
episode 9

(The episode opens with Luke, Grey, Adam, Den, Don, and Jay in a five way call)

Adam: How's it going? My mom is watching me like a Hawk

Den and Don: Our dad isn't proud

Luke: It isn't easy for me either

Grey: Yeah, I barely have gotten any privacy

Jay: I miss you guys

Adam: And ever since we told them about our supernatural experiences , I can't even say the word (whispers) wish

The other boys: Same

Grey: So, what do we do now?

Luke: The genius doesn't have a plan

Adam: He might not, but I do (silent whistle)

(By a puff of pink smoke, Perry appears)

Perry: You (whispers) whistles

Jay (whispers): How?

Perry (on the phone): I have super good ears, so (looks at Adam) what's your wish?

Adam (whispers): I wish for us all to be together somewhere our parents don't know about

Perry (whistles): Your wish is my command (snaps his finger)

(The screen shows Adam, Jay, Luke, Grey, Don, Den, and Perry appear in an empty room)

Adam: Where are we?

Perry: Old abandoned dance studio

Luke: Great, our parents were never find us here

Don and Den: Yeah

Jay: You all turned off your phones right

Adam: Duh

Grey: First thing I did

Luke: I did it

Don and Den: Same

Luke: So, what we do know?

Adam: I have a super fun wish, but before that (kisses Luke on the lips)

Luke (shocked): Umm

(Adam kisses Den, Don, Grey, and Jay separately)

Jay: So, what's the fun wish?

Adam: I wish we had super powers that match our personalities

Perry: Well, that is a fun wish do all of you agree?

(The boys nodded)

Perry: Then your wish is (snaps his fingers) granted

(Sparkles spread with a cloud)

Perry: (shields his eyes) (eyes widen) whoa!

(Don is shown with a blue jumpsuit with yellow lightning on it)

Don: Cool (runs around the room at super speed) (laughs)

(Den is shown as a werewolf and howls)

Den: Yes, wait

(Den changes into his regular self with a black cape, red jumpsuit and black shoes; he has red eyes and fangs and he also is flying)

Den: Yup, I can transform into anything I like

(A crash sound is heard)

(A giant hole in the wall is shown)

Don: Where did that come from?

(Luke is shown with a green jumpsuit)

Luke: Guys can you believe it, I got super strength

Grey: Yes

(Grey has a yellow and black jumpsuit)

(Grey takes Luke from behind the wall and fixes the wall with multiple hands)

Grey: Do you guys like the multiple hands?

(Don, Den, and Luke nodded)

Luke: Where's Jay?

A voice: Here

(Jay appears)

(Jay is wearing a white jumpsuit)

Jay: I can turn invisible isn't that fantastic

Perry: The last one is Adam

(Jay, Luke, Don, Den, and Grey are grabbed by two arms)

(The arms belonged to Adam who has a Ruby red jumpsuit and has rubber like arms)

Grey: Extendable arms good one

Adam: Thanks, and thank you Perry

Perry: You are welcome, now about my payment

Luke: What's the payment?

(Perry smiles)

(The screen switches to the boys looking exhausted)

Adam (baggy eyes): You know I thought that would happen, but I got to say I'm still surprised

Luke (baggy eyes): That is a weird way to use strength

Don (baggy eyes): That was a lot of super speed

Den (baggy eyes): Ten different creatures

Jay: I was invisible the whole time (fell on the floor)

Grey: I hate, but like having spider arms

Perry: It was fun being with you guys, now I wanted to ask do you want to keep these powers because with them you can sneak around very easily

(The boys look surprised)

The boys: We can keep them

Perry: Sure, it's your choice and don't worry you paid me enough in that intense sex section, so this is a freebie

(The boys look at each other)

Grey (with glasses on): Yes

(Perry blasts the boys with blue lightning)

Perry: No, you have them until you want me to get rid of them and you have full control of them

(The boys cheer)

(The episode ends)