
The Bullied Requiem

ShouJoo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

| NYX |




An angry female teacher shout erupts towards Nyx who fallen asleep at his desk. 

Nyx's body shook and accidentally hit his desk with his knee which cause a little pain in it. 

The classroom erupts with laughter towards Nyx. 

"Ahhhh!" Nyx only groans like a whisper while holding his knee. 


Nyx stands and he can only look down in embarrassment, nodded in agreement and slowly get out the class. 


Nyx, 13 years old, an orphan, a freshman in Willow City High. When he was baby, he was found in outside of an orphanage together with a brass necklace on his neck with NYX tag on it. During his Early Years, Nyx developed an illness that lowers his senses which is below normal compared to a normal child. He developed a poor eyesight which he need to wear eyeglasses for him to read and a poor hearing that he can't hear people talking from several feet away from him. He also had asthma which attributes to his poor stamina. Despite his handsomeness, it was overshadowed by an aura of inferiority which was he gained when he was outcasted by his peers overtime and a thin body as he can't develop it with his asthma and poor stamina.

He always found himself alone and can only watched his peers play at their will. He tried to interact with them but nn one ever dared to interact with him like he being avoided for some reasons he cannot understand. Instead, they sneered at him with dismay, mocked him for being disabled and threaten him as Nyx doesn't deserved to be their friend. 

As time passed by he was already 10 but due to his poor physique he seemed like he was 8 years old. He became a quiet, nerdy and gloomy kid and became the target of bullying which causes for him to have trauma on making up with people around him. 

He left the orphanage as he can't handle the bullying he sustain throughout his time in the orphanage. The orphanage tried to convince him to stay in the orphanage as he will not survive the life outside the orphanage. Nyx insisted and the orphanage decided let him go and gave him some money to start his life outside, rented and pays for a small apartment for 3 months and they even applied for his scholarship if he decided to go to school. 

Since the Willow City didn't allowed people under 15 y/o to work even as a part timer. Nyx was only work secretly by doing small errands for some people in the City. Nyx continues to live by himself. 

One Day, Nyx accidentally found an abandoned hut at the hill near Willow City when he collects wood for his errand and Nyx checks the hut and he liked it and he decided live there since no one lived there for a long time already due to dust formations present in the hut as he didn't have to be worried for his rent. Nyx also collect junks and scraps for extra money and planted some vegetables near his hut to provide food whenever he needed. 


Nyx waited till the his teacher ended her class and enters the classroom. As he enters the classroom, his classmates never looked at him like he was just a wind passing through them. 

He found his desk and sat on his chair. Read his book in Math trying to catch up with the lesson as he missed the whole class earlier. 

Suddenly, his desk was slammed by Rick Filton, a second-generation child of the chairman of a large beverage company, FT Cola. Rick was the leader of like a school gang who often bullied Nyx whenever he wants to vent his anger and frustrations.. 

Nyx was too scared because it triggered his trauma from the past. His body goes numb and his hands was shaking hard. His breathing hardened as his asthma began to escalate. He tried to calm himself but no avail. 

" I didn't even started yet." Rick evilly smiled at Nyx and suddenly punched Nyx's Face. 

Nyx tries to catch his breath when Rick lifts his head by clutching his hair and bring him to the nearby restroom. Nyx can feel his hair was about leave his scalp. 

A kick suddenly throws at his fragile body which throws his body a few feet and slams in the wall inside the restroom. 

Nyx groans in pain while he labored his breathing. His tears began to drop as he can't handle his pain. 

"Please, stop! Stop please! I'm so sorry." Nyx pleads for mercy. 

"Ohhh! You talked? I thought you're deaf." Leo smiled with disdain at Nyx. 

"You poor bastard dares to talk to me? In your f*king dream *hole!" 

Leo continues his torture at Nyx who coiled his body to cover his vitals. 

After some time, Nyx was lying unconscious on the floor drenched with the mix of water, urine and blood on his worn-out uniform. Leo took some photo on Nyx and planned something evil in his mind. Leo calls someone and started his evil plan against Nyx. 

"Initiate my plan now! Make it known throughout the school." 

Half an hour later, Leo left the Men's Restroom together with his accomplices to his 'Masterpiece' and 'Magnificent' Plan. 

Some male students then entered the restroom saw Nyx lying unconscious. They just ignored Nyx there, as some of Leo's goons was on standby outside the Restroom. 

The dusk came when most of the students left the school already, Nyx wakes up with discomfort and pain throughout his body. He smelled himself and he stinks so bad.

Nyx used the restrooms water to wash himself to eliminate the odor but his uniform still stinks. He sighed and he looked at himself in the mirror. He saw his bruised thin body and swollen right cheek, a stream of tears left his eyes as he cries in pity of himself. 

"Is this my reward for being selfish for even once? When I sought for solace, people annoys me this much as I couldn't handle. When I tried to find myself, there's always a wall blocking my way. When I sought for peace, it gives me endless war. Why does fate always work opposite to my will? "

" Is this because I don't have everything they have? Is it my fault to be outcasted even I tried my best to befriend them? Is it because of my disability that they keep on thrashing myself to the ground even I was already pinned in it? Or is it because I don't have family on my back?" Nyx wants to question every single question he pent up until the recent time. 

Nyx somewhatr fixes himself and he left the restroom with heavy heart. He then go back to his classroom and get his bag that full of stitches and a ruined zipper lock. He left the school without looking back as he tried to erase his memory from earlier event.