
The Charmed Ones

Kaya Soydere a high school college graduate returns home to find his mother and younger brother brutally murdered. With his school fees not up to date and his father going to prison for the death of his mother and sibling, a crime he has not commit Kaya has no choice but to make peace with the fact that his life is full of badluck. But then he meets an old man, who gives him new luck...~ Charmed is my very own system, fantasy and adventure story staring main character Kaya who lives in a world with several and questionable phenomenons. When his mother and sibling gets murdered and his father goes to prison for it, he takes it upon himself to avenge his family and find the true culprit. He eventually meets Mr Knight a sorcerer from a secret orginization called the Argon Agency. An elite Force specializing in the exorcising of badluck, which according to Mr Knight, was what killed Kaya's mother and brother. Mr Knight trains Kaya and teaches him how to convert badluck into a special power called divine art and with it, Kaya tries to find his mother's killer.

Erotic_God · Fantasy
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Chapter Three

Back at the bunker I was taken to the infamery. I did pass out in the chopper and now I woke up here. I felt really tired and had a feeling surgery was done on me, but it looked like the wound was finally taken care of and I was in less pain.

I checked the time on my wrist watch seeing that it was morning, right around breakfast time and so I got out of bed.

I walked bare feet out the room and to the stairs. The infamery was exactly at the lowest floor from the bunker, so I had to take the stairs up. When I got closer and finally reached the kitchen which was on the middle floor, I walked in.

"Hey, you guys." I found Triss, Adam and Bria seated around the table and I smiled at them. "It looks like I am right on time for breakfast."

"Kaya!?" Adam jumped off the chair rushing to me, taking my arm and then getting me down on a chair. "What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to stay in bed!"

I sighed and rested my forehead over his shoulder. "Right now that's the last thing I need," I said and then looked at him. "Mind if I have a coffee please? And where is Brian?"

"Outside, smoking. He is still pissed off after you went off to nearly get yourself killed!" Bria interjected before adding. "And so am I!"

Adam sighed, "I am with the twins on this one. We are a team and until you realize that, we have all come to an agreement that you will be benching for the next missions."

"What!?" I didn't need a coffee to get my energy back after what I just heard. "You can't be serious...!"

"We are." Bria folded her arms. Triss gave me a stern look, but obviously she was in it with her girlfriend.

I definitely lost this argument before even having to start it. So I got up off the chair and nearly lost my balance, but Adam caught me holding me.

"Careful," he said.

"I'm fine, Adam!" I snapped at him and pushed him away.

I didn't meant to snap at him like that but I also didn't like how I was always the one who had to be sidelined because of my rank. I wanted to take risks like all the others, instead I am treated like the weakling I know I am. Why did Mr Knight suggest I be in their team in anyway?


Later in the day I was at the medbay and by then I did have time to cool off and rethink everything. I was staring at my phone, playing candy crush and wondering what to do with myself now that I clearly wasn't going to be part of tonight's missions.

The door creaked open and Adam came inside. "Hey..."

I looked at him and smiled faintly before putting my phone aside. "Here for my check-up?"

"Only checking if the coast is clear first."

"Yes, Adam you can come inside." I sighed smiling half-heartedly.

Adam walked in and then held his hand up over my forehead. He opened the sheets so he could lift my shirt and peek into the bandaids and then he took them off.

The entire time I watched him and tried to think a word or anything to say. Eventually I just started somewhere.

"You guys were right. I shouldn't have gone off like that without Bria and Brian."

His blue eyes looked at me as he hovered over me to unveil the bandaid. "I will forgive you Kaya, as long as you don't do that again."

"I promise, I won't..."

He paused and then slowly sat down beside me. I looked into his eyes and felt his hand touching my check. "You know being here with you is giving me some nostalgia. Remember the time we first met? You had some sparing match with Brian, he injured your arm and brought you in himself..."

"How could I forget that night?" I blushed as reminder of that brought a lot of memories including discovering I was an omega all along. "It was the same night two, fucked me for the first time."

"It was the night I fell in love with you." His voice was gentle. There was a moment of silence before he withdrew his hand and held my hand in both his. "And honestly speaking, I understand what you went through five years ago and that you want to avenge your mother and brother, and free your father from prison. But this is not how you need to do it Kaya, because you're not alone anymore. The day Brian and I agreed to propose to you together, we promised each other that we would help you so that means you will not do this alone no matter what. And you're engaged now that means you actually have people that love you now and it would kill them if anything happened to you."

Listening to Adam, I understood his point. As usual he was the one who talked sensed into me and I felt bad for worrying them like that. My impulses could sometimes take over and make me do stupid things, but that was no excuse for what I did this time.

"You're right!" I said and nodded. "I promise for real it won't happen again. You don't have to worry about me anymore."

His lips curled up and then he leaned in leaving a kiss on my lips.


Later when nightfall arrived it was just going to be Triss, Bria and Brian leaving following reports of another knightmare attack at a village west.

Bria was already with Triss inside the chopper and Brian was standing outside smoking.

I came up behind him and snaked my arms around him. "Hey there tiger...Still mad at me?"

Brian gazed at me through the corner of his eyes and then he looked ahead again. "Don't test me, brat. Be glad I am going on this mission, because when I get back here you'll be punished thoroughly."

"I am looking forward to it." I bit my lip and Adam came from behind, snatching me away in his arms. "Hey!"

"Let Brian be, he needs to stay focused on the mission. Last thing he needs is to think of how he wants to punish you when he gets back!" said Adam with his hot breath down my neck.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe that's exactly what I want!"

"Soydere!" Brian called me and I looked at him. "When I get back, I want to find you in my room."

"Yes, sir..." I bit my lip and caught him stealing a smile before he turned on his heels and walked to the chopper.

It then took flight and off they went into the night to do their duties. Adam was still holding me in his arms, pressing his body against mine.

"Now that it's just us, I say how about we go inside and have some fun...?" Adam whispered seductively.