
The Continental in Marvel

"The Continental in Marvel" is a fascinating story of an ordinary young man, Michel, who overnight finds himself the owner of a luxurious hotel in New York, which is much more than just a hotel establishment. Surrounded by mystery, luxury and danger, Michel must navigate an unknown world filled with criminals, mercenaries and assassins, while he maintains the balance and neutrality of this safe haven in the underworld. With each new revelation, he becomes more immersed in the plot and in his role as keeper of peace in the chaos. Will Michel, a common man, be able to handle this world of shadows and secrets? Find out in "The Continental in marvel". I clarify that I do not own the universe of marvel nor that of john wick.

Blackstarbor · Filmes
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: "Recruitment of Legends"

Positioned in front of the magnificent building that was the Continental, Michael was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The Continental, a beacon of elegance and power that stood tall in the middle of New York City, seemed to fit perfectly, yet at the same time, was completely out of tune in this universe of superheroes and villains.

The building that had appeared with him in this world was fraught with mysteries, possibilities, and imminent dangers. The hotel was in a state of stillness, awaiting its first guests, the crowd of shadowy and colorful figures who would soon flood its corridors.

Michael was familiar with the building, thanks to the countless stories he had read and movies he had seen, the tour that Laura had given him also helped even more. But now, it was his to manage, a responsibility he found both terrifying and thrilling.

For a few moments, he allowed his thoughts to wander, imagining the notable figures from the Marvel universe who would soon walk these corridors. How would he handle the demands and expectations of these personalities? Could he maintain the Continental's neutrality in this world filled with conflicts and power struggles? The questions seemed endless, and the answers, insufficient.

Despite the fears he harbored, a part of Michael couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. Although he had encountered familiar characters, now he would have the opportunity to interact with them in a way he never imagined. This was an opportunity many Marvel fans would have given anything to have.

But with the excitement also came an overwhelming sense of responsibility. The Continental, after all, was more than just a hotel. It was an institution, a sacred sanctuary in the criminal world where certain rules were expected to be respected. And it was his duty, as manager, to ensure that those rules were upheld.

With a sigh of determination, Michael opened the doors of the Continental, ready to face the challenges that awaited him.

With John Wick's promise to consider his proposal (For Michael, his acceptance was the significant one), the ghost of insecurity that had been haunting Michael's mind began to fade. Still, the prospect of having the legendary assassin as part of his staff, while exciting, was fraught with complexities. If Wick, whom he only knew from the movies, agreed to join the Continental, it would undoubtedly attract considerable attention, and not all of it would be of the desired type.

From his office, Michael surveyed the streets of New York, his mind racing at full speed. He had to make arrangements for Wick's possible arrival, ensuring that the transition was as smooth as possible. The logistical details were numerous and varied, from securing Wick's privacy to preparing his accommodation.

Remembering John Wick from the movies, Michael held a reverence for the man. He had watched Wick overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles with a coldness that was almost inhuman. And although this Wick was from a different universe, the essence of the man seemed the same. Even so, Michael understood that Wick's privacy was important. Despite his reputation, Wick was a man of few words who preferred to keep a low profile.

Every thought, every concern, was weaving a complex and demanding future. But Michael was resolved to face it. Because despite all the difficulties and challenges that might arise, this was the only path he had before him. And he was willing to do whatever it took to ensure the success of the Continental in this unknown universe.

The responsibilities were overwhelming, but there was no room for doubt. Michael was prepared to do whatever was necessary for the Continental and for the people who would trust in him.

Everything was ready for the arrival of John Wick. Michael ensured that every detail in the Continental was perfect. From the arrangement of the furniture in Wick's suite to the quality of the paper of the towels in the bathroom, every detail had to reflect the status and respect that the Continental held for Wick.

Throughout his life, Michael had been a fan of the John Wick movies. He had watched each movie numerous times and had studied the character attentively. Wick was a man of few words, but his actions spoke for him. He was a professional, a man who carried out his jobs with efficiency and precision, regardless of the circumstances. Michael admired that dedication and that focus.

