
The Charmed Ones

Kaya Soydere a high school college graduate returns home to find his mother and younger brother brutally murdered. With his school fees not up to date and his father going to prison for the death of his mother and sibling, a crime he has not commit Kaya has no choice but to make peace with the fact that his life is full of badluck. But then he meets an old man, who gives him new luck...~ Charmed is my very own system, fantasy and adventure story staring main character Kaya who lives in a world with several and questionable phenomenons. When his mother and sibling gets murdered and his father goes to prison for it, he takes it upon himself to avenge his family and find the true culprit. He eventually meets Mr Knight a sorcerer from a secret orginization called the Argon Agency. An elite Force specializing in the exorcising of badluck, which according to Mr Knight, was what killed Kaya's mother and brother. Mr Knight trains Kaya and teaches him how to convert badluck into a special power called divine art and with it, Kaya tries to find his mother's killer.

Erotic_God · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter Two

It was my final high school year at Brickford Academy. To a guy like me, those were part of the luckiest days in my life. A billionaire dad, perfect family at home, an A student and typically the kind of guy every other girl and guy would like to have fun with. This morning started with my usual run and when I got home, I got ready for school.

I finished up on the bathroom after a nice hot shower before I came out and got dressed. I then came downstairs and found my mother and JJ already seated at the breakfast table inside the kitchen.

"Good morning, Mom." I smiled at her and patted JJ on his head.

My mother beamed at me. "You're in a good mood today."

I walked over to kiss her cheek and then pulled out my chair before I sat down and pulled a plate for myself. I then served myself some croissants and cut it open.

"Oh no, today is just another lovely day mom." I said and then smeared some Nutella over the croissant before I took a bite. "Has Dad already left for work?"

"Yes, your father has a very important meeting today, but he will be home somewhere later in the day. Come on JJ, finish eating up or you'll be late for school!"

JJ was my little brother. He was five years old, so he still attended preschool and usually they always started early in the day.

My mother got up after she and JJ finished their breakfast. "Will you be fine on your own?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Yes Mom."

"Come on, let's go JJ."

She grabbed her purse and jacket on her way out, before she also took her car keys. A moment later I heard her car pull out from the garage and then she went off to drop JJ at school. In junior year I used to get dropped off at school by my mother, but now I had my own car.

And just as I was finishing drinking my coffee, I received a text from Maya. There was another party at her house tonight and I wouldn't miss that party for anything. It was where all the hot girls and guys usually hang out with her.

This was my life. A normal and simple life. I started every morning going out for a run, I went to school, had martial arts practice and then I'd maybe spend the night at a party or I would wander off into Wolf forest for some gay hookup or two. Whenever I wanted something, I would get it. I was lucky and I was happy. But just as easily luck came by for me, it could easily be taken away from me.


It was late at night. My parents never had an issue with me going out as long as I followed the curfew which I always did. I might be a guy who liked fun, but I was never reckless.

I drove back home by myself since I only had one drink and then once I arrived at the mansion, I reached for the garage remote and opened the doors before I pulled in. The lights were still on, it seemed like my Father might still be awake. I got out the car and then closed the garage as I walked to the front door. I saw that JJ's lights were also still on and when did he get those red curtains?

As I stood closer and looked up, I saw that those curtains weren't red but had blood on them. Lots of blood.

"What the..." I quickly stormed into the house.

When I got inside, the whole interior of the house was a total mess. The living room looked like a hurricane just hit it and there were some bloodstains on the wall. It looked as if someone broke in, so I headed straight to the kitchen to grab a broomstick, the only weapon I could find at the time and then I slowly walked up the stairs.

"Mom? Dad!?" I called for them, tightening my hold around the stick. My heart was throbbing in my throat the closer I got to JJ's room afraid of what I might find.

And when I got there, my fears became true. There was blood on the curtains but that was not all. My mother and JJ's bodies were lifelessly lying on the floor. Seeing him in her arms wasn't what made it the most horrying, but the sight of the holes in their body and disfigured faces.

The stick slipped out of hands as I was in a state of shock and then I felt something grab my foot. I looked down and saw my Dad on the floor.

"...K-Kaya..." He said. "Run!"

Suddenly the closet doors flew open and I ran right there and then. Someone else was in there and I was doing exactly as my father told me. I began to run as far as I possibly could.

That night I stayed at the park, sitting there all night till I did see the police driving up your street to our house. I then did go there and saw them taking my father out of the house.

One of the officers saw me and immediately my father yelled out. "It was me! I killed them! Leave the boy alone, he just lost his mother and brother!"

I was confused but what my father said also made reality hit me. My mother and brother got murdered and my father was taking the blame. But he didn't do it...

Since that day my life changed. I dropped out of highschool, I was too much of a wreck to even continue. My father had debt and when I wanted to prove his innocence he told me not to, because jail was the only safe place for him. My mother and JJ had a funeral and I had to find a way to move on with my life. But I couldn't...

I needed to find the true killer and bring my father justice. If I couldn't do it for him, I needed to do it for myself to find closure.

Months later I did find the answers to my questions when I finally met Mr Knight. I learnt of the charmed once called Argon sorcerers and that my mother and JJ weren't murdered by a person, but by something called a knightmare. A curse or demonic monster born from badluck that existed inside a spiritual realm and eventually broke the boundaries that seperated our world from theirs. To them humans were the enemy and they did whatever it took to torment the human race.

But then there were people that found a way to fight back. Argon sorcerers learnt how to manipulate their own luck and turn it into techniques and abilities called divine art and with it, Knightmares could be destroyed or in simpler terms exorcised.

I wanted to find the knightmare that destroyed my family and get my revenge. And that's how I joined the Argon Agency.

And now all that was about to be washed away. I went through all that hard work and effort for nothing, which was something I thought as I watched my life Flash before my eyes and the minotaur deliver its finishing blow. But if life taught me one thing, it was that regardless of luck or badluck, there will always be someone looking out for you.

"Chaos-Claw, Annihilation Type! Clobbering Fist!" Only one person had a voice that deep and rough. I kept my eyes wide open and looked above. What looks like a giant ball of red flames, Brian Lightwood.

He landed slamming his fist into the ground and unleashing a chaos wave blasting away all the bone shards. And alongside him appeared his sister, Bria. Her void sword in hand as she dashed towards the bull.

Every movement both of them made was majestic. Brian grabbed the ball by the horns and flipped over it to slam it down on its back. Bria gave the final blow by thrusting her sword through its chest, freezing the Minotaur and then pulling out her sword, sending it shattering into a million pieces.

I figured after how I crushed my earpiece, Triss probably ratted me out and then reported me to these two.

Brian was the first to turn around and look at me. He had this angry look in his eyes and then he came walking to me, grabbing my throat.

"You!" He growled.

"Hey there..." I smiled awkwardly before his sister stood behind him glaring at me.

Bria shook her head. "You are in so much trouble.."