled. Standing next to him was a giant with tanned skin. He was the average muscled Joe.

I walked towards them and Hiyori came up to me.

"Great... let me introduce you." She pulled me along towards the two of them. "Yoohoo, Ryueen. She's here."

This caused him to change gaze from his phone to me. His eyes were a bold magenta, just like his hair. He grinned after seeing me then shoved his phone back into his pocket.

"H-Hi." I started, putting up a cutesy act. "You must be Kakeru Ryueen."

"And you are stunning." He complemented me. "Wanna be my girl?"

'Hard pass.' I shot him down without a second thought... in my head of course.

"Can we talk for a bit?"

"That is why I'm here. You want to go grab a bite?"

"I'm here about Sudo's case."

When I mentioned that, his attitude switched up a bit. A tiny bit though. He wasn't going to show that he had something to do with it.

"Huh? Sudo?" He feigned ignorance, barely putting on a good show

"Big, red hair, stinks, talks a lot of trash? Looks like he came from a zoo?"

"Ah... yes. That description fits the guy that beat my classmates from earlier." He made an over dramatic sigh.

This Ryueen guy was playing the role of a caring classmate now? The nerve!

"You mean the classmates you sent to agitate him?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're saying."

"Huh... so you didn't do it?"

"Do I look like I could hurt a cat?" He gazed at me with those vicious eyes.

I smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness."

"Huh? For what?"

"Well... you don't look like you could hurt a butterfly, so I doubt you would have caused any of this. I knew you didn't do-"

I paused.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"No... would you mind we take this to another place? People aRe staring too much. And what I am about to say will be really embarrassing right now."

He looked shocked for a moment, then grinned.

"A love confession? I'll accept it."

"Oh please... shall we?"

"Certainly, I'm intrigued to see where this goes."

I turned to walk away, then he followed, along with his lackey.

"What? You can't come by yourself?" I asked

"Please. Do you actually expect me to go into some unknown location with a slut who just called me out of nowhere, unprotected? It seems that you are still inexperienced, but don't worry. I'll teach you some stuff later tonight."