
The Bride Of Lancaster

A young woman meets the man of her dreams and settles down with him but this ideal marriage soon becomes her worst nightmares. Nalani Soren, a beautiful and talented photographer living in California falls in love with Davian Lancaster, a rich, mysterious and enigmatic businessman and they soon had an impromptu marriage. Nalani and her sister Nayah follows her new husband back to his hometown and moves into the manor he resides in with the rest of his family members. The century old Lancaster clan has it all; wealth, power, status and a seemingly close family bond. However, everyone in this family hides many secrets and the arrival of this new bride brings with her a whirlwind of mysteries and intrigues, forcing every member to reveal their truest nature in order to protect themselves. Nalani soon finds herself haunted by the vengeful spirit of a mysterious woman and as she try to find out what this family hides, she soon realized that nothing is what it seems in the Lancaster family and that behind their luxurious and perfect life hides horrifying crimes and the darkest secrets. Treading on a path fraught with danger and conspiracy, Nalani is determined to unravel the deep-rooted secrets and crimes surrounding this family and their connection with the woman haunting her. However, she will have to confront her husband who's determined to protect his own family, a mysterious entity, shadows of her own forgotten past as well as many hidden secrets that threatens to destroy her. Will Nalani be able to uncover the secrets of the Lancaster family or become another hidden secret?

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22 Chs

Chapter 13

After taking his bath, Nalani sat on Davian's laps helping him wipe his hair with a towel. His strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist while his nose trail down her neck, breathing in her sweet scent.

She was soft and fragrant, his restless hands caress her petite and delicate waist. His lips nibbled fervently at her neck. Nalani trembled at his teasing.

''Hon, how did you know how to resuscitate a baby?'' Nalani asked. ''Earlier, you were really cool. Like a hero.''

Davian was a taken aback when he heard her, his eyes flashed with a strange emotion, staring at Nalani with a smile, he replied, ''I learnt it so that l can snatch you away from death. If you wish to run away from me by seeking death then l can bring you back to live.''

Nalani stared back at him dumbfounded for a few moments before she scrowed at him and pushed his face away.

''You say the weirdest things. I'm so pretty, why will l seek death. lf you hurt me then I'll just leave you and remarry another handsome hunk. Who'll want to seek death. In your dreams'' She grumbled, annoyed.

Davian leaned in over her, his expression frivolous and carefree,''Oh, you want to leave me and remarry?'' he asked . Nalani huffed, ''Yes. You already know that you can't lie or betray me. If you ever let me down, all our promises will be invalid. Then I'll leave you forever''.

Davian took Nalani's hand and with a serious expression, he vowed solemnly, ''I, Davian will never let Nalani Soren down. If l ever betray you, you can punish me however you want''.

Nalani heart melted at the cherishment in his voice, she felt so much loved by this man that she couldn't help feeling inferior. Why does this man love her so much. She cupped his face, looking lovingly into his eyes.

Davian suddenly bent down and reached her lips and vigorously sucked and nibbled her sweet lips, wrapping around her tongue and sucking hard, his hands reaching into her clothes to touch her skin. Nalani felt her whole body burning with passion, melting at his every touch and wanting more. His kisses were fierce and domineering, 

However, before things could get out of hand, Davian pulled away, unwilling to go further. He tried his best to suppress the restlessness in his heart, using his strong will not to lose his composure. Nalani's body leaned weakly against him, panting softly. She wanted more but it always end too quickly. She looked at Davian bitterly and bite his shoulder to express her displeasure. He turned and kissed her again but Nalani retaliated and bit his lip resentfully. How dare him continue to bully her. She thought

Undeterred, he turned her over and pressed her down, kissing her deeply, ''A little longer. Let's get married when we return back home. l also don't want to wait'' he whispered into her ears. Nalani blushed, panting. She nodded.

He stood up and walked to get something from his coat. Davian stood in front of Nalani, got down on his knees and asked, ''Nalani Soren, will you please do me the honor of marrying me and spending the rest of your life with me? l promise to love you more than my life and treat you the best'' Holding a diamond ring, Davian looked at his beloved with anticipation.

Tears of joy welled up in her eyes, Nalani nodded her head in acceptance, ''Yes. yes. I'll marry you. I'm willing to spend my whole life by your side. Forever together.'' Davian happily placed the engagement ring on her finger and they shared a passionate kiss.

A helicopter landed on a rooftop, a handsome man in white suit stepped out with a burly man. ''Did you get the information right? Are you sure that person is hiding in this place?'' the man asked, looking at the night sky.

''Yes Boss, our target is hiding here in this place''the burly man replied. The man laughed out loudly after thinking about something and sighed. Who would have thought you'll be living so wretchedly. Just don't die and wait for me.

The next day, golden rays spilled through the curtains and fell on Nalani's angelic face causing to slowly open her eyes. After focusing her groggy eyes, she realized that she was alone in bed and Davian wasn't beside her. She got out of bed and called out to Davian but there was no response. There was a note left on the night stand by Davian informing her that he was out to do something and will return later. Nalani pouted, missing his presence already.

She gazed lovingly at her engagement ring, gushing and dancing childishly in joy. She went to freshen up in the bathroom, dressed up and stood at the balcony enjoying the serenity and beauty sun shining bright on the town. She quickly made a call home to talk to Naya, wanting to check up on her mother. The latter quickly told her not to worry about anything and enjoy her time with prince charming and hanged up. Nalani looked at the phone and laughed. That wilful child dared to hanged up on her. So unruly.

A knock on the door startled her. She quickly went to check it out and was surprised to find the tour guide man.

"Good morning, Madam" he greeted her respectfully.

"Good morning. How're you doing today" Nalani replied back with a smile. Seeing her sweet smile, the young man smiled shyly,"I'm fine" he said softly.

"The Boss said l should give this to you in case you feel bored and want to go out to explore the town " He explained, handing her a camera.

Taking the camera, Nalani eyes lit up with happiness. "Well, please let me get dressed up and we'll leave okay " She said to the tour guide and rushed back inside to change. The tour guide smiled happily, smitten with her beauty. A few minutes later, Nalani came out wearing a black dress with her hair tied up in a ponytail. She was simple and beautiful. "I'm ready, let's go".