
The Boys: All for One

The Boys, a world of artificial superpowered beings all given their abilities by Compound V, a drug developed by a nazi scientist brought to the States. So how does something from a fictional world relate to me, well if you must know it's because reincarnation is real and this world was also real, aka this place is my new home. I was also born to a couple of well scumbag is too nice a word for the people who sold me out to Vought. They essentially abandoned me and Vought experimented on me, injecting me with Compound V. The only problem, there were no noticeable effects or superpowers, and even when they tried to test me, nothing happened. They thought that perhaps my powers would show themselves when I hit puberty and so they set me up with a foster family, leaving me to my own devices while they well took care of me being the operative word (who knew a cruel and monstrous company like Vought would also know equally terrible people) and for thirteen years nothing happened. Well, not until I met a super who had superspeed, well not as fast as A-train (I think) but still extremely impressive, and well I took it. I took their ability and made them completely normal and while they had some Compound V in them still they no longer had their ability and now I do. The first thing I did, was murder my foster parents and destroy their bodies using an explosion to fake their deaths. Why I did it, because Vought an insurance policy for me and them, in the event of their deaths, was enough to put me through business school (something I wanted to go to in my previous life but never had the chance to) now I'm here, with a stack in the company with all the supers at my disposal, who life can be amazing at times. (I don't own MHA or The Boys and they belong to their respective owners, same as the cover image, and this is based off Komega's web novel)

Dr_Insane001 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Life can be pretty miserable sometimes, especially if you had my life, and while yes I know there are plenty of people suffering far more than me in this world. My suffering is still valid and a normal person would've decided to just end it all not that I haven't thought about it. The reason I say this is because when I was twelve, my parents died in a car crash with me in the backseat leaving me partially blind in one eye.

Turns out they left behind a mountain of debt I had to pay off, well when I was eighteen and kicked out of my foster house. So I worked a bunch of minimum wage jobs, trying to even put a dent in it, which I eventually did by sacrificing living in a decent apartment. No, I lived in a place filled with rats and other nasty creatures and probably had some form of lifelong disease that I didn't know I had. 

That wasn't how I died though, not to a truck or car, nor to some random guy stabbing me thinking I had any form of change or credit/debit cards on me. No, I'm pretty sure I died of a gas leak, suffocating or however, that works in my sleep. Although that's my best guess, I truly have no idea how I died who knows maybe a plane or something crashed into my building with no news alert or something like that to evacuate the area. 

I did find out one thing however, reincarnation is real I was now a little baby and only discovered that months after my birth when I first opened my eyes. I was being held by a doctor-looking person, no idea who they were but they were wearing thick glasses and I could tell they were wearing gloves when holding me. They then placed me in a glass case of some kind and put a needle in my arm, at first I thought that I was sick and "Wow what a great start to a new life." then I saw the stuff going into me, it was blue and all around me were other children. 

Each one was injected with the same stuff, and I think I saw one of them glowing a bright orange and then I knew where I was or more specifically what kind of earth I was on. It was "The Boys" a place of immoral "superheroes" I'm using air quotes and people were given extraordinary abilities thanks to Compound V. Initially I was excited about being given a superpower, but I also knew what was going to happen in the future and how well messy being the operative word it was going to get for everyone. 

Over time, the other babies started showing signs of superpowers while I remained normal with nothing special. That didn't mean I wasn't the only one a few of the other children didn't develop abilities as well, I overheard one of the scientists talking about how we would probably develop them during puberty, which if Gen V was anything to go on, it would be a mess, to say the least.

Eventually, the children were released to their families or in my case a foster family Vought paid off, wanna know how I knew, I saw them handing them the money, and well that, and over time I knew that I didn't look like either my "Dad" or "Mom" again using air quotes because on paper they were just that, but physical abuse isn't the only kind and let's just say emotional and mental can be far more scarring as I found out. 

Growing up, I was surrounded by other children made by Vought, each one with their own special ability, and well everyone in a while a Vought scientist would come to my house and inspect, trying to see if I developed any powers. To their dismay, I didn't have any noticeable abilities. Around my thirteenth birthday, they stopped coming and that was when I knew what my ability was.

In a town full of supe's there weren't any super speedsters except for one, a girl around my age who kept running into animals splattering them, and one person at least if rumors were anything to go by. I don't remember how or why but I shook her hand, and the next second I could feel a surge go through me and then when they tried to run away, they barely did a normal jog. Realizing that they stopped I smiled, grabbing their necks and slamming them through a concrete wall making it look like they accidentally ran headfirst into it. 

Turns out that just because you had superspeed and above-average durability, didn't mean you wouldn't die once you splattered against a wall. I think their family was sad, but I didn't care and the next day I killed my foster parents, after gaining another ability that is, superstrength and well causing another "accident" as well this time using a rock people thought he tried to lift over his head and then splat. 

As for my parents, well I ripped them apart and then caused a gas explosion making it look like I was the sole survivor thanks to Vought insurance policy, I had a nice little trust fund for any school I wanted to go to and was transferred to a much more bland foster family. After I turned eighteen, I left and went to business school and during my five years grabbed a couple more powers, regeneration, durability (far above the average supe), flight, increased intellect, and some nice ice powers where I can freeze anything when I touch it. 

After all this time I knew what kind of ability I had "All for One" from My Hero Academia and knew what kind of life I wanted to live. I went to business school and learned all I could, making a few small smart investments and going bigger eventually getting a nice slice of Vought for my own. I also went for the classics, like Apple and Amazon which surprisingly enough also existed in this world. Guess some things don't change. 

Using this money, I got myself a nice little penthouse and as for what I would do with my life well I think it was time to make a few Nomus of my own for this world. If Vought was a superhero business then it needed a counter, a supervillain even if Vought's heroes were nothing more than show pony's with absolutely no morals. 

The reason I wanted to play the true villain, well in my past life I tried to be good, tried to do all the right things, and look what happened, I died via unnatural causes. So now I wanted to have the winning hand and Vought was going to be providing all the cards. 

Sorry to all the new readers, but I wasn't happy with how the first chapter turned out, so hopefully this one is better and please leave a review and some powerstones to show your support

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