
The Brave New World

IMPORTANT: I WILL NOT BE CONTINUING THIS SERIAL. SYNOPSIS It is January 2nd, 2035. In New York, leaders of all the world's nations are assembling to agree on a plan to save the dying planet: Earth. Of course it's a lie, because the planet isn't about to die. People will. As it often happens when something starts with a lie, disaster strikes. A mysterious electromagnetic storm destroys the global power grid, and cuts communications. Many people die, some commiting suicide because of the inability to post on Instagram. But as soon as the storm dies down, millions of mysterious, glowing cubes appear all over the globe. The cubes contain tools that will let humans colonize a new planet: a bigger, richer version of Earth. The newly formed Colonial Council, which answers to the United Nations, has only one goal: to ease the crisis on Earth by transfers of goods and resources from the New World. Millions of new colonizers rush to the New World, united by a common purpose: to turn their dreams into reality. Some dream of getting rich by trading New World goods. Some dream of conquest, and building an empire. Some dream of peace, adoration, and love. Some will succeed, and others will fail. But fortune always favors the brave.

Michael_Ryman · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
246 Chs

The Humble Servant

"I love it," declared Sergeant Arjun Varma. His eyes were glowing with enthusiasm.

His eyes weren't the only things that glowed in his face. In the center of his forehead, a softly shining blue spot indicated the presence of a timon implant.

Half an hour earlier, Samir had ceremoniously implanted the sergeant, and issued him with his very own hiber bed. He assured Varma he would watch over him, and took a chair while Varma lay down on the silvery mat in preparation for his first journey to the New World.

All of Kulaba was waiting for him there. He was given a pair of goatskin shorts and treated to a bowl of stew and offered a cup of weak wine that Kali had made from wild berries. Then he was shown around the village, and led to the house that had been built especially for him. It had a floor of ceramic tiles, and walls of mud brick.