
Chapter 39

At that moment, a woman suddenly appeared at the door, with red eyes and ugly face, with hair like a ghost, and she exclaimed, "Ekin, come out of there!!!"


 Her voice was so hysterical that the classroom, which had just been buzzing with activity, instantly fell silent.


 Everyone looked at Ekin in unison.


 Ekin stood up slowly, as if he had a premonition, and went pale before he did.


 Ekin walks out, calls out to the woman for mom, and asks, "What brings you here?"


 Zhao Yi sneered, "What? I can't come to your school anymore? I worked so hard to feed you, clothe you, and educate you, and this is how you treat me? If I hadn't asked the computer repair guy to check your computer, I wouldn't have known that you're actually a pervert!"


 Ekin's face finally paled to the point of bloodlessness and his voice trembled, "You looked at my computer?"


 Zhao Yi slapped him violently and wailed, "I really raised you for nothing, how could you do this to me, how could you and your father do this to me!"


 Her wailing has attracted the attention of many students, these curious gazes make Ekin's face more and more difficult to see, his eyes followed the red, he softened his tone, look anxious to Zhao Yi said: "Mom, what is the word, let's go back to talk, okay?"


 Zhao Yi screamed, "What, you're afraid of losing face now! You dare to do it and you're afraid of losing face? Your father and I are normal people, why did we give birth to this pervert?


 Being poked in the eardrums by the word "pervert" again and again, Ekin's pale face reddened fiercely, and the volume of his voice also raised a few points, "Mom!" Then his tone was violently lowered, and he said in a pleading tone, "Mom, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it when we get back, I'll listen to you in everything, don't make a scene at school, can you do that?"


 "You told me to stop? You think I'm making a scene? You want me to go back, I won't!" After saying that, there he beat his chest and cried, "What kind of sins did I really create in my past life, raising a son who actually likes women! He likes women! What's the point of me living, why don't I just die!"


 All the blood in Ekin's body seemed to rush towards his brain, his face was bloodshot beyond belief, his eyes desperate, his ears roaring, no longer able to hear anyone else's voice, "Mom ..."


 His lips trembled as he called out Zhao Yi's name.


 Zhao Yi shouted, "Don't call me mom, I'm sick of you!"


 "You're disgusting, it's not good what you like you like women! You still look at those things you really don't have a face! Shame on me!"


 You dare to do it and you're afraid of losing face? You don't want me to say it, but I will. I can't tell you that my son is a homosexual? How could I have a son like you? If your dad finds out, he'll blame me for not being able to give birth! You're a pervert! It's your fault I divorced your father! Your father must have realized you were a pervert long ago, no wonder he didn't want you!"


 Zhao Yi cried and howled like a city shrew, no longer having the manners of a noblewoman.


 In the sound of Zhao Yi's insults that did not stop in the slightest, Ekin only felt his heart beating fast, his body was soft, his ears flooded with the whispers of his classmates, there were surprised and dismayed and unbelievable, as well as ridicule and novelty, etc., and one of the last and biggest secrets of his, just like this, was ruthlessly stripped off the last piece of the protective cover by his closest people, exposing him in front of everyone, and becoming a laughingstock for all the people to talk about.


 His brain was fuzzy, and waves of despair came over him, giving him the idea that to die was to be relieved, and his eyes fell on the balcony, and they were on the fifth floor, and with one leap, he could shake off Zhao Yi s vicious insults, those sharp-edged gazes, and he could preserve his last dignity, by jumping ...


 His hasty gaze finally cut through the crowd, but he saw Nada's beautifully calm face, he didn't see disdain or disdain on his face, no, he was as calm as ever.


 This calmness infected Ekin slightly, and brought some clarity to his foggy mind.


 Just at this time, a tall figure squeezed out from the crowd, the sunlight sprinkled on him, gilding his handsome face with a light golden light, he looked so outstanding that he could easily attract everyone's attention, only to hear him loudly interrupt Zhao Yi's insults, ''Auntie, you've got it wrong! What's wrong with homosexuality, it's not normal to be gay? This is not normal as you define it?"


 Everyone was watching, not expecting someone to jump out at them, and all eyes were on David.


 Zhao Yi stopped her insults as well, she couldn't see David's face as her face was pasted with tears, but what he said irritated her, "You're standing around talking! If your son was a homosexual how could you say such things? People like that are sick!"


 David said angrily, "How perverted? What's perverted about it? Sexual orientation is a choice. If someone can choose the opposite sex, he can't choose the same sex? You don't make sense. And even if you think it's perverted, can't you just go home and say so? The exams are coming up in a few days and you're insulting your son in front of all these people? Is he really your own son? You're not a stepmother, are you?"


 Said, revealing an expression of sudden realization, "You are the stepmother, right? No wonder ah, being a stepmother makes sense, if he can't think straight and jumps from the fifth floor, you'll be happy, you'll definitely be happy that it's a stepmother after all."


 Zhao Yi was furious, "What are you talking about? He is my son! My own son!"


 David said, "A real son is a real son, what are you so nervous about, people who don't know really think you're a stepmom who purposely comes to mess with your son's mindset at a time like this."


 Zhao Yi was almost led astray by him, "... Who are you! It's none of your business if I teach my son a lesson!"


