
The Boys: All for One

The Boys, a world of artificial superpowered beings all given their abilities by Compound V, a drug developed by a nazi scientist brought to the States. So how does something from a fictional world relate to me, well if you must know it's because reincarnation is real and this world was also real, aka this place is my new home. I was also born to a couple of well scumbag is too nice a word for the people who sold me out to Vought. They essentially abandoned me and Vought experimented on me, injecting me with Compound V. The only problem, there were no noticeable effects or superpowers, and even when they tried to test me, nothing happened. They thought that perhaps my powers would show themselves when I hit puberty and so they set me up with a foster family, leaving me to my own devices while they well took care of me being the operative word (who knew a cruel and monstrous company like Vought would also know equally terrible people) and for thirteen years nothing happened. Well, not until I met a super who had superspeed, well not as fast as A-train (I think) but still extremely impressive, and well I took it. I took their ability and made them completely normal and while they had some Compound V in them still they no longer had their ability and now I do. The first thing I did, was murder my foster parents and destroy their bodies using an explosion to fake their deaths. Why I did it, because Vought an insurance policy for me and them, in the event of their deaths, was enough to put me through business school (something I wanted to go to in my previous life but never had the chance to) now I'm here, with a stack in the company with all the supers at my disposal, who life can be amazing at times. (I don't own MHA or The Boys and they belong to their respective owners, same as the cover image, and this is based off Komega's web novel)

Dr_Insane001 · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

A little Meeting

The day quickly passed, as I was experimenting on my four new test subjects, and well when I took the "Eyeball" 's power he died. So I only had three low-end Nomus one was a sickly yellow female with claw hands, basic super strength/durability, and a minor regenerative ability. The next one was a black one with "Eyeball" 's eye/laser, flight, speed, and the same as before a minor regenerative ability. The last one was a light grey with two buggy eyes and had basic flame control, superstrength/durability, and flight but no regenerative abilities as I needed the rest for myself. 

This was another problem, I needed to figure out a way to make copies of my powers and a way to store them all. What I had so far was a great start to my little organization but I had to figure out a way to make middle-ends and then the High-ends as well, which would be extremely difficult. Alongside the regenerative capabilities as those weren't common and while some supes had them naturally others didn't. 

I ordered these four to sit and stay, like dogs, and that they weren't allowed to go upstairs other than for some food and water. Once that was done and over with I went upstairs and I received a call as I did, it was from Madylin probably calling to check up on my "nephew" or something like that. So I answered and I could already hear what I think is her happy voice. 

"I know this early in the morning but I was just calling up to see how your nephew was doing, any side effects or effects so far."

Getting something out of the fridge as she said, I poured myself a nice glass of orange juice before responding.

"Nothing yet, a bit of puking but I'm sure that's fine, and don't worry if it gets worse I'll take him to you guys first alright." 

I could hear a sigh of relief on the other side of the wine.

"Well that's good to hear, and please call me when you notice anything alright."

I took a sip before responding.

"Don't worry I'll call first thing if I notice something and please call me if something pops up concerning the shareholders, I'm hoping to get more involved with my number company."

"Oh don't worry, I'll be sure to call with anything concerning you."

Then I hung up and grumbled to myself, hating the fact I used a happy voice and that I forgot to ask if I could meet with The Seven today or at least Starlight and get a feel for things. Well, there was always next time, and for right now my biggest concern was my Nomu's. That and finding some "normal" people to help build my soon-to-be criminal empire right here under Vought and their pet superhero's eyes. 

The only question was where, where did I need to go to form the proper connections and then I remembered. The Russian woman from season 3, the person who knew where Solider Boy was held. I smiled and grabbed my car keys, of course, I changed into a more business casual suit. Starting up my car, I headed back into the city more specifically towards the more Russian part of town. 

She probably wouldn't be there right away, but one of her associates would be. I eventually found the place they showed on the show and made my way inside. Even if the sign did say close, the door was unlocked. Then I heard her voice, and I could honestly for the first time in my life say that there was a god due to how good my luck was.

"We are closed currently, please come back another day."

I laughed it off and approached where the noise was coming from and it was near the back room, with just the person I was looking for. Nina Namenko, otherwise known as "little Nina" the Russian mob's head of operations for New York or something like that. 

"Oh I'm not here to buy meat or anything like that, but more for a business proposition for you specifically, and if you like we could talk more in the back."

She turned around and approached me, with a cigarette in hand which was all gone, and put it out on the nearby counter and looked me square in the eye. 

"And why should I give some stupid little man like yourself even a minute of my time." 

I won't lie, I chuckled a little and crushed a small nearby table, I then leaned in and with a small smile on my face said.

"Well, I could provide supe security, imagine it, a bunch of superpowered beings all ready to work for you well one or two for right now but just imagine it."

"And I'm not talking about the average one, no I made these special little things I call Nomu's which are essentially mindless superpowered humans all ready for battle and to obey your command."

She took a couple of steps back and began walking back and forth, probably deep in thought thinking about my proposal.

"How much would these little monsters of yours cost me, and even then why would I want them at all."

I sighed and looked outside at all the happy sheep called "civilians" passing by.

"Well I was thinking more of a trade, I give you security, and you give me materials I need to create more security for you and any of your associates."

"Quick disclaimer, if you try to sick them on me they will kill you and everyone in the room besides me, a little insurance policy you understand."

She got another cigarette out and lit it, blowing a bit of smoke in my face before asking me one last question.

"When could you deliver these mindless supe's?"

That was all I needed to hear to know our deal was struck.

"Well just bring me these materials..."

I hand her a list of things I need to create more Compound V, well minus one or two things I could easily buy myself.

"And I can bring them to wherever you need them tonight."

and with that our deal was struck and finalized.

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