
The Champion of The Creator book 1: The beginning

Welcome to my world

BlazePro · Ação
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: The Planning

July 28, 2025, minutes after the revealing of Eric's secret. Back at the observatory the surrounding landscape was still sizzling and letting out smoke, the dust from the sinkhole still polluted the air and inside the building, the explanation of Eric secret was being told. Then Elsie said, "so you're telling me that you absorbed an energy to keep it away from the government, and then it turned out to be your great grandfather trapped in a mind prison, that then leveled a Good man genetics lab in a matter of minutes" Eric responded "yes, yes, and yes" Elsie replied "wow and just when I thought you couldn't get any weirder.". Then Mason and vanessa were sitting down processing what they were told, but to distract themselves from the information, they both grabbed Emely and took her to the medical bay to scan for infection. Then Eric and Elsie put their conversation aside to figure out where they could go to camp out and how to get there. As Elsie and Eric were planning, Mason and Gabriela made it to the medical bay and began to scan Emely, the scanner didn't detect anything until the scanner got to stomach and it read that there was a male human embryo that was no more than 21 days old and was due to birth in 9 months. Mason and vanessa were in shock as the scanner scanned the rest of her body to then begin the waking process. Then at the cafeteria Eric and Elsie figured out where to go to leave and then as they were calculating how long it would take to get there, Mason came out of the back cafeteria doors with Emely walking behind. Elsie came running towards Emely embracing her on impact, then Emely said, "be careful Elsie, don't want to hurt little Alex" Elsie was confused and asked "who's little Alex" Emely replied "my baby boy" screamed in excitement and said, "no way, but how" Emely responded "I think it might have been when we were separated about four weeks ago we were in the town where we got our van, when I was looking for a vehicle I met this guy Kevin who offered to sell me a jeep, but just when I asked for the price, Raiders came and before I could pull out my gun he grabbed me and took me to his bunker in his basement, as your know I was gone for 10 days and in that time I began to like him as a friend, but as that friendship grew it turned into something personal and then on the 8th day it happened" Elsie asked "what happened to him" Emely replied "I don't know I was going to ask him to come with me until when I went out on the 10th day to find materials, until you three found me and I didn't tell you because I thought it wouldn't matter" Elsie understood and left it alone. Eric then said it would take 2 days for them all to get to the nearest town now and so they packed all the materials they needed to get there and left.