
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Izuku Midoriya

After school Ryuu and Hitoshi got permission to use one training ground of the hero course instead of club activities.

There was more space than in Ryuu's training room so they could move easily.

For the last months Hitoshi has improved a lot but he was never able to beat Ryuu.

He was determined to win, but his opponent wasn't going to let himself being beaten that easily.

As their spar began, Hitoshi was the first one to make a move, he rushed at Ryuu with an incredible speed and once his oppenent was within range of punch, he slid passed him to Ryuu's surprise.

But just one second later, Ryuu felt a kick landing on the back of his right knee beforeeven being able to turn around, the move made him knelt.

Hitoshi's face was wearing a huge grin as he saw that his move worked perfectly.

"Impressive !" Ryuu staid as he stood up. "You have improved a lot but you still lack of experience !"

It was now Ryuu's turn to attack.

He sent a reversed spining-kick at Hitoshi's face from right to which the boy answered back by blocking with his right arm, but with the momentum, Ryuu used his oppenent's arm as a springboard and jumped in the air before kicking the boy in the back.

Hitoshi waltz a little when he received the blow, it was quite a strong one but he was still standing.

"You see ? Use any opening to strike !" Ryuu stated "If you hesitate just a little, you'll be vulnerable !"

Hitoshi stood up and took a fighting stance with a serious face.

Ryuu grinned and took one as well.

They jumped at each over at the same moment, Ryuu then sent a punch at his oppenent, a love to which Hitoshi replied by grabing Ryuu's forearm and sliding passed his oppenent, what made fall on the ground face first due to the imbalance.

Ryuu was surprised by that move, it was unexpected, but before he could even stand up, Hitoshi knelt on his back and put his arms togather to restrain him.

Ryuu tried to free himself but Hitoshi's clutch was quite strong.

"This is my defeat !" Ryuu admitted his deafeat with a smile.

"Seems so !" Hitoshi said with a grin as he let the boy go.

"You are learning really fast !" Ryuu stated as he removed the dust on his clothes.

"Well I have some quite good teachers !" Hitoshi replied jokingly.

The laughed a little when someone entered the place, it was Aizawa.

"Don't you think, it's enough for to day ?" he asked the teens.

"Hum ?" Ryuu then checked the time, it was quite late. "You're right Eraser !"

"I'll be leaving then !" Hitoshi said as he was taking leave.

Ryuu and Aizawa were left in the training field.

"By the way, I have the information you needed !" Ryuu stated.

"Hum? "

"Izuku Midoriya, it's a quite interesting person !" Ryuu said.


"You want me to investigate on one of your student ?" Ryuu asked Aizawa while they were in the cafe.

"Yeah, that problem child seems a little strange to my taste !" the underground hero replied.

"I see ! What is his name ?"

"Izuku Midoriya !" Aizawa replied. "His quirk is strong but he can't control it well, it looks like he just got it !"

"I'll find more information !" Ryuu said as he sipped some tea.


Afterwards, he investigated on Midoriya's past.

A student of UA hero course, in the 1-A class.

Ryuu first found his house, the boy was living with his mother, there wasn't any sign of the father.

The boy looked to be training his body all the time, even when he was eating, he was training his grip.

The boy was also passionate on quirks, he had a lot of notebook filled of analysis on quirks.

The boy was really smart.

Afterwards, Ryuu found the boy's former middle-school, the Oridera middle-school.

Apparently, tge boy was bullied by this peers.

After diging further Ryuu found the reason of the bullying, he was QUIRKLESS.

'But then, how did he got his quirk ?' Ryuu asked himself.

'A late-bloomer ? Or …, No impossible, that man should be dead now !' he thought while shaking his head at tge last part.

'I need to find more information !'

He then went in the school building at night and copied all the records.

While he was sorting the information, he found that another UA 1-A student studied there as well, a certain Katsuki Bakugo, and the guy was the main tormentor if Midoriya during his time there.

"Poor boy !" Ryuu said followed by a sigh.

He continued to investigate and finally found some clue on how he got hus quirk.

"All Might huh ?" he said as he was looking at a picture of the boy talking to All Might on the Dakoba beach.

"Intersting guy !" He saId with a grin.


"So what you found ?" Aizawa asked curiously.

