
The Kingdom Of Asmodai

"Are you sure? Did you see it? With your own two eyes?" a man bellowed. He was a small man but weak he is not. Even though he was small in stature, you can sort of sense a wiry strength within him. Some say like a bow being pull too tight. He has jet black hair that is cut short, with facial hair that comprises of a moustache and a goatee. But the thing that will attract people to his face is his eyes. His irises were golden in colour as if blessed by the heavens.

"Apologies milord. I did not. I left as soon as I heard the explosion. Your daughter safety is of paramount importance." the man facing him answered. By all accounts, he is a gentleman with his immaculate clothing. He was tall, about 180 centimeters, and built like a fighter. One look and you know that he is a butler.

"It's okay, Gideon. It's not your fault. I was just worried that another incident like this will happen in the future."the man sat on his throne and placed his head in his hands. It seemed that the whole world rested on his shoulders at the moment.

Seeing this, Gideon walked up to his lord and placed his hand on his lord's shoulder."My king, do not worry. All I know is that no matter how dire any situation is, the Highking Aldus Shadowchaser will pave the way for us."

"Thank you Gideon my old friend. I'm happy that you and Laila made it out safe and sound. How many dead or wounded?"Highking Aldus asked.

"Around a thousand dead and tens of thousand more are displaced."Gideon replied him with a sigh."What is your orders, milord?"

"Cut the taxes and get the kingdom builders and mages to build and repair the damages. Use the treasury if need to." The king answered while looking out the window at the Red Moon that is in the sky shining upon the eternal night"Oh what misfortune has befell this realm."


The Red Moon. It first appeared in the skies of Alcatraz a month ago right after the Dark God waged war on the realm. With it comes violence and fear, beginning with the Undead horde appearing from cracks in the earth. Ravaging, killing anything that comes within its path. The terrifying thing is that with every death, the Horde get a new recruit. Daemons and foul creatures walked upon the scorched land destroying and killing in glee. The Red Moon. It signifies the death and destruction of the realm.

Nobody could have guess that this will occur. No textbook, bible nor prophecy has written or foretold about the day that turned to night. Only when the Red Moon appeared, all hell broke loose. Those that were not religious crammed the churches or wear their religious paraphelia on their body. Priests and religious leaders started preaching about the salvation one can receive when they convert.

All this was observed by The Highking Aldus Shadowchaser whose name rang high and true. The killer of demons, the bringer of light, the chaser of shadow, these were the titles that were sang about him way back during his heyday where he was just a knight participating in the Demon Wars. Now he is fighting a different kind of battle, a battle against the eternal night. He swore that he will bring back peace and destroy the Red Moon even if he need to sacrifice his own life.


Fire. There is fire everywhere. The earth was scorched and hot to the touch. Blood steamed and sizzled where it dripped from the countless corpses lying haphazardly int the town square. A house blackened by soot and still standing strong as if rebelling against the plight of world stood in the middle of the square. It was a big house, the town's head own accomodation. But sadly, the town's head was lying at the steps with his neck and body was twisted unnaturally.

Looking inside the house, a sound could be heard. Like murmuring. Following the sound, one will find itself in front of a strongroom at then basement. "Kill.Kill.Kill. I will kill you all." The sound was voice chanting this phrase over and over again. A young man, around 18 years of age sat down cradling what seems to be his mother. His mother whose organs was strewn all around him.

"Kill.Kill.Kill. I will kill you all."


{User has unlocked potential ally <Grimm Snow>.]

[User level is too low to <Plunder Fate>]

[User has 365 days before ally's fate is unable to be plundered]

[No other actions will be taken until User reached minimum requirement]

I woke up with a start. An ally? Like a party member? Sounds awesome. But my level is still too low. What level is sufficient? There is a time limit? A year is enough i guess to level up more before being able to <Plunder Fate>"Open Status!" I commanded.

[Name: Jack Frost

Race: Red Worm Lizard

Class: ??

Level: 11

EXP: 11300/12000



Stat Points:70




INT: 21




LCK: 999



Instant Movement, Toxic, Poison Tail


God's Luck, God's Mind,A Worm's Life, Skill Steal, Poison Resistance IV, Physical Resistance V


Baal's Chosen, Stealer of Skills]

Seems I have grown stronger. My stats are buffed up and I have some useful abilities and skills as well. Yawning, I strectched my serpentine body and wriggled my tail. Feeling famished, I knew it was time to hunt. Slithering out of the burrow, I moved towards my hunting ground. Straight away, I smelled it. A Venouse! Small venomous creatures that looked and sounds like a mouse. They're quite a hassle to deal with as they have high agility. I remembered how it put up a good fight a few weeks ago. That was how I received the most recent abilities and skills. Well, sorry buddy. time to enter then belly of the beast.