
Episode 8

(The episode opens with Luke as a vampire, Grey as a werewolf, Adam as a mummy, Jay as a zombie, Don as a scarecrow, and Den as a ghost in a living room of Jay's house)

Luke: This is going to be fun

Adam: Agreed, I can't wait to go to the party

Jay: Yeah, where's Yurem?

Grey: He is close

Yurem (opens the door): Hey, guys, I'm here

(Yurem is dressed as a vampire as well)

Luke and Yurem (look at each other): Nice costume (laughs)

Adam: So, Yurem, where's Lana?

Yurem: Oh, yeah, presenting princess Lana

(Lana is wearing a sparkly green dress, gloves, heels, and tiana)

Lana (walks through the door): Tada!

Jay (takes a picture from Lana): Nice

Lana: Thank you 

Luke: So, is ready to have fun?

(Perry appears)

Perry: I am

(Ozran appears)

Ozran: Me too

The boys: And just where do you think you are going?

Perry: It's halloween, we are going to cause disaster 

Ozran: Actually I am going to eat something sweet (looks at Grey) and I don't just mean physical candy

Grey (blushes): Will you knock that off?

Ozran: You know what I mean, how about one kiss?

Grey (blushes): Just one

Ozran: Just one

(Ozran kisses Grey on the lips)

Mr. Dex (opens the door): Happy Halloween 

Don and Den: Dad!

Adam: That reminds me (kisses Don on the lips)

Don (blushes): Adam!

(Adam kisses Den on the lips)

Den (blushes): Adam!

Mr. Dex: How cute, I have company 

(Luke and Lana's mom and dad - mom: Amari have long black hair and dad: Ismael have short black hair,dressed as cats)

(Adam's mom: Shyla dressed like a demon)

(Grey's mom and dad - dad: Lamont have long platinum hair and mom: Lizeth has spiky platinum hair, dressed as a mermaid and merman)

(Jay's mom: Ingrid has long brown hair and dad: Ayaan has short brown hair, dressed as bears)

Luke and Lana: Mom! Dad

(Amari and Ismael hugs Luke and Lana)

Adam: Mom!

(Shyla hugs Adam)

Adam: I thought you were on a business trip

Shyla: I was then Dex called and I knew I had to see you after hearing the good news

Adam: Good news, what good news

Shyla: About your boyfriends dear

Luke: Wait, you all know

Amari: Of course, we are so happy you guys found each other

Ismael: I can't believe you never told us

Jay: So, you aren't mad?

Ingrid: Yes, I wanted to hear all the details 

Adam: We made a club that help us meet each other and then we started dating, well that's it, bye

Mr. Dex: What do you mean bye, we are joining you for the night

The boys: The night

Lana: Oh, look at the time I have to meet my friends (take Yurem's hand) let's go 

Luke (blocking the door): Hold it, if I have to suffer you are staying 

Lana: Have a heart

Ozran: Boys, something is coming

Grey: Guys, I sense something 

(Don and Den stand by each other)

(Grey puts on his glasses with Ozran)

(Jay, Luke, and Adam stand by each other with Perry)

(Dan, An, Wayatt, and Dia appear from the circle)

Wayatt: We're here

Adam: Yo

Lizeth: Okay, that wasn't smoke and mirrors, what is going on?

Mr. Dex: I can (mouth closed)

Ozran: Sorry, sir, the magic doesn't let you explain

Shyla: What magic

Adam: That's hard to explain 

Shyla: Adam, explain right now

Adam: We have some encounters with supernatural creatures and now we are friends with some of them

(The parents look at Perry, Dia, Dan, An, Wayatt, and Ozran)

Dia: Pleased to meet you, we're demons from the underworld 

An: Don't worry we are friendly

Amari: Stay away from our children 

(A purple aura appears)

Grey (with glasses on): Something off

Lamont: Indeed, you are going to stay away these creatures m, it's too dangerous 

Grey (with glasses on): No, they aren't dangerous, but that's not what I mean something else is coming or is here.