But now, this man, a fictional character whom Michael had admired from his old life, was about to step into his reality. And not only that, but Wick would remember his former life, his life as the famed hitman from the John Wick universe. Michael could only hope that the reintegration of those memories wouldn't change the man who was about to join them at the Continental too much.

Apart from his concern about Wick's reaction to his new memories, Michael was excited. He couldn't wait to see how all of this unfolded.

Once again, Michael looked around Wick's suite. He was satisfied with the preparations he had made. The space was clean and comfortable, with a touch of luxury. It was exactly what a guest of the Continental deserved. Michael knew that this would only be the start of his new life in the Marvel universe.

After ensuring everything was ready at the Continental, Michael decided to take a moment to relax before the arrival of John Wick. He knew it would be a long day and wanted to be at his best to receive Wick.

Michael returned to his own suite, an elegant and minimalist space that reflected his personality and tastes. Although it didn't have the opulence of Wick's suite, it was perfectly functional and comfortable for him. Michael sat in his favorite chair, a piece of black leather with views of New York City.

As he looked at the view, Michael couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement. This was the city he had seen so many times in the Marvel movies and comics. And now, he was a part of it. Not only that, but he was also about to meet and coexist with one of his favorite fictional characters in person.

However, Michael also felt a pang of fear. While he was excited about Wick's arrival, he was also worried about how Wick would react to his regained memories. What if Wick decided he wanted nothing to do with the Continental? Or if he decided that Michael was an obstacle in his way? He couldn't help these fears. After all, Wick was a hitman in his movies. What would stop him from being one in this world too?

Trying to banish those thoughts from his mind, Michael got up and headed to his personal bar. He poured himself a whiskey and sat back down, trying to relax. Tomorrow would be a long day, but he was prepared to face it. After all, this was the job he had chosen. He was the manager of the Continental, and he would do everything possible to ensure that the hotel thrived in this new world.

The next day came quickly. Michael woke up early, dressing in a pristine black suit and a tie of the same color. He knew he needed to maintain the appearance of a respected hotel manager and, although he preferred more casual clothing, he had learned to appreciate the aura of authority that the suit provided.

After dressing, Michael went to the dining room for breakfast. He ran into Laura, who was already sitting at one of the tables, enjoying her morning coffee.

"Good morning, Mr. Michel," Laura greeted with a smile. "Ready for the big day?"

"Yes, I think so," Michael replied, nodding firmly. "We've done everything possible to prepare. Now it's just a waiting game."

Laura nodded, seeming pleased. "That's all we can do. I'm sure Mr. Wick will be impressed."

That was what Michael was hoping for. Although he was nervous about Wick's reaction, he was also excited about the opportunity to work with him. Despite his reputation as a hitman, Wick was known to be someone who valued respect and loyalty. Michael hoped that these qualities would also be reflected in the Wick of this universe.

After breakfast, Michael decided to spend some time in his office before Wick's arrival. He wanted to review all the preparations one more time and make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

While in his office, his mind went back to the question of how to approach Wick. He knew he needed to be respectful and show Wick that he was valued at the Continental. But he also knew that he had to stand firm and demonstrate that he was capable of running the hotel. It was a delicate balance, and Michael hoped he could handle it correctly.

Michael was in his office, reviewing a stack of resumes piled up on his desk. He was looking for staff for the Continental, a process he knew would be laborious and delicate. Despite the importance of having John Wick and Marcus, he knew it was equally crucial to hire the right staff to ensure the optimal operation of the Continental.

He was engrossed in his task when his phone rang, breaking his concentration. On the other side of the line, Laura's voice sounded excited. "Mr. Michel," she said, "Marcus is here."

A shiver of surprise ran down his spine. He was expecting Marcus to accept his offer, but not so soon. He stood up, his chair squeaking softly on the polished wooden floor, and headed towards the lobby of the Continental.

Marcus was waiting for him, his dominating presence filling the space. There was nothing ostentatious about his appearance, but his stance and determination in his eyes said it all. "I've decided to join your cause, Michel," he announced, his voice was confident and decided.

Michael felt a wave of relief. He knew how much he needed Marcus on his team, not only for his skills but also for his knowledge and experience. "I'm thrilled to hear that, Marcus," he replied. "Your experience will be invaluable to us."

With Marcus officially on board, Michael knew he had taken a significant step towards establishing the Continental. Even though there was still a lot to be done, the feeling of progress and pieces falling into place was immensely satisfying.

After settling into his chair, Michael turned to Marcus, his face drawn into a serious expression. Marcus seemed more relaxed, already having accepted the reality of his situation, but unease could still be seen in the tense line of his jaw.

"Marcus, I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to join us," Michael began. "In part, it's due to your skills and experiences. But it's also because I trust you."

Marcus leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. "So, what exactly do you expect me to do?" he asked.

"I'm not going to lie," Michael replied. "We are in uncharted territory and there are a lot of unknowns. But one thing I know for sure is that we need people we can trust. We need people who can maintain peace and order in this place. And I believe you're one of them."

Marcus was silent for a moment, thinking. Then, he nodded slightly. "I suppose that makes sense," he admitted. "But there's still a lot I don't understand. Like, for example, how we're going to find the rest of the staff for this place."

"We're working on it," Michael assured him. "Laura has been searching various databases, and I've been in contact with a few people. It won't be easy, but I'm confident we can do it."

At that moment, Laura entered the room, interrupting their conversation. She held a tablet in her hand, and from her expression, Michael could tell she had important news.

Laura cleared her throat before speaking. "Sir," she began, her voice as professional as ever, "We've identified some individuals who might have been Continental staff in your original universe. Some of them appear to have skills and experiences that could be useful to us."

Michael nodded, feeling slightly relieved. Although the Continental hadn't officially opened yet, the lack of staff was a constant concern. They couldn't operate effectively if it was just him and Laura. The idea of having Marcus and John Wick on board was a relief, but they still needed additional staff.

"Great," said Michael, "please arrange the meetings for next week. And Marcus, if you have time, I'd like you to be present during them. Your opinion would be very valuable."

Marcus nodded, a small smile crossing his face. "Of course, I'd be glad to help."

The rest of the afternoon was spent discussing the details of the selection process and everyone's responsibilities at the hotel. They talked about plans for the future and how they wanted to position the Continental in this world. There was a lot to take into account, but Michael felt increasingly sure that they were on the right path.

At the end of the day, he was exhausted but also excited. The prospect of a bright future for the Continental filled him with a sense of anticipation. He knew there were still many challenges ahead, but with the team they were forming, he was confident they could face anything that came their way.


The world around John Wick seemed to fade, becoming blurred and distant. In his hand, the promise medallion glowed with a soft glow, a constant in the whirlwind of thoughts and memories swirling in his head.

He was alone in his New York home, sitting in the dimness of his living room, his personal retreat from the bustling, noisy city below. The distant echoes of traffic and murmurs of pedestrians seemed to be absorbed by the walls of his home, leaving only the constant sound of his own breathing.

The memories of his former life, the one he had lived in the John Wick universe, intertwined with those of his current life, creating a Moebius strip of interwoven memories and mixed emotions. The vision of his deceased wife, her face full of life and love, coexisted with the somber image of the Continental, the infamous hotel for assassins that had been his second home.

The Continental, despite its apparent sophistication and elegance, had been a haven for the darkest creatures of the night. The fraternity of assassins and mercenaries that frequented it was nothing more than a circle of wolves dressed in silk suits and sharp smiles. There was a kind of dark beauty in it, a twisted poetry in the dance of death and diplomacy that took place under its roof.

The abrupt sound of his phone broke the quietness of the room. John looked at the illuminated screen and saw Marcus's name. With a sigh, he picked up the phone and answered the call. "Marcus," he greeted with a voice that betrayed the intensity of his thoughts.

"John," Marcus's voice on the other end of the line sounded clear and concise, "how are you?"

There was a moment of silence. John leaned back in his chair, his gaze lost in the golden glow of the medallion. "I'm okay," he finally replied. His voice was firm, but the underlying unease was palpable. "What's up?"

"I'm at the Continental," Marcus said, his tone became more serious, "I just accepted Michael's offer. I'm going to work as security at the hotel."

Marcus's news fell on John like a guillotine, abruptly cutting off his thoughts. There was a moment of absolute silence, followed by Marcus's gently curious voice from the other side of the phone. "John, are you there?"

"I'm... I'm processing," he finally admitted, his words seemed almost forced, torn from his throat. "Marcus, are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure," Marcus replied, his tone calm and firm, like that of an old soldier, as always.

John paced around his living room, the medallion still in his hand. His mind was a whirlwind, churning the memories he had regained and the decisions he had made. Yes, he had agreed to join the Continental, but hearing that Marcus, his old friend and mentor, had also done so, brought a whirlwind of emotions.

A cold chill ran down his back. The Continental, the neutral organization in the crime underworld, had been his home, his refuge. But now, he was in a different universe, one he still didn't fully understand.

He remembered Michael's words, the respect and admiration he had for him. He remembered the medallion and the memories it awakened. Memories of the Continental, of fights, of blood and steel. But also of camaraderie, honor, and neutrality.

Finally, with a sigh, John spoke. "I'm glad you joined, Marcus," he said, his words filled with sincerity. He could feel the tension in his body dissipating, replaced by a deep sense of relief and a spark of anticipation.

Marcus laughed on the other end of the line. "John, we've always been on the same team. That will never change."

John smiled at his friend's statement. Yes, he was sure, it was going to be a long and strange journey. But at least, he wouldn't walk it alone.

John began to prepare for his return to the Continental, although this was a different return than any he had made before. The Continental was not just a building, a physical place; it was an idea, a philosophy, a code of conduct. It was a memory that had been taken from him, and now abruptly returned. A place that had not existed in his life until a few days ago, but now seemed to have always been present in the depths of his mind.

The Promise medallion, now safely tucked away in his vest pocket, seemed to carry more weight than its size suggested. It was not just an object, but a link to his past, a reminder of the promises made and responsibilities assumed.

He glanced at his closet, filled with sleek black suits, fine ties, and neat vests. He remembered his old uniform at the Continental, the impeccability with which he presented himself. Now, he dressed in a similar suit, one that seemed almost out of place in this world, but for him, seemed so familiar.

He walked through his house, each step echoing in the empty spaces. He hadn't lived there for long, but every corner of the house reminded him of himself. Every room carried his mark, his essence. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew leaving this house and joining the Continental would mean a change in his life.

Finally, he headed to the weapons room, a place as familiar to him as his own skin. The rows of carefully stored weapons, the ammunition sorted by type and size, the meticulously arranged pistol cases. They were tools, yes, but they were also part of him, an extension of his will.

He picked up one of his favorite guns, checked it, and tucked it inside his jacket. He didn't know what to expect from the Continental in this universe, but he was ready to face it. With his choice made, and his preparations complete, John Wick was ready for his return to the Continental.

John stood in front of the Continental's door, taking a deep breath before taking the first step. The door automatically opened before him, revealing the opulent lobby he remembered so well. A lobby that was empty, for now. There were no patrons frequenting the bar, no assassins sitting waiting for a job. It was all quiet, a quiet that precedes the storm.

He glanced around, his eyes exploring every detail of the Continental's lobby. The polished marble floor, the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the meticulously chosen paintings adorning the walls. Everything was as he remembered.

He walked to the reception desk, a place he knew well. There, he was met with Michael, who smiled at him with an expression of relief and gratitude.

"Welcome back, Mr. Wick," Michael said. John nodded, a slight smile appearing on his face.

"It's good to be back, Michael," he replied, before looking around again. "You have a lot of work to do, don't you?"

"We do," Michael admitted. "But now that you're here, I'm sure we'll be able to handle it."

John nodded, before taking a step back. "I'm ready to help in any way I can, Michael."

With these words, the atmosphere in the lobby changed. The Continental was no longer empty. It was full of possibilities, full of hope. And as John Wick began his work, the future of the Continental seemed a bit brighter.

There will be no chapter tomorrow.

I will be correcting some errors from chapter 1 and 2.

Surely you noticed many disparities or changes in names and ways of addressing in those chapters. This is because I translate it from my language to Spanish, which causes those errors. But I'll be fixing anything leave it in the comments and I'll fix it.

Give me stones by the way, let's bring this legendary story to everyone.

Blackstarborcreators' thoughts