 David stood up his chest and said aloud, "I am a good classmate of your son! His business is my business, Auntie, your thinking that liking women is perverted is too narrow and bigoted, what's wrong with liking women! I'll put it to you this way! I like women too!"


 Saying such things, and he's still clear-eyed and honest, and even a little proud?


 Zhao Yi: "..."


 Ekin: "..."


 He looked incredulously at David, tears glistening in his eyes.


 Nada stepped forward at this time as well, cleared her throat, and said, "I like women too."


 As soon as he opened his mouth, one after another, boys stepped forward, at first in a playful frame of mind, but the more people there were, the more they inexplicably gathered into a force.


 "I like women too!"


 "Right! Me too!"


 "What's wrong with being gay! People are happy as long as they're happy, it's not like they're in your way."


 "I think I kinda like women too!"


 "Boys are so nice, and you don't have to buy lipstick bags, how frugal."


 "Bullshit, boys spend even more money, and then you have to buy them a car to make them happy."


 "Hahahahaha you have a point."


 Zhao Yi looked at these people and screamed, "You're all crazy, do you think liking women is something honorable? Such people are perverts, the dregs of society!"


 David said, "Auntie, with that kind of thinking, won't you go even crazier when the same sex can get married in a few years?"


 Zhao Yi said, "Impossible! Don't you dream, how can a woman and a woman get married! You're laughing your ass off with such whimsical dreams!"


 David let out a "tsk" and said, "Wait a minute."


 He took out his cell phone and skillfully began to search for the question, because he was fast enough, so before Zhao Yi could speak, he stared at the phone and read aloud: "In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association officially announced that homosexuality would be removed from the classification of diseases, and homosexuality would no longer be classified as a mental illness. 1990, the World Health Organization Classification of Diseases removed homosexuality from the list of diseases and designated the 17th of May each year as the International Day of No More Homophobia". In 1990, the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the list of diseases and designated May 17th of every year as the International Day of No More Homophobia. Even in our country, it was removed from the U.S. standard in '01."


 He put down his cell phone, looked around, and finally landed his eyes on Zhao Yi, and said aloud, "Homosexuality is not a disease, it is a natural choice, it is a freedom of choice, Auntie if you don't understand it you should read more, if you read more you won't have the narrow mindedness of 'homosexuality is a perversion', you won't make your son to become heterosexual, instead, you are exposing your ignorant prejudice. I don't think uncle will divorce you because of Ekin, his excellence is there for all to see, uncle will be proud of him, not forcing him to die like you did."


 Zhao Yi screamed, "You're talking nonsense! What did your family teach you? Who told you to talk to elders like that! Do you have any manners!"


 David said sincerely, "My family has taught me that I don't have to be polite to people who are mad."


 Jo Yi was pissed off enough that David looked at Ekin again, "You can ask your father what he thinks of you on that one if you want."


 Ekin paused, not moving for a moment.


 David said, "This really isn't that big of a deal, and since we all know about it now, why don't you just be honest and ask your dad if he wants to bet on this?"


 Ekin asks, "Does it make sense?"


 David said, "There's no point, if your dad can see it through, it'll piss off your mom, and if your dad can't see it through either ..."


 He mused for a moment, "Two gas together?"


 Ekin still had tears in his eyes, but his face was smiling out as he looked deep into David's eyes and said, "Good."


 He took out his cell phone and called Father Chung's number.


 Zhong's father quickly answered, still caring in his tone toward his son as he asked, "Yiming, is something wrong?"


 Ekin's voice caught a little, "Dad, what would you do if I liked women?"


 Father Zhong: "Like women? What do you mean?"


 Ekin said, "I'm gay."


 Zhong father was silent for a long time before he said, "Forget it, you're happy on your own, I don't care about these, and the family doesn't have a throne for you to inherit, but family harmony is the most important, you don't lie to the girls to get married and have children with you in the future on the line."


 Ekin's heart pounded violently as he asked incredulously, "Dad you're not going to yell at me? "


 Father Zhong said, "I won't scold you, if I want to say I have problems, I have more problems than you, but one thing, don't let your mom know, protect yourself, and don't doubt yourself because of the negativity from outside, just be happy with yourself."


 Adding, "If your mom finds out and she can't accept it, don't worry about it, you have another family under this sky, come to my side if you can't get through it."


 Ekin couldn't stop the tears, but her eyes brought a smile, "Thanks Dad."


 He hung up the phone and looked at Zhao Yi.


 The call just now was on speaker and everyone heard it.


 Zhao Yi's chest rose and fell violently, her face was pale, and she stopped screaming.


 David said, "Hear that, your dad is still very open minded, don't think about it."


 Ekin looked at David again with a start.


 So he'd noticed his light-hearted thoughts earlier?


 His eyes fell back to Nada, did he see it too?


 Ekin was ashamed that he wanted to go jump off a building for something like that.


 If David hadn't stepped up to the plate, would he have actually jumped?


 He's still got a great life ahead of him, he hasn't taken his exams yet, he hasn't seen the wider world yet, how can he fall at this time?


 Ekin finally reached peace of mind, he finally looked at Zhao Yi and said in a calm tone, "Mom, I do like women, if you can't accept it, I'll tell dad and I'll go to his place."


 "I will never be in your presence."


 Possessing boundless courage, a courage given to him by his classmates behind him and his dad, he asked, word for word, "Mom, what's your choice?"