(Ozran's eyes are glowing purple)

(Ozran grabs Grey)

Grey: Ozran, what's going on?

Ozran (glowing eyes) (arms around Grey): Dear parents, your children have already made deals with us, which means they are possessions

Lizeth: Let go of my son

Grey (glasses on): Ozran, snap out of it, you're making my parents scared

Lamont: There's no reasoning with it

Dia: He's right, Ozran is possessed what ever you do, don't look into his eyes

Ozran (glowing eyes): Traitor

(A purple blast from Ozran's eyes blast Dia)

The other demons: Dia

(Electricity runs through Dia)

Dia: I am fine, but we need to help Grey

Grey: Don and Den blind attack

Don and Den: Got it (kick Ozran with their eyes closed before Ozran could react)

Mr. Dex: When did you learn that?

Don and Den: We learned that, after the alien attack

The parents: Alien attack

Ismael (looks at Lana): Did you know anything about this?

Lana: Maybe, but I put under a spell I couldn't say anything 

Parents: Spell

Ozran (glowing purple eyes): That was my doing 

Shyla: Adam, what's wrong 

Adam: His eyes are so inviting 

Grey: Adam, don't look into his eyes (looks around) where are my glasses

Ozran (glowing purple eyes) (holding the glasses): You mean these

Grey (closes his eyes): No! Nobody look

Shyla: Adam, come back

(Adam's eyes are glowing purple and walks to Ozran)

Ozran: For now, I'll take him

(Ozran disappeared with Adam)

Shyla: Adam! No! 

Grey: Don't worry, we are going to get him back

Ismael: Where are all of you going

Don and Den: To save Adam

Jay: Yeah

Luke: We have to get him back

Grey: There's only one thing to do, Dan, An, Dia, Wayatt conjure the circle

Wayatt: Got it

Yurem: But, what if Ozran comes back

Mr. Dex: Yeah, we need somebody who knows about this demons and other creatures 

Lana: I have studied on them

(Everybody looked shocked)

Lana: I may not look like it, but I worry about my brother 

Luke: Good, Lana, keep the fort down 

Lana: I know, now save your boyfriend, all of you 

The boys: Got it

Yurem: Good luck to you 

(Grey nodded along with the others, while on the demon circle)

(They disappeared)

(The screen shows Grey, Jay, Luke, Don, and Den appears in the underworld with Dia, Dan, An, and Wayatt)

Jay: We made it

Don: Grey, (throws goggles at Grey)

(Grey grabs the goggles and put them on)

Grey (goggles on): Good job, it seems the evil energy is heading across town

Wayatt: That's not good, it's summoning day, which means there is lots of demons

(They all run to where they can see the purple aura)

(A bunch of demons have purple glowing eyes)

Demons: Get them

Don and Den: Bring it on

(Don and Den take down a bunch of demons)

A voice: I got them

Don and Den: Who's that?

An (looks shocked): What's going on? 

Dan: I know that voice, we need to go, especially you two Don and Den

Don: Why?

Den: We can handle ourselves 

(A male demon with spider-like qualities appear)

Don and Den: Nope, we aren't going to risk that again (runs off)

Luke (runs after Don and Den): Wait, why are you leaving us?

Grey (with goggles on) (runs after Luke): Guys, wait we probably have to deal with more evil things on the way

Jay (runs after Grey): Don't you dare leave me

(The spider-like demon follows the boys)

Dia: I got this 

(Dia summons a circle)

(A circle appears under the spider-like demon and freezes him)

(The screen shows Jay, Grey, Luke, Don, and Den with goggles on found Adam in a cage)

Adam (covered in chains): I will be honest, when I imagined myself in a cage, it was because I opened my big mouth, not because of a mind-controlling virus

Grey (goggles on): Don't worry, Adam, we got you 

Adam (sincere eyes): You guys are the best boyfriends ever

Ozran (only shadow shown): Indeed

The boys: Ozran

Ozran (glowing eyes): Not exactly, I'm just borrowing his body

Grey (goggles on): What do you want?