"We should go in Nezu's office to talk about that !" Ryuu replied.

"Huh ?" Aizawa was wondering why.


Once in Nezu's office,

"So what is tgis meeting about ?" Nezu asked.

"I wonder !" Aizawa said while turning his gaze at Ryuu.

"All Might's successor !" Ryuu stated.

Nezu almost spat out the tea he was drinking when he heard these words.

Aizawa was confused.

"Huh ?"

"How do you know ?" Nezu asked with a serious face.

"I am the son of Ryuuga Jiyuu, do you remember ?" Ryuu said.

"I see !" Nezu said as he closed his eyes "Did you father tell you ?"

"No, I found it myself !" Ryuu stated. "And I know who it is !"

"And what do you plan to do with that information ?" Nezu asked trying to keep his calm in case that he wouldn't like the answer.

"Nothing, I was just wondering if I could share the information with Eraserhead !" the boy replied calmly.

"Huh ? Why ?" Nezu was confused.

"He asked me to investigate on the person !"

"Wait, you are telling me that the successor is who I think it is ?" Aizawa asked with his usual tired looking face.

"Well, yeah !" Ryuu replied.

"So you knew from the start ?" Eraserhead asked the principal.

Nezu just noded.

"But don't worry he passed the test like all the other students, without any cheating !" Ryuu reassured him.

Aizawa staid silent for a while before talking again.

"I trust your judgement principal, so I won't ask for more about it !" He simply replied as he took his leave.

"Wait take these !" Ryuu said as he gave a bunch of folder to Aizawa.

Aizawa looked at him like for asking what files.

"Other information that you asked !" Ryuu simoly replied.

Aizawa tgen left.

"Nezu !" he called the principal as he was facing the door.

"Huh ?"

"Tell me the truth, how long do you think that All Might will still be there ?" Ryuu asked.

Nezu sighed looking down at his desk.

"He'll do his best to stay as laong as needed but, his state is getting worse quickly !" Nezu replied.

"I see ! I'll do my best to fulfil the lack untill his successor is ready !" Ryuu stated as he left the office.


Back home, Ryuu met Mana in the courtyard.

"I have finished the improvements !" She stated.

"Good !" He replied.

As soon as that was said, Mana gave him a box and left in hurry.

There was an awkward feeling.

It was like if she was afraid of him or something like that.

He just let it go and went in his room.


Late in the night, he went out.

"Time to beat some thugs !" he stated.

He then jumped from rooftops to rooftops to go in the center of the city.

Once there he searched for any criminal.

He waited for nearly one hour before finding two guys trying to attack one woman.

He jumped from the rooftop and landed just behind them.

"Stop right there !" Ryuu said with his distorted voice catching the two men's attention.

"Who the hell are you ?" one of them asked.

"P-please, h-help me !" the woman begged.

"Shut up bitch !" the other man shouted while pointing his turned-into-blade arm at the woman.

Certainly his quirk, what a waste !

"Just for confirmation, why are you doing such a thing ?" Ryuu asked.

"Because it's fun !" One of the man replied like a madman whike the other one giggled.

Ryuu sighed.

'Good, no need to talk then !' He thought.

'I'll test that move then !'

Just when the man was stepping toward him.

He dissapeared, and the next second the to men fell down on the floor as he reappeared next to the woman.

"Are you all right ?" He asked.

"Y-yeah ! Thank you very much !" she replied.

"Good then, you should leave !" he said.

"Yes, but, what about you ?" she said with a worried voice.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine !" he reassured her.

"But at least give my your name !" she said with insistence.

"I go by The Canceler !" Ryuu simply replied. "Now leave it dangerous !"

"Yes ! Thanks again !" she said as she left while waving at him.

Ryuu then restrained the two men and left after sending the location to Aizawa.

Once he was on a rooftop, he sat, he was breathing heavily.

'That move need sole improvement !' he thought while he was catching his breath.

It was then that the name of The Canceler was spreaded to the public for the first time.

Noone knew anything about him.

Was he a new hero ? A villain ? Noone knew.

Hello dear readers, as promised, I try to upedate more often.

I also dropped the new novel I was planning to write because I was toi busy but don't worry I intend to finish this one.

I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter.

And thanks for your support !

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