
Red Worm Lizard

"System, I choose Red Worm Lizard!"

[User has chosen Red Worm Lizard. Initiating change. User will experience some discomfort.]

Discomfort? Should be like an itch right? Suddenly, I felt my whole body changing. My body elongated to around 50cm in length and I found myself not having any limbs. My face became snake like in feature and reddish white scales began to form on my body. But i still could not open my eyes though.

[User has successfully changed into a Red Worm Lizard. User has received 500EXP and 20 Stat Points. User will now be teleported to the Realm, Alcatraz.]

I felt a light shining over me and a comfortable warmth enveloped me in its embrace. In an instant, I found myself in a clearing of which looks to be a forest.I noticed that my hearing has improved drastically as compared to when I was a human. The chirping of birds and the whirring of insects filled the air around me. I could hear the individual movements of the insects around me if I concentrated enough. Strangely, my vision is now in a very clear hue of colours. Like watching in super HD. Every colours seems to be jumping at me and I can see the details very clearly. All of a sudden, I felt very fatigued and my body become lethargic.

[User's body has undergone extreme change, User is advised to rest and recover consumed energy.]

Since I had nothing to do anways, I looked around and saw a burrow below a large tree and without further do, I slithered my way in. I looked around a last time before falling in a deep slumber.

I stirred from my slumber but I was too comfortable to opened my eyes. Remembering that I have received some stat points and experience points recently, I urged my status window to open.

[Showing Status Screen]

[Name: Jack Frost

Race: Red Worm Lizard

Class: ??

Level: 1

EXP: 700/2000



Stat Points:30








LCK: 999




God's Luck, God's Mind,A Worm's Life, Skill Steal


Baal's Chosen]

Seems like my class is still locked. It seems fair since I have just transformed into this form and usually anybody will have no class assigned to them at the start. This is from my memories of the games I used to play back on my homeworld. Looks like I received a new skill. Skill Steal? Sounds awesome and also sounds like a cheat. I foresee things to be much easier from now on.

"Tell me about the different Stats." I asked.

[STR:Strength is one of the combat-oriented stats that improves physical damage.

AGI:Agility is one of the general stats that improves speed and jumping ability.

VIT:Vitality is one of the general stats that improves health status.

INT: Intelligence is one of the combat stats that improves MP recharge and increases MP count.

VIG: Vigour is one of the general stats that improves stamina and energy levels.

END:Endurance is one of the general stats that improves defence and physical resistance.

DEX: Dexterity is one of the combat stats that improves handiness with weapons.

LCK: Luck is one of the general stats that helps User in everyday situations.

" System, I would like to distribute my Stat Points." I told the system. This is very important as a bad distribution might as well means death. And I will do well to remember that even though it seems like a game, this is actually real life. Any mistake will mean my death in the material world. After a good deliberation, I have finally decided on the distribution.

[System has acknowledged User's request.]

[Name: Jack Frost

Race: Red Worm Lizard

Class: ??

Level: 1

EXP: 700/2000



Stat Points:0




INT: 3




LCK: 999




God's Luck, God's Mind,A Worm's Life, Skill Steal


Baal's Chosen]

Nice. Now I feel confident to face this realm called Alcatraz and help my benefactor. But before I could help him, I need to make myself stronger. I need to be able to stand at the forefront of this realm and defeat whoever stands in my way. Usually this is the time where players start to grind their characters and this forest looks like a grind-worthy place.

I looked around and noticed movement at the corner of my eyes. Stealthily I made my way towards the origin of the movement. I pressed my body down to the ground and inched myself forward. My forked tongue flickered in and out, tasting the air in anticipation. My instincts as a predator kicked in and I found myself moving forward automatically. What is that? I saw a beast that is about 30cm long with arms and legs. It has a reptilian face and body and to me it looks like a gecko.

[User has encountered Grecko]

[Enemy has not noticed User]



Skill: Instant Movement]

Instant Movement? Sounds cool. It will be a nice skill to add to my repertoire. Since the prey has noticed me, I inched myself forward slowly until I can literally touched it. Due to it having a higher level than me, I could only hope that my basic instincts can help me out here. I opened my maw wide and drive my body forward. In less than a second, the Grecko is caught in my jaw but it is still thrashing around maniacally. I wrapped myself around it, attempting to crush it using my body. The Grecko tried to escape my grasp by using its skill but it was trapped fast in my grasp. Slowly I can see its life leaving from its eyes and I knew that the Grecko is no more.

[User has succesfully defeated Grecko. User has received 50EXP]

[User can invoke <Skill Steal>User want to invoke skill?]


I chose <YES>.

[User has successfully plundered Skill:Instant Movement]

[Title <Stealer of Skills> has been bestowed]

Nice! I now need 1250 EXP more in order to level up. Well, time to grind! I saw another Grecko at the edge of the clearing and I made my way over.


[Name: Jack Frost

Race: Red Worm Lizard

Class: ??

Level: 4

EXP: 3000/3500



Stat Points:0




INT: 11







Instant Movement


God's Luck, God's Mind,A Worm's Life, Skill Steal,


Baal's Chosen, Stealer of Skills]

Sorry for the wait! Was busy with work and my baby as my wife was overseas fro the past few days. Thanks for the comments also!

NabilFikricreators' thoughts