Ozran (glowing eyes): Just souls of young boys to bring my body back to life

Don and Den: Over our dead bodies

Ozran (glowing eyes): I love your spirits, you two are first

(Ozran tries to blast Don and Den, but miss)

Don and Den: As if

Ozran (lands by Luke): I'll just take his soul

Grey: You just want an ordinary soul instead of the one that the demon you inhabited love, it would be more unique 

Luke: Grey, what are you doing?

Ozran: No, he's right

Grey: Don't worry I got it

(Ozran took Grey's soul and Grey's eyes went blank)

The boys: Grey!

Ozran: I feel (turns blue and fainted)

Adam: Okay, what the hell just happened?

Dan: You see, Grey is fighting the spirit out

(A red ghost came out of Ozran)

Ozran: Whoa! What happened

Luke: Ozran, is that you?

Ozran: What dumb question is that? 

Don: Forget the questions, give Grey back his back his soul

Ozran: Grey (looks at Grey's body) oh no that ghost

The red ghost: I'm not done

(Ozran releases a blue aura)

(The blue aura turns into chains and traps The red ghost and opens a portal)

The red ghost (being sucked into the portal): Noooo!

(The portal closed)

(Ozran puts Grey's soul back into his body)

Jay: Grey, are you okay?

Grey: I knew my plan would work

(Jay, Luke, Don, and Den hugs Grey)

Ozran (moves the boys): Out of my way (hugs Grey)

Adam: How touching, now can somebody free me

Don and Den: We got it

(Don and Den break the chains)

Adam (hugs Don and Den): Thank you, I love you two 

(Don and Den blushes)

Adam (backs up): Ummm…Ozran, take us back home, so our parents won't worry

(Ozran snaps his fingers)

(The screen switches to Adam, Luke, Grey, Don, Den, and Ozran appearing in the living room)

(The parents, Lana, and Yurem looks relieved and hugs the boys)

Shyla: You had us so scared

Ismael: We are just glad you are okay

Lamont: And now that you are back

The parents: You are never seeing each other again

Mr. Dex: Wait, these boys are in love, you can't separate them

Lana: Yeah, and I have seen, they are a wonderful team

Luke: Please mom, I really love them

Jay: Yeah, you can't break us up

Grey: I know they seem scary, but Perry, Ozran

(Dia, Dan, An, and Wayatt appeared again)

Don and Den: Also Dia, Dan, An, and Wayatt are great, they are good friends

Adam: Mom, I have made the most fun with these boys, please don't separate us

Ozran: You do realize I can just erased their memories 

(The parents look worried)

Grey: No, no more erasing memories, I am tired of it, please mom and dad don't separate us

(The parents look at the boys that are hugging each other)

The parents: Fine

Shyla: As long as you tell us if anything scary happened 

Lizeth: I wouldn't want to responsible for breaking a relationship 

Lamont: Yeah, besides it's not like we are talking about your virginity 

(The parents are laughing along with Mr. Dex)

(The boys went silent and heads to the door)

Ingrid (in front of the door): Hold it, why are you trying to leave

Amari: Yeah, you boys didn't do it, did you?

Grey (nervous): Uh…uh..uh

Shyla: Right, Adam

Adam: No comment 

Mr. Dex: Come on, boys stop playing 

Don and Den: Dad, we can explain 

Mr. Dex: Oh, you are going to explain (takes Don and Den's hand) alright (walks outside)

Shyla: Adam, I don't believe it (takes Adam's hand and walks out the door)

(Lamont and Lizeth takes Grey and Yurem)

(Amari and Ismael takes Luke and Lana away)

(Ingrid and Ayaan closes the door)

Ingrid and Ayaan: Now explain 

Jay: Do I have to?

Ingrid: Or we can give you the birds and the bees speech

Jay: No, I will explain, I'll explain 

(Episode ends)

(A black screen shows Jay, Grey, Luke, Adam, Yurem, Lana, Don, and Den)

Grey: What a relief

Adam (looking at the screen): Thanks 

Don and Den: Now we must say

Everybody: Happy Halloween from us to you