
The Crafter and Cookies

This is my first time writing, please read the synopsis. I decided to write The Crafter because I am unsatisfied with the number of fanfics and novels about Minecraft crafting abilities so I humbly introduce you, my precious readers, to my One Piece The Crafter And Cookies. ======================================= Aryan POV: Arf! Arf! "Scratching noises" Arghh... here we go again cookies is waking me up by whimpering and scratching my bed in the middle of the night in my pitiful thin-walled two-roomed apartment because she needs to pee. argh, who taught you how to do that? I'm sure of it now cookies knows that she can't wake me up on my bed because it's too big to just jump onto. She somehow figured out that if she can't climb onto my bed to wake me up like she does when I'm on the couch shell just scratch on my bed and make dying dog noises till I wake up and take her out. dang it why are you so smart cookies? Oh well, I think living on my own and acting on my own interests is better than being suppressed by another person's rules. No matter who, or where I am, sadly no matter where I go in this world, I will always be limited on what I can do if only I could be free like a Minecraft player in an infinitely expanding world. Regardless I'm never moving back home just to have a steady roof over my head and do free labor for my parents. I'm sorry Mom, and Dad but your son is too prideful and rebellious to return home, I'd rather stick to my choices in life no matter the consequences than second-guess myself, because I know once I second-guess myself once it'll be downhill from there. Mom shouldn't have too hard of a time at the house when dads away for work. Because she still has two pairs of extra hands to command as she sees fit. sorry, Joanne, and Aaron I say this with all the love in the world but your big brother will never go back and do free labor ever again! I say with my chest puffed out, I've had enough of that already, argh enough of that I shake my head trying to rid myself of my distracting thoughts, anyway for now I'll have to quickly get dressed and take my cuteness generator 9000 out on our daily 3 am walk to the park before I have to clean up a little troublesome stinking puddle. Hehe, I won't be the one cleaning a stinky puddle today but I know someone else who will "evil laugh". An- Our MC Aryan forgets that his walls are terribly thin. Aryan POV: Hmm, it seems like cookies really likes taking a leak in the same spot every day that spot being my next-door neighbor's welcome home mat Hehe I think Arlene will forgive me again after all she hasn't killed me yet "laughs nervously" I'm sure I'll be fine what's the worst that can happen it's not like shell run me over or anything hah as if, she doesn't even have the balls to do that literally hahaha. Anyways let's dip cookies before we get got ARF! SHHH... General POV: A few seconds after Aryan leaves a dark figure passes through Arlene's now-opened door dressed in what vaguely looks like bunny-printed pajamas with matching bunny slippers and latex gloves. Moments later the dark figure closes Arlene's door and steps out into the unforgiving cold unfair world with car keys in hand and a doormat to avenge. Scene Brake- ======================================= If you want to support me add this book to your libraries or leave a review. :) I do not own Minecraft or Marvel, or any other elements I may use from different sources. All I own is my own OC. I have only published the Crafter and Cookies on Web Novel and royal road anywhere else you see this it's copied. Now that all that is done thank you for your time and enjoy. ;)

E_Mendez · Filmes
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6 Chs

An Alligator Attacks!

A/N: I'm going, to be honest; I didn't expect to get any views but imagine my surprise when I see that there are already 22 views a little over 20 minutes later. Seeing this I suddenly felt obligated to make another chapter as soon as possible so here it is. :)

This story is also on Royalroad under the name Justhebest, ill be your friend if you can put this book in your library on Royalroad as well. :)


Aryans POV:

As I'm running towards the screams, I heard earlier I think to myself, what am I going to do when I get there what if it's something I can't handle? I'm 18 years old and none of my personal skills have nothing to do with fighting.

Dammit, what am I doing, fuck what am I talking about of course I know what I'm doing I just want to jump into the face of danger like a badass and slap around the bastard who makes children cry then save the innocent damsel in distress and maybe mingle with some beautiful medieval women!

Argh, what am I thinking little kids could be in trouble and I'm thinking about meeting pretty ladies, let's just see what the hell is going on. I don't want the first people I meet to die because I was wasting time with my shitty internal monologue about pretty medieval ladies. Finishing my internal monologue, I reach the top of the deceivingly steep hill with burning legs and more regrets about skipping leg day.

But all my inner conflicts disappear when I see the mind fucking scene in front of me. A FUCKING CROCODILE is trying to kill somebody's brat in a rice field. Seeing this type of savagery for the first time I couldn't help but freeze and take in the scene, despite all my shock I start to frantically look around for something to use as a weapon. Gritting my teeth, I soon abandon this idea and continue to sprint to this kid's rescue that's about to die. I quickly have to think of a way to get that crock to fuck off.

The only thing my small brain can come up with on the spot is hitting the croc on the snout hard enough so that it abandons his meal or diverts its attention to me. Thinking this I remember that I have a fat ass water flask filled with water in my inventory that is only a thought away. I'm still about 20 meters away so without any more thought in my actions. I enter fight or flight mode and will my water flask out from my inventory into my hand and start screaming like a samurai in a sword fight to the death.

Reaching the brutal fight against a helpless child and the crock from behind I slam my flask on the prone crock's head because I realize if I miss my shot to the nose, I may get thrown off balance by my own momentum, and ill also lose even more time trying to save the kid.

So, after I super bonk the crocks head straight out of nowhere. faster than I imagined the monster croc immediately turns and opens its gaping maw towards me. Not expecting this I quickly jump back landing on my butt and dropping my flask to the side. Seeing its chance, the green dinosaur death woddles to me with its stubby legs and murderous hissing noises. In a matter of seconds, the crock's new target is me a bigger and juicer version of the skinny kid it had earlier.

Seeing that the crock's new target is me I quickly glance over to see if the kid is trying to get away, fortunately, the crock only managed to gash up the kid and didn't gobble up one of his limbs. The kid stops crying momentarily and sees me looking at him and he sniffles out Maraming Salamat hearing this I wasn't too surprised but looking at him I remember I'm not alone in this fight right now. Cookies is still in my front pocket remembering this, I quickly back up in the muddy rice field just in time to dodge the crocks snapping lunge toward me. Standing up faster than I've ever had before I dig in my front pocket and scoop cookies out and chunk her in the bloody brat's direction seeing Cookies flying in the air the crock momentarily gets distracted again and follows Cookies figure landing in the bleeding brats' hands.

seeing this I know I just fucked up again. as expected, the evil crock quickly starts to woddle to his original iron-smelling meal. Seeing the indecisive dino changing directions again in the middle of a fight I make a rash decision and jump onto the ugly bastard's back. I do this to keep him from trying to eat the poor kid again and to keep cookies safe.

Going as good as I thought it would the crock starts death rolling trying to get me off of him and two death rolls later, I'm cut up, bruised, and unattached to the attacking green log. At this moment all my cuts and bruises start to tingle and itch but ignoring this I try to get the mud off my face, but finally, I think fuck this. and open my eyes and immediately mud attacks them the pain is almost comparable to when you get soap in your eyes. however, thanks to my quick thinking I see the crock and its open maw about to try and bite me in half again. However, instead of backing up like a normal person would I decide to dodge to the side and start to grapple with a half-ton monster in ankle-deep water. after I get somewhat on my knees, I waste no time and start throwing punches, and elbows.

however, at this time I hear footsteps and shouts coming my way. noticing the shouts and footsteps, I'm quickly filled with relief because reinforcements are finally here. But I know I can't rest now I still got a green dinosaur to tango with.

Resuming my death match, I think these guys must have weapons like a spear or something, I can't really tell if their armed or not because I'm blinded by mud, so I make a reckless educated guess and decide to give the crock a really tight hug so it will start death rolling again. This way it will get distracted and the guys that came to my rescue can try to stab at it with their spears or hack at it with machetes.

However, I can only endure one death roll this time because I'm starting to get tired. regardless if I'm tired or not I push myself to get up and start to blindly run away in the opposite direction of where I hear the crock.

Now that I think I'm far enough away. I try my best at trying to wipe all the mud away from my eyes so I can check the damage sustained while fighting. I know I'm pumped full of adrenalin right now so it makes sense that I can't really feel the pain nonetheless I'm sure I'm pretty roughed up maybe not as bad as that brat but I'm sure I'm up there.

However, after I get all the gunk away from my eyes imagine my surprise when notice there are no actual injuries on my person. I think maybe this is another one of my powers. After this thought, I realize that this is going to be hard to explain when these guys inevitably start asking questions. Now that I'm thinking of questions, I wonder if I can still get my flask back, and Cookies I hope she's ok she better be because if she's not I'm definitely going to kill that green mother fucker. I don't care how scaley you are ill definitely kill you if Cookies got hurt. Finishing my chaotic thoughts, I quickly look around to find where everyone is, moments later my eyes lock onto all the commotion. but before I blindly charge into battle again, I need my flask then I'll go check to see if cookies is ok.

Now that I got my shit together I can catch my breath, once I'm ready to start running again I rushed toward the commotion popping my flask into my inventory. Now that I got my flask back, I need to find the brat that has Cookies.

Abadays POV:

It was just another day in the rice fields. I was just pulling the weeds that popped up over the past couple of days. However just as I was about to pull out another patch of weeds, I hear a scream from one of the nearby fields, after the screams stop, I look at my brother who was also nearby pulling weeds. He also looks at me except he looks a little more worried than me. The next thing I know my brother takes off sprinting to a nearby tool shed and takes out a pitchfork and a sledgehammer then he starts to run over to me. seeing this I drop what I'm doing and start to run over to him I guess we're going to see what's going on.

By the time I got to brother Abacan all the other guys who were working the fields today were already running towards the scream equipped with all kinds of farm equipment that could be used to fight which was pretty much everything in the shed.

when I finally reached Abacan I can tell he was nervous but not scared. recently there were rumors going around in the village that the whole world was at war. Naturally, this put everyone on edge making everyone so jumpy.

As soon as I get to my brother, he hands me the sledgehammer and he keeps the pitchfork. Then without any words, Abacan locks eyes with me and then takes off with the others to go check out what all the commotion is about.

Seeing my brother run off I squint my eyes in the direction of the scream, I can sense it someone like me is over there, and hopefully, whoever is causing all this drama is not hostile. After I finish my thoughts, I take off faster than everyone else.

WOOSH! WOOSH! WOOSH! one by one I pass everyone, ever since I turned 11, I got these strange powers allowing me to sense everyone around me, and also, I got significantly stronger. Ever since that day, I've only been getting stronger. However, I knew this wasn't normal so I haven't told anyone except brother Abacan, he should be the only one who knows but I think some of the other villagers are suspicious of me. however, at this point, I don't care about what they think anymore.

When I finally get close to the area the scream originated from, I start hearing hissing noises and loud grunts. When I hear this, I started running a bit faster and when I finally see what was happening, I am amazed and horrified at the same time.

A foreign man is fighting a crocodile. I'm surprised he hasn't died yet, even if he's like me fighting against a crock like that definitely is not easy. He's not winning but he also isn't losing. I don't even think that I could do that even with my strength, however, this guy fighting the crocodile isn't what I'm interested in, what actually catches my attention is the cuts on the man started to rapidly heal even his blood is going back into his wounds then sealing shut good as new almost as if it never happened in the first place.

A little bit after I arrived the other guys that I passed earlier run up next to me and also started watching the strange-looking foreign man wrestling in the rice field with the biggest saltwater crocodile I'd seen in a while.

however, snapping out of it. I finally notice that there is a boy who is covered in blood off to the corner and is holding a small animal in his arms. My eyes widened in the realization of what must have actually happened. Making my mind up about this guy I quickly started yelling look over there someone is bleeding.

A couple of seconds later some other guys get to the kid and the small animal and start to take him back to the village for medical treatment.

Now that he's taken care of, I should probably start helping the strange guy who came out of nowhere. However, at this moment the foreigner gets up and starts to run away with mud all over his face and body. HISSSSS the crocodile is facing towards the running away man and has his backside wide open so I run forward as fast as I can and slam the sledgehammer on its back then quickly retreat.

Seeing me take the initiative all the other villagers started to surround the lone crocodile and brutally attacked it all at once. Seeing this I knew that the crock is as good as dead now, so I Instead focus my attention on the foreign man that's like me.

It looks like he's running back to the fight huh, what was that he just stepped on a strange container and it disappeared. Is this another one of his powers? he also has two powers like me I wonder If he has even more powers though? Just when I think that the foreigner and I lock eyes with each other. It's as if he knew I was already looking at him, I think I've been caught staring. Oh crap, he's coming toward me. I take a step back nervously I think he noticed my sudden nervousness because he stopped running at me so fast and slowed down then put his arms up in the universal gesture of I mean no harm.

Seeing his gesture I calm down a bit but I'm still a bit wary of him after all. This guy just fought a crocodile and didn't get eaten so I think my caution is warranted here. Seconds later the foreign man is right in front of me, and he was taller than I thought I couldn't really tell before because he was kinda far away and on the ground. Well, I suppose If you want to survive fighting a crock you have to be at least this big. Then he spoke in a different language and I was quickly confused.

I must have shown the confusion on my face because immediately after he spoke he smacked himself. Maybe he is berating himself for trying to speak a different language to me?

Next, he made hand a hand gesture that kind of looked like a bunny but then made some dog noises. I was confused for a bit but realizing what he meant I started to point in the direction of the village. But before I could try and ask him some questions of my own he took off in the direction I pointed and before I knew it he was already gone.

Sigh, I should've told him to wait for me.

Scene Brake-


A/N: I wanted to get this chapter out as soon as possible so I ended up staying up till 3:30 trying to finish it. at first, my goal was to end today's chap with around 2k words but I ended up going a bit over 2500 words. I just wanted to find a good stopping point in the story that didn't seem too rushed. This was also my first fighting scene did you like it? I think I did a pretty good job myself, I would have never thought the first fight scene I would write about would be about a saltwater crocodile in a grassy mountain range. I don't know when the next chapter will be out but don't expect one tomorrow because even I don't know if ill have time to write chapter 3 tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you like today's chapter. have a good one. :)

This story is also on Royalroad under the name Justhebest, ill be your friend if you can put this book in your library on Royalroad as well. :)

Hello reader, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll do my best to Keep the chapters close to 2K words

and above. If you want to support me I hope you can bookmark this story, and leave a review on this book.

thank you for your time. :)

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