
Chapter 40

Zhao Yi screamed, "Crazy, you're all crazy, your father is also a pervert, you father and son are all in cahoots, I've been tricked by you! I should have known that I should have strangled you when you were born!"


 Her face was so hideous, that everyone around her took a few steps back, fearing that she would go crazy and pounce on someone.


 Just at this time, the director of the teaching staff came late, everyone made way for him, he said seriously, "This parent, you can go back and talk about anything, there are still twenty days to go before the exams, the child's state of mind and emotions are the most important, you can't do anything to calm down, don't give the child more nervousness."


 After saying that, two female teachers came over and pulled her down, "Class is about to start, if you have anything to say, you can tell us."


 Zhao Yi saw these two beautiful female teachers approaching, her eyes subconsciously showed a little bit of hostility and panic, she quickly arranged her messy hair with her fingers and turned her head to Ekin and said: "You're coming home with me! Don't go to school, you have this kind of problem and you still have the nerve to go out, you don't mind the shame! Come with me now!"


 Ekin is very disappointed in her, also feel very cold, there is less than a month time, will be the examination, even if she knows his secret, can not wait for twelve more days to question him? And she's going to make a scene at the school, and it's going to be a big deal.


 Ekin took a deep breath, held back the sourness, and told Jo Yi, "I know, I'll go to Dad's."


 Chung's father cheated on him, and Ekin felt so hurt by his mother that even though Chung wanted him to follow him, he didn't agree and instead insisted on following his mother.


 There was no excuse for that, but since the divorce, all his mother's attention had shifted from his father to him, and he could live with that; he felt sorry for her as she was ill, and so he made himself put up with all the discomfort, and forced himself to be meek before his mother.


 Eating things she doesn't like to eat, wearing clothes she doesn't like to wear, even the color scheme of her room has to be completely to her liking.


 He thought she would be fine as long as he went along with it, but now it seems he was overthinking it.


 If he keeps this up, sooner or later he's going to break down, just like he just did, and jump off the building in a fit of despair.


 Ekin paused for a moment and her tone became firmer, "Since you find me disgusting and humiliating, let's pretend you never had me as a son."


 Zhao Yi screamed, "How dare you! You were born to me, you should listen to me! Come back with me now!!!"


 She began to struggle, the two female teachers could barely hold him down, and very helplessly cast a look for help at the Director of Instruction, who gave a look to a woman in a security uniform behind her, who immediately stepped forward, clamped down on Zhao Yi with both hands, and said gruffly, "Classes are about to start, and the school is about to close, so please get out."


 Zhao Yi screamed, "Let go! Am I something you can touch! Let go!!!"


 The security guard was impassive, and the two female teachers were calming her down, and got a few long scratches from her raised hand.


 Just at this time the preparatory bell rang, the chemistry teacher twisted his head to look at the students still crowded in the corridor and said loudly, "Class is in session, hurry back to the classroom, don't watch the fun here."


 The next class happened to be the chemistry teacher's class, and the students headed toward the classroom in an orderly fashion.


 And the chemistry teacher was still following the other teachers to pacify Zhao Yi to send her away from the school, and for a while the class didn't start so soon.


 David said to Ekin, "Come on, get back to class."


 Ekin looked at David and, though her voice was still a little unsteady, said to him in a firm tone, "Thank you."


 David said, "You're welcome, your mom is just too much, just don't let it get to you."


 Ekin looked deeply at him and whispered, "Just now, you knew I would ..."


 He paused before spitting out those words, "You knew I'd miss it?"


 David patted him on the shoulder and encouraged, "It's really not a big deal, I'll let you in on a secret."


 He said, whispering in Ekin's ear, "In three or four years, we women and women will be married."


 Ekin was a little surprised, "Are you kidding me?"


 David said deeply, "My family's background, you know that, don't you?"


 Ekin shook his head and David said, "My dad is Adolf, a name you've always heard, right?"


 Ekin: "..."


 Puzzled, Ekin asked, "Am I supposed to have heard that before?"


 David was a little incredulous and said, "No, you don't know my dad, do you?"


 Ekin said softly, "I don't know."


 The lenses on his glasses were still a little foggy, and he gently took them off and wiped them with his sleeve, the corners of his mouth curving up into a grin as he continued, "But your dad is supposed to be pretty good."


 Even if he hadn't gotten to know David's family, he could have guessed that David had grown up to be as frank and gentle as he was, and that his family deserved a lot of credit, or at least they were very good family members.


 David had been a little down in the dumps and immediately perked up when he said, "That's right, my dad is super awesome and you'll all be clamoring to come and claim him as your dad from now on."


 He had a mysterious look on his face, "So there's an inside track to what I'm saying, an inside track, you know that, don't you?"


 Ekin didn't know if she believed it or not, but just nodded and said, "I know, thank you really."


 Nada stood in the doorway of the classroom looking at them and asked, "Aren't you guys coming in yet?"


 David's voice was full of energy, "Coming coming coming."


 He didn't take what had just happened seriously at all, so openly and naturally that Ekin was also in a trance, liking women, as if it really wasn't a big deal.


 Ekin heart completely calm down, he sat back to his seat, his desk, a boy, did not go to ask him what, but to comfort him, said: "really can not you talk to your father, do not affect the examination ah, your grades are so good, to get into a good university on the sea and the sky is wide open for you to fly freely."


 Ekin's voice was calm as tears glistened slightly under her eyes, "Well, I will, together."


 As he said this, his eyes fell across the bystanders to Nada.


 It just so happened that Nada turned her head towards him as well, and when she saw him looking at him, she gave him a smile of an encouraging nature.


 No disdain, no prejudice, no suspicion, nothing.


 Ekin's eyes soured and he thought to himself that this was the one he liked, and he wasn't wrong to like it.




 When school ended in the evening and David and Nada were leaving, Ekin walked up to them and said in a solemn manner, "Thank you very much indeed."


 David waved his hand and said, "You've already said it, you don't have to say it again."


 Ekin said, "This time I'm talking to Nada."


 He looked at Nada and said seriously, "Thank you."


 Nada said, "You're welcome, it's nothing, I hope you don't let your mom influence your exams."


 Ekin was silent for a moment and said, "I'll call my dad."


 Nada: "Yes, go for the test."


 Ekin paused and said seriously, "I want to tell you something after the exam."


 Nada's eyes flickered slightly and her tone remained calm as she said, "Okay, you tell me when the time comes."


 Ekin looked at him deeply; Nada was so smart, he should have figured out what he was trying to say.


 But he didn't mean anything else, he just wanted to tell him about this three-year crush, not asking him to say yes, to put an end to this green and secretive crush of his.


 Crushes were something that from the beginning were just something he did alone, not bothering Nada he'd been doing it for almost three years now, and if his mom hadn't poked him he never would have declared those feelings.


 But now, he wanted to say it.


 Ekin had a slight tear in her eye, but held it back and smiled slightly as she said to Nada, "Then it's a deal... give me a little time when that time comes."


 Nada agreed.


 Walking out of the school with David, David just opened his mouth to ask, "What were you guys just mumbling about?"


 Nada said, "Guess."


 David said, "I'm not guessing!"


 Sourly, he said, "I was I shouldn't have been in front of you guys, I should have been under the car."


 Nada: "?"


 Nada said, "I'm starting to lose track of what you're saying now."


 David's sourness quickly wore off as he said, "You don't know, at that point I watched Ekin keep looking at the balcony and I was afraid he was going to jump."


 Nada said, "You're pretty sharp sometimes."


 David was looking mature and steady, he said, "Because this kind of thing is not uncommon, I watch the news always see children who commit suicide because of the scolding of their families, so when I saw Ekin like that, I felt that he would faint and jump off."


 Nada looked at him and said seriously, "You look really handsome today."


 David froze, then blushed as he coughed a few times, "So I'm not usually handsome?"


 Nada said, "It's usually pretty cool too."


 David tried to laugh and held it in, making a serious face, "If you can talk, talk more, I'm not short on time."


 Nada curled her lips and smiled, "If it wasn't for you, you probably wouldn't have been able to stop Ekin's thoughts of getting off lightly, you saved him."


 David's eyes glowed brightly at the remark, but his mouth said modestly, "Fortunately, you could have stopped him even without me."


 Nada drops her eyes and whispers, "You seem like light today ..."


 David listened and suddenly couldn't help but sing, "You're the electricity, you're the light, you're the only myth, I only love you, You are my super star ..."


 Nada: "..."


 David: "Is it good?"


 Nada: